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First Comes Like
First Comes Like: A Novel | Alisha Rai
36 posts | 31 read | 16 to read
The author of The Right Swipe and Girl Gone Viral returns with a story about finding love in all the wrong inboxes... Beauty expert and influencer Jia Ahmed has her eye on the prize: conquering the internet today, the entire makeup industry tomorrow, and finally, finally proving herself to her big opinionated family. She has little time for love, and even less time for the men in her private messagesuntil the day a certain international superstar slides into her DMs, and she falls hard and fast. Theres just one wrinkle: he has no idea who she is. The son of a powerful Bollywood family, soap opera star Dev Dixit is used to drama, but a strange woman who accuses him of wooing her online, well, thats a new one. As much as hed like to focus on his Hollywood fresh start, he cant get Jia out of his head. Especially once he starts to suspect who might have used his famous name to catfish her When paparazzi blast their private business into the public eye, Dev is happy to engage in some friendly fake dating to calm the gossips and to dazzle her family. But as the whole world swoons over their relationship, Jia cant help but wonder: Can an online romance-turned-offline-fauxmance ever become love in real life?
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“Ain‘t no man in the world who is impossible to recover from. You only need the right support to do it.”

Wish I‘d heard this when I was younger. 😂

Bookwomble ❤️‍🩹 2mo
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I took this picture of Lorelei when she was giving herself a bath. She stopped and gave me this look 😂 #CatsOfLitsy

I'm enjoying this audiobook so far!

Jari-chan 😸😸😸 2mo
Tamra 🤣 2mo
dabbe #lovelylorelei 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Finally finishing a series instead of starting one. 🤣

#SeriesLove24 @Andrew65 @TheSpineview


TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
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A solid slow burn romance.


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Cute and sweet - but I think I am too bitter to love Jia and her young heart, Dev is a cutie though. Love the friends. Don't love that the lack of Rai level heat...

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New audiobook. Such a cute cover. 💕

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Jia Ahmed falls hard for Bollywood actor Dev Dixit after he slides into her DMs. Only problem: someone else was texting her from his account. All comes to light when they finally meet, but life keeps throwing them together (paparazzi, meddling family, etc.) as Jia tries to move on from the embarrassment of getting catfished. This is a great representation of conservative dating culture within American society.

Feb #doublespin! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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1. Halfway through the tagged book (on audio). Hoping to get into Ace of Spades today.

2. Black Girls Must Die Exhausted by Jayne Allen

3. The 1619 Project (I‘ve technically started it but didn‘t finish before the due date)



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2.5 ⭐️

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My aunt lent me her adjustable dress form! I got it set up while I finished FIRST COMES LIKE, which emerged as my favourite Alisha Rai to date. #audiosewing (sort of)

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My neighbour let me harvest a bunch of stuff from his garden! I came away with tons of chilis, chard, cherry tomatoes, assorted peppers, and two cucumbers. Then I dealt with it all while I whipped on through this book, which is great so far.

tpixie Awesomeness! Beautiful 🤩 3y
xicanti @tpixie right? They‘re so pretty in a pile! 3y
tpixie @xicanti yes!!! 🌶 3y
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So this has too much drama for me. Which I shouldn‘t be surprised abide because it has a Bollywood acting dynasty at the centre and too much drama is usually my issue with Alisha Rai, but every time I forget that! So, a not really for me but I know other people will eat it up with a spoon!

annahenke I loved this but it‘s definitely a particular taste 3y
Verity @annahenke I think I‘m generally a lower angst person. Also some of the angst could have been resolved with a sensible conversation, which always bugs me. 3y
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Latest romance read!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Fake dating & a Muslim protagonist? I‘m in! I liked how Jia‘s faith was treated as a facet of her character, and while it did influence many of her decisions, it wasn‘t all she was. Characters of faith are rare in mainstream romance, & I thought this was done well & shows another type of “modern love” than we‘re used to seeing. The cultural & family dynamics were also portrayed well, even if, to an outsider, they seemed very frustrating.

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Jia Ahmed knew how to make herself look good.



This is one of the audio books I listened to while I was recovering from my eye surgery. As far as the narration is concerned, I found it lacking. While the voice actor that plays Dev is pretty terrific, Saira Ayers, who plays Jia, needs to work on her craft. I really didn't appreciate her wooden narration. 😐 Aside from that, it's an ok story. Not impressed enough to read the previous books in the series though.

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So very true!

📸bookeheart321 IG

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This is so accurate. It's always smooth sailing after the half way point. Ha ha. 3y
Erinsuereads This is exactly how the hobbit was for me 3y
Smarkies Sometimes it is the other way around.... And then I wonder if I should be completing it. 😂 3y
Sharpeipup @Smarkies as soon as I posted it, I had that very same thought. 🤣😂 3y
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Self care Saturday: bath & a book.

Reagan That claw foot tub 😍 3y
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Starting a new book while the youngster works on handwriting.

annahenke I loved this series by Rai! Did you read this first two as well? 3y
brandierickson @annahenke yes and I loved them!! 3y
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I was disappointed. I really loved the first two books in this series. And this book really had me for the first half. And then it just fell flat. The tension building ended up with no chemistry between the main characters. I was disappointed.

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It‘s my favorite trope! Fake relationship!! 😍😍😍

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Current reads! Excited to have 2 books I‘ve been looking forward to gang are so very different.

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So I'm on a book judging committee for the year and my reading has EXPLODED. It's pretty fun, but hopefully I can keep up with reviews here!

First up, this adorable romantic comedy with a Muslim beauty influencer and her Bollywood-star love interest. I looooooved that this focused more on the heart-fluttery feelings rather than the sexual chemistry. I felt the swoons hard.

#litsyatoz @BookishMarginalia

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This was the perfect book to listen to today as I felt awful with side effects from my second COVID shot! I really enjoyed Jia and Dev story!

marleed Oh nooo! I hope that means you have a super immune system! My 2nd Pfizer is Monday morning, I‘m trying to over hydrate this weekend - just in case. 3y
Lovesbooks87 @marleed I made sure to hydrate really good all week and a lot yesterday. I was fine until about the 14 hour mark. Then I had cold chills, was nauseous, body aches, felt really hot, my back hurt, had a headache. My fever also spiked to 101. That‘s when I finally took some meds. The doctor told me not to let it get above 101 if I could help it. No fever now just tired, feel off and still hot. Was a rough 6-7 hours. (edited) 3y
Elizabeth2 @Lovesbooks87 I‘m sorry you felt so ill. Hoping you are feeling back to yourself very soon. 3y
Lovesbooks87 @Elizabeth2 I am feel a better than I was. Just kept telling myself while I was feeling awful that it was a good thing because my body was making those antibodies! 3y
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Second dose is in the books! Now just to see what side effects I get! 😬

Elizabeth2 I‘ve heard that if you stay super hydrated the side effects are less! Good luck! I‘m in MD too. I got my first shot this week (and I didn‘t get a cool sticker). 😉 3y
Lovesbooks87 @Elizabeth2 I have drank so much water today because I heard the same thing. I did the last time too and was just tired and a really sore arm. I didn‘t get a cool sticker first time either. But I was glad I did this time! 3y
Elizabeth2 @Lovesbooks87 maybe I‘ll get one when I go for shot two. 😆 I had a really sore arm, too. It felt better today. I was super tired yesterday and today. Not sure if that‘s related or if it‘s just normal end of the week fatigue. Here‘s hoping being hydrated is the trick for that second dose. I‘ll keep my fingers crossed for you! 3y
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ChasingOm I would suggest moving your arm around a lot — circles, funky chicken, etc. I had a super sore arm the first time but then I made sure to move it the second one and didn‘t have as much soreness. 3y
Lovesbooks87 @ChasingOm thanks you the tip. I also got it on the arm I sleep on so I don‘t know if that‘s why it was sore too! 3y
TheBookAddict 🙂👍🏽 woohoo! I got my 2nd vaccine yesterday, but I didn‘t get a cool sticker. 😔 Illinois isn‘t as awesome as Maryland I guess...actually, I don‘t guess. Illinois is one of the worst states. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ 3y
marleed Congrats! I get my second Pfizer on Monday - I sure hope I get a cool sticker too! 3y
umbrellagirl Hope it isn‘t too bad! I‘m getting my first tomorrow and I‘m far too excited! 3y
Lovesbooks87 @umbrellagirl like I keep telling myself a day being sick is better than 14 days of COVID and all the other serious issues that come along with it. I was way to excited about getting my second shot so I could get a sticker. Can tell I work with two year olds! 🤣 Yay for your first shot! 3y
Lovesbooks87 @marleed yay! Hope you get a cool sticker too! (edited) 3y
Gaylagal2 I received the Johnson and Johnson 10 days ago. I did have covid-19 and got very ill with it. I personally had a reaction - but I expected to. The reaction was high fever(104), chills, muscle soreness and headache. All resolved in about a day. I do not regret it and would do it again tomorrow!🤙 It can literally save a life ❤️🤓 3y
bridge12 I just got my second shot today as well, so have set up an entire stack of books by my bed with no plans. Hope your side effects are bearable! 3y
Lauram I felt ill the day after my second dose for a few hours. Chills went away after eating tacos. As with most things in my life, I feel better after I eat. 3y
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I absolutely loved this! A Bollywood dynasty, a heartthrob soap actor, and our favorite Instagram influencer make for an entertaining story. It's light-hearted but with heart, focusing on the third friend in this series, Jia, who would just like her family to take her seriously.


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This was so much fun! A social media queen, a Bollywood hero and some cat fishing made for a fabulous fake dating romance book by Alisha Rai. She makes her characters so real and even when they make me mad I still love them.

ScientistSam Currently reading and I'm loving it! 3y
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Apparently contemporary romance (previously Honey Girl and Charming as a Verb) are the fiction audiobooks my brain can handle right now. Though, I don‘t know if I‘ll get through this one as quickly as I went through Honey Girl (not from any judgement or enjoyment issue, I just moved through that one faster than I have in a while).

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My favorite of the Modern Love books.

I've been waiting for Jia's book since she and Ayesha were introduced in Wrong to Need You.

For more thoughts and a giveaway (ends February 19, 2021), visit my Instagram account https://www.inatagram.com/sarahs.thoughts.on.books

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Thought the relationship between Dev and Jia was well done. I enjoyed the cultural aspects as well as the story.

#DoubleSpin #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Camping and I are not friends. I like a cozy bed and a roof over my head.

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Really enjoying this one so far. #FirstLineFridays

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The newest Alisha Rai novel is a slow burn romance between Jia and Dev with some of the best romance tropes: fake dating and only one hotel room. Throw in families forgiving each other for past hurts, and this book was basically made for me. I cried happy tears multiple times while reading. It was a truly wonderful book, and I'm very hopeful we'll get a book about Jia's twin Ayesha in the future.


CoffeeK8 I‘m super excited for this one! 4y
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Come look at this Muslim woman in a hijab on the cover of this romance novel! Beauty blogger Jia hypes herself up to talk to handsome Bollywood star Dix. She thinks she knows him because he's been sliding into her Insta DMs. But when she goes over, he claims to not know her. Our girl was catfished! Dix wants to make it up to her and Jia let's him. These 2 don't get physical til the end, and they showed faith and thirst in a very respectful way.

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Beyond excited to start listening to this one tonight! I absolutely loved The Right Swipe and Girl Gone Viral. Ready to see Jia‘s book! 💜 #AlishaRai #FirstComesLike #Romance