It was interesting learning more about Grohl‘s life and about the bands he was in. He is a wonderful juxtaposition of dorky kid, anti-everything rebel, and man with a heart of gold.
It was interesting learning more about Grohl‘s life and about the bands he was in. He is a wonderful juxtaposition of dorky kid, anti-everything rebel, and man with a heart of gold.
This #Biography (Autobiography/Memoir) has been on my audiobook TBR for too long. I am going to try to listen to it before the end of the year! 🎸🎶🖤
Just a brief reading intermission to say I just returned from seeing the Foo Fighters at Fenway Park. It was my third time seeing them and this 69-year-old screamed, sang and stood for 3 hours straight. Honestly, this was the best I‘ve seen them and that‘s saying a lot. My daughter says that she sees me in retirement traveling the country to follow their tour. 💕💕💕 I definitely want more.
I remember very well when Nirvana and grunge came on the scene in the 90s.
Dave Grohl, of course, covers that time period and much more in this memoir that is eloquently told.
I suggested listening with my husband while on a drive, and he kept asking to listen to more in the following days. You guys - that is not like my husband and speaks volumes as to this audiobook.
Just when I think I can‘t love Dave Grohl any more than I already do, I find out he has a memoir that I listen to him narrate, and I realize I clearly can love him more. This was just so fun and refreshing. I love that this man has walked such an interesting path and that he can still be so amazed by it, like a little boy. It was just nice to listen to someone who is having fun and isn‘t jaded. Even if you aren‘t a fan of his music, listen to this
Still not over last night 🥹🎸🤘
Foo Fighters never ever disappoint.
4.5 stars, very close to 5. This was an excellent collection of rock and roll stories, expertly written and wonderfully narrated, told with humor and heart. He is humble, a little insecure, and he shared some of his philosophies for life, but much of it was more surface level. However, for anyone who is a fan of Dave's projects or rock music in general, this is easily on of the best bios available, and audio is highly recommended.
"For in a world full of Barbies, every girl needs a Joan Jett" - Dave Grohl
Finally resolved my Internet issues! The last 3 weeks it would go out for 3 days every 4 days. But about Dave. He's my age and I moved to Olympia as he moved out. I know exactly where he was getting his beers and corn dogs. It's weird that Nirvana lasted only 4 years when it completely transformed and shaped the identity of a generation. Having survived my own episodes of compounded grief, I can relate to his sensitivity and awe for life.
Two #MusicalCover books from musicians I respect on my audiobook TBR. I haven‘t done a good job in getting to them so I made them part of my #Roll100 list in hopes I‘d finally get to them this year. 🎧🎶 🎹🎼🎸🎵🎤
If you read only one memoir this year I suggest this one. Total disclosure I've long been a fan of this man...but even if you aren't...there is just something about how this man writes...opens up...and shows what a wonderland flawed person he is...maybe have kleenex on hand (yes, I went through a few). #bookspin #favoriteread @thearomaofbooks
This is one of the first books I have read in a very long time, and I absolutely loved it. As a fan of both Nirvana and Foo Fighters, as well as Dave Grohl in general, I think this is a perfect collection of stories. Dave tells stories of his childhood, finding music, girls, friends, family, music, and love of every kind. It will make you think of your own memories, tear up, and smile.
I listened to most of this as an audiobook, but had to switch to ebook for the last bit because my Libby loan ran out and everyone seemed to check this out over the Thanksgiving break. By that point though, I had Grohl‘s voice in my head and also enjoyed seeing the photos in the ebook. The narrative is pretty anecdotal, but I didn‘t mind because Grohl is such an amiable narrator. And I couldn‘t help but love how much joy and gratitude he expresses
“That crosswalk had taken a lifetime to travel, but I was grateful for every step . . .”
Hey Littens - Barnes and Noble announced these monthly picks recently. They‘re buy one, get one 50% off (can be combined with any others marked the same, although there‘s some confusion about the kids‘ titles at my store).
WOW! The title of this memoir does not lie, Dave Grohl is an AMAZING storyteller. I highly recommend the audiobook. Listening to Dave himself tell the tales of his life and formation as a passionate and talented Rockstar intertwined with his own personal musical interludes captives the reader and brings them center stage to the creation of a legend.
I picked this up because I love memoirs and I‘d heard good things about the book. I may be Gen X but I‘m not much of a Nirvana fan and I had to Google Foo Fighters to recognize their music. That said, these stories are interesting and I‘m glad I read the book but I think this book is best for Grohl‘s fans. I missed a lot of the musical references and wish the photos had been labeled because the only person I recognized was Kurt Cobain.
Stress and anxiety levels are through the roof! But... we're in! 🤩🤟
This book is so good. Grohl has an amazing life and career. This book makes you love him even more. Do yourself a favor and listen to it on audio. This book just hits different when Grohl reads his story to you.
I didn't think I could love him more than I already did.
What a genuine, humble, awesome man.
Dave is such a sweetheart. He's everything you want your favourite musician to be, and more. 🫶
This was fantastic. I laughed, and I cried. It touches on his time in Nirvana, including the passing of Kurt Cobain, along with his time with Foo Fighters. Has there ever been a more likeable rock star?
*plays My Hero and Everlong for the millionth time* 😍🤘
I am as much (maybe even more?) a fan of him as a human as I am a fan of him as a musician.
This memoir is full of why.
What a big hearted, stunningly genuine, exceptionally talented, absolute goofball.
A wonderful story written by a such an upbeat, humble and hard-working person. Grohl does not get into details of his personal life much but his love for his daughters and mom are evident throughout. I enjoyed the road trip with him from the start of his career till his rise in popularity. You do not have to be a Nirvana or Foo Fighters fan (I wasn't) to appreciate this book.
Really surprised by how much I loved hearing his stories. I liked Nirvana & Foo Fighters, but I‘ve generally been indifferent about music. Would not have picked this one up without Litten‘s recs. Last section was my favorite. Numerous stories about meeting so many musical legends, but Grohl‘s self-deprecating sense of humor keeps the stories from being over-the-top. Great example of the happiness you can achieve when you let your freak flag fly.
This was recommended by a friend and I‘m glad she said something about it! The audio was fantastic, and had a bonus story at the end. I did roll my eyes at some of the name-dropping but, I mean he HAS met & played with some incredible people. It‘s also part love letter to his mom, to his family-esp his daughters, and to music. And, he is a great storyteller.
A year ago, if I had to match the name Dave Grohl to what made him famous, I would have failed. I stacked the book anyway because there was so much Litsy love for this book.. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful book - thank you Littens! Dave‘s joy for the life he‘s been able to live is evident on every page. Following the audiobook, I spent almost as much time on YouTube videos. I‘m now an Foo Fighter fan!
I can't say I was a huge fan of Dave Grohl's music but I read really good reviews so listened to the audio version over the holidays while doing a lot of driving.I am Gen X but no need to be Gen X or a punk/grunge fan to appreciate his story. Grohl read the audio version and it was fabulous. It was more like sitting listening to a friend tell stories as he found his passion in life. He is very down to earth, very humble, and very talented.
#12booksin2022. As a middle schooler/teen in the 90s I was obsessed with Nirvana and I have loved the Foo Fighters. This is not a tell-all. Instead, I found it a warm retelling of important moments in Dave Grohl‘s life and career. It is respectful all those in his life and never puts anyone down. I found the stories about his daughter most touching.
I cheated and picked two - but one was audio (Grohl) and one print. The Storyteller is amazing on audio - as a Nirvana fan, it‘s a must. Dave is such a good human.
Burial Rites (sort of) introduced me to climate/weather/atmosphere as a character of a book. I could feel the starkness, the damp, the cold. #12BooksOf2022 @Andrew65
I listened to the audio version and it was fantastic! Grohl sounds so genuine and humble.
#12Booksof2022 - March
I‘m only a casual Foo Fighters/Nirvana fan, but this audiobook blew me away. #12booksof2022 #January
I love and I do mean ❤️❤️ love Dave Grohl. I have since Nirvana days. I‘ve watched as he‘s lost dear friends, as he‘s sung the praises of his mother, as he‘s moved through life & musical phases. He is generous with his time & attention to fans. A great dad. I can‘t say enough good things about him. I‘m so glad he wrote this. With the recent deaths of his mother & Taylor Hawkins, his best friend & band mate, I worry & send my small prayers his way.
Year End Recap
Top read: The Storyteller by Dave Grohl
New fav author you discovered in 2022: Nic Stone
Most thought provoking: The Midnight Library
Most thrilling: The Death of Mrs Westaway
Most beautifully written: Wild Seed by Octavia Butler
The biggest flop: The Blue Girl by Laurie Foos
Book you had THE most fun reading: A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett
Book you cannot believe you waited til 2022 to finally read: Kiki‘s Delivery Service
@Eggs #WondrousWednesday
1) The holiday markets in Union Square; snow in Central Park; a warm radiator, hot coffee, and a window from which to watch the city.
2) All I want for Christmas is the best holiday ever.
3) Tagged book.
Dave Grohl seems like a top-notch human. I listened to the audiobook narrated by him, which is always the way to go with celebrity memoirs IMO. Obviously, his music career is the feature of the majority of the stories. His three daughters and family life were the most touching and memorable for me.
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I really prefer listening music than podcast
2. All my fav songs, mostly rock music
1: Several. I have 3 print books going (The Last Slave Ship, Literature and the New Culture Wars, and Fairy Tale), 1 ebook (Mary Roach‘s Fuzz), and two audio (Crimes & Covers and Skeptic in Salem.) I‘m a mood reader.
2. Some favorites include the tagged, West With Giraffes, and Remarkably Bright Creatures. I haven‘t bailed on it yet, but I‘m having issues with Rumble on the Bayou, most, but not all, are related to the narrator.
Lazy Sunday afternoon, audio knitting! Thank you for the stories Dave!
Y‘all, I loved this book! Now I want to know Dave Grohl. I laughed with him and hurt with him too. My heart broke listening to him talk about Taylor Hawkins since this book was published before Hawkins‘ death. The part of this book I really loved though was Dave as a fan getting to meet and work with all these musicians he‘d looked up to most of his life. Family man Dave is also nice. If you read this book, I suggest the audiobook. #audiowalk
I loved this from The Storyteller: “I can‘t roll a joint. How will I successfully roll a child?” Dave Grohl on swaddling when he first learned he and his wife were having a baby. #audiowalk
Okay, I know the Foo Fighters and Nirvana, but I never paid that much attention to them. I‘m listening to it because I‘ve heard such good things about it. So far, I love it. It‘s like hearing from a friend. At one point, he said, “You haven‘t lived until you hear your six year old singing Rehab.” I actually replied out loud, “No, you haven‘t lived until you‘re cleaning house and hear your 5 year old singing Vanity 6‘s Wet Dream!” 😄 #audiowalk
Started a new book on Audible this morning 🤘🏼
My dad is a drummer and we bond over our love for The Foo Fighters and Mr. Grohl.
So so happy we got to see them in concert a few years ago. 💗 RIP Taylor. 🙏
Great entertaining audiobook so far!
There‘s a few starting with the tagged book, which I listened to on audio read by Dave. Highly recommend. Others include so far:
Ancestral Night & Machine by Elizabeth Bear
The Spy & The Traitor by Ben Macintyre
A Spy Among Friends by Ben Macintyre
I‘m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
The Undertaking Of Hart & Mercy by Megan Bannen
A Prayer For The Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers.
Here‘s to many more to come🥂
LOVED this audio - You don‘t need to be a Foo Fighter‘s fan to be a fan of this book! Fantastic 🫶🏼