And with Bombshells finished, I've completed #Roll100 for January. Looking forward to February's numbers!
And with Bombshells finished, I've completed #Roll100 for January. Looking forward to February's numbers!
World War II was a time when women stepped up and kept society running when the men left for the battlefield. What isn‘t usually mentioned though it just how much of a role women played in the war. In this first volume of Bombshells, we see just how impactful our heroines from across the world were in helping to fight off the Nazis.
I had such high hopes for this series but it ended up being so boring for me.
I read this to fulfill Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge #21: A comic by an LGBTQIA creator. I really liked it! It's a sort of superheroine retelling of World War II. The artwork is gorgeous as well.
I am officially obsessed, so much fun all your favorite DC heroines and villains have been recruited as Bombshells during WWII. They are fighting nazis, and those nazis have found a way to reanimate their dead soldiers and keep them fighting. Can‘t wait to get my hands on volume 2.
#booksandvinyl I'm sad that this album doesn't have cherry bomb on it but some characters are running away. One of the downsides of trying to mainly read comics by women is I'm reading a lot less of them as it takes me longer to get my hands on them! Ugh, do better publishers! This is a good intro, it's not the best superhero comic I've read and tbh I really don't know much about these ladies and how it's being changed. Fun read though.
Sometimes I prefer to work alone, too. #SidekickFromHell
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
OH MY GOSH! Just as I‘ve fallen in love with the Bombshells, I learned one of the artists will be at C2E2 in April!!!!!
He looks as amazed & excited as I am ⭐️🙃⭐️
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
Diana‘s retort is a good example of her #Badassery
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
If you haven‘t read Bombshells you need to know Ms. Kane is a.k.a., Batwoman for #ThePunOfAllPuns
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
I just finished Part one within Vol. 1. I can‘t wait to get back to this artwork after dinner. #TilNextTime
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
Bust interviewed Bombshell artist Mirka Andolfo: https://bust.com/books/194034-bombshells-united-war-bonds.html
An awesome team of ladies took the bombshell posters DC did of their heroines and put them all in a WWII comic together, with amazing art and intriguing storytelling. Constantine is a rabbit in this?? Batwoman fights with an actual baseball bat? I love it.
Massive, ginormous, pre Black Friday sale on DC trades at comixology.
This sale includes the ~entire~ DC Bombshells series, including . It includes complete series from characters like WW, Harley, Catwoman, Batgirl, Batwoman, and more. It includes DCs non-superhero titles, including those published by Vertigo (Sandman!!!!!!!).
Thanks @silentrequiem for alerting me to this sale. Our poor wallets. 🎻
All the DC lady superheroes & supervillains in an World War II-era alternate universe: Batwoman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, the Joker's Daughter, Harley Quinn etc. If you enjoyed the Wonder Woman movie, check this out. It's fun.
The Kate Kane/Batwoman scenes have a great mix of social history commentary and humour. And I love that Kate's lover Maggie is in this too— reminds me of my favourite Batwoman comic, Elegy by Rucka and Williams.
I love this: Batwoman literally uses a bat.⚾️❤️
Can't put my finger on why but I'm in the mood to see badass women fight Nazis...
Starting in on the DC Bombshells series after a fun day at #bostoncomiccon today! I am LOVING this female-led 1940s AU setting so far 💪💥
#anditsaugust Day 6 I haven't read these. Are they good? Do I need to have read other D.C. comics first? #comicsbywomen
Lady superhero origin story roll call! The Wonder Woman arc was especially familiar to me after just seeing the movie, and I particularly enjoyed the Soviet-influenced Supergirl and Stargirl story.
I'm giving this a like, but not love. I really appreciated the AU setting and in particular the decision to treat LGBTQIA+ relationships as no big deal, but it felt like a lot of the story was table setting and establishing why these characters act/dress the way they do (it's based on a successful line of DC statues). But the highs are very high, and I do love the art! I'll definitely check out later volumes. #readwomen #comics
"Together, we will find some right things and do them very well indeed."
#comics #readwomen
“I‘m willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.”
#bookstagram #booknerd #books #bookshelves #bookshelf
#booklover #bookworm #bibliophile #bookaddict #booknerdigans
#readersofinstagram #booksandnature #booksoutdoors #bookphotography #bookish
#bookishphotography #booksoutofdoors
I went to my lcs about an hour before they closed so it was slim pickings for free comics. But I managed to find a way to support by buying trades I've been meaning to get for a while. Were there any good #fcbd issues that you were able to snag? The Valerian preview intrigues me.
I think I missed some of the references, since I don't usually read DC comics. But this was a really fun look at female superheroes in world war 2. It built up an awesome super team.
This will probably be my last book of the night. I haven't even eaten dinner yet and I am starving. I officially love this series. Heroines fighting for justice during WWII. The characters are great, the stories are compelling and I really love the art. Bombshells did not disappoint. #24in48 #readathon
My #readathon palate cleansers. I read the first issue of this series and really loved it so I'm more optimistic about these picks. #24in48
So my schedule got swamped. I haven't had much time for books/Litsy-ing. I may or may not have gone into withdrawal. And things may or may not have gotten a little out of hand at the library and now I have to bend the rules of time and space to read this and all the other things.
Could happen to anyone, right? 😛📚⏱
My first DC comic! It was super fun and now I totally want to be a bombshell for Halloween. Batwoman and Wonder Woman are probably my favorites but Mera is awesome too 😉
This was the year I read more comic books than novels. Lots of DC Bombshells, Poe Dameron, Birds of Prey and Rivers of London. #myyearinbooks
Just had my tattoo finished. It's appropriate for Litsy if it's comic book themed, right? 😍
#wonderwoman #thequeenthegoddessmyinspiration
#bookmail Just had carpal tunnel surgery and can't do much. Bored and cranky, then the mail lady brought me this ❤❤❤
Again, not the correct Marguerite Bennett title, but InSEXts isn't in the database. I just love her work. The essay at the beginning of the book is awesome. *InSEXts isn't for the easily offended. Just throwing that out there.
Marguerite Bennett put a unique twist on the women of DC Comics in this awesome retelling of their stories set during WWII!
Absolutely in love with this so far! It's a great combination of comics, history and feminism. The artwork is gorgeous as well. Highly recommend!
I loved this. Loved the art, loved the introduction to this version of everyone, loved who is out to play here. Big ball of happy basically.
Just discovered hoopla. The five items per month limit, though 😂😑😂. I want to borrow so many more items.
I don't usually like DC comics but I loved this one. The art and the story are both great and I can't wait for more.
Lots of fun! Looking forward to more. I've never read any Batwoman, Harley, or Zatanna before so it's fun getting to know them. 1940s them, anyway.
This is a fun series. So many ladies, all the vintage looks...its like they wrote it just for me.
This is a fun series. So many ladies, all the vintage looks...its like they wrote it just for me.
Naturally when I treat myself to such a bounty of comics, I promptly have a book review due.Happy #NationalBookLoversDay!
World War II and diverse and compelling female characters. I'm definitely going to continue this series.
My "It's Too Damn Hot To Read A Book About Climate Change" comic book pick.