I love the "medical textbook" feel of these paperbacks!
Also sneaking in my back to Hogwarts pic!
When you're so excited for a book that you
Didn't make the ultimate goal but read a lot longer than my first few Readathons! Best read: Passion of Dolssa. Bailed on two audiobooks and one print that weren't doing it for me. Until next time! #24in48
B+ for fractured fairy tales, A+ for cat pillow. I won't be making the #24in48 goal but still sneaking in some reading, and have gone well past last years reading! #catsoflitsy #kittenlitten
Some of my fave #bookishgear for the @24in48 #readathon challenge. The necklace was made by my sister. Peter Rabbit and Alice teapots, a Cat in the Hat pendant, a cat newspaper print dress, and a Penguin Classics tote. #24in48
Seems silly to stop when I'm so close to the halfway point AND so close to finishing this book, but my eyes are getting sleepy and this kitten wants his snuggle time! Also, apologies for the Marvel bookmark in a DC book. #24in48 #24in48readathon #kittenlitten #catsoflitsy
Finally reading this, it's been on my shelf for ages! Very quick read so far, gets right into the mystery. #24in48readathon #24in48
@24in48 #shelfie challenge! Snapped a quick one before heading off to the beach - hence my tantalizing shoulders 😉😉😉 #24in48 #24in48readathon
Perfect for the reader who loved Nancy Drew, but wishes that series had more girls crushing on girls and less all-the-white-people.
I didn't think this would be for me (haven't been into alternative histories), but I loved this so much I immediately downloaded the sequel! Felix and Yael's relationship is immensely interesting to me and I am eager to see how her actions play out for him. My guess is NOT SO GREAT.
Great characters, interesting spin on the classic story of standing up for your friends and family.
Wonderful read about a tough subject. Didn't get into what kind of justice was given to Hermione, but that's an entirely different book I suppose!
I probably don't need to convince you to read this but I will anyway: it's even better than Everything, Everything - Natasha and Daniel meet under unexpected and unfortunate circumstances - both struggling with family and their future. They're perfect for each other in an imperfect situation. Uber romantic and every character is enthralling and sympathetic for different reasons! Realistic but hopeful - MUST READ!
This shirt is intense! Found at local thrift shop.
My first read by LaCour and what a beautiful, sad piece it was! This is one of the gorgeous endpapers. A great tale of grief, friendship, and family.
Accidentally created a book spine poem and decided to go with it! #bookspinepoetry #poetrymonth #nationalpoetrymonth #ya #teenbooks #poetry
Accidentally created a book spine poem and decided to make more! #poetrymonth #nationalpoetrymonth #ya #teenbooks #poetry
I don't always match my book to my nails, but when I do, I post it on Litsy!
I found this book charming! A teen suggested it for book group and though I found the premise a little weird, it ended up being a breath of fresh air. The silly plot is well balanced by great relationships and self-aware narration. We ate blackberries for King Edward.
This wasn't really doing it for me, though I was doing the audio and maybe it just isn't the right tone to keep my attention right now.
Lovely! Great setting, history, and relationship dynamics not often explored in YA historical fiction.
Still enjoying this series! The colors are my favorite. But it's got tons going for it. Awesome cast of girls, diverse hero, giant water bears and interesting take on time travel/universes, still not sure where it's headed exactly or who to trust!
Express printing station at McNally Jackson in Soho! You can print classics and public domain stuff or your self-published works!
God bless you and your musical theatre references, Kate Leth!
So far I'm enjoying the miniseries much more than the book series, but above all I enjoyed the coconut cream cake I made to enjoy while watching The Reptile Room I and II. Not sure how long I can deal with the "adults never listen to children" trope though - certainly not for 13 books!
My boyfriend and I are having a mini-book club/cooking club where we'll be reading each book then watching its episodes alongside dinner inspired by the book! Puttenesca and episodes 1 and 2 scheduled for Monday and I'm already 1/3 done reading!
My pitch for this month's Teen Book Discussion pick: "It's like The Giver meets The Purge!"...which may not be entirely accurate but the blurb sort of gives that impression!
This was awesome as always BUT I would have liked to learn more about the Lumberjanes drama and mysteries that were alluded to in volume 4. Still: queer-coded mermaid rock band FTW!!
As always, April continues to be my spirit Lumberjane.
I'm embarrassed it's taken me so long to get to this, but the timing of it is pretty appropriate w/the March on Washington coming up.
The writing has always been the weak point of this series, but this volume was particularly bad. Plotting was super-choppy, and even the art fell flat for me a bit. I did enjoy seeing Pizzazz's vulnerable side and that Rio is more of a stand-up guy in this series. I'll probably stop here, despite my fierce Jen fan girl love.
Not the TGIF Teenage Witch you remember! This was fun, campy, kinda gross if you can't handle bloody occult type of horror, and very well rendered. Definitely a little pin-up like with the ladies art but it fit in with the world of the comic and is balanced by its many powerful women. Some dark twists and fun winks to the characters and the genre. Plus, Salem!
I Ike this a lot and look forward to volume 2. But does it get "weird" like the blurb implies? So far it seems like any old first year at University!
I don't usually go for black-and-white comics, but that style really suits the narrative of this book. I'm so excited to keep reading the next in the series.
That awkward moment where you start reading a comic about the civil rights movement but it doesn't feel like much has changed.