Very fun!
Needed a bit of Terry Pratchett after my last few reads! Really enjoyed this - set in a different part of Discworld from most books but with a couple of familiar faces… looking forward to reading more about Tiffany‘s adventures!
#scarathlon #mischiefandmayhem
Dear #OokBOokClub-ers, did you know lots of #Discworld novels got a new #audiobook edition read by Indira Varma (among others)?
I'm going to re-read the first four Tiffany Aching books and then join audiobook and eBook for #ShepherdsCrown.
See you on September 7th for our discussion of the last Discworld adventure.
#SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyread
Needed something familiar but not too well known, and this was perfect. Leaning into my own witch era and Tiffany is excellent company.
Nearly forgot about this. At the sign in desk at the broker in Manchester. Because Terry Pratchett is the best.
I love the strong female characters, the rowdy Mac Nac Feegle, the 9-year-old witch boss driven by righteous anger, the wild and hilarious adventures. This is the start to a series I am excited to continue. https://cannonballread.com/2023/01/the-wee-free-men-a-tiffany-aching-adventure-e...
A charming adventure, with a surprisingly touching ending. I am very happy to discover I have multiple books including this main character to look forward to.
Sincerely hoping we get more of the Wee Free Men than the cameos I've caught in other books.
Definitely one for all ages; the toad having an existential crisis in particular feels like a moment those in their late thirties might appreciate even more than a younger audience. 😏
Oh, I LIKE Tiffany. I'm now very much looking forward to the fact that she might be the only Discworld character whose books I end up reading in order! 🤦🏼♂️
Y‘all this is such a fun read. Full of Celtic myths and an amazing cast of characters. This is the first in a series and it‘s easily a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read. Perfectly light hearted fantasy. And Tiffany is endearing.
Friends have been telling me for years to read this first book in the Tiffany Aching cycle of Terry Pratchett‘s Discworld series, and they were right of course! The Wee Free Men is a charming, clever, fun romp of a book full of characters to root for and rich worlds to explore. Highly recommended for fans of The Princess Bride or anyone in the mood for smart and light-hearted fantasy.
Thanks so much to @BookInMyHands for the great #audiobook recommendation! This is my first foray into the world of Terry Pratchett and Discworld and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So many funny moments and I definitely plan on continuing with the series. 4.25⭐️
Crivens, I can't believe it's taken me so long to get around to reading Pratchett! What an utterly fantastic read!
#doublespin @thearomaofbooks
“...she thought there should be a word that sounds like the noise a thing would make if that thing made a noise even though, actually, it doesn't, but would if it did. Glint, for example. If light made a noise as it reflected off a distant window, it'd go glint! And the light of tinsel, all those little glints chiming together, would make a noise like glitterglitter. Gleam was a clean, #smooth noise from a surface that intended to shine all day.”
🎧 I love this book!
Nine year old Tiffany is a role model for all young kids. She‘s smart & wants to know/understand things. The Wee Free Men are hilarious. That‘s it. I‘m sure there are better reviews but I‘m motivated to go find a copy of this book to give to my niece!
It‘s a bit different than the other Discworld books I‘ve read, less punny maybe?
It is FANTASTIC! Possibly my favorite Pratchett book so far!
When Tiffany‘s obnoxious baby brother is snatched, what else is a budding witch to do but take up her frying pan and rescue him herself?
I wish I had these growing up, but it‘s not often that I find a young girl now who reminds me so strongly of how it felt to be seen in Tamora Pierce‘s Tris or Madeline L‘Engle‘s Meg. ❤️
This has all the charm of Pratchett‘s other stories, but also tells of a girl growing up and choosing her own way. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find the #WeeFreeMen post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!
#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead
Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #WeeFreeMen! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!
#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead
I enjoyed this one just as much in a re-read as I did the first time #PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub It held up really well, and as much as I love and have always loved the Wee Free Men, I feel back in love with young Tiffany taking charge and taking no lip from anyone, not a sticky little brother, a Queen, or the Baron‘s son. Such a great debut for a character…. even Granny Weatherwax was impressed 😉.
Loving Tiffany, even in a re-read....how could you not love a bookish girl!
#PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub
I adore Tiffany. She‘s just the sort of precocious child I was. I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series. Pratchett gives a wonderful commentary on adulthood through the eyes of Tiffany. This was an absolute joy to read.
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
I‘m pretty sure Sir Terry just invented this word. Just sayin.
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
I absolutely love the author‘s note.
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
The picture that Tiffany “enters” in this book really exists. It‘s called The Fairy-Feller‘s Master-Stroke, by Richard Dadd, and is in the Tate Gallery in London. It is only about twenty-one by fifteen inches. It took the artist nine years to complete, in the middle of the nineteenth century. I cannot think of a more famous fairy painting. It is, indeed, very strange. Summer heat leaks out of it.
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub
One of those great moments when two books collide. #TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG #SophiesWorld #JosteinGaarder #Philosophy #WesternPhilosophy #AdventuresInPhilosophy
The funny thing is, the witch is acting like many adults. 😂🤣🤣
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
I would have greatly enjoyed this as anyway, but just today I saw Goblet of Fire on TV and during the quidditch World Cup tent scene I thought “it‘s bigger on the inside.” This just topped it off. Now there is a Wee (Free) Man who is bigger on the inside. I wonder how many hearts he‘s got?
Is he beating out a samba?!
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
This was such a sweet part of the story.
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
How did I not notice this when I first read/heard it? Now I can‘t unhear it. I say Miss. Tick in my head and hear mystic instead. 🤯🤯🤯
#TerryPratchett #TheWeeFreeMen #OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett @julesG
So, so good. I think Tiffany Aching is my new favorite #discworld character. I can't believe I've never read this sequence!
#ookbookclub #pratchettposse
Okay, now they're talking about the shepherdess statue and they think it hurt Granny Aching? I thought the narrative made it very clear that Granny Aching really liked it, without leaving Tiffany's (incorrect) view that it was a horrible insult. She shows up looking like the shepherdess at the end! The reality of the world is more complicated than the statue or the child's interpretation!!
Listening to Radio Morpork and I am looking at it thoughtfully for one of the hosts being REALLY down on the book that is written for the audience of young girls.
Only 21 pages in and I already adore Tiffany Aching 🤣🤣
#ookbookclub #discworld #pratchettposse
Slowly moving through May & my gifted TBRs🖤🙏🏻This type of hard work requires pie, but portable 🥧enter blueberry ginger hand pies 🫐way behind on #litsylove but hoping to catch up this week!
Yes! I‘m me! I am careful and logical and I look things up I don‘t understand! When I hear people use the wrong words, I get edgy! I am good with cheese! I read books fast! I think! And I always have a piece of string! That‘s the kind of person I am! —Tiffany Aching
Tiffany Aching where have you been all my life!? I am fiercely in love! 🥰💗 #OokBOokClub
Can‘t wait for the rest of this series! 😊
#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #WeeFreeMen!
Looking forward to our discussion next month!
Happy reading!
#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead
Finished my reread, love it so much! Kids do too. Can‘t wait to continue the series.
In which we are introduced to Tiffany Aching, apprentice witch, and once again meet the Nac Mac Feegles, a race of tiny angry fairies with Glaswegian accents and attitudes, including Rob Anybody and Daft Wullie. And we even get a guest appearance, right at the end, from Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg. What more could anyone ask for?
Just a friendly reminder that next month we'll be reading #WeeFreeMen! Dig out your books, put in your library holds, or place your orders! The next Discworld adventure continues on May 8th! Woohoo!
If anyone wants to be tagged/untagged for future posts please let me know! Happy to oblige!
#Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #EpicBuddyRead
‘We always ken where we are! It‘s just sometimes mebbe we aren‘t sure where everything else is, but it‘s no‘ our fault if everything else gets lost! The Nac Mac Feegle are never lost!‘
I‘m enjoying the heck out of this audiobook!! I already loved Terry Pratchett but I had never read any of his children‘s books. The narrator is hilarious when he reads the dialogue of the Nac Mac Feegles (Wee Free Men). I read somewhere that they speak with something of a Glaswegian accent, though I‘m sure Stephen Briggs is laying it on very thick and funnifying it. #audiobooks #childrensaudiobooks
Tiffany Aching with a frying pan hitting monsters 😈
#thankfulthurday @Cosmos_Moon Thanks @Eggs for the tag.
1. I do play Volleyball on Mondays, I‘m twisting myself with Pilates on Wednesday and I try to go swimming once a week.
2. This school year - first time in years- I am actually to balance my work-life-balance.
What about you @VeKu @Andrew6 @BarbaraBB @cairethescary ?
I have no idea the heat level of this take, but Tiffany is my favorite of all of the Disc's witches. The Wee Free Men is a reminder that the witchiest thing about me is my selfishness, but I've never stopped trying to make it a weapon. Love this book, happy to reread it whenever the readalong gets to it.
The Wee Free Men – Pratchett makes writing look so very easy. That was his special kind of magic. My full review is on GR.
Book 5 for #SuperSeptember 🎉
And 1 book away from a #bookspin bingo!
Day 15? #20days20series @Andrew65
This is great, go read it if you haven't already.
Also the whole Discworld series!
Day 13 of #20series20days
I only recently discovered the Tiffany Aching series—a 5 book series within the larger Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. It‘s a hoot! I‘ve not read any of the other Discworld books, but probably will. 😂
I‘ve fallen behind..will try to catch up on the list this weekend
“And why does some boy too stupid to know a cow is worth a lot more than five beans have the right to murder a giant and steal all his gold? Not to mention commit an act of ecological vandalism? And some girl who can‘t tell the difference between a wolf and her grandmother must either have been as dense as teak or come from an extremely ugly family. The stories weren‘t real.” #grandma #QuotsyJuly20