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The God of the Woods
The God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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I recently told @JamieArc & @TheKidUpstairs that I‘d pick this up soon. Not even I knew that “soon” meant “before the day is done.”

Ah, the life of a mood reader. 😉

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1d
AnnCrystal 😍🐶🐾💝. 1d
Hooked_on_books Your baby looks like my Bindi in that picture! 💜🐶 1d
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monalyisha @Hooked_on_books They definitely have a lot of traits in common! Do you have any idea what breed(s) Bindi is? 21h
Hooked_on_books I do, actually. She‘s a mix of Great Dane (that‘s where her coloring comes from), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Boxer, Mastiff, and St Bernard. I see all of them in her except the Bernard. 13h
monalyisha @Hooked_on_books Intriguing! I need to do that DNA thing. I‘m so curious. 12h
Hooked_on_books @Amiable Check it out—Brady and Bindi have another relative! 5h
Amiable @Hooked_on_books Ahh! We need a Doggie Doppelgänger family reunion! ? 11m
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thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the book & found it absolutely gripping & the best thriller I‘d read for along timehowever the second half not so muchIt felt like the vast array of characters had just been thrown in, perhaps this is to steer the reader away from guessing what really happened to Bear & Barbara It also started to slide for me when the “poor” girl was arrested because of the say so of a rich girl/boy but with no hard evidence.

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Take a family that only wants sons named Peter and there‘s bound to be issues. The reputation of the family and especially the sons is more important than anything. Well, that‘s just a recipe for all kinds of not good. The secret at the heart of this book will cause an explosion in the Van Laar empire. Liz Moore is so good with the family drama. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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After a long waitlist, diving in

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The best thriller Iv read for a long time & loving the short different character narrative chapters 😊

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3d
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While I didn‘t love this as much as many of you, it was still an engaging story that kept me hooked and was a good way to pass time on my flight.

BarbaraBB Agree 💯 again! 5d
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore

A mostly interesting book/story.

Read for reading prompts.


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Wow. This was unputdownably excellent. Lives up to all the hype, and I truly didn‘t know how it would come together until the last moments. Absolutely loved it. #BOTM

Lesliereadsalot Loved this one too! Have you read All the Colors of the Dark? 6d
cariashley @Lesliereadsalot no, I have to add that to my list! 6h
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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It‘s the perfect morning in Mississippi today! Beautiful, quiet, wind chimes, birds, and 64 degrees! Perfection! 🌞 and now breakfast on the porch with my hubby 💛

Happy Sunday!


AnnCrystal Magical 💫😍💝. 7d
dabbe Enjoy that weather! It's currently 106º here--definitely zero porch activity. 🤩😂🤗 6d
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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“It was funny, she thought, how many relationships one could have with the same man, over the course of a lifetime together.”

It was a perfect morning for porch reading! Cooler with a breeze! Now I have to adult 😫😫😫


dabbe Sometimes I really hate adulting! 🤩😂🤗 1w
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31 Aug-4 Sep 24
A great read, which I tore through surprisingly quickly.
A girl goes missing from summer camp in the Adirondacks. The twist is the camp is owned by her extremely wealthy parents and is the same location from which her brother went missing almost two decades before. Woods tells the two stories simultaneously and from different viewpoints, a format I always seem to find compelling. Touches on coming of age, wealth and privilege.

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I had a hard time getting into this one, but around the halfway point, it really kicked in for me! A good mystery, lots of atmosphere, and I wasn't able to predict the ending, which is always a bonus! I'm not sure it completely lived up to the hype, but it was still enjoyable and well worth the investment.

Lesliereadsalot I loved this one. Glad you hung in there! 1w
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The God of the Woods was a middle of the road read for me. I didn‘t love it and I didn‘t hate it. It‘s definitely slow burn. There weren‘t really any shocking twists and the pace stays steady throughout the entire book. But I did enjoy the investigation aspects and the family secrets that came to light. It had enough intrigue to keep me interested and I did enjoy my time reading it. Overall, I would say it was a three star read for me.

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Updated #2024ReadingBrackets:
August was a productive month, with 13 books completed – thanks in large part to an enforced period of time on the couch after my knee surgery as well as several events that involved hours of travel to get there. Eight of the books were FICTION. Of those, I gave the nod to “God of the Woods” by Liz Moore as the top pick. Great read, but it's no match for “Stoner“ -- which moves on into the semifinals.

Suet624 Just a great collection of books. 1w
Amiable @Suet624 It's been a good year so far! 1w
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@Eggs (thanks for the tag! 😘)

1. taking care of Kate and Pippa
2. knowing I'm loved

Play? @ThePageShifter @Librarybelle @AmyG

Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 2w
Eggs You are definitely loved 🥰 💯 1w
dabbe @Librarybelle YW! 😘 1w
dabbe @Eggs 🩶🧡🩶 1w
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#UnpopularOpinion ‼️ I just can‘t. The writing is just not doing anything for me. I‘ve made it to page 58. I don‘t care about the characters. I‘m not sure if it‘s because I‘m reading the book right before it‘s due back at the library and I really want to read something else or if it‘s just the writing

HeatherBookNerd It was dull 1w
sarahbarnes I‘m skipping this one. 1w
Cathythoughts I tried it too , but didn‘t get too far ! 1w
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Soft pick. This was more of a police procedural than I was expecting and I think the hype monster might have got to me. Serious Jane Harper vibes with this one.

Suet624 Completely agree. 2w
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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I am at summer camp in the Adirondack region of upstate New York! I love when books have maps 🗺️ Starting this one today!


🖤 🌳 ⛺️

Bookwormjillk And if your mom experience is like mine you will finish it tomorrow. Enjoy! 2w
AmyG It is SO good. Enjoy! 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Bookwormjillk I have to work tomorrow, but I‘m definitely taking it with me! 2w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG I‘m just getting started 🖤🖤 2w
PageShifter You got me fascinated already 😀 2w
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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Spent most of the day reading this. No regrets.

dabbe Agree 💯. 2w
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🎃Hello Spooky Season🎃

Are you reading anything spooky today?

God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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It‘s definitely a pick but I was a bit underwhelmed by it. Definitely a lot to like about it but there were a bit too many characters, storylines and timelines. Two children from the same wealthy family go missing in the Adirondack woods years apart from each other and you learn the stories of the children, their parents, the investigators and those who care about each one of them. (Not sure why I can‘t make this picture straight!)

BarbaraBB I felt underwhelmed too - no surprise 😉🤍 2w
sarahbarnes I haven‘t felt compelled to read this one, and your review makes me think that might be okay. 2w
Suet624 @sarahbarnes I mean … it‘s okay. I even bet it will win the Goodreads award at the end of the year. It seems to be very well liked…. 2w
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August wrap-up from StoryGraph! Tagged is my favorite (non-re-read) of the month. Honorable mention to the 2 sci-fi novellas I devoured yesterday: Sisters of the Vast Black and Sisters of the Forsaken Stars. Also: the “pages read” graph fascinates me this month, with those two big spikes! ⤵️

BarbaraJean I knew the reason for the second: I finished two books on Friday, one of which was 800+ pages long. I had to investigate the first—that day‘s page count indicates finishing The Alternatives for #CampLitsy, and a 500+ page graphic novel 😁 2w
Amiable Love these graphs! 2w
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I finished 8 books in August. My favorite was definitely The God of the Woods.

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I can‘t put this book down!!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m about to start it!! 2w
Leftcoastzen I loved it! 2w
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Fair warning, once you start this one, it‘s hard to put down. Fantastic setting, eclectic cast of characters with plenty of people to love and/or hate, secrets & lies, a horrific tragedy & its lingering fallout—it all comes to a head when a young camper goes missing raising the ghost of a past crime. Told from multiple POVs, this one moves quickly, the tension building from the first page as Moore keeps you guessing at the truth. Recommended.

julieclair Great review! 2w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2w
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Thanks for the template, @Catsandbooks! 🤗

Catsandbooks Yay! 👏🏼 🩵 2w
BkClubCare Interesting- does this somewhat mitigate the recency bias? 2w
dabbe @Catsandbooks 🧡🩶🧡 2w
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dabbe @BkClubCare Heck if I know! 2w
BkClubCare @dabbe “science of bracketology” 🧐 2w
dabbe @BkClubCare Old on the left, new on the right ... how will it all come together? 😂🤔🤗 2w
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Thanks for the template, @CSeydel! 🤩

CSeydel Nice bracket! Looking good 😎 2w
dabbe @CSeydel 🧡🩶🧡 2w
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Thanks for the tag, @julieclair! Sorry I'm so late!

Hands down, this one. And thanks for getting it for me for my birthday, @Princess-Kingofkings!!! 🤩😘🤗

Lesliereadsalot Best book of the year for me so far! 2w
Lesliereadsalot Maybe a tie with All the Colors of the Dark. 2w
dabbe @Lesliereadsalot 🤩🤩🤩 2w
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dabbe @Lesliereadsalot Ooh, I've not read that one! 2w
Lesliereadsalot Do not miss it! Seriously, it‘s amazing. 2w
julieclair @dabbe There is no such thing as late! 😉 And I‘ve been hearing SUCH good things about this one! 2w
dabbe @julieclair #stacked! 🤩🤗😀 2w
dabbe @julieclair It was sooooo good! 🤩🤗😘 2w
Princess-Kingofkings @dabbe You are welcome! 2w
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This is really, really good.

dabbe Agree 💯! 🤩 2w
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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I‘ll join my voice to the choir signing this book‘s praises. Fantastic read takes you like a summer blackfly buzzing around hearing family and community secrets when a child‘s disappearance in the same woods years after her brother‘s disappearance sets everyone on edge.

AmyG Yes! I loved this, too. 2w
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I loved Moore‘s The Unseen World (but have yet to read Long Bright River)—so when I saw this new release, I was immediately excited. And it did not disappoint! It takes its time establishing both past and present, shifting between characters and timelines as two disappearances are slowly revealed. I was impressed at how well Moore fleshed out so many different characters, while carefully concealing or revealing just what was necessary. ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) My only quibbles were extremely minor—a couple of paragraphs at the end that were too explain-y (as if Moore didn‘t trust readers to figure it out themselves), and a couple of characters for which I wanted more of a resolution. 3w
Amiable I thought “Long Bright River“ was even better -- you are in for a treat with that one, too! 3w
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A couple of weeks ago I fell off of our back door steps and broke my left leg and right ankle. My first concern was the baby but after thorough checking she is perfectly fine so that‘s a blessing in itself. Now that my pain has started to ease up I‘ve picked up The God of the Woods. Does anyone have any thoughts on it? I know it‘s slow burn but I haven‘t made it very far in.

LiteraryinPA Oh my goodness! I‘m so sorry you‘re going through that! I read this book and really liked it, though it is a slow burn. 3w
Deifio Ouch! I hope everything's heals well! ❤️‍🩹 3w
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Jari-chan Oh dear! Get better soon 🙏❤️ 3w
Ruthiella Yikes! Wishing you a speedy recovery! ❤️ 3w
julesG Speedy recovery! 3w
BookmarkTavern Wishing you a quick and complete recovery! ❤️‍🩹 3w
wanderinglynn Oh my! Wishing you a speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹 3w
Deblovestoread Wow! Wishing you a speedy recovery! 3w
Jas16 Oh no!!!! Wishing you a very speedy recovery 💐 3w
Mimi28 Uh oh!! I hope you heal quickly 🙏🏽🫶🏽😊🩷 3w
Meshell1313 Oh no! Sending healing vibes! ❤️‍🩹 3w
marleed Oh my gosh, how scary. Such good news the baby is fine and you‘ll fully recover, as well. I can‘t imagine have both legs in wraps. Btw, I really enjoyed this book. 3w
dabbe Oh, my lordy! Rest and heal! 🩵💙🩵 3w
RavenclawOwlCat May you heal quickly and efficiently! That‘s awful! Also-is the paint drip a bookmark or a part of the book cover? 3w
Librarybelle Wishing you a speedy recovery! 3w
bookaholic1 Man O Man!! Hope you heal fast..just couldn't imagine the pain...it hurt bad when I sprained my ankle. 3w
quietjenn Ouch! Hope you're on the mend. 3w
KT1432 Hope you heal quickly! I have this and hope to read it soon. 3w
Gissy Wishing you a soon recovery🙌❤️❤️❤️ 3w
wildwoodreads @RavenclawOwlCat Thanks! And it‘s part of the cover. 2w
wildwoodreads @Gissy Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @KT1432 Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @quietjenn Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @bookaholic1 It has been something else I‘ll just say that lol. And thank you! 2w
wildwoodreads @Librarybelle Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @dabbe Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @marleed That‘s exciting to hear. And thank you! 2w
wildwoodreads @Meshell1313 Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @Mimi28 Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @Jas16 Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @Deblovestoread Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @wanderinglynn Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @BookmarkTavern Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @julesG Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @Ruthiella Thank you! 😊 2w
wildwoodreads @Deifio Thank you! 😊 2w
Amiable Oh no! When someone says “break a leg!” you aren‘t supposed to take them seriously! 😖😀 Sending wishes for speedy healing! 2w
wildwoodreads @Amiable I took them seriously and doubled their expectations. 😂😂😂 And thank you! 😊 2w
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic mystery set in the Adirondack Mountains. My only critique would be the amount of characters and time jumps throughout this story, but without a doubt easy enough to stay on track. Highly recommend for anyone who loves an atmospheric read.

Suet624 I agree about the amount of characters. 2w
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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What struck me most about this book was the style of writing. Each chapter is the name of one of the pivotal characters and underneath the name, a menu of years because this novel takes us from the 1950s-1975 at a summer camp in the Adirondack Mountains where the daughter of the wealthy family that owns the camp goes missing. The short chapters and need for me to keep the characters and dates together kept me ripping through those pages. ⬇️

dabbe Beyond the classic missing-child trope, though, is a heartfelt story of Tracy and Barbara coming of age, of learning how to survive not just in the mountains but in their everyday lives with their parents. Every character has flaws, a few of them behave reprehensibly, and a few deserve redemption. And if you've ever experienced the wonders and perils of summer camp, on that alone, this book is worth the read. 3w
Leftcoastzen Beautiful review. I thought it was pretty special. 3w
dabbe @Leftcoastzen #ditto 🩶🖤🩶 3w
TheKidUpstairs Great review. I loved this one. Like you said, the way she captured that particular feel of summer camp was so spot on! 3w
dabbe @TheKidUpstairs 🤩🤗🤩 3w
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In my head, this was a serial killer book. That is absolutely not the case. It‘s much more of a character-driven investigator book with a big dose of family drama in the same vein as Jane Harper & Tana French. I‘m so glad I read it. I loved it! Combine summer camp, the Adirondack woods, class complications between the rich and the locals, and gender politics in the 1970s and you‘ve got quite a plot. Plus the tension of a missing child, so good!

BkClubCare I finished it this week, too. I am having a few lingering issues with it but I am still a huge Liz Moore fan. 3w
AvidReader25 @BkClubCare oh yay! Let‘s discuss. I had a few things that bugged me as well. 3w
BkClubCare Letter 💌 is in the works! 📬 3w
AvidReader25 @BkClubCare unplanned read along! I love it. 🤣 3w
BkClubCare @AvidReader25 SERENDIPITY 💫 3w
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This was a fascinating, slow build, literary mystery. The time jumps and multiple POV‘s make this a challenging read at times, but the unraveling of the mystery is worth it. Making this a period piece -taking place between the early 1960‘s and mid 1970‘s- also helps set the scene. A great summer read! 4.5⭐️ only because I did guess the mystery!

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1.Wine,craft beer,cocktails make me too sleepy to read!😁
2.tagged The God Of The Woods
Everyone play !🍷

TheSpineView 🍷🍺📖 Thanks for playing 4w
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I‘m in the minority here, but I found this book very underwhelming after reading so many great reviews. It was too long and a tad boring. Just an average mystery.

BarbaraBB I am surprised too that everyone loves it. I liked it but found the plot itself underwhelming 4w
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I mean, given what everyone else has already said, it‘s no surprise that this was so good.

What I loved and didn‘t really expect: it‘s more like 4 mysteries, rather than just 1; it‘s pretty literary, and not really thriller‘y, and really well done; it is and it isn‘t what you expect. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Also started Steeped in Secrets for #SeasonalCozies and started this audiobook that … probably someone here recommended. 😁 it‘s intense! 🫨

AmyG Loved this book. Favorite of the summer. 4w
Avanders @AmyG yes! 🙌🏽❤️😘 4w
julieclair Great review! Stacked! 4w
Avanders @julieclair 👏🏽👏🏽hope you like it! 😘 4w
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Not to jinx myself, but 75 pages in and I think this one will break my reading slump 💪

AmyG Yay! Such a good book. 4w
Ruthiella Here‘s hoping 🤞 4w
Q84 Yay!🤞 4w
Suet624 Fingers crossed! 4w
dabbe I stayed up until 2 AM last night just to finish it ... and I started yesterday morning. 🤩😂😊 4w
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I enjoyed this book very much. I did figure out what happened to both children. Not the who did it but the what happened. In Barbara's case I knew who helped. But it's still a wonderful book. Great characters for the most part.

Several timelines and POVs. But it's not hard to keep straight. Well written. I now know the purpose of that “pink paint.“

4.5 star

Full review: https://lsmoore49.blogspot.com/2024/08/the-god-of-woods-by-liz-moore.html

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This is such a well written piece of fiction focused on a camper, the daughter of the camp owner, who disappears at camp many years after her brother disappeared in the same location. It is a bit of a mystery and family history but with lots of incredible complex characters, particularly all the women and locals. Liz Moore must know 1-camps and 2-the Adirondacks because it is all incredibly described. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AmyG Such a wonderful book. 1mo
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A pick, for sure. One that is extremely propelling and riveting and maddening - the kind you just want to read and read and read; sad that it is over. However, I must temper any expectations! Because, I did have tiny middling issues with a few things that aren‘t relevant to the mystery but enough to detract from the highest rating. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Perhaps, I expected perfection. I do remember that I adored Heft and now have this author as a must read.

BkClubCare Book 61 of 2024, no pie mentioned but did have a floury rolling pin 😂, audiobook + ebook, #Aug2024 #DogsofLitsy 1mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
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Overall, I really enjoyed this one. The solution is mildly underwhelming, and I really don't like how often Moore uses the adverb "lowly" to mean "quietly" (I know it's an acceptable use, I just don't like it), but aside from that, I found the mystery gripping and the characters rich, complex, and mostly consistent within themselves. Turns out I picked up a signed copy, too, so that's kind of fun.

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4 out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

monkeygirlsmama Is the pink spill your bookmark or part of the book?? 1mo
hi5ghost @monkeygirlsmama seconding this. if it‘s a bookmark, i need to know where to get it!! 1mo
monkeygirlsmama @hi5ghost I've seen other posts now for this book and it appears to actually be a part of the cover design! 1mo
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Liz Moore goes deeper than the typical mystery/thriller, helping the reader get to know multiple characters. Here she looks at a girl going missing from a summer camp whose wealthy family has some complex backstory. Really good, though I liked her previous book better.

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I was invested in the many characters, over the different timelines. The main action happens in 1975 at a summer camp owned by the wealthy Van Leers. A camper goes missing and several perspectives emerge. Flashbacks to an earlier disappearance in 1961 leave us to wonder if the two are connected. Excellent storytelling weave these threads together. I wasn‘t prepared for how downright sad this is; Moore hit me in the motherhood feels.

Lesliereadsalot I loved this book on so many levels: how it was written, the interesting characters, the story. Glad you liked it too! 1mo
AmyG I‘m with @Lesliereadsalot ….loved this. Favorite of the summer. 1mo
mrp27 I‘ve been waiting for ages for my library hold of this book to come through. I‘m having total fomo reading everyone‘s reviews! 1mo
Suet624 Gorgeous photo! 2w
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Really liked this read. The hype was correct. Good characters, a timeline for every chapter, summer camp, and rich people‘s way of life. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 loves that it was set in 1975…girls had it rough. We all know this! Good mystery with two kids missing in a scary wooded area. 🫣🌲

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Does anyone else get a weird feeling when reading a book that centers on a character who shares your name? 😆 I don‘t often come across characters with my name!

IndoorDame Completely! My name is not mainstream “American” and it‘s only in the past few years that I‘ve started seeing my name in books and tv so I find it completely startling and attach way more importance to it than is reasonable. 1mo
AmyG Yes. It‘s sort of odd. And this book is wonderful. 1mo
Ruthiella Yes! Currently reading “Ruth” with the #HashtagBrigade ! It took me a while not to be startled. 1mo
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BarbaraBB I know what you mean! 1mo
BarbaraJean @BarbaraBB Yes!! You read this recently, didn‘t you? I thought about tagging you in this post for solidarity. 😁 1mo
BarbaraBB Yes! I read it recently indeed and don‘t often come upon our name in books! 1mo
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