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To Night Owl, From Dogfish
To Night Owl, From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Goldberg Sloan, Holly
Told almost entirely through emails, this is the exuberant, funny story of two girls who try to get their gay fathers back together. It's a novel about the true meaning of family, written by two exceptional and beloved authors. Avery Bloom is anxious and academic and afraid of the water. Bett Devlin is brash and athletic and loves to surf. The only things they seem to have in common are their age twelve and the fact that their dads have fallen in love with each other. Now their dads are sending them to the same sleepaway camp, against their will, so that they can become friends. But when the girls reluctantly grow to like each other and start looking forward to becoming a family, their dads fall out of love. Can Avery and Bett figure out a way to bring their fathers back together now that they can't imagine a life without a stepsister?
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Holly Goldberg Sloan
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#LetterN #AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This is a middle grade I read this summer that tackles some serious issues but is fun, too. It is also unexpectedly twisty!

Cinfhen I‘ve heard good things about this book 🎉😊💖 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻📚 2y
LeslieO I loved this one!❤️ 2y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Awesome find at the Little Free Library on this mornings walk.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛📚💙 2y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Sometimes you need a quick read to get back on track. And this one was sweet and fun!

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I bought this book a couple weeks ago and it is perfect for my first #bbrc prompt. This book is told in emails and letters. This book reminded me a lot of The Parent Trap. Avery and Bett find out that their dads are dating and are going to send them to same summer camp while they take a trip to China. They don‘t like each other until the meet at the camp. But when a bunch of events happen and they find out their dads aren‘t together anymore 👇🏻

Lovesbooks87 👆🏻the girls were so excited that they were going to be sisters. So they work together to make a plan to get their dads back together. #bbrc middle grade epistolary novel 3y
Tamra This sounds like something fun for my daughter! 3y
Lovesbooks87 @Tamra it was a fun read. I really enjoyed it! 3y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Ok, this was a fun full cast MG audiobook. Two girls‘ dads start dating, and encourage the girls to become friends. They are reluctant at first, but end up bonding in a big way. Loved it!

#LittenListen #Audioathon

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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#curiouscovers prompt- bird

This is on my potential TBR for #LittenListen this month. I‘ve been wanting to listen to it for quite a while. #audioathon

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🐦📚 3y
Eggs Love this author 🧡🦜🧡 3y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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1. A Week in Winter & We Keep the Dead Close
2. Either/or. Or ebook. I‘ll read them all.
3. To Night Owl from Dogfish

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I‘ve read this already but it was at an irresistible price so I bought it 😂 two girls reluctantly bond when their Dads become a couple... by the time they‘ve gotten used to the idea, the Dads have split and that‘s when the idea to stage a parent trap comes in... what could go wrong? Literally everything. Loved this!

mandarchy I love this book. I think it's one of the funniest I've read. 🤣 4y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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2020 Reading challenge #3: 5 YA/middle grade.
#readingchallenge #bookgoals

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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September has been a busy month, but I fit in some great reading as well.

#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats

LitStephanie Very impressive! 4y
Daisey @LitStephanie Thanks! It was more than I expected to complete this month. 4y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan

Such a cute, funny, bittersweet middle grade book 🤪 Read as part of the #buzzwordathon 5/5

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I really enjoyed this story told through emails and letters. Bett & Avery live on opposite sides of the U.S. and do not want to be forced to get to know each other at camp just because their dads are in a relationship. Yet their friendship develops through writing to each other. It touched on some serious topics but also made me laugh out loud several times. I also really enjoyed the ending.

#MiddleGrade #epistolary #TRS2020

LibrarianRyan That‘s a different cover. I like it I think. 4y
Daisey @LibrarianRyan I like this one better than the other one I‘ve seen, and I think it will make for an easier student sell. 4y
LibrarianRyan @Daisey yes, I can see kids being more interested in it. But part of me thinks it might be a hard sell for most boys. But maybe not. 4y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This was so cute. I really enjoyed this one. It was almost a modern take on The Parent Trap in some ways with the summer call and two different parents and newfound friendship. It was a bit annoying to listen to in parts because of the epistolary styled, but other than that, I really thought this was fun!

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I loved this one! The audio was fun and I always enjoy a film cast. The letters between Bett and Avery had me laughing out loud at times. The ending caught me by surprise but it was a good surprise.

LibrarianRyan This book was sooooo good 4y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Two single fathers, both with 12-year-old daughters, meet at a convention and start a bi-costal romance. The dads scheme to get their girls to the same summer camp.

In a series of emails before camp, the girls agree they won‘t be friends. Obviously.

This is a story of the plans you make and how the unexpected results shape your life. And love. That too.

4.5⭐️ to this epistolary MG novel

Crazeedi Good morning!!💖 have a good day! 5y
Megabooks @Crazeedi thanks!! 💙😘 I‘ve been up all night with a cramp in my back and abdominal wall muscles that is not responding to vibration, heat, oral pain meds, muscle relaxers or voltaren gel. Do you have any suggestions?? Is there anything I forgot?? I‘ve been productive at least...I got this finished, am halfway through Anna K and nearly done with this audiobook 5y
Megabooks @Crazeedi I hope you had a good night‘s sleep!! Sorry for kind of rushing you with my comment. I‘ve been up alone and trying everything to calm it down!! 5y
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Crazeedi @Megabooks I've been awake since 4, so no worries. Sounds like you tried everything I can think of, besides a massage. But you cant massage yourself! You did do the vibration. Is is intestinal? Maybe Miralax if it is? I'm so sorry you're hurting, wish I could come comfort you❤ 5y
Megabooks @Crazeedi I tried to get my dad to massage my back before bed, but I couldn‘t make him understand what I needed. He put the voltaren on, which was nice. I think it‘s actual skeletal muscles that are cramping and not my internal ones. I think it‘s the weird position I took a nap in yesterday. I just can‘t sleep on my left side anymore. ☹️ thank you so much for understanding. 💙💙 I wish you didn‘t so well. 5y
Panic70 Sorry you had a long night. 😩 You might try electrolytes. Usually more than what is in Gatorade. Low magnesium can cause muscle cramps, as can low sodium or potassium. An epsom salt bath or magnesium spray is what I would suggest first. And then maybe pickle juice for the sodium. You can overdose on potassium so I suggest potassium rich foods like bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, or oranges. Possibly chocolate (magnesium) 😁 Hope you feel better. (edited) 5y
Crazeedi @Megabooks just thought of something, my husband uses homeopathic remedy for muscle cramps , hylands brand, called leg cramps, but it might work for any muscle cramps? He swears by it. 5y
Crazeedi @Megabooks and what @Panic70 says too 5y
Crazeedi @Megabooks and I hear you, my last hip replacement isnt right, cant sleep on left side, leg goes numb, and hip is clicking. Have to get appt. It gets discouraging. Along with trying adjust for back pain, ets, it's a struggle. I hope you get some rest. Hugs 5y
Megabooks @Panic70 thanks!! I always wonder if my muscle pain, which I‘m beginning to believe is neuralgia, is due to dehydration, etc., so I drink a 12 oz Gatorade a day. I‘m about to get A BUNCH of bloodwork run, so hopefully any persistent deficiencies will pop up. I‘ve had them before because of my celiac disease. 5y
Megabooks @Crazeedi thanks friend!! I‘ll look for the hylands. 💜💜 take care!! 5y
Panic70 @Megabooks. Wishing you luck! I‘m the caregiver for my husband and he has daily pain. He‘s had so many unsuccessful injections. Nerve blocks mostly. He recently had to discontinue lyrica due to it made him dizzy and he was falling. There‘s never been a clear answer for the pain other than bad discs. Pain management has helped though and they‘re always trying something new. He has a thermazone hot/cold water device that helps. 5y
Megabooks @Panic70 yikes!! Yes, nerve blocks can be dicey. I had my hyoid bone broken in a faulty nerve block when I was 17. I couldn‘t talk and was on a liquid diet for months. I made signs with common phrases. It was terrible. You and your husband have my sympathy and empathy as a fellow chronic pain patient. 💞💞💞 (For me, a car accident then fall down flight of marble stairs.) 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I‘ve had a headache today and needed something cute and fun. This fits!

AlaMich But the itty bitty ones have no calories. Didn‘t you know that? 😆😔 5y
CoverToCoverGirl @AlaMich Wow! Itty bitty one‘s here I come! 😂 5y
DGRachel I hope the headache goes away quickly! 5y
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Megabooks @AlaMich @CoverToCoverGirl Oooo! Good to know! Nom nom. 😂😂😎😎🤫 5y
Megabooks @DGRachel it‘s better than it was this afternoon. Nap helped. Thank you! 💕💕 5y
peaKnit Sorry about your headache. I call those little candy bars the “no fun size”. 5y
Megabooks @peaknit nice!! 😂😂 thank you 🤗🤗 5y
Eggs Love this! Sorry about your pain-hope tomorrow is better, my friend 💕 5y
Megabooks @Eggs thank you! 💙 it‘s a cute book! 5y
Panic70 Hope you feel better. Sounds like a cute book! 5y
sudi Hope you feel better ❤. But i disagree with the author, snickers minis are so much better than the regular snickers. 5y
Megabooks @Panic70 thanks!! 🤗😊 it is cute! 5y
Megabooks @sudi I am not a fan of snickers, but I will take your word for it. 😉😁😁 thanks! 😊 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Book 8 of 2020 #ToNightOwlFromDogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer - This book is so sweet and charming - and a little bittersweet - but so good! Bett and Avery are thrown together at camp when their newly-in-love dads head to China. They are supposed to bond so their new family can be formed. Part Parent Trap, part adventure, part caper... I cannot wait to share this with my students! Love this one - highly recommend!5 ⭐️

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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So I wrote a blog post about my favourite reads of 2019. I somehow whittled this list of 24 down to 5. Can you guess which made it? Might need to go over there to see. https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2019/12/21/best-books-2019/ uhm, spoiler I don‘t talk much about them, just about that they represent. Anyhoo, already reading 2020 books, so I might be calling it on 2019. #neversaynever

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Second to last book in the Modern Mrs Darcy Summer Reading Guide (yes, I am little behind). This was ok, middle grade boos are not my thing, but it was alright.

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Today‘s library haul. I‘m on maternity leave from my library so I actually visited our local library (my childhood library 🥰)!
My friend described the tagged book as similar to The Parent Trap (which I convinced my 4 year old to watch with me; both versions; thanks Disney+!) so I‘m excited to read it!

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Posting a book that gave me all the emotions @ljuliel

Read this one earlier this year for #lmpbc and I felt all the things! Happy, sad, and everything in between. Written for middle graders, it‘s an epistolary novel that follows the friendship developing between two girls whose gay dads start dating and decide to send them to summer camp together. I laughed and I cried so hard... it is undoubtedly a must read for all ages. ❤️😭😍

ljuliel That sounds like such a neat idea for a book. I‘m glad you enjoyed it so much. 5y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh...!! I need a diverse MiddleGrade for Booked. Would this work do you think? 5y
Bookzombie This sounds so good. Stacked! 5y
MeganAnn @GlassAsDiamonds I think this could work for that prompt. Another one for that prompt my son and I read together and really enjoyed was 5y
LibrarianRyan @GlassAsDiamonds Very much so. It also works for #SAGAapproved, and if you have a child who has to read a novel of letters then this does it (I can not spell that word today so I didn't even try.) 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I absolutely loved To Night Owl from Dogfish, an epistolary, middle-grade novel from Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer. Told entirely through emails and letters, the book is about the friendship between Averly and Bett. When their fathers' romance culminates in a plot to make the girls friends by sending them to the CIGI camp for the summer. (continued in comments)

UnabridgedPod When the girls uncover the plot, a flurry of emails begin, and the girls team up in an attempt to defy their fathers' plans. The unexpected, of course, ensues. Sloan and Wolitzer broaden the girls' correspondence with accents from their dads, Bett's grandma Gaga, Avery's biological mother, and a sprinkling of other characters. ⬇️ 5y
UnabridgedPod We come to understand Avery's anxiety, Bett's commitment to adventure, and the ways that relationships can rise and fall. Gorgeous, resonant, and emotional novel. 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I loved this middle grade summer camp novel, told in emails and letters between two very different girls. Avery and Bett are thrown together when their dads, who are dating, send them off (unwillingly) to the same camp. Other voices chime in throughout the novel, and the full cast recording was fantastic. It‘s a sweet update on a Parent Trap-type story, and I was rooting for everyone to find their happy ending.

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This last book from our #lmpbc group was also sent out. While I loved all four books the group chose, this one was hands down my absolute favorite! The story is told through emails and letters, mostly between Avery and Bett with a few from the grown-ups in their lives. I laughed, I cried, I finished it in less than 24 hours as I literally could not put it down (thank goodness it was a weekend so I could shirk all other duties to read this). ❤️😆😭

WanderingBookaneer Yay! I‘m glad you liked it! 5y
Peddler410 This is one of my huggable titles! (edited) 5y
LibrarianRyan I agree the best title so far. I am getting your sent soon. 5y
MeganAnn @Peddler410 huggable is a perfect way to describe this one! 😍 5y
MeganAnn @WanderingBookaneer @LibrarianRyan they were all great books, but this one took me by surprise with how much I loved it. 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Funny and short and complicated and unlikely but wonderful.

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This is such a cute read! I love it. When I was a kid I always wanted to go to a sleep away camp and never got the chance, so I have to live vicariously through books and movies. Haha

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I do like an epistolary novel.

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This was an impulse grab from the library because of Meg Wolitzer ( I loved The Interestings) and it‘s epistolary and the 2 letter writers are going/at camp so a perfect summer read. It is such a great book. The girls are perfect, smart, flawed, funny. There are events you see coming and you just want to close your eyes but others that you don‘t and leave you stunned. I cried at the end. How‘s that for a Young Reader ❤️

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Working on my charcuterie game to fuel my reading on hot summer nights

Aimeesue Mmmmmmmmmm! 5y
AmyG That looks amazing 5y
Tamra Nice!! 5y
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mcctrish @Aimeesue @AmyG @Tamra I‘ve been following a company on Instagram that makes AMAZING and huge charcuterie platters and it has totally inspired me 5y
Tamra @mcctrish my favorite kind of eating! 5y
mom2bugnbee What is the Insta handle, please? I would love to follow! 5y
sprainedbrain Oh yummmmm 😋 5y
mcctrish @mom2bugnbee it‘s called The Grazing Ace ( thegrazingace) and it‘s in my city and drool worthy 5y
mcctrish @sprainedbrain yes and perfect for hot weather when all you want to do is read 5y
sprainedbrain @mcctrish I‘m going shopping to make myself a plate! 5y
mcctrish @sprainedbrain great idea 5y
mom2bugnbee @mcctrish Thank you! 😋 5y
saresmoore Oh, yes, please. 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I‘ve got 2 boys working away at summer camp so I have to read this ( and I love summer cuz I just grab one book after another ) #summerreadingrocks

Suet624 💕💕💕 5y
mcctrish All the love right here @Suet624 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I absolutely adored this story 🥰 Total Parent Trap vibes, but in the best possible way. A great summer read!

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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My next read! 🌙 🦉🐶 🐠

LibrarianRyan this was sooooooo good 5y
Alfrazier21 I‘m only a few pages in, but really liking it so far!! 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I was tagged by @MicheleinPhilly to do my #top6reads of the year so far. I‘m tagging a few Littens below. Show me yours! @DGRachel @DannyHattan @CouronneDhiver

suvata Great picks 5y
Cinfhen I really need to get to this book 👉🏾I‘m pretty sure I‘m gonna love it!!! Thanks for sharing your list 💕 5y
MicheleinPhilly I didn‘t even know the tagged book existed and I love Meg Wolitzer! #stacked 5y
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Ashley_Nicoletto @Cinfhen It‘s such a powerful read. Definitely worth the time and brain space. 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto @MicheleinPhilly I adored it. It‘s SO cute and has the best cast of characters. 5y
Cinfhen Checking book depository xx 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I did not expect to love this as much as I did. I thought it was a great modern take on The Parent Trap. I almost wouldn‘t recommend the audio because for the first two hours, the characters respond to the same e-mail chain and if I have to hear the phrase re re re re re: You don‘t know me again, I might lose it. But besides that, the cast for the audiobook did a great job and really brought the characters to life. #diversemiddlegrade #booked2019

Cinfhen Fabulous review!!! And the idea of a modern day ParentTrap is very intriguing 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This is the one challenge I never finish. But I attempt to make myself read outside of my comfort zone.

#readharder #Checkin

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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This is like a modern-day Parent Trap but rather than getting the parents together, the girls are trying to keep the parents apart.

Alex100 Hello how you doing I just went through your page and you have a pretty interesting point of view so I was wondering if we could be friends 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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First pool day of the summer here in dc for me. I got some great reading done. Including this cute middle grade about found families.

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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@Readergrrl I am so sorry. I thought I sent this out WEEKS ago. I found it in the car last night.

I will get it sent out today.


Readergrrl No problemo!!! I still have to get mine out too! End of school year chaos is doing nothing for my reading obligations!!! 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I love Meg Wolitzer, so I was psyched to read this middle-grade, epistolary novel co-written by her & Holly Sloan. A few pages in, I became worried that the authors captured the authentic voices of two 12-year-old girls TOO WELL. I was a little annoyed by them, tbh. But soon enough I was charmed by Bet, Avery & their assorted cast of grown-ups. Each character has so much heart, & they work so hard both to protect their hearts & open them up. 👇🏻

monalyisha 1/1: I think the narrative captures the utter normalcy & specific challenges of growing up with gay parents/single parents. Wolitzer & Goldberg-Sloan explore issues such as: racism, classism, homophobia, & menstruation in a completely age-appropriate way. The tone is serious when it needs to be, & so quirky & funny when it doesn‘t. I‘ll be recommending this to the 5th & 6th grade students/patrons at my library, for sure. (edited) 5y
monalyisha @wanderinglynn This is book 3/4 for the #bookfitnesschallenge! 5y
guinsgirlreads Awesome job on your book goal!! 5y
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BethM Killing your book goal! 5y
wanderinglynn You‘re killing your book goal! You may have to up it a bit! 🙌🏻 5y
monalyisha @wanderinglynn I was thinking that. But I also start an intensive Summer class tomorrow. So maybe not. We shall see! 5y
VanChocStrawberry Ohhhh...I‘m gonna have to check this one out. Go you! Book goals 👏👏 5y
Chrissyreadit 👏👏👏 5y
Clwojick This book looks adorable! 💜💚💗 5y
dariazeoli Way to go with your book goal! 5y
Caterina You have me convinced, this is on my TBR now! You're doing fantastic with your book goal! I hope with your summer intensive you still find time to read, but I think you'll definitely be able to reach your book goal either way! 💕 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Without the lure of coffee, I might never be coaxed out of bed...

Tamra I as just thinking the same thing, but with tea. 🙂 Plus it got chilly overnight so I‘m even more tempted to remain. 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto That book was amazingggg. It kept me in bed reading much longer than I should have been a few mornings. 5y
monalyisha @Tamra Ditto! But the chill breeze felt kinda nice while snuggled under lots of blankets... I got up finally. I mean, I‘m on the couch. 😅 So, sort-of. 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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I am so glad I picked this upon a whim the other day! I absolutely loved Bett and Avery as they learned to deal with the possibility of their families merging. The epistolary format was a lot of fun - it‘s been awhile since I‘ve read anything like that.

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Every single month, I think I have a really nice TBR set up. Then my Junior Library Guild box shows up... I want to read them all! To Night Owl from Dogfish is definitely going on the list - in fact, I might start it tonight.
#librarianproblems #schoollibraries #litsyloveslibraries #librariansoflitsy

Sara_Planz Loved To Night Owl from Dogfish!!! 5y
LibrarianRyan Start it tonight. You‘ll finish it quickly 5y
Johanna414 @LibrarianRyan ended up spending all evening in urgent care with the baby after her big brother sprayed a cleaning solution in her face... she‘s good, just some badly irritated eyes. But I think I‘ll still have time to start it once they‘re both asleep 5y
LibrarianRyan @Johanna414 ohhhhhh nooooo. I‘m glad she is okay. Here is hoping for a peaceful evening. 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan

This book is a collection of letters between two girls who never want to meet. Once you start this book, you will have a hard time putting it down. I am thankful to my friend who said, hey all, let's read this. It will now go on my always recommend pile.

Full Review on GR and LT

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan

Holly Goldberg Sloan and Meg Wolitzer‘s middle grade humorous contemporary novel (for children aged 9+) is an LGBTQ+ friendly take on THE PARENT TRAP. I very much enjoyed the epistolary format as the girls exchange emails and try to come up with a plan to fix their problem and while some of the plot twists are obvious, others come out from left field so that you‘re left with a charming, funny read with good diversity.

To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Crepes Suzette and a hilarious #middlegrade read 💛

ElishaLovesBooks Loved this book! 5y
saresmoore I‘m reading this via audio right now and loving it! 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Delightful middle grade novel #readharder #blameitonlitsy

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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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All right, April

Lcsmcat Lovely! 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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“You don‘t know me, but I‘m writing you anyway.”

When Bett Devlin reaches out to Avery Allenberry Bloom to explain that their dads are in love - she has no desire to be friends. Definitely not sisters.

And this starts the most diverse, gorgeous, laugh out loud middle grade novel I‘ve ever read.

Using this one for #booked2019 #diversemiddlegrade

If you‘re think about reading this - what are you waiting for?

All the stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cinfhen @LibrarianRyan just reviewed this one too!! Sounds great 😄 5y
Cinfhen @Lmstraubie you might be interested in this book!! And you too @4thhouseontheleft 5y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen Thank you! It's on my (neverending) TBR list. So many books! So little time 😔 5y
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To Night Owl From Dogfish | Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan
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Perfect. Wonderful. Catch my full review on GR and LT. I‘ll say no more here since it‘s #lmpbc selection for the middle grade group.

@WanderingBookaneer not in one sitting but in 24 hours. I‘ll get it in the mail late this week or weekend. @Readergrrl @MeganAnn

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