That was fun but too short 😔 ready for volume 2! #tilnexttime #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
@Clwojick @TricksyTails
That was fun but too short 😔 ready for volume 2! #tilnexttime #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
@Clwojick @TricksyTails
I just finished Part one within Vol. 1. I can‘t wait to get back to this artwork after dinner. #TilNextTime
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails
Another FANTASTIC edition of Giant Days! 😍😍😍 Oh how I love you, Giant Days... #tilnexttime #speechbubblechallenge #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
#tilnexttime--still plenty of soul in need of saving! #speechbubblechallenge #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
I loved this but am missing Issues #2 and #3, so I‘ll have to wait to continue. But The New Teen Titans made two enemies—this one just by accidentally trashing his apartment! 😆 #tilnexttime #speechbubblechallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
#tilnexttime I can‘t figure out whether the detective is actually enchanted by her or if he‘s onto her already. It seems like he found her really quickly, mystery solved. #speechbubblechallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
Merlin, cryptic as ever! #tilnexttime #speechbubblechallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon
When Chu Tells Colby To Buy him some time to get AppleBee off his back while he investigates on a faraway island 🏝Maaannnn 🤣🤣🤣 Colby really took one for the Team #BFFS #TilNextTime #SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeekLongMarathon