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All Adults Here
All Adults Here | Emma Straub
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In order - # 85: All Adults Here by Emma Straub
# 74: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin
And # 41: All Good People Here by Ashley Flowers

My September #roll100 list awaits!!

PuddleJumper Looks good! 1mo
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This book didn‘t grab me the way I thought it would. It is well written, with good character development, and does an excellent job of exploring the themes of family dynamics, sibling rivalry and parenting styles. The family relationships are depicted realistically, and there is plenty of food for thought and discussion in the scenes depicted. But I just couldn‘t connect with any of the adult characters, ⬇️

julieclair and that left me feeling disconnected with the book. A good book, but maybe just not the right timing/season for me. #ReadOrDonate #ReadAway2024 #JumpStart2024 #ReadYourTBR #ISpy2024 #BookSpin 8mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 8mo
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This book is about a woman looking back over her life as she, her grown children, and grandchildren find their places in the world.

She realizes mistakes she made and owns them.

This hit home on several occasions for me.

I'm glad I took the time to listen to this story.

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My January choice for #ReadOrDonate is All Adults Here, which has been sitting on my shelf forever. Every time I see it, I think, “Ooohhh… I really want to read that!” Well, the time is now! 😀

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I‘ve been battling with vertigo this week so I‘m a bit late with my brackets for September. Although my FICTION reads weren‘t much to cheer about anyway. All of them were more “meh” than “yeah” so this one won by default. It‘s a multigenerational novel with complicated family dynamics, which I normally love. Maybe it was my mood, maybe it was the book. But it meandered too much and I‘ve already forgotten most of it. It likely won‘t move on.

dabbe I get vertigo, too! So sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better soon. 🧡🎃🧡 11mo
Amiable @dabbe Ugh, it‘s terrible! I hate it. I was virtually incapacitated all day Thursday and much of Friday. Hoping a visit with my vestibular therapist this week will help. 11mo
dabbe @Amiable I also can't stand the exercises I was given by my doctor, which bring about the vertigo in order to get the “crystals back in the ear where they belong“ (his words). I try to avoid doing anything to bring it on, and it eventually goes away in a few weeks. Sounds like yours is worse than mine. Sending hugs! 🤗🤗🤗 11mo
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Interesting & a quick read

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When autumn is knocking on the door and you‘re mentally preparing for winter in New England, you take advantage of every opportunity to stockpile as much Vitamin D and beach vibes as you can.

TrishB Looks beautiful ❤️ 12mo
AmyG Lovely view! 12mo
Amiable @TrishB @AmyG My husband is home on the couch watching football. It‘s a gorgeous day! I told him I needed to get outside because WINTER IS COMING. And not in a “Game of Thrones” way. 😖😀 12mo
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cariashley Gorgeous! Am in denial here in NY, dreading winter 😩 My husband is also inside on the couch watching football, what a waste! (edited) 12mo
dabbe @Amiable 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
Amiable @cariashley I actually don‘t mind winter, as long as I can get myself in the mindset and ready for it. I love having four seasons, which is why I live here. But if it starts snowing in October (which has happened!) then Mother Nature and I are going to have words. 😠 12mo
Tamra I am finding myself crabby for the same reason. I think last winter just felt interminable and I‘ve always lived in northern climes with harsh winters. 🤷🏾‍♀️ 12mo
Amiable @Tamra I‘ve lived in New England my whole life except for 4 years in Michigan when I was in grad school—and I have to say, the past few winters have been relatively mild (so to speak). We had almost no snow last year. And the winter before that was warmer than normal, too. I don‘t know if that means we‘re due for a real doozy of a winter this year. I just go into it expecting the worst and let my breath out in late April. 😀 12mo
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Ladies, I have had some health and life issues arise in the past few weeks, and I just don't feel like I can keep this commitment to continue in #LMPBC.
Therefore I need to back out. I am so sorry.
If you would like to keep the 4 book cycle, I am happy to receive books and ship them on at the appropriate time, but just don't feel like I will be able to commit the time to reading and commenting in them. I hope you all can understand.

sweetpealsd I absolutely understand.😊 14mo
5feet.of.fury I‘m sorry to hear that. Life happens though ❤️ happy to keep you in rotation if you feel like you may want to join back in, or if you feel like it would be too much I would be ok with doing 3 so you‘re not out the postage. Not sure where the others are at as far as sending books etc. 14mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I‘m so sorry to hear this, Christina. I am a little behind on life and am just mailing the book today, so I will just mail it to Brittany. I hope you feel better soon. ❤️ 14mo
cwarnier Sorry ladies😢 thanka for understanding. 14mo
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1. Water is so important during the hot summer months, but fun drink would be margaritas.
2. I am a big comfy chair kind of girl, so inside reader it is.
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 1y
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working on my #lmpbc book.

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This is just what I needed at the moment. An easy yet thought provoking read that I was eager to keep reading. Centres around the Strick family, in small town America. The matriarch, Astrid, kind of reminded me of Olive Ketteridge a bit. As did the whole book. Little secrets revealed a long the way kept me hooked. Nice read.

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This is my least favorite Straub. While I didn‘t bail this time, it didn‘t charm me either. It was all mess and not as fun as Modern Lovers.

Astrid is the widowed matriarch of a Hudson Valley clan and has fallen in love with a woman. Her three adult children‘s, businessman Elliott, former-actor Nicky, and goat-farmer Porter, reactions are as different as their jobs. Add on Porter‘s solo pregnancy and Nicky‘s daughter moving in with Astrid = mess!

Cinfhen I gave this a pick but I remember thinking it was #MoreMehThanYeah 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen 💯💯💯 2y
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I sort of enjoyed this book. It was one of those slice of life stories which was satisfying and boring at times. I was overjoyed by the bisexual/lesbian/trans representation in it. It made the story much more relevant and interesting. Even though I hated Elliot‘s character I loved he AND Porters character development. Just wish more happened in this book- the plot was dry.

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I ended up liking this book more than I thought I would but wouldn‘t recommend it to any of the readers in my life. January #Bookspin #Doublespin

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The ideas at the center of this book are not new or surprising: Families are complicated; Disappointing those we love, and being disappointed by them, is inevitable. But Straub‘s characters pulled me along and made me care about their complicated family, their litany of disappointments…made me care about them, even as they exchange boneheaded mistakes and clumsy apologies.

Honestly, a pretty fitting read for Thanksgiving weekend?

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This book was so much more than I expected it to be. I wanted something light and it did make me laugh. But, it‘s about decisions and regrets and things you wish, as a parent or a child, you‘d done better. It‘s about family and how you love them and how they annoy the hell out of you. It‘s about figuring out who you are and finding love and knowing that it‘s all gonna be OK. I was really touched by this book.

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I like the writing more than the story. ⭐ ⭐/5

Read my full review: http://www.fredasvoice.com/2021/09/all-adults-here-emma-straub-37.html


I enjoyed the family…..easy snd quick read. I read this book since part of my local book club otherwise I don‘t think I would have picked up.

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AkashaVampie Love the mug! 3y
Eggs 📚🥳🌟👏🏻 3y
AkashaVampie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ur welcome sweetie!!! how have u been? 3y
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I liked this family saga more than I thought I would. Straub somehow made the characters likable even as they messed up over and over.

BookishClaire She‘s really good at writing family dynamics. 3y
Bookwormjillk @BookishClaire yes, very realistic 3y
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This was a fun, easy novel to read. Some teenage drama, some middle age drama, and some old people drama. It shows how easily complicated family relationships can get, how easy it is to get stuck in the ‘what if everything was different‘ reveries, and even has some awesome gay and trans story lines and coming out triumphs.
“This was the job of a parent: to fuck up over and over again. This was the job of a child: to grow up anyway.”

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I liked this one! So refreshing to have an easy and somewhat relatable book. I enjoyed the dynamic between the family members. Their stories are complicated in a way that everyone's relationships to their family members are complicated. I'm at that age where I'm not so young anymore, and my kids are (pretty much) fully capable adults. I can see things from Astrid's point of view, as well as Porter's.
Engaging and entertaining.

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Such a great read. I couldn't put it down all weekend. It's a good reminder that we're all just doing our best at playing grown-up. And that we all fuck up. But grow anyways.

sarahlandis Wow you finished?! I‘m about a third of the way through and I‘m really enjoying it 3y
Dalaine @sarahlandis literally couldn't put it down - also was so sore yesterday and just stayed on my couch reading all day 😊 3y
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I had to recheck this book out 3 times so I had the time to finish it. One reason is because I‘ve been busy but also because while I didn‘t want to bail on it—I didn‘t immediately find it THAT interesting, just interesting enough. But about halfway through, I connected with the characters and all their flaws a little more and I‘m glad I finished it! It‘s ultimately relatable, with a diverse lot. Not a new love, but recommendable.

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I‘m down to reading only one book so decided to add my March #bookspin book, which was a swap gift from @Kappadeemom recently.


A good, well written look into a family and family relationships. Nice that it switched narrator perspectives every chapter within the family.

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I really wanted to like this book but I just couldn‘t connect with any of the characters. I‘m trying something new to me this year— not finishing a book if I‘m not totally into it. So, I will be moving along to some others on my TBR list! (📷 Snoqualmie River)

IamIamIam It's so freeing when you dump the guilt of not finishing every book!! Good luck on your bailing journey and I hope you find some gems in your TBR!!! 4y
Kristin_Reads @IamIamIam Thank you for the encouragement! 4y
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This just made me smile. I enjoyed spending time with 3 generations of the dysfunctional Strick family, warts and all. I think Straub always writes her characters with such great affection, with all their flaws and their mistakes, and it just makes me warm to them all the more. Yes, there‘s a ton of storylines to wrangle but for me it worked. And the Upstate NY small town setting gave me a Gilmore Girls updated vibe but with LBGTQ representation!

Cinfhen I read this one earlier last year... good call on the Gilmore Girls vibe 💚This book was good, but I had already FALLEN HARD for this family drama 4y
Erinreadsthebooks Love this book 😍 4y
KarenUK @Cinfhen I still need to read that one.... 👍 4y
Kalalalatja I still haven‘t read a Straub book, but I think I‘ll have to give her a try! 4y
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#audiopuzzling this morning 🧩.... this puzzle was a gift and I am in love with it! The packaging is beautiful and the Julia Heffernan illustration is 😍😉...
The book is a re-read for #irl book club (I read it in print last time....) I love the author Emma Straub so much. She writes characters that feel real, and in this novel, they are written with such affection and I‘m loving it. The narrator is great too 🎧💕

squirrelbrain I loved the book too (I read it in print as well). That puzzle is FAB-U-LOUS! 4y
Kalalalatja Love that puzzle! 4y
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I love Emma Straub and her latest did not disappoint. A grandmother in upstate New York sees her “rival” die, and then begins to reevaluate her relationships with her own adult children, each of whom has issues of their own.

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Second book I'm trying to read by Emma Straub and second one I'm bailing. I wanted to like this, but even though it's dealing with important issues, it's too fluffy and I can't connect to any of the characters.

Megabooks I bailed on this too. 4y
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All Adults Here | Emma Straub
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Donating blood and starting this audiobook. I recommend both 😋❤️

LiteraryinPA Good for you! Thanks for doing that. 4y
rachelm @LiteraryinLititz my dad used to have to get blood transfusions twice a week for a medical condition. Our family feels so indebted to many strangers for helping him get through that period. Least I can do—- seriously 4y
valeriegeary 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 4y
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Wow! Thanks so much @Meaw_catlady ! There are so many yummy new teas for me to try. Fall is the perfect time to try them! I‘m excited about the book and it is moving to the top of TBR as soon as I finish 1 I am currently reading! I love stickers/bookmarks & the bun warmer is beautiful! Is he local to your area? I love breads so it is perfect! And the necklace is so pretty! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! 💕 Cleo 🐶 helped me open it! 🧡

rsteve388 This is awesome!! 4y
katy4peas I‘m totally wearing my necklace today! 🙂 @Meaw_catlady 4y
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Bookgoil Amazing so cute! Love all the tea too! It‘s cold here so I‘ve been into hot drinks! 4y
Meaw_catlady Yay! I‘m so glad you love it all! The necklace is from a craft program I had at the library this summer. While virtually ahha we learned to wire wrap. And yes the bun warmer is from a local potter! He‘s pretty well known in southern Colorado! 4y
katy4peas @Meaw_catlady that‘s so cool. I work at a library too. ☺️ 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉📚👏🏻 4y
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Enjoyable. Modern characters. Satisfying from beg to end.

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I got 25% of the way through and this book did nothing to grab me at all. I think I‘m figuring out that this version of fiction—the attempt to throw a bunch of modern liberal agendas into one storyline and normalize them all at the same time—is definitely one of the reasons I‘m not a huge fan of contemporary fiction. This book is not engaging and is poorly written. Maybe I‘ll try to get through the rest of it again sometime. Probably not.




Enjoying this last summer days.

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A great take on complicated family relationships. Examining moments where we need to admit our parents are just people and how those relationships shape our adult lives. I appreciated the siblings having varying emotional distance from one another, but still demonstrating that uniquely loyal sibling relationship. First #bookspin book done @TheAromaofBooks

i.besteph Looks like an interesting read. Stacked :) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Anna40 Ever since reading an article about Emma Straub I've wanted to read one of her books and tried The Vacationers but it wasn't for me. She comes across as down to earth and smart! This one sounds good! I'll give it a try :) 4y
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Annie1215 @Anna40 I totally get that. I have some of her other books that I‘ve never gotten around to. I ordered this one as a pre-order from my favorite book store that she happens to own. Since I follow them pretty closely (and she‘s pretty vocal and involved in their social media, etc), in a weird way, I‘ve gotten a sense of her voice and I can tell how it shows up in this one. I‘ll be interested to get around to the others and see how they compare! 4y
Anna40 Oh great! Just the fact that she owns a book store is adorable 😁 See if I can get this one at the library ... 4y
Sargar114 Great review! Stacked! 4y
Anna40 Library hold - done. Waiting for it to be ready for pick up :) 4y
Nute Nice review! I have been on-the-fence about reading this book, but the statement that you made about admitting that our parents are just people has pulled an emotion out of me. I‘m going to the book store to get this book today. Thanks for helping me to decide in favor of it!🙂 4y
Annie1215 @Nute I hope you enjoy! 4y
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All Adults Here | Emma Straub
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I didn‘t fall in love with this one the way I did The Vacationers. It felt a bit two dimensional and the characters didn‘t feel completely fleshed out. That said, Straub has a way of describing the human condition in an authentic way. So many sentences had me nodding my head in agreement. #botm #bathandbook

Cinfhen Yup! It was ok but not memorable 4y
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In honor of #independentbookstoreday I thought I‘d share my favorites that I recommend everyone support and order from. These are just some of my favorites that I normally love to visit and continued to order from throughout NYC stay at home orders. Excuse the potentially illegible handwriting, but I knew I couldn‘t fit this in a blurb. What are some of your favorite independent bookstores to support?

Annie1215 P.s. if I get matched with you in one of the several October swaps I signed up for, odds are your books are from one of these stores. 4y
AllisonM89 Strand is my happy place ❤️ 4y
Annie1215 @AllisonM89 I went a few weeks ago and it was as empty as I‘ve ever seen it. It felt like my own personal dream bookstore 🥰 4y
AllisonM89 @Annie1215 i haven't been there since grad school, but i miss it. It's hard to get into the city with little ones at home.... 4y
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If she hadn‘t learned anything else, she had learned this—say it. Say it now, while you have the chance 🍂🐐🚸

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I enjoyed this book/audio but it‘s another #Fluffernutter
Tasty but lacks nourishment
Absolutely fine but not memorable or indecipherable from most other contemporary fiction novels set around multi generational family dramas.
Narration was 🙌🏻🎧
Three stars but still a pick, because I didn‘t roll my eyes and the writing was sharp.

Megabooks Earlier this summer I was talking about this book on IG with @britt_brooke and I kept on going on about the goats and decided I had unresolved goat trauma from my day at a goat farm when I got peed on twice in the first 5 minutes, had to stay in those coveralls all day in the summer in TN...yeah, not a goat fan! 4y
Megabooks So many indignities at that goat farm. And I was not weird about getting dirty most days, but I guess I just really hated that day. 4y
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TrishB Lol #fluffernutter love it. I call these junk food books, really ok whilst reading but not really memorable afterwards. 4y
BarbaraBB Great hashtags and review. I‘ll skip it! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Megabooks - I grew up around animals and with a lot of friends who lived on farms, but goats were always my nemesis. Something about their eyes! Poultry, cattle, hogs, horses, all fine - but goats....!!!!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Also, great review, Cindy!! 😂 Got sidetracked by goat angst! 4y
Megabooks @TheAromaofBooks I feel less alone in my #goattrauma!! 💜😂💜 (edited) 4y
Megabooks Right?!? Damn goat day...🤪🤪 4y
Kaylamburson Ohhh #fluffernutter is such a great hashtag and description for this! 4y
Cinfhen 😁 @Kaylamburson empty calories xx 4y
Reviewsbylola You encouraged me to pick this one up. I‘m only a few pages in so I‘m not sure how I feel about it yet. 4y
Cinfhen It‘s nothing great @Reviewsbylola but it‘s fine for a mindless read. 4y
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Enjoyable enough story, but I didn't really feel there was a point to the story or a point to me reading it. I didn't get anything new out of it, but could have also just been the moment in my life I chose to read it. I may have enjoyed this one in print more as I appreciate literary writing more in that format. I did love August and Cecilia's storylines, and their friendship was just beautiful.

Cinfhen I‘m on the last 20 minutes of this audio and I literally had the same thought. I‘m enjoying the audio but the story is pointless. I mean, I guess it‘s a family drama 🤷🏼‍♀️Entertaining and some funny moments but nothing new here. 4y
Kaylamburson I'm glad I'm not alone, but sorry you feel that way, too! Nothing new and I've also read some family dramas that I've loved that also didn't have heavy plot but changed my thinking in some way, and this wasn't it. One of my favorite books of last year was The Most Fun We Ever Had and that was a family drama, but so much more. @Cinfhen 4y
Cinfhen Yesssssssss!!!! That book is now myGold Standard for dysfunctional families!!! I LOVED IT and it was super long and I didn‘t care one bit😃 4y
Kaylamburson Yessss!!!!! I feel the same. We are clearly on the same reading wavelengths haha. @Cinfhen 4y
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I‘ve read SO MANY similar themed books in the past few months, but so far I‘m enjoying this one ♥️Audio narration is pleasant🎧

Librariana I recently found out she and her husband own an indie bookstore in Brooklyn called "Books Are Magic" ?? Hope the audiobook continues to be enjoyable! 4y
Cinfhen Book ended up being just ok @Librariana but I‘m excited to visit her bookstore one day 😁 4y
Kaylamburson Her bookstore is truly magical. There's a kid's reading nook and it makes me so happy. Something I would have loved as a kid. @Librariana @Cinfhen 4y
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I'm not as far along as I'd like for 24 hour #MBCReadathon this weekend, but continuing to push forward! I couldn't do it without audiobooks! #MBCGiveaway7

anygivenmemory Entry added for check in 7! 4y
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