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Elena Sabe / Elena Knows
Elena Sabe / Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
64 posts | 49 read | 60 to read
Finalista del International Booker Prize 2022 Ahora una pelcula en Netflix. Autora galardonada con el Premio Pepe Carvalho de Novela Negra 2019 Enigma policial y conflicto ntimo se unen en esta novela de la autora de Las viudas de los jueves. Poco despus de que Rita aparezca muerta en la iglesia que suele frecuentar, la investigacin se da por cerrada y su madre es la nica que no renuncia a esclarecer el crimen. Pero asediada por la enfermedad, ella es tambin la menos indicada para encabezar la bsqueda del asesino. Un penoso viaje de los suburbios a la Capital y una conversacin reveladora guan la trama de esta novela ntima y crtica donde el cuerpo femenino es el verdadero protagonista. Elena sabe desnuda a la vez los secretos de sus personajes y las facetas ocultas del autoritarismo y la hipocresa que pueden determinar el curso de una vida. Un relato que rompe el silencio y se pronuncia en voz alta sobre la libertad de elegir. Fue galardonada con el Premio LiBeraturpreis 2010 a la mejor novela escrita por una mujer. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2022 Now an adapted film on Netflix. Claudia Pieiro, winning author of the Pepe Carvalho de Novela Negra 2019 Prize. A police mystery and internal conflict come together in this novel by the author of Thursday Night Widows. Soon after Rita's body is found, the investigation into her death is closed. Her mother seems to be the only one unwilling to give up on the truth, but racked by illness she is the least likely candidate to go after a murderer. A difficult trip from the suburbs to the capital, an old debt of gratitude, and a revealing conversation are the facts that are unfolded in this novel. It is an intimate, yet critical novel which holds the female body as its real protagonist as it uncovers secrets, the hidden facets of an authoritarian regime, and society's hypocrisy. This is a story that breaks through the silence and loudly ratifies the freedom to choose. In 2010 Pieiro was awarded the LiBeraturpreis Prize for the best novel written by a woman.
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Elena Sabe / Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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August 2024 Book #5 Elena Knows
My first novel by this author. Short but powerful novel. So intense, well written. It was amazing how the illness was described, I almost felt I was inside Elena‘s body, feeling her frustrations to command her body to react, to follow her instructions. Characters were masterly described, so much was said in a short novel. It was so sad the story of Elena. I was just captivated by this stor, by this written style 5⭐️

Gissy I‘m glad this book was translated to English language. I heard the same positive reaction amongst English readers about the story and translation.
Gissy #ReadAway2024 @DieAReader @Andrew65 @Ghabi4Roses
#BookSpinBingo (#14) want to read it @TheAromaofBooks #ISpyBingo prompt-walking path
#52bookclub24 prompt #17 nominated for Booker Prize (2022 shortlisted)
BarbaraBB Such a good author! All the books I read by her are 🔥 3w
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DieAReader 🥳Great 3w
Gissy @BarbaraBB I own a couple of books but wanted to start with this one, a treasure. 3w
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Elena Sabe / Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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This was amazing! Tough read, but Piñeiro‘s writing just makes everything worth it. I‘m glad I took my time with this one and I did not expect that twist at the end!


Elena Sabe / Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Borrowed this from the library after yet another friend reviewed and loved. 25% in and can‘t put it down.

Piñeiro is fast becoming a fave!

IuliaC I've just finished this one. A great read! 1mo
Lesliereadsalot Loved this one! 1mo
Amor4Libros @IuliaC I did see your review, so glad you liked it! I already bawled once 🥹 1mo
Amor4Libros @Lesliereadsalot Yay! I‘m loving it, too! 1mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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What more to say about this brilliant book that hasn't been already said?
The writing strikes with emotions, the descriptions of Parkinson's disease are torturingly realistic and the twist in the end is so full of meaning.
A mother torn down by Parkinson's disease is striking to prove her daughter didn't commit suicide.

BarbaraBB Read more by her, she is so good! 1mo
IuliaC @BarbaraBB Indeed, I will certainly look for other books by her 👍🤗 1mo
Lesliereadsalot Yes such a good book! 1mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Elena Knows by Claudia Piñeiro, Frances Riddle (Translator)

The Misses Mallett by E.H. Young

Off Keck Road by Mona Simpson

The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence

TrishB I loved Elena Knows ♥️ 2mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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The writing on this is very similar to Jose Saramago, my author focus of this year. The writing is dense and the story is not really about what it is commonly known to be about, mostly it is about Elena's fight with Parkinson's. What a terrible disease, and Pineiro does an amazing job writing into the vibe of the illness. This is very well done.

sarahbarnes Great photo! I loved this book too. 8mo
Suet624 Great book. 8mo
Tamra Loved this one! 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love the bicycle 🚲 8mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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This book was so abrupt and had no point to it except for a lot of information about Parkinson's disease.

E for A to Z challenge!

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Whoa, this book is so much more than it appears. Like the Tardis! The author‘s descriptions of Elena‘s Parkinsons were harrowing, the anguish of everyday tasks. The dispair of loosing a child. There is so much to say about this book but it‘s too hard without spoilers. I can see why it got so much Litsy love!

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Another book chosen for its location, but this was also brought to my attention from the many Litsy reviews. Loved the unusual protagonist and the portrayal of how her illness dictated her days.

#12Booksof2023 @Andrew65

Tamra I have thought about this one since I read it earlier this year. (edited) 10mo
Andrew65 Looks a good choice. 10mo
BarbaraBB I loved this one too and her next one even more, have you read that one too? 10mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 10mo
Liz_M @BarbaraBB No, I haven't read her other book(s)! Something to look forward to 10mo
Liz_M @Tamra I can see that; it is thought provoking! 10mo
BarbaraBB Absolutely! 10mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I ran across this today on Netflix - anyone watch it yet? I want to read it again so I won‘t be watching it anytime soon.

charl08 I can't think how they would film this book! 10mo
TrishB Wow 😮 someone needs to watch and let us know… 10mo
Tamra @charl08 right?! So much is interior monologue. (edited) 10mo
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Tamra @TrishB yes! I‘ll recommend it to a friend. I don‘t think has read it and probably isn‘t likely to. (edited) 10mo
vivastory I've heard it's a disappointing adaptation 10mo
Tamra @vivastory I‘m not surprised. 10mo
vivastory I still need to read the book, but will probably give the adaptation a pass. Some of the adaptations that I have seen posted on netflix lately have been puzzling, such as Schweblin's Fever Dream. 10mo
batsy Oh gosh, I had no idea there was an adaptation of this! I will probably not watch as the book set the bar so high. Definitely read the book @vivastory and I had no idea Fever Dream was adapted as well! It seems like so much of the menace and danger in the book, which is implied and left to the imagination, won't translate well to the screen. 10mo
Tamra @batsy I didn‘t either and it would be one of the last novels I would think someone would try to adapt! I‘m not going to watch either and am bumping my reread up the priority list. I‘ve been thinking about it since I read it earlier this year. Have you read Small Mercies by Lehane? It‘s an excellent book and would make an excellent film - very cinematic. 😊 10mo
Tamra @vivastory echoing @batsy - highly recommend reading it! I have been hoarding another of Pineiro‘s novels until I reread Elena Knows. Why? Anyone‘s guess. 🙃🙃 10mo
batsy @Tamra I haven't read Small Mercies but I'm adding it to the list, thanks! 🙂 I've long meant to give one of his books a try. 10mo
Tamra @batsy they share the theme of a mother trying to come to grips with a daughter‘s untimely death, each investigating or avenging it in their own ways. Lehane‘s is ripe for a film. (I listened to the audio and that was excellent for the Boston accent and voice performance of especially the mother.) 10mo
batsy @Tamra Oh, that's really interesting. Sounds like it'll be a heartache but I'll prepare myself! And I hope it does get made into a film; I've enjoyed two movies that were adapted from his books (Mystic River, Shutter Island). 10mo
Tamra @batsy that‘s funny, I just picked up a secondhand trade paperback of Mystic River this week. If I‘ve seen the movie, I don‘t remember it. 10mo
batsy @Tamra The movie is so good! Slow, dense, but good. 10mo
Tamra @batsy I love to add good movies to my list! 10mo
jlhammar I had no idea that this had been adapted! 10mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Book mail! 😁 I haven‘t been able to get the tagged book out of my mind since I read it earlier this year. I had to have a copy to reread.

The Bowring is for #Europacollective 🎉

BarbaraBB Her newest is even better! 12mo
Tamra @BarbaraBB I‘m hoarding it on my shelf! 😅😅 12mo
LeahBergen What pretty pottery! 12mo
Tamra @LeahBergen thank you - I pick up pieces on trips. I‘m always afraid to use them though, so they gather dust on the counter. 😏 12mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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That book packs a punch! I'll need some time to recover.

Photo of Las Nereidas by Argentine female sculptor Lola Mora (1866-1936), from Wikipedia

batsy Yes! That's how I felt after I finished it. 13mo
Dilara @batsy I looked at the other posts about the book on Litsy, and it seems we're not the only ones! 13mo
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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The 1st 1/2 is a build up, and the second 1/2 is excellent. In this short work of fiction, a mother with Parkinson‘s who “knows her daughter” sets out to find her daughter‘s killer- though the death is currently ruled a suicide. Very well written and one that will sit with me for awhile- for a variety of reasons.

Tamra I have to get a print copy because the audio has haunted me since I listened to it! 1y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Girls' weekend shared read was challenging and made for a great discussion. Experiencing life in Elena's disabled body (she has Parkinson's) is uncomfortable. Her search for help seems futile. And yet, it is also riveting. This is a book about bodies and who has control of them. It makes you think and Pineiro's skill is undeniable. Also points to Charco Press for an aesthetically pleasing book design!

sarahbarnes I loved this book so much! It‘s a great one for discussion! 1y
Suet624 I'm so glad that people are reading this book. Such a haunting read. 1y
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BarbaraBB A fantastic book. Glad you felt so too. 1y
merelybookish @sarahbarnes @Suet624 @tamra @barbaràbb It's so gratifying to see you all loved it too!! 1y
Tamra It‘s actually rather haunting. I‘ve thought about it several times since I read it. I think I need to purchase a copy for my shelves. 1y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I‘ve stacked this on my tbr wish list after seeing so many positive reviews here. A copy came in the mail today 😃💃🏻. I think this is from you, Cathy? @Cathythoughts Thank you!
#bookmail ❤️

Tamra Enjoy! 1y
Cathythoughts It is from me , I hope you will love it as much as I did. Happy Belated Birthday Jessie 💕💕🥳 1y
erzascarletbookgasm Thank you Cathy, I really appreciate it. ❤️ @Cathythoughts 1y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Such a visceral and poignant read on what life looks like living with Parkinson‘s disease. Elena‘s life is dictated by the timings of her pills as she can only move for a few hours after that.. A story of how parent- child relationships evolve over time and the complexities of it. Despite her physical limitations, Elena js a determined and strong character whom I loved .. a wonderful book, highly recommend!

jlhammar Such a good book! Glad you enjoyed. 1y
sarahbarnes I loved this one too! 💙 1y
BookwormM Amazing book 1y
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ashw21 @jlhammar I know ! Thank you 🙏 1y
ashw21 @sarahbarnes such a great book! 1y
ashw21 @BookwormM yes! Glad I finally read it 1y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro

With a recurring theme of what we know (or think we know), this incredibly well crafted book asks the reader to put themselves in Elena‘s unenviable place of infirmity. It results in a slow, painful read but also gripping in how it challenges fixed ideas about disability and abortion and deals with universal, complex issues: i.e., obstacles to a woman‘s right to control her own body, myths and realities of motherhood, challenges of an ill body.

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Weekly Report

I've finished The Silence and the Roar and read Elena Knows. The Rainbow and Clarissa continue and I also started A World of Love.

BarbaraBB Hope you‘ll enjoy Elena! 2y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB I did enjoy it! 😊 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Goodness, that was a different book.
I read it in three chunks, purely as I had time today. Its resonated a fair bit as I supported people with neurological conditions during the pandemic.
I'd say it's a good depiction of the illness, and makes it uncomfortable to read, as it should be.

TrishB Very uncomfortable, but riveting. 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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The boyfriend bought me this for my birthday.
It's a slim book, translated. There are rather mixed reviews so I'm in two minds already!

Cathythoughts I loved it 💔 2y
Tamra I loved it too! 2y
Anna40 Happy belated birthday 🎂 2y
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BarbaraBB Mixed reviews? Don‘t believe them 😉 the book is great! 2y
BookwormM I loved it 2y
jlhammar One of my favorites from last year. Hope you enjoy! 2y
rachaich It's quite different but yes, halfway through and very good :) 2y
rachaich @Anna40 thank you:) 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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#TBRtarot - yellow cover
#pop23 - takes place in a single day

This book was painful to read, because it paints such a vivid picture of what it is like to live with advanced Parkinsons' disease. Through the characters Elena, Rita and Isobel, this book confronts topics of religion, reproductive rights, illness and disability, bodily autonomy, and motherhood.

A short, compelling, difficult read that got somewhat under my skin.


Ruthiella Great review! And a twofer for prompts! 👍 2y
CBee 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 2y
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Cortg This one sounds really good. My mom has Parkinson‘s, so I‘m wondering, do I really want to know?! 😬 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella @CBee I picked it as a yellow book read without realising it also fitted pop23! Woo! 😊😁 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Cortg If you do read it, just remember, not everyone who has Parkinsons will be affected in the same way. The MC in this book has very severe, advanced disease. Most people won't suffer to this extent. The portrayal is very scary and difficult to read, but overall the book was really effective. 2y
CBee @Cortg I‘m sorry about your mom. My mom had it too, as well as dementia. I decided not to read this right now (maybe eventually). Sending ♥️ 2y
CBee @RaeLovesToRead that‘s great! 2y
Cortg @CBee I can see why you wouldn‘t want to read this right now. I‘m sorry you lost her and under those painful circumstances. We‘re at the early stages but we see it more and more with each visit. 💔 2y
jlhammar Great review! So much packed into such a slim novel. I agree, it is one that really gets under your skin. 2y
CBee @Cortg it‘ll be 3 years in May but seriously feels like yesterday sometimes. I understand how hard it is to watch 😔 Thanks for your kind words ♥️ 2y
Cortg @RaeLovesToRead Thank you. I do like to have insight when I can and then take things day by day. It‘ll help going into a book knowing it will be difficult. 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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What a fascinating if not very pleasant read. The description of Elena‘s illness were so well done and although both Elena and Rita were unlikeable characters, you really felt for them both - heartbreaking, really.

And then the wonder of why Elena was so desperate to make the difficult trip across town to find Isabel, changing the narrative entirely towards the end.

I‘m going for all of the prompts on this one ⬇️

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TrishB Well played 👍🏻 2y
TrishB And yes, not an easy or pleasant read. 2y
Librarybelle Look at all of those challenge prompts completed! Yay! 2y
Cortg You are crushing the challenges this year! Go YOU! 🙌🏼 2y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏽🥰 2y
LaraReads Very nice with the prompts! And great review! 2y
rmaclean4 You are right, not an easy read but so well done. I am so glad I read this. Almost made my top of 2022. 2y
Tamra The end was a revelation! So well tied into the theme of women‘s autonomy (lack thereof). 2y
Ruthiella I love how you hit so many prompts! I might just have to borrow one. I admire writers who write unlikable characters in a compelling way. 2y
BookwormM Loved this book so well done 2y
Megabooks Quad play!! Awesome!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I don‘t think there‘s much I can say about this book that hasn‘t already been said here. It‘s sort of wrung me out. These 3 women will be circulating in my brain for a while.
Hard hitting, realistic look at three women‘s lives. Not an easy read and I‘m glad it was only short.
Using for #aboutreproductiverights #booked2023

squirrelbrain Ooh, good prompt choice! 2y
batsy Great review! I read it awhile back and still think about it often. 2y
BarbaraBB Good prompt choice indeed. I can‘t think of one for that prompt (edited) 2y
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TrishB @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I didn‘t intend to use it- so a good surprise 👍🏻 2y
TrishB @batsy yes I can see it definitely having that impact! 2y
Tamra So good! I keep thinking about it periodically. 2y
TrishB @Tamra yes I think I probably will too. 2y
Tamra @TrishB it really is about women trying to control or direct their bodies, minds, destinies etc. So powerful! 💙 2y
Cinfhen Great use of prompt ❤️ 2y
TrishB @Tamra yes agreed- packed so much into a short novel- and excellent translation. 2y
LeeRHarry Ooh I have this on my shelves and was struggling to decide what to pick for this prompt - decision made 😊 2y
TrishB @LeeRHarry fits well 👍🏻 2y
Cathythoughts It‘s one to remember 💔 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I've read a lot of good Litsy reviews of this already, so I think I'll just mention how interesting it was reading about the deterioration of Elena's body and realizing that I don't think I liked her as a person. Or Rita either. They both seem unpleasant (especially to Isabel!), but you can't help but feel empathy for them.

BookwormM Fantastic book 2y
lauraisntwilder @BookwormM Completely agree! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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A lot to think about here and none of it comfortable. Highly recommend!

One striking aspect I noted is Elena refers to her Parkinson‘s in derogatory feminine terms. Weakness of mind & body and lack of control is the condition imposed on women in Elena‘s world.

Suet624 I think of this book often. 2y
Tamra @Suet624 it‘s going to stay with me for sure! 2y
Tamra @Cathythoughts I‘m so glad it got on my radar via your review. 😘 2y
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BookwormM One of the best books I read last year 2y
Tamra @BookwormM I completely understand why 2y
batsy What @Suet624 said! 2y
Cathythoughts @Tamra Oh good 😘. It‘s a memorable one. 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Only a third into this slim novel and it‘s quite thought provoking. The pace suits the main character!

It‘s been 2 weeks in 1 here. Plus I caught my first cold since before Covid. 😩 Whine & wine.

Ruthiella Hope you get well soon! 🤒❤️ 2y
Tamra @Ruthiella thank you! I‘m hoping it will be mild. 🤞🏾 2y
batsy Feel better! That's an excellent book 2y
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squirrelbrain Hope you feel better soon. 2y
Tamra @batsy 😌thank you - ‘tis the season. 2y
Gissy I hope you get well soon too! ❤️ 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I am happy to report that I read - Elena Knows - 👍🏻♥️
- Magpie Lane - very good !

And I‘ve only a half hour left on the audio of - Dinosaurs - ( which I‘ll wrap up on my morning walk ) really enjoying it too.

Hi Cindy ! ♥️

TrishB Great week! Seen a lot of good reviews for Dinosaurs too. Elena is in my Amazon basket as we speak… 2y
BarbaraBB Two favorites of mine! I haven‘t read Magpie! 2y
BarbaraBB @TrishB Just click ‘Order‘ 😉 2y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks Trish, that‘s a lot of books for me in a week 😁. And I really enjoyed them all 👍🏻♥️ 2y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Magpie is an easy read… it‘s good ! (edited) 2y
TrishB @BarbaraBB 😂😂 and say well Barbara said. 2y
squirrelbrain Want a fab week! 2y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain Thanks Helen X 2y
Cinfhen Yay❣️glad you enjoyed all your books, Cathy. I read both Dinosaurs and Elena and found them very engaging 😄 2y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen Dinosaurs and Elena ! Engaging ! Cindy ! Isn‘t it a great result 👍🏻👍🏻 2y
LeahBergen A great week! 2y
BarbaraBB @TrishB Exactly 😂 and while you‘re at it, add Dinosaurs 💃 2y
Tamra I have ordered Elena Knows from the library based on your review, but I think I‘m going to like it so much I really should just purchase it because I‘m betting I‘ll want to know it‘s on my shelves after I read it. #firstworldproblem 2y
Cathythoughts @Tamra I‘m looking forward to your thoughts 👍🏻❤️ 2y
TrishB @BarbaraBB I‘ve gone for Elena for now 😁 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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I couldn‘t put this down. The impact this novel had on me shocked me. So brilliantly done. It‘s like she squeezes these three womens lives into a ball and rolls it to us ( towards some ‘overwhelming question‘ , Eliots words came back to me ).
It‘s like she rolls the ball to us and leaves us with a bang, asking .. ‘ so what do you make of all that ? ‘
Which is a question I will be thinking about.
Powerful book.
All the stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AshleyHoss820 Nice imagery! ☺️🧡 2y
TrishB Very powerful review! I have it stacked 👍🏻 2y
Cathythoughts @AshleyHoss820 Thankyou ♥️ 2y
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Cathythoughts @TrishB I‘ll look forward to your thoughts whenever you may get there 👍🏻 2y
MaureenMc Excellent review! 2y
batsy Brilliant review, Cathy! This book broke my heart. That Eliot quote is perfect... ❤️ 2y
Tamra Oh, I need to bump this one up the list! I‘m inspired to read it. 😊 2y
Cathythoughts @MaureenMc Thanks Maureen X 2y
Cathythoughts @batsy it‘s a heartbreaker ! Isn‘t the writing and the whole construction of the book brilliant! 2y
Cathythoughts @Tamra I‘ll be looking forward to your thoughts on it. X 2y
jlhammar I couldn‘t agree more. Loved this one. Fantastic review! 2y
Cathythoughts @jlhammar Thanks so much 👍🏻♥️ 2y
LeahBergen Wonderful review, Cathy! ❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB So true! Great review 🤍🤍 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow 5 stars! I hope to read this. Great review Cathy! 2y
Reggie Stacked! Great review, Cathy! 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Thanks Leah😘 2y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Thanks 🤍 2y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm I look forward to your thoughts 👍🏻♥️ 2y
Cathythoughts @Reggie Thanks Reggie ! 2y
CarolynM Wonderful review! Stacked for sure! 2y
Cathythoughts @CarolynM Thanks Carolyn. And I was just considering what to put in a little parcel for you … so you‘ve given me an idea 👍🏻😉 2y
Lindy Excellent review! Elena Knows is one of my favourite books of 2022. 2y
TrishB I‘ve come back to read your review as just finished. I think that ball has rolled me over. What a powerful, not necessarily nice, book this is. 2y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Powerful is the word for this one alright, and it‘s so brilliantly crafted. ❤️💔 2y
TrishB Yes, definitely in awe of the author, and translator. 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Wow - this book is simple in construction and super intense with emotion. It‘s amazing! I felt I was experiencing the world anew through the pained eyes of a mother suffering from advanced Parkinson‘s. It‘s the tiny details of how she sees the world, navigates some independence and manages her body and the illness. Along side that there is a strong thread around abortion and a woman‘s right to choose - echoing the authors political activism.

Mitch This was my first 5 ⭐️ read of 2023! And this is why I love @monalyisha and her book matching magic - because I would never have found this book and picked it up if it wasn‘t for @rockpools and #auldlangspine. So thank you for extending my brain, my horizon and my whole reading experience! 2y
rockpools Oh fantastic! I‘m so pleased! It‘s quite deceptive this one, isn‘t it? It looks like one thing and actually is quite another. But such a kicker! And I do love Elena. I got Belle Greene and A Line in the World for Christmas, which I‘m enormously excited about! I‘m kind of holding fire a little longer til I start them tho - I don‘t want to waste them while I still only have half a brain cell. 2y
Mitch @rockpools hope you start to feel better soon xxx 2y
BookwormM Brilliant book so powerful 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Starting this tonight #2 of my #auldlangspine list from @rockpools Excited to discover a new author, a new imprint and I think it‘s also my first Brazilian read. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

HardcoverHearts This one packs quite a punch, for so slim a book. I hope you love it as much as I did! 2y
MrsV I absolutely adored this book! 2y
rockpools I hope you like it. You may need a strong cup of something to go with it tho - it‘s not the easiest read😔. 2y
rockpools Also, maybe double check if it‘s Brazilian? In my head it‘s Argentina, but my South American geography needs work. Or an extended visit, perhaps… 2y
Mitch @rockpools you‘re right! My first Argentinian book! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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My April favorite was undoubtedly this one. A unique book about the relationship between a mother and daughter, navigating between dependence, hate and love, but also about aging and Parkinson‘s disease. A very sad and beautiful story.

Cathythoughts Very good. I see I have this one stacked already. 2y
batsy Excellent choice. Definitely one of my top reads this year! 2y
rockpools I still think about Elena. 2y
Andrew65 Sounds an impactful read. 2y
jlhammar Great choice! This will be on my tops for the year as well. 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Starting off my #auldlangspine stack ready for January 1! Still have three more books to add to the stack - but a fab reading month is starting to take shape! You‘ve picked me so FAB ones @rockpools

sarahbarnes Elena Knows!! 😍😍 2y
rockpools Oh, I‘m so pleased! And I‘m beyond happy you‘re going to give Tomb of Sand a go. It‘s joyful. And heartbreaking. And a little bit out-there. I do hope you enjoy them. I think I‘ll try and pick 5 as well - can‘t wait to see what others you choose! 😊 2y
BarbaraBB Elena Knows is soooo good! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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5 🌟 Exquisite writing. A story of mothers and daughters, and how we deal with what life hands us. Highly recommend!

BarbaraBB Such a good book! 2y
batsy So good. And devastating 💔 2y
rmaclean4 @batsy a top read for me this year! 2y
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rmaclean4 @BarbaraBB so glad I got around to reading it. It has been on my monthly TBR for ages. 2y
Tamra Need to get to this one! 2y
rmaclean4 @Tamra it is worth it! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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a sandwich with mayonnaise. this is not pure story. tied up with advocacy. doesn‘t completely ruin it. bleak faux mystery.

10:30 on a Summer Night

3.5 stars

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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A wonderful gift from Jess! @jhod 😘

I‘ve been wanting to read this book for ages, as so many of my favourite people here on Litsy have read it and loved it. And isn‘t the Charco Press tote bag lovely?!

jhod Happy belated birthday 😘! 2y
jlhammar What a great gift! Fantastic book. I‘m interested in trying more titles from Charco Press. 2y
BarbaraBB Wonderful gift! 2y
Megabooks Enjoy! It was great! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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This was a tough read because, as the primary caretaker of a disabled parent, I‘ve often wondered what would happen if I died. I ached at the loneliness and frustration Elena felt, and I feared for her future.

Elena has Parkinson‘s. Her daughter was found dead in the church belfry of an apparent suicide, but Elena knows that couldn‘t be the case. She heads on a perilous journey across Buenos Aries to the one woman who can help.

BarbaraBB I can se why it touches you especially . I loved this book too. ❤️ 2y
batsy Lovely review. This book definitely hits home if you're caring for an elderly parent ❤️ 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB it was great. It‘s interesting that she‘s known for crime fiction in Argentina, too. I‘d be interested to read more by her, especially if they have such compelling characters. (edited) 2y
Megabooks @batsy thanks! It really did. 💜 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Yes, me too! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Read for Women in Translation month. Wow. So much is achieved in this short novel. Wonderfully crafted and rich in it's messaging and thought provoking observation. I certainly want to read more of Pineiro's work and from Charco Press if this is the caliber of work produced.

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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#alphabetgame #letterE
Two of the 5-star books that I‘ve read in 2022 start with the letter E.
Debbie, thanks for tagging me. 🤗

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻📚thanks for playing! 2y
Lindy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it‘s a pleasure 😊 2y
batsy Elena Knows ❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB Such a good choice!! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Dammit Amazon. Get your sh!t together! I only ordered two books on Prime Day and there‘s an issue. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Almost everyone I know that ordered stuff on a Prime Day has delayed deliveries. I don't think they can physically handle the workload. 2y
Megabooks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick so far this is my only one running behind. I do feel bad for the overtaxed workers at both the warehouses and USPS. I don‘t particularly mind them being slow, but last time this happened the package was lost, and I‘d like to still get the good price. For some reason they offer refunds and not replacements, which I‘d prefer. 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤞 that they get to you safely. 2y
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sarahbarnes Elena Knows is so good!! 2y
Megabooks @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick it showed up today along with another I thought was coming tomorrow, so I guess they split the difference! 2y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes I couldn‘t pass it up after all the amazing review! 2y
BarbaraBB Two of my most favorite books most recently. Fresh Water was another. 5⭐️ for me, Elena came close! 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yes, all my literary fiction friends have loved both, so I‘m really looking forward to them! 2y
Suet624 I was so excited to see these two books in the same post. (edited) 2y
Megabooks @Suet624 😂 yes, and both were fantastic!! 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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So much of this book sneaks up on you. So short and yet so impactful. You start off introduced to Elena, a mother trying to determine who killed her daughter, even though it was clearly a suicide. You then begin to feel you‘re living in Elena‘s body as she navigates the world with Parkinson‘s. The writing puts you squarely in her body. And then … you learn the rest. A five-star read for me.

Jas16 You made me want to read this one even more. Great review. 2y
Suet624 @Jas16 I don‘t want to oversell it, but after reading some so-so books in a row, this was a meaty and meaningful read. 2y
batsy Lovely review. How this book sneaks up on you! So elegantly constructed yet devastating. 2y
BookwormM Brilliant book 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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🌿 Harvard (The Idiot by Elif Batuman)
🌿🌿 Tagged. So good and a perfect book club choice. Mine met last night and we had such a great discussion.
🌿🌿🌿 Upgrade by Blake Crouch


Eggs Thanks for joining in 🤗📚 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Phenomenal. Incredibly poignant. A powerful examination of women‘s autonomy and one of the most effective portraits of living with a debilitating disease (Parkinson‘s in this case) that I‘ve ever read.

I‘ll be discussing this one with my IRL book club this week. Our first meeting since the pandemic! Should be a good one. Lots to unpack.

BookwormM I loved this one so powerful 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Don‘t let the sparse page count fool you. This is a powerful story expertly written & translated. Elena, a middle age woman suffering from advanced Parkinson‘s Disease is barely able to move without her daily pills. When her only child is found dead in the church belfry, Elena knows it had to be foul play and not suicide like the police ruled. Determined to solve the murder, Elena sets out across the city to visit a woman whom she 👇🏽

Cinfhen believes can help her solve the case. This is not a murder mystery. It‘s a character study about motherhood, ableism, societal expectations, aging, illnesses and caregiving. A lot to ponder in so few pages. 2y
Cinfhen This was wonderful @BarbaraBB thank you so much for sharing it with me💕💕 2y
TalesandTexts What a lovely book. In my stack. Thanks for sharing! 2y
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Cinfhen @nishaagni be prepared to have your heart broken 💔 2y
vlwelser I thought this was incredibly well done. And even more so because of the length. 2y
Cinfhen Agreed @vlwelser I love when an author can say so much in so few pages ❣️🙌🏻 2y
BarbaraBB Wonderful review Cindy! 🤍 2y
jlhammar Great review! I just finished this last night and wow! For being only 143 pages it really packs a punch. I'll be thinking about Elena and Rita and Isabel for a long time to come. 2y
batsy Great review. It's a book that will stay with me 💔 Addresses so many relevant issues wrt care work, aging, & the ethics of living, & all in such a concise, elegant way. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks @BarbaraBB @jlhammar @batsy this was such a thought provoking story!! I‘m definitely suggesting it for my IRL bookclub 😍📖 2y
Megabooks Love this review! I stacked it earlier and definitely want to get to it! 2y
BookwormM I loved this one such a powerful read 2y
Cinfhen It really was impressive @BookwormM I think you‘d like it @Megabooks but reading about Elena‘s debilitating illness is very upsetting. I didn‘t realize the extent of Parkinson‘s- how little movement you are left with. 💔 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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#SaturdayStats I think I‘ll pick this one up today, it under 150 pages and then I plan on starting #CampLitsy #TrueBiz
What are your reading plans for today??

Cinfhen Another gift from my lovely friend @BarbaraBB 😘🙌🏻💗 2y
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll enjoy it as much as I did! I‘ll start True Biz too this weekend. 2y
thereadingpal I plan to finish reading Writers on Writing by Chip Scanlan, then keep reading How High We Go In the Dark 2y
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TrishB Hopefully finishing this one today but got a lot of adulting to do 2y
AnneCecilie I‘ll start on and maybe finish this since it‘s short 2y
Cinfhen I really enjoyed How High @thereadingpal I hope you will as well. Ugh to adulting @TrishB I‘m not familiar with your book @AnneCecilie what‘s it about??? 2y
Cinfhen I‘m loving Elena @BarbaraBB she‘s a great writer and im definitely getting a feel for the place, which is credit to a good translator. I hope you‘re alright during this difficult time. Thinking of you and the family - sending love ❤️ (edited) 2y
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen I‘m not sure. So far everyday life. Not much is happening, but I think that‘s the point. 2y
Cinfhen I‘ll await your final review @AnneCecilie 💖 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Books read this month. Favorite is tagged.

Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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Look at this wonderful #BookMail 😍Thank you so much for all the goodies and the surprise book @BarbaraBB ❣️❣️❣️Excited to read BOTH books. I really appreciate your friendship & generosity xx

Cinfhen And I love the floral bookplates 😍😍😍 2y
TrishB Very cool ❤️ 2y
Cinfhen It‘s been a good week for me @TrishB 💞💞feeling spoilt 😁 2y
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BarbaraBB I am relieved they reached you at last. When I sent them you had just started Sea of Tranquility and was so enthusiastic that I thought I‘d buy you a book from her backlist! And I@hope you‘ll love Elena Knows. Thanks for all xxxx 2y
Cinfhen It was so worth the wait @BarbaraBB I‘m excited to read ESJM debut 2y
Megabooks Lovely gift!! 2y
Cinfhen It really is @Megabooks I love our sisterhood xx 2y
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Elena Knows | Claudia Pieiro
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A brilliant and compassionate book about women‘s bodies,women‘s complicity in the ceding of control over those bodies, but also about how we do lose control through ageing and disease. Bodies prevail. I loved how the novel plays with knowledge and perspective through a very simple well told story. And Elena is a remarkable character. I loved it!

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