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Olga Dies Dreaming
Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
A blazing new talent debuts with the story of a status-driven wedding planner grappling with her absent mother, her glittering career amongst New Yorks elite and her Puerto Rican roots in the wake of Hurricane Maria Its 2017, and Olga and her brother, Pedro Prieto Acevedo are bold faced names in their hometown of New York. Prieto is a popular Congressman representing their gentrifying, Latinx neighborhood in Brooklyn while Olga is the tony wedding planner for Manhattans powerbrokers. Despite their alluring public lives, behind closed doors things are far less rosy. Sure, Olga can orchestrate the love stories of the 1%, but she cant seem to find her own...until she meets Matteo, who forces her to confront the effects of long held family secrets... Twenty-seven years ago, their mother Blanca, a Young Lord-turned-radical, abandoned her children to advance a militant political cause, leaving them to be raised by their grandmother. Now, with the winds of hurricane season, Blanca has come barreling back into their lives. Set against the backdrop of New York City in the months surrounding the most devastating hurricane in Puerto Ricos history, Olga Dies Dreaming is a story that examines political corruption, familial strife and the very notion of the American Dreamall while asking what it really means to weather a storm.
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I really liked this. I knew very little about Puerto Rican politics or history, so if what is in here is accurate I learned some things.

I liked that most of this is from Olga‘s POV, but we also get glimpses in the minds of her brother, boyfriend, and the letters from her Mom.

Definitely lookup CW if needed.

This is Sietje‘s pouty “can we walk now?” Face.

Kerrbearlib Stacked! Sietje is adorable ❤️ 3w
dabbe “C'mon, Mom, let's go!“ In 🐾 love, Sietje. 3w
ShelleyBooksie OMG - that face ♡♡♡♡ 3w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🐾❤️🐾 3w
KadaGul Sietje is adorable 🐕and aging gracefully. She must have led a life of long naps 😴 , a belly full of food 🥩 , and treats 🍗 . #Petslife🐕🐶 (edited) 3w
MrsMalaprop I picked up a second hand copy of this one recently ☺️. 3w
Hooked_on_books I liked this, too, and her second one as well. I also heard her on a podcast and she‘s delightful! 3w
UwannaPublishme 🐶❤️❤️❤️ 2w
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Olga and her brother “Prieto,” have always strived to make their mother proud. A mother, who most of their lives swoops in as a ghost.

Told in dual POVs, this story follows the 2 siblings trying to find their place in the world when the person who was supposed to be their anchor abandons them for her cause.

I loved how this story was constructed and especially loved the extended family dynamics.

The audiobook narrators were superb!


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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I bought the book for its striking cover. I picked it up in December hoping for a bit of romance. I was completely sucked into Olga‘s story: her business, her relationships with her brother and mother, and yes, her love life.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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This is an interesting look at what the cost of success and/or of community expectations can be for first generation Americans through the story of Olga and her brother Prieto. It slowed down a bunch in the middle but I enjoyed uncovering both Olga and Prieto‘s secrets. I was less enamored of their mother‘s character and presence in their lives. Full review at http://booknaround.blogspot.com/2023/10/review-olga-dies-dreaming-by-xochitl.htm...

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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September‘s book club selection had a lot to unpack — maybe too much, honestly? But definitely a worthwhile read that addresses some of the complexities of familial relationships and identity, while also touching upon several BIG issues (race, gentrification, colonialism) as both the backdrop and the foundation.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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In Olga‘s heart there was a pin-sized hole of infinite depth that made every day slightly more painful than it needed to be. She thought of it, this hole, as a birth defect. The space where, in a normal heart, a mother‘s love was meant to be.

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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I was all over the place with how I felt while reading. So good! Why is it slogging? WTF. Cringe. Wow, how ignorant am I? Wait, no flippin' way... I love this book!

In the end, it's a recommend. Give it time to develop, the last third pulls everything together. Maybe a tad too neatly but I'll suspend my disbelief because the BS forced on Puerto Rico is appalling.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez

This wasn‘t what I expected, and then it turned again. Some characters I really liked. The story was stronger than the writing. Very interesting to learn about Puerto Rican culture and people

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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My current #audiobook listen for book club tomorrow @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I cannot recommend this book enough!!

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I really liked the voice of Olga in this book, and I thought the portrayal of a mom “without the mothering gene” was really valuable, and something that rings true. I liked hearing about how the Acevedo siblings‘ came to grips with their heritage, whether it wanted them or not.
(Yep, still working my way through #tob23! 😉😅💀)

Anyone else a bit surprised by the Olga casting for the Hulu show? I mean, I love Aubrey Plaza, but…

Ruthiella Aubrey‘s father is Puerto Rican and she speaks Spanish. I think that might have played in to it. 13mo
Larkken @Ruthiella that‘s fair, and I do appreciate that she is doing something personal to her roots! Just not who I pictured. 13mo
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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At first I resisted this book because the description made the book sound like a fluffy romance, and that‘s not my genre. The audiobook came available at the library, so I thought I would give it a try. I am glad I did. At it‘s heart, it is a romance, but it is a complicated story with complex characters. It deals with trauma, race, homophobia, sexism, and the messiness of relationships. The narration is superb.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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The last #tob23 short list read. The only one I didn‘t at least try was The Passenger. This one will probably make my top 5 of the short list. I‘m not sure this one will stay with me though like a few of the others. I‘ll rate the list later this weekend.

Cinfhen Looking forward to seeing your list 🤩 1y
Chelsea.Poole I am going to try to get my list together soon as well. I liked Olga too 😊 1y
squirrelbrain I liked Olga as well and she‘s in my top 5! Looking forward to your list. 1y
BarbaraBB Looking forward to your votes! 1y
Ruthiella I‘ve got one more to read! I also liked Olga! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Just returned to the library the last ToB book I will likely get to before the tournament (and our tournament!) starts. I liked aspects of this one a lot, especially Olga‘s character and story. Some of the events in the second half of the book felt a little too heavy handed for me. But overall this was a pick and I‘m glad I read it. #ToB2023

Ruthiella Totally agree. I thought the book wasn‘t perfect but the points I liked were enough to get me past the more awkward bits. 1y
Hooked_on_books I liked this one far more than I expected to. I wasn‘t bothered by the heavy-handed bits but definitely agree about that. Not a perfect book, but a worthwhile read for sure. 1y
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BarbaraBB I agree with all of you. This was a surprisingly good book! 1y
squirrelbrain I really liked this one, although I agree that there were some issues in the second half of the book,but they didn‘t detract too much from the rest of it. 1y
kwmg40 I really liked this one too. Can‘t disagree with anything you said in your review. 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Bookwomble I love this photo ❤️ 1y
Tonton @Bookwomble 👩🏻‍🎤 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I decided against reading this when it first came out after seeing tepid reviews, so I wasn‘t excited when it popped up on the #tob2023. But, turns out, I really liked it! Some parts were a bit heavy handed and others could have been explored more thoroughly, but overall it was a satisfying story with the heft and messiness of real life.

#ReadingAmericas2023 #PuertoRico

Chelsea.Poole I agree! I passed it up when it first came out too but ended up really enjoying it for tob. 1y
squirrelbrain I really liked this one too, and I agree with your review. There were some unnecessary plot lines and some of it was a bit ‘in your face‘ but it‘ll be quite high up on my list. 1y
Soubhiville I saw the author speak at TX Bookfest and bought the book. Still haven‘t read it but looking forward to it! 1y
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Librarybelle I too have seen tepid and mixed reviews on this one, but seeing other reviews from the #tob readers here makes me want to reconsider this one. I love the vibrancy of the cover! 1y
Ruthiella I felt that the weaker aspects were outweighed by the positive points. I liked Olga and Prieto, as imperfect as they were. 1y
BarbaraBB I was pleasantly surprised by this book too! 1y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville I‘m guessing she was fabulous, since you bought the book. I love that! I‘m looking forward to whatever she happens to do next. 1y
Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle isn‘t that cover great? I actually didn‘t really see all the detail in it until another TOBer did an extreme close up in their review, and I love it. 1y
Hooked_on_books @Ruthiella I liked their relationship. I felt it was emblematic of a brother/sister relationship in so many ways. So many things in this book felt real, and that really worked for me. 1y
Megabooks I‘m glad you enjoyed it! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Olga is such a vivid character. She‘s a wedding planner from Brooklyn who comes from a big family of Puerto Rican heritage. There‘s a bit of the dysfunctional family situation in this, which is always something I seem to enjoy (what‘s that say about me…? 🤔) as her mother is MIA. Olga, along with her politician brother Prieto, solve the mystery that is their mother amidst the fallout of Hurricane Maria in PR. Top it off with love interest Matteo⬇️

Chelsea.Poole and I had myself an entertaining reading experience which puts this in the category from #ToB2023 of “books I actually enjoyed”. 😆 1y
BkClubCare 👏 And, I like the cover 😁 1y
Megabooks Glad you enjoyed it! 1y
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BarbaraBB I feel the same about this one. Love your review 1y
squirrelbrain I agree with your review; this one is quite high up on my personal #ToB list. 1y
kwmg40 I enjoy stories about dysfunctional families too. They make me more patient with my own! 😅 1y
Ruthiella I liked this one too. I read it last year but didn‘t post about it. It was sometimes a little info dumpy and overstuffed, but I also found Olga and her life and family engaging. 1y
Amor4Libros I need to bump up this book on my TBR! 1y
merelybookish This did not work for me, but agree Olga was a great character. Lots of divided opinions should make for an interesting tournament! 1y
Hooked_on_books My hold on the audio for this just came in, so I expect to start it sometime in the next few days. Hopefully I‘ll like it, too! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Hooked_on_books I partially read and partially listened and the audio was great! But I was anxious to finish so I ended up reading it mostly. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Amor4Libros it‘s so good! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @Ruthiella agreed—lots of info and it was obvious the story was a vehicle for the “info dump” as you say and that‘s such a good description. I didn‘t mind, but I can see how it would be grating for some. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @kwmg40 lol! Same here, I believe. I‘ve loved both of these, that stick out: We Are the Brennans and The Most Fun We Ever Had. Do any stick out to you? I‘m always ready to hear about a Good dysfunctional family! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @BkClubCare yes! A great cover! So eye catching! 1y
Chelsea.Poole @merelybookish yes, I have read several reviews here from my fellow tob-ers and noticed it wasn‘t a winner for everyone. I don‘t imagine it‘ll make it through very far in the tournament either 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks I really did enjoy this and glad it worked for some of you too! I can‘t see it making it very far though. 1y
kwmg40 In reply to your question about dysfunctional-family books, A Town Called Solace by Mary Lawson was one of my favourite books from last year. 1y
Chelsea.Poole @kwmg40 I read that one and I really liked it too! Thanks 😊 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I recently read only disappointing reviews about this book so went in with low expectations but I really loved it. Sure there‘s a lot going on but to me it made sense. I loved Olga as a character, was very interested in reading about the historical injustices committed to #PuertoRico, and enjoyed the romance part and the Latino atmosphere throughout the book. So definitely another #ToB23 pick!

#ReadingTheAmericas2023 🇵🇷

CarolynM This was my Well Read subscription book a few months ago. Your review makes me think I should get on to it soon🙂 1y
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Suet624 I got this book from the library twice and couldn‘t bring myself to open the book because of the reviews. I‘m so glad to hear you liked it. Maybe I‘ll give it another go. 1y
KarenUK I loved it too…. Olga is a great character, I really enjoyed spending time with her. 💕 1y
Hooked_on_books This is one of two I have left to read on the list. I have low expectations but your review gives me hope. I‘m so glad you liked it! 1y
Librarybelle I may have to try this one! 1y
Cortg I‘ve heard great things about this one and I found a copy in a Little Free Library recently. I‘m really looking forward to it! 1y
Chelsea.Poole So glad to see you liked this one! I‘m hoping to get to the audio soon 😊 1y
Cortg I just looked at Litsy reviews. Weird. I‘ve heard good things. We‘ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
RebelReader I own this one (along with Rabbit Hutch and Babel)so I‘m waiting for my library pile to go down. I‘m making a dent! 😃 1y
rmaclean4 I have been putting this one off. I think I will listen to the audio book next after your review! 1y
squirrelbrain I liked this one too @CarolynM @Suet624 @KarenUK @Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle @Cortg @Chelsea.Poole @Cortg @RebelReader @rmaclean4 I know lots of Littens didn‘t like it and it did have a few minor faults, but it‘s in the top half of my shortlist for sure. 1y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 @Hooked_on_books @Chelsea.Poole @Cortg @RebelReader @rmaclean4 I have to admit I knew little about US attitude towards PR so that added a lot for me but it is biased and I didn‘t mind that but it may be something that can influence your opinion about the book if you know more about relations between the two countries. (edited) 1y
BarbaraBB @RebelReader You have some good ones waiting for you! 1y
sarahbarnes I‘ve had the exact same experience as @Suet624. But I‘m glad to see you liked it and my give it a try! I am very interested in the relationship btw the US and PR. 1y
merelybookish I'm glad it worked for you and agree Olga is a great character! I just felt she got bogged down by a lot of other stories and characters that were not as well-realized. 1y
Ruthiella I read this last year and never posted it. I‘m with you. It was a bit uneven, sure. But I liked Olga as a character and didn‘t mind the info dumps about Puerto Rico. 1y
BkClubCare I read this soon after it was published and enjoyed it; learned quite a bit. One of my bestest friends ever has a connection to the author and recommended it. I guess I hadn‘t realized it had many negative reviews. 1y
BarbaraBB @BkClubCare Lots of so-so reviews lately here on Litsy. When I scroll a bit more though I am glad though to find a lot of picks as well - among them yours! 1y
Cortg @squirrelbrain Good to know! 1y
kwmg40 Glad you liked this book. I enjoyed the story and characters too! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Fine, I guess? A rom-com with lots of other stuff (too much, in my opinion) crammed in. Halfway through I was ready for things to wrap-up. The audiobook narrators did a good job though so it was no great hardship to finish listening. Olga is supposed to be 40, I think, but seemed much younger. A Hulu series starring Aubrey Plaza is in the works. #ToB23

Ruthiella Yeah, this was romantic comedy, state of the nation, NYC gentrification, Puerto Rico history and a little Great American Novel all in one. I liked it, but agree with your assessment. 1y
sarahbarnes I‘ve seen so many meh reviews of this one. Come on, TOB shortlist! 😏 1y
5feet.of.fury I ultimately did like it, but I agree there‘s a lot happening and some parts of the story throw off the vibe 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I got pretty far with this one but then realized I DID NOT CARE. So I bailed. Which is ironic because this book really wants the reader to care, and maybe that's its downfall. Because, with the exception of Olga, this make-me-care campaign failed to create characters I could care about. The issues feel simplified too. So many potential good stories here! But they got lost or sacrificed to some need to educate & preach. I was disappointed. #tob23

RebelReader Knowing when you need to bail is a gift because there are just so many books. I have this on my TBR shelf and since it made the #ToB shortlist, I‘m hoping to give it a try before March. 1y
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BarbaraBB Another one to not look forward to 1y
merelybookish @RebelReader One of the gifts of getting older I guess. Never bailed when I was younger. 1y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB Maybe it will work better for you! It does have some strong elements. 1y
batsy "make-me-care campaign"! Ha, I know what you mean ... that's the type of fiction that tends to put me off, too. 1y
squirrelbrain I loved this one! Just goes to show, we can‘t all like the same things. (Although I do agree - it was a bit ‘pushy‘ with regard to some elements) 1y
Chelsea.Poole Ooof that‘s too bad. I‘m still waiting for this one to come available on audio. 1y
jlhammar Oh, interesting! I've got this audio checked out at the moment, but haven't started yet. I'm not all that interested in it, but want to at least give it a try since it's in the tournament. We'll see. 1y
Ruthiella I did like this book, because the stronger elements were enough to carry me through. But I understand where you‘re coming from, for sure. 1y
Suet624 I got this one from the library twice and after reading blah reviews I just never could open the book. Sounds like a good decision on my part. :) 1y
Cinfhen I didn‘t care for this book at all - totally agree with your review 😌 1y
Megabooks Yeah, if you‘re not invested in Olga, this is a no-go. I finished, but I ran hot and cold. Gods idea that you bailed! 1y
Hooked_on_books When this book originally came out, I was curious about it. Then the reviews made me realize I was unlikely to enjoy it. As a completist, I‘m still going to try it, but I wouldn‘t be surprised if I end up going the way you did! 1y
merelybookish @batsy There was a clear political agenda here (one I'm sympathetic to) but I just don't like that kind of political novel. 1y
merelybookish @squirrelbrain I'm glad you loved it and it has gotten lots of good reviews! If it had just been about Olga, I probably would have loved it too! 1y
merelybookish @Chelsea.Poole I hope you enjoy it! And will look forward to your thoughts! 1y
merelybookish @jlhammar I also read it just for the tournament and maybe went in with a bad attitude? 🤔 But I hope your experience is better than mine! 1y
merelybookish @Ruthiella There were parts I really liked and I liked Olga and the parts about her career, her ambitions, her roots, her love life, etc. Just didn't need her brother or mother..lol 1y
merelybookish @Suet624 Yes, maybe for the best. 🙂 1y
merelybookish @Cinfhen Thanks! Good to know I'm not the only one. 1y
merelybookish @Megabooks I got pretty far but my patience ran out 1y
merelybookish @Hooked_on_books I'll be interested to see what you think! There are some compelling aspects, but as others have said, it feels like it's trying to do too much. 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Started out strong but ended up somewhat all over the place - I think it was trying to do a bit too much. Loved Olga as a character though, and the New York and Puerto Rico elements. #TOB23

Jas16 Totally agree 1y
BkClubCare Agreed 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Think I can safely post my last read of 2022 and first read of 2023. I alway start thinking about this as soon as December starts and had planned to end the year with a different book from the TOB shortlist but things changed at the last minute. Hoping to start 2023 with a book that will work for two challenges- author a month and Booked2023.

BookNAround I read Olga this past year. Hope you enjoyed it! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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This book started off strong and then fell flat under the weight of its ambitions. Olga was really intriguing character, strong and unlikeable, and I appreciated the Puerto Rican politics However I felt that the book would have been a lot more impactful if there had been less going on. #tob23

LapReader Beautiful cover. 1y
sarahbarnes I am going to pick this one up from the library and give it a go. I‘ve seen lots of mixed reviews. 1y
cariashley Wow, this is a better version of the review I just wrote - I felt exactly the same! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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It's the last day of the year, which means it's time again to list my favorite books of the last 365 days. (Apologies for the incoming flurry of posts.) In the order I read them:

1. Olga Dies Dreaming, by Xochitl Gonzalez -- A deceptively light-hearted book about a wedding planner and her politician brother that takes on serious themes of love, commitment, and betrayal. Bonus points for its portrayal of political activism in Puerto Rico.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I really enjoyed the story, even if it was a little predictable at times. The humour and well-drawn characters made it easier to deal with some of the more disturbing themes. I hadn't known much about Puerto Rico's history and learned a lot about its complicated relationship with the rest of the US. #ToB2023

#WinterReadathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#BookSpinBingo #BookSpin #PromptMaze @TheAromaofBooks

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
Andrew65 Well done ☃️☃️☃️ 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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While I appreciate the GenX main characters grappling with their mother's inadequate mothering, a lot of the plot of this novel feels plodding to me. It feels at times like elements are included for educational purposes rather than for story purposes, and that's somewhat tedious for me. I really like Blanca's letter about the way that women abandon their dreams and take on their partners', but that message is undercut by the rest of the story.

ImperfectCJ I have the feeling that we're supposed to ignore wholesale everything their mother has written to them, and while that might be the healthy thing for the siblings to do, that doesn't mean that their mother doesn't have a point sometimes. 1y
Megabooks Excellent review! 1y
cariashley Great review! Just finished this and having a lot of the same thoughts! 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Competing communities & generational divide in 2017 NYC, with Brooklyn-born Boricua wedding planner Olga Acevedo at the center. Activism vs. acquisition. Family. Status. Identity. A lot packed into one volume, tied up with a rom-com bow, but Olga‘s messy confidence, plus detailed evocations of Brooklyn, carried me along. P 272 “Olga fumbled in the dark, trying to adhere to a path that led to a fuzzy destination known simply as ‘success.‘” 2021

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Olga is a wedding planner and her brother a congressman. Their mother has been absent from their lives for years, living a militant life on Puerto Rico.

About halfway through this audiobook, the activism angle started to annoy me a bit and, although towards the end it kind of made sense, I think there were too many themes overall. (Certainly the bit with Dick near the end was too much and I felt unnecessary) ⬇️


squirrelbrain However, I loved the PR element as I learned something new, and you can really feel the author‘s love and passion. Overall, a bit of editing would have been good but it‘s still one of my favourites on the #tob list so far. 2y
Megabooks Great review! I liked this fine but it‘s not one of my favorites, but I do think it will makes the brackets. 2y
Hooked_on_books So many of the reviews I‘ve seen for this one have mentioned just what you did—a lack of editing. This one doesn‘t appeal to me, but I‘ll try it if it‘s on the short list. 2y
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BarbaraBB I somehow am not really drawn by this one. Let‘s wait and see for the shortlist (edited) 2y
sarahbarnes I‘ve been on the fence about this one. Great review. 2y
cariashley Totally agree about the Dick part at the end. (Heh.) 1y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I enjoyed the complexity of the characters and found myself googling quite a bit of historical references that were woven into the book. Some really tragic moments with an ultimately redemptive ending.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I enjoyed this one but I think there was just a little too much going on for me to fully connect.

Olga and her brother, Prieto, are the main characters in this story. The LatinX representation was excellent and the author explores different aspects from both of their POVs, which I enjoyed. My issues with this book come in with the political thriller storyline involving their mom, Blanca. That coupled with the Hurricane felt forced at times.

sarahbarnes Thanks for tagging me! Great review. I‘ve been on the fence about this one. 2y
Ruthiella Thanks for the tag! This has been on my list since the #CampLitsy longlist suggestions. I will for sure read it sooner than later. It sounds character driven and with a good plot, both are big draws for me. 2y
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Megabooks Yes! 💯 agree with what you‘ve written. 2y
Cinfhen Yup!!! I gave this a so-so too for the same reasons!! It had such potential but ultimately didn‘t deliver 😔 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve never quite been interested in this one, and reviews like yours tell me why! I‘ll try it if it makes the TOB, but will otherwise take a pass. 2y
squirrelbrain Wow, book 23 already! I‘m part-way through this one, and loved the first half. Now it‘s getting a bit political and I‘m not loving it to much. 2y
BarbaraBB 23 books, impressive! Based on your review I think I‘ll skip this one unless it make the shortlist! 2y
RebelReader Thanks for the tag. This one is on my TBR shelf. I will probably read it eventually, but not this year! Maybe 2023. 2y
46 likes9 comments
Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I‘ve had this checked out since July, so I figured it was probably time to actually read it. But the copy I have is at home, because I didn‘t think to bring it with me (I wasn‘t anticipating being able to finish “Hester”), but luckily, our large print version is here. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #olgadiesdreaming #xochitlgonzalez

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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The characters are not very likable but in this case, that is fine. The author tells with no uncertain terms the historical injustices committed to Puerto Rico from colonialism, lack of aid caused by devastating hurricanes, and racial oppression of brown and black people, to name a few. The siblings…

Jolynne The siblings have grown to be everything their activist/revolutionary mother despises, the reason she abandoned them, therein is the main plot and excellence of this story. 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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A must must read. Thoroughly enjoyed and felt like I was a bit smarter after I finished it. Worth the library wait period, every month of it!

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I wholeheartedly felt the Latinx pride pulsing through this novel and was inspired while reading to do more research on the history, politics, and challenges of Puerto Rico. I appreciated the commentary on topics like gentrification and colonization. However, I did feel like there was too much going on and it dragged at times.

I won this through Goodreads - thank you to Flatiron Books for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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This book started off great. You have Olga who is a party planner and runs a business. Then you have her brother Pieto who is in government in New York City. They were abandoned by there mom who is a radical fighting for the cause and their father who died of AIDS. The second half was less interesting and left me bored

Tonton On my tbr list but will read later rather than sooner! 2y
BookNightOwl @Tonton yeah I know some really loved it. To me a wanted more from the main character and not so much from the side character. 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I was never quite sure where this book was going, a good thing, I think.Olga runs a wedding planning business, in defiance of her mother's fierce political convictions (and ambitions for her children). Her brother is a congressman, but that's not good enough for their mother either. The book has the same tone as a novel about urban lives and relationships but is politically ambitious.

Photos from a beautiful National Garden Scheme garden 😍

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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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While this book has MANY five star reviews, it didn‘t quite live up to those expectations for me. I enjoyed bits of the story but I think the novel got bogged down in trying to cover too much and be too much. It‘s a political contemporary romance, domestic drama with a LOVELY sprinkling of Latin pride - I did love Olga‘s extended family but wasn‘t always a fan of the snarky dialogue- it felt forced. Hard to explain but I felt disconnected.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I‘ve been meaning to read this since @KarenUK reviewed it and now that @ncsufoxes just put it back on my #ReadersRadar I bumped it up my listening list 🎧♥️

KarenUK Hope you enjoy 💕😊 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Posting my July 2022 #bookspin bingo board, which I‘ve read my #bookspin book for the month (yeah). I loved this book, the story had so many layers to it. The book highlighted the continued misunderstanding of Puerto Rico as part of the US as well as the impact of Hurricane Maria. Olga is a strong & determined woman who is compounded by her past while trying to navigate the present. Definitely one of the best books I‘ve read this year.

ncsufoxes #booked2022 prompt: new in 2022 2y
Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read this!! Definitely moving it up my list 💜 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks great!!! 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Absolutely loved this novel, about a Puerto Rican woman in New York who works as a high-end wedding planner but seems to be having an existential crisis when her revolutionary activist mother resurfaces, all right before Hurricane Maria hits.

Sophronisba One of my favorite books of the year so far. 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I was really into this book and its cast of complex characters. It is snarky and well written. I also loved that it brought attention to Puerto Rico and hurricane Maria. I don't think there's enough awareness stateside. I know some of the political aspects I had to do more research on myself. I highly recommend. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

#JoysofJune #Readathon 4th book read


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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Book 3 for #BigJuneReadathon
(Please enjoy this photo of me 1/2 dead from exhaustion in a Denny‘s in San Juan in 2015)

I really enjoyed this. A very human, heartfelt &realistic story of how different political sides benefit and manipulate events, personal struggles impacting decisions for better or worse, &just trying to do your best in this crazy capitalist world. It‘s about identity, healing from trauma, making your own way. I loved Olga.

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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Pineapple Chili Marg w/Olga 🌶

Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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26th book for this year!

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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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I really loved this book. I loved the intersectional feminism, and I‘m always a sucker for a book ghat pulls in progressive politics. Not my first book that incorporates the gentrification of Brooklyn (Pride by Ibi Zoboi!) but this felt like a true testimony. It pulls from current events and activism, and the sacrifices/choices that are sometimes made. Definitely recommend!

#booked2022 #newin2022
#pop22 #Latinxauthor

Sophronisba I loved this one, too. 2y
alisiakae @Sophronisba except for the mother. Couldn't stand her, and kind of wanted to reach through the book and slap her. 2y
BarbaraBB Great review! 2y
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Cinfhen Nice review, lovely photo 😄 2y
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 2y
alisiakae @Cinfhen when I realized my flowers matched the cover, I had to include them in some way! 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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My family teases that they can always tell how I am feeling based on my mug choice. Which one do you think is today‘s pick? ☕️

Prairiegirl_reading Well my pick would be Bernie so I‘ll go with Bernie. (edited) 2y
alisiakae @Prairiegirl_reading it was definitely Bernie! 2y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I need that Bernie mug! 2y
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AmyG Definitely MOOD. Every day. 2y
5feet.of.fury Feeling the Bern ❤️ also I have had that book since Feb and I was so excited about it, and I have not made any time for it… 😩 2y
alisiakae @5feet.of.fury I really like it so far! 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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These are the 6 books I suggested for #CampTOB22. Two are on the list because I just checked out from the library. 😃


Cinfhen I‘m shocked how many books are new to me!! I‘m LOVING all these #CampSuggestions22 2y
alisiakae @Cinfhen took me a while to come up this list! This year‘s releases have my been on my radar as much as catching up with my TBR! 2y
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vivastory Great choices! I almost selected the Ali Smith 2y
BarbaraBB Great choices! I wouldn‘t mind a bit reading these! 2y
sarahbarnes Yes, the new Ali Smith! 2y
Ruthiella I considered the Yanahigara but have a strong suspicion I will end up on the 2023 long/shortlist instead. Yours is the 3rd vote for 2y
rmaclean4 So looking forward to The Dance Tree and the new Ali Smith! 2y
Teresereading I want to read DancingTree 2y
BkClubCare Woot!! Olga Dies Dreaming YES 2y
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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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“Mabel, what if I don‘t deserve to be happy?”
“Olga,” Mabel whispered in her ear, “unless you kicked a puppy or have a body buried someplace that I don‘t know about, you deserve to be fucking happy. Okay?”

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Olga Dies Dreaming | Xochitl Gonzalez
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April 2022 Wrapup:
-19 Books
-5 ARCs
-5⭐️ Reads:
💌The Sentence
💌The Shore
💌I Kissed Shara Wheeler

rachelm Tagged book was another favorite! 2y
rachelm Lol realizing Vlad wasn‘t included in my counts? I‘ve been very spacey this month! Make that 20 😅 2y
Kenyazero Looks and sounds like a great reading month!I loved the pinhoe egg (and haven't thought about that book in a while). (edited) 2y
rachelm @Kenyazero I hadn‘t read the last few books in the series! I loved them in high school and had to pick them up when I thought about them again recently 2y
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