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Cloud Atlas: A Novel
Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Whoops! Another book/reader mismatch, unfortunately. As I have no doubt this work has fervent champions, I think I'm safer saying this is a mismatch rather than trying to argue it is a poorly constructed work, but I'll do my best in the few remaining moments I feel like devoting to discussing this book. 🤷🏼‍♂️ 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? I was strongly reminded of my experience reading Klara and the Sun. David Mitchell and Kazuo Ishiguro appear to share the same ability to write beautifully but not in a way that transmutes perceivably calculated emotional manipulation into the natural form of becoming invested in the characters and therefore being impacted by their suffering. And suffering is the name of the game! 2w
Robotswithpersonality 3/? Alas, the profound tidbits I believe Mitchell wanted me to come away with were subsumed in sheer volume of misery he seems to think was necessary to convey meaning, even as it marred the majesty of the prose. I appreciated the different times/worlds his imagination built, and the few characters who managed better endings. 2w
Robotswithpersonality 4/4 I don't have much stake in the idea of reincarnation, so the birthmark through line and the various somewhat arbitrary connections between stories didn't resonate for me.
I wish those who read it a better experience than I had.

⚠️racism, antisemitism, colonialism, slavery, genocide, suicide, animal death
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Today's 'scratched my brain just right' sentence.

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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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April 28 #SpringSkies 2BksSumilarTitle. The one on the right is on my TBR LIST and then other one no, but I think I would like to read it @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs On my stack too! 5mo
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Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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I discovered this fun reading challenge in December by @theuncorkedlibrarian .

I completed the first quarter and decided to read the entire card instead of just doing bingo.

Reading challenges enrich my reading by enlisting new genres, authors and books to me.

QOTD: Do you engage in reading challenges?

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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 8mo
dabbe @Eggs 🩶🖤🩶 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty ⛅️ 8mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I just love that blue! 😍 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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I finished Cloud Atlas over the weekend, but I saved one more word to share this week. This is a word for drunk that I‘ve never heard before. Also, I went to the pigeons for synonyms, and they did not disappoint.

crapulous: (adjective) caused by or showing the effects of alcohol

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday

CBee Hooray for the pigeons 😊 never knew this word existed, much less that it‘s another word for drunk! 8mo
Amiable I would not have guessed that this word had anything to do with drunkenness. 😄 8mo
tpixie Crapulous = maybe where shit- faced comes from- pardon my cursing 🤬 8mo
Daisey @tpixie 😆🤣😆 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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This is a fascinating book. The first half was somewhat frustrating, the first story especially when it broke off in the middle of a sentence. Yet, I liked the way each story played a part in the next, and I truly enjoyed reading the second halves of the stories.

#LitsyBookClub #1001books

BarbaraJean This one has been on my shelf for so long--I need to tackle it one of these days! 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean I understand! This one has been on my TBR shelf for a while and it took reading it with Litsy BookClub for me to get started. It‘s worth it! 8mo
tpixie @BarbaraJean I agree with @Daisey You do have to have faith & push through the first 2 stories, but it got more fun as we read on! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Books 7-9 of the year.

9/100 for 2024 @goodreads challenge.

Daisey You finished it! I hope to tonight or in the morning. 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @Daisey Yes! I started in late December! Well done! 👍🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Another great day to stay inside and read. It‘s only 5* out!! 🩵🥶🩵
Ready to start the 2nd 1/2 of the 5th book for #Litsybookclub The stories have become more intriguing as I read on.

Daisey I didn‘t read much after my post yesterday, but I plan to read more this evening. It‘s just about as cold here and the perfect weather to stay snug and cozy reading. 8mo
tpixie @Daisey enjoy your day! I‘m going to start the end of Robert‘s story now 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Snuggled up with the pets on this cold morning! I‘ve made it past the center of this novel and through the second halves of Somni‘s and Timothy‘s stories. Luisa‘s is the one I‘ve been most curious to continue.

#1001books #LitsyBookClub #DogsOfLitsy #CatsOfLitsy

Tamra Sweet! 😍 8mo
rubyslippersreads So cozy! 🐶🐱 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww 🐶🐾❤️ 8mo
mabell 😍🥰😍 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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We had about 8 inches of snow today. Work was delayed until 10:00, now noon. My partner and I just decided to cancel all day. I‘m gonna curl up in my reading chair with my dog and try to tackle this book!

Tamra Perfect! We finally got a little more than a dusting. (edited) 8mo
tpixie @Tamra yes! A real snow! 8mo
Bklover Beautiful! Enjoy your cozy day! 8mo
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tpixie @Bklover Thanks! Snow Days are fun! 8mo
Read4life Beautiful! 💙❄️💙 8mo
IndoorDame So pretty! Enjoy the view and the day off! 8mo
Daisey Perfect! I got a few inches and it‘s still snowing here. I‘ve got online classes this morning, but I also plan to fit in some reading time as well. 8mo
tpixie @Daisey stay warm and cozy!! My daughter‘s school isn‘t doing virtual classes anymore. You‘d think everyone would on snow days… 8mo
Gissy It looks beautiful ❄️🌨perrrrrfect to read📚👌💙💙💙 8mo
tpixie @Gissy yes! A great day to read! ⛄️⛄️⛄️ 8mo
dabbe Lovely. 🖤💜🖤 8mo
tpixie @dabbe yes!!! ⛄️❄️⛄️❄️⛄️ 8mo
LeahBergen Perfect! 8mo
kspenmoll How nice!!!‘ 8mo
tpixie @kspenmoll yes! It‘s a beautiful snow ❄️ and I‘m thankful I got a snow day from work! I kind of want to take a nap, but I also want to be awake for this day! It‘s a great reading day! 🩷📗🐶❄️ 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Lovely! I want snow! ❄️❄️❄️. Happy reading! 8mo
tpixie @Graciouswarriorprincess thanks! 😊 it‘s a fun day! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Starting Book 5 of Cloud Atlas
Work is getting in the way of my reading today!!!

Ruthiella Pesky work! ☹️ 8mo
tpixie @Ruthiella exactly! 😀😅😂 8mo
Daisey Completely know the feeling! 8mo
tpixie @Daisey 😂 I‘m taking my book tomorrow. We‘re supposed to get more snow and I bet several people cancel at work tomorrow. 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Starting Book 4. I want to jump ahead and finish Luisa Rey‘s story, but I‘ll read the book as the author intended. #LitsyBookClub

Daisey Luisa Rey‘s did have quite the ending to the first part. I finished Timothy‘s last night as well. I‘m definitely more interested now that I‘m further in. 8mo
tpixie @Daisey yes, I think book one was so slow. It was a hard start. I‘m hoping to get through before today, but the grandkids are here and I have laundry to do so it may be tricky. It‘s amazing how long 30 pages can take to read. 😂 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
tpixie @dabbe she loves to join me in my reading chair! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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I‘ve made it to the third section of this novel, and I am intrigued by these stories so far. I‘m enjoying lots of interesting vocabulary; being able to just click in my kindle version to see meanings makes it so much simpler to look things up as I read.

#LitsyBookClub #ReadAndEat #1001books

Lesliereadsalot I loved this book! 9mo
tpixie I love the dictionary and Wikipedia of my kindle! 8mo
tpixie Is your kindle responsiveness fast? My paperwhite is so slow- sometimes I switch to my phone app to search 8mo
Daisey @tpixie It‘s actually an old iPad that I mainly use for my class library. I only used it for the photo and a couple pages before going back to my phone without actually looking anything up. 8mo
tpixie @Daisey lol perfect!! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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I thought this was an interesting passage and then found images for the island referenced when I looked up dendroglyphs.

dendroglyphs: carvings of shapes or symbols into the bark of a living tree (noun)

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #LitsyBookClub

tpixie So cool you found real examples by the indigenous peoples! 9mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Starting story #3. I‘m seeing a few connections between the stories. It‘s slow reading, but I‘m interested in seeing how the author pulls it all together. January‘s #LitsyBookClub

I don‘t like the movie cover, but it was all that was available at the used bookstore

Graciouswarriorprincess It‘s a very slow read for me. I have to be truthful and say that I am not enjoying it all but struggling through it. 9mo
tpixie @Graciouswarriorprincess yes I‘m waiting to see how the writer pulls it off- I think that‘s where I make it the enjoyment, not necessarily the book itself. 9mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 9mo
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tpixie @dabbe yes! Bandette, she‘s a great snuggler ! #DogsOfLitsy 9mo
dabbe @tpixie She's adorable! 🤩😍🤗 9mo
tpixie @dabbe thanks!! 😊 9mo
Daisey @tpixie @Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m partway through the second story and enjoying it less than the first. I‘ve read several reviews making it sound like the payoff comes in making it through the second half. 9mo
tpixie @Daisey I think you‘re right. I think the payoff is at the end. 9mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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repost for @litsybookclub

New year, new month, new book. In January, we are reading Cloud Atlas. We hope that you will join us. Questions? Ask @Graciouswarriorprincess .

original post:

Graciouswarriorprincess Thank you for the repost. 9mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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New year, new month, new book. In January, we are reading Cloud Atlas. We hope that you will join us. Questions? Ask @Graciouswarriorprincess .

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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I started Cloud Atlas this week and almost immediately found a few interesting words to choose from to share today.

peregrination: (noun) a journey, especially a long or meandering one

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday

CBee I wonder if the peregrine falcon‘s name came from this word, or maybe vice versa? 9mo
Daisey @cbee I looked both up again after your comment, and all I can say is that I think they do both come from the same origins. (edited) 9mo
tpixie This book is full of new vocabulary!! 9mo
Daisey @tpixie Absolutely! I‘ve looked up several words already. 9mo
tpixie @Daisey me too! Makes reading slow 😜 9mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Re-reading one of my favorite--and most recommended--novels before teaching it next semester.

Karisa I loved that one too! Both the book and movie made me cry. 9mo
tpixie Ooh! Reading it now for @litsybookclub I wish I could sneak in on your class!!! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Getting ready to jump into this bizarre book for our #Litsybookclub January pick!

kspenmoll Your room looks so Christmasy! 9mo
tpixie @kspenmoll we do go a little overboard! Most are whimsical decorations I inherited from my Mom. It is a lovely corner to read in, glancing up at the festive site 🎄🎁🎄 9mo
Chrissyreadit I love your mug!! this picture is so much Christmas Coziness ❤️ 9mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit thanks! I can‘t wait for Christmas time so I could pull out my Christmas mugs! Merry Christmas to you and yours!! 🎄📚🎄 9mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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12-7 Oct 2023 (audiobook)
Six stories progressively set from late 1800s to a post-apocalyptic world, with each subsequently becoming a text in the next. The structure is contrived but it does add interest as each story cuts off at a salient point, to be resolved as the novel reverses back through from the midpoint.
Each story deals with the battle between selfishness and altruism, morality and sacrifice.
Difficult to review but interesting read.

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

One of my top 10 most enjoyable books. A collection of stories, spanning centuries, following various incarnations and experiences of one human soul. Brilliantly written and kind of inspiring. Constructed in a very unique manner and each character's voice is so strong and relatable regardless of what gender, time or country they are in. An amazing mix of sci-fi, historical fiction, action, and drama. Loved every word.

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Cloud Atlas, a multi-genre multi-story novel, intersects each story with the thread of a single soul surmising the self-imposed human conditions in different time periods. This award-winning novel delves deep into the human psyche to explore six characters. I enjoyed his Mitchell's uses of third-person internal dialogue.

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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C is for Cloud atlas by David Mitchell. One of my top ten favourite books. The interconnecting stories spanning centuries and the beautiful writing. ❤️

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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This was definitely one of the most quotable books I‘ve read in a while… I picked a favorite though. ❤️

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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I‘ve had a copy of this #1001books beauty on my shelf for years, but I‘m so happy I went with the audio, which is beautifully narrated by a full cast, including two of my favorites (Scott Brick & Kirby Heyborne).

Mitchell is brilliant, and has a clever way with words. I loved the structure of this book, but the cast of characters were just amazing. I loved each part of the story more than the last.

I can finally watch the movie!😂


BiblioLitten I loved Bone Clocks. 2y
sprainedbrain @BiblioLitten I read that one earlier this year… loved it too! 2y
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Daisey I have a Kindle copy of this and it sounds great, but I never seem to get around to reading it. Someday . . . 2y
sprainedbrain Oh! This was also my #BookSpin for June! 2y
AshleyHoss820 Scott Brick is one of my favorite narrators! I have a copy of this on my shelves, but maybe I‘ll have to give the audio a listen! 2y
sprainedbrain @AshleyHoss820 he‘s awesome! 2y
tpixie I‘m starting Book 6- Sloosha‘s Crossin‘ An‘ Ev‘rythin‘ After. This dialect is going to be a slow 70 page read! I may need to read Ali g with the audio! 8mo
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Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Good quote for a Black Dog day. For those who need it.

CrowCAH Thanks ☺️ 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Consolidating books 📚 as we turn our office into a nursery.

Nute Congratulations, Josh! I know that the undertaking of consolidating books is tough, but, oh, the joy of children!💜 3y
JLaurenceCohen @Nute thanks! This is our 2nd, so we're reconfiguring our house a bit 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Turning the office into a nursery for our second, so, sadly, I've gotta relocate these books.

TrishB Good luck! 3y
DrexEdit Congratulations and good luck! 👍🍀 3y
Kenyazero That‘s such a big undertaking! 😱 3y
Sleepswithbooks Noooooo… babies are tiny. Pretend you‘re a pioneer and just tuck baby cozy in a drawer … leave the drawer open of course 👶🏻 Your library is gorgeous!!!! 3y
tpixie @Sleepswithbooks lol great advice. Now that baby is a toddler!! 🩵 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #cloudatlas #davidmitchell #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookbuds
What are you reading? 😊

Cathythoughts My husband is reading this tagged book at the moment… he loves it 👍🏻 3y
BoleyBooks @Cathythoughts -I‘m glad to know he is enjoying it 😊 It has such mixed reviews. 3y
bthegood starting Unbirthday: A Twisted Tale - I haven't read these before so we will see if I enjoy the twist on fairy tales - have a good day (edited) 3y
BoleyBooks @bthegood -I look forward to hearing your thoughts. I‘m all for a good re-telling (if done well)😊 3y
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Cloud Atlas: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Travel far enough, you meet yourself.

– David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas


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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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"There are some books that become a part of you. They help you become the person you are, and you are forever changed after reading them. Their words become encoded in your very DNA; their paperback bodies are the bricks building the foundation of your character."

I just read this quote from a lit magazine and had to share it. These are the books it made me immediately think about!

What books does this quote make you think of? ??

Therewillbebooks Cloud Atlas for me too! 3y
RainyDayReading Lord of the Rings is the first one that came to mind 😅 3y
Ruthiella Cloud Atlas for sure! 3y
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BarbaraJean I need to read Cloud Atlas! Like @RainyDayReading , Lord of the Rings came to mind for me, too. Also The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell and The Great Divorce by CS Lewis. 3y
SamAnne I loved Cloud Atlas. The most recent book like that for me was The Overstory. Hit so close to the Bone. Sometimes a Great Notion. Winterkill by Craig Lesley. 3y
Branwen @Therewillbebooks @Ruthiella Such a phenomenal book! I love it so much! 💕 @SamAnne Oooh, I haven't read any of those! I'll have to add them to my tbr! @RainyDayReading YES! That one is also fantastic! @RainyDayReading Ooooh, I forgot about The Sparrow! Such an excellent but heartbreaking story! 💕 3y
SamAnne @Branwen And I should have added Virginia Woolf to my list! She was transformative for me. And Shadow of the Wind is on my list for next month. The books I listed are all ones rooted in country I grew up in or fell in love with. 3y
Branwen @SamAnne I feel the same way about Virginia Woolf! Absolutely transformative! 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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#Movie2BookRecs #halleberry 15. Unfortunately, I hated this book. I didn‘t even attempt the movie but I can‘t think of anyone who liked it. I only mention because I just needed people to know how much I disliked that book 😜 But I can get behind, Theirs Eyes Were Watching God by Zoe‘s Neale Hurston and the mini series with Halle.

readingjedi I thought it was OK but was immensely irritated that everyone else seemed to think it was wonderful 🤣 3y
Klou It's not one I've tried reading yet. I've heard mixed reviews for it. 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Magnificent. I spent a lot of time with this; read some of the sections twice, because they‘re all split up, to keep the threads going in my head (this made it much better than plowing on through).

I was stunned when I went back and read my old review for this, and how I only gave it 3 out of 5 stars. Now it‘s a solid 5 for me.

Obviously it connected differently for me this time around, the themes far more powerful than I recall.

Cathythoughts My husband is about to start this one .. I must read him your review 👍🏻 (edited) 3y
Taylor @Cathythoughts Yeah there are very strong messages and themes running through it. 3y
SamAnne I loved this one! 3y
Taylor @SamAnne Yeah it feels like a classic. 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

Was he so sure another war was coming?

“Another war is ALWAYS coming, Robert. They are never properly extinguished. What sparks wars? The will to power, the backbone of human nature. The threat of violence, the fear of violence, or actual violence is the instrument of this dreadful will. You can see the will to power in bedrooms, kitchens, factories, unions, and the borders of states….”

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

I und‘standed why Meronym‘d not said the hole true ‘bout Prescience Isle an‘ her tribe too. People b‘lief the world is built SO an‘ tellin ‘em it ain‘t SO caves the roofs on their heads‘n‘maybe yours.

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

To enslave an individual troubles your consciences, Archivist, but to enslave a clone is no more troubling than owning the latest six-wheeler ford, ethically. Because you cannot discern our differences, you believe we have none. But make no mistake even same-stem fabricants cultured in the same womb tank are as singular as snowflakes.

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

The corporations have money, power, and influence. Our sole weapon is public outrage. Outrage blocked the Yuccan Dam, ousted Nixon, and in part, terminated the monstrosities in Vietnam. But outrage is unwieldy to manufacture and handle.

tpixie Lots of great quotes in this book. I‘m just starting Book 6 - Sloosha‘s Crossin‘ An‘ Ev‘rythin‘ After 8mo
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell

I was planning to rewatch this movie for the first time since it came out in theaters....

I remember it had a huge impact on me then. I had read the book before seeing it, and it also had a huge impact on me; I loved it, and have held it in high regard since.

And now I have an itch to reread the novel before I rewatch the movie—mostly to see if I still find it as good as I recall.

So far, it is. Mitchell is a virtuoso writer. Unreal prose.

Cathythoughts I love Bone Clocks , but I bailed on Cloud Atlas..... maybe I need to try again 👍🏻 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Halfway through and this is another tedious book where the author wants you to know how clever they are. Gave up at the point where the style switched from literary fiction to dystopian Sci fi, just to show you that he can.

Was reading this for the Penguin 20 to read before you turn 40 challenge - I've turned 40, I'm running out of time to read the books I want to read, and a lot of the books on this marketing exercise are really unenjoyable.

TrishB This is his best for me. Still clever but a fab story too. 3y
Ruthiella I loved this book and felt it paid off at the end. But you are right-life is too short! Read what‘s right for you! 😃 3y
SamAnne I loved this one, but not for everyone and life is too damn short to not be reading books that give you joy. 3y
charl08 I remember being so cross when the stories cut out in the first half of the book! I think I like this one the best though: the historical detail is lovely. 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻📚 3y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Next up

Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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This was good. I think I will have to reread it at some point - to really get how all the chapters tie together. The post apocalyptic chapter was really kinda hard to get through.

HeathHof I had to read this one twice too AND watched the movie before it all clicked but it was worth it. 4y
SamAnne Loved it! 4y
Cathythoughts I bailed on this one ... but might try again sometime 4y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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First off - I hate movie tie-in covers! 😡 Second I am so glad to finally get some time to actually get into this book. Work has been so busy I have not had much time to read at all. 📚🐾

Jadams89 Agreed! 4y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Round 1 of #SuperRooster today. Cloud Atlas vs. The Accidental. (The one I expected but not the one I wanted prevailed.)
But I enjoyed this exchange in the commentary! I also like both kinds of books, but probably tend more to the sly, observant cat.
I'm a 🐈 person. What can I say?!

Ruthiella OMG I totally forgot. Working from home totally totally sucks all my online surfing time up! Thanks for the reminder! 😀 4y
BkClubCare @Ruthiella - no way! Today ... was harder than yesterday. Maybe a good thing we have a weekend. 4y
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Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell
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Ruthiella Good one! 😀 4y
Eggs Thanks 🤗 @Ruthiella 4y
Klou Great!!! 4y
Eggs Thanks @Klou ❣️ 4y
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