Driving home today and spotted this van alongside us whilst I was reading my book (I was in the passenger seat 😁).
The Flying Bookworm - motivate reading through theatre.
What a cool way for this theater company to promote theatre and reading!
Driving home today and spotted this van alongside us whilst I was reading my book (I was in the passenger seat 😁).
The Flying Bookworm - motivate reading through theatre.
What a cool way for this theater company to promote theatre and reading!
Ooooohhhh, look what I found on Borrow Box audiobooks! I'm on a Ruth Park streak.
I was reading this earlier in the year with my 11yr old and we seem to have drifted onto other books since.
But having this audio version might make it easier to read and listen together. Just have to find the time when she's sitting still!
This Australian classic is set in Sydney...
The first cover I saw for this book - still haunts me - it looked like people were trapped in a glass orb/bubble... I begged Mum to let me exchange it (I ended up with the first HP and a Baby Sitters Club book - one of the specials with a holographic cover)
Whilst reading Playing Beatie Bow out aloud tonight I had to take a few breaths whilst reading this super loooong sentence out loud!
So excited to begin reading another novel with my 10 (almost 11) yr old
Tonight we chose 2 books together that we will both enjoy (my prerequisite)
The Children of Willow Tree Farm by Enid Blyton (we read The Children of Cherry Tree Farm together last year)
& Playing Beatie Bow by Aussie author Ruth Park.
Written in 1980, I've heard the title plenty of times & studied a Ruth Park novel in high school so I'm excited to read this one with my girl
#RedRoseSeptember #day10 #WithMyLittleStickOfBlackpoolRock I adore Blackpool Rock! Our gran brought us back some from her last visit to England before she died, I will forever associate the smell of rock candy with her. Anyway, this is the 1st book to come to mind for this prompt, in this Australian classic, 14yr old Abigail ends up in a time slip back to The Rocks in 1873 & is taken in by a family living above a shop pulling taffy.
Vintage children‘s “time-slip” novels are one of my nostalgic faves to collect. I‘ve yet to read this Australian classic (but now I‘m reminded to move it up my TBR 👍🏻).
#OldCoolBooks #Nakedbooks
Loved the dust cover off this childhood favourite.
#ozfiction #timetravel
Playing around with stacks for the combined #24in48 #readathon & the #ThrowbackReadathon next week.From the 25th to the 28th the Throwback Readathon gives us a chance to reread some of the books that shaped us into the readers we are today. This stack has some of my fave books when I was a young reader including The Wizard Of Oz,the Narnia series,Alice In Wonderland,Charlie & The Chocolate Factory & the tagged book. VIB all(very important books!)
#SeptemBowie #day20 #OhYouPrettyThings I honestly don't know which of these book covers is the most beautiful, these are the prettiest book covers I've bought in the past year. Publishers are really upping their game when it comes to covers, I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but it's so hard not to when they come out looking like this! #prettyshinythings. #judgeabookbyitscover
It may not look like a lot but these bookshelves are triple stacked with random book shoving taking place - this is what 1000+ books looks like in a confined area - I need to reorganise once my laptop is fixed and I have my book cataloging going again #sundayshelfie
#AugustGrrrl When I see #timeaftertime I think of time travel. Some of these I've read, some are TBR. What are your favourite time travel books?
#SizzlinSummerReads #day8 #TimeTravel I think this was the first book I ever read that has time travel in it. An Australian classic, it's set in two different Sydneys, the Sydney of 1873 & the Sydney of 1980 when it was written. One of my favourites as a kid, I highly recommend it to not only children but adults as well.
#LizsLibraryLoves Next in the books that shaped my life is this Australian classic by Ruth Park. Abigail is a 13yrold who moved to Sydney because of her parents breakup. While dealing with the emotional fallout from this, she becomes caught up in a children's game & is transported back to 1873 Sydney. Taken in by a confectioner & his family, she has to learn to live in a different era, while trying to find a way back to her own. Loved this book!
I reread this endless times as a kid!
#Feistyfeb #Mostreread My mum bought me this book when I was 10. I have reread it too many times to count. I loved that the main character was a girl like me. I loved the romance and the time travel. ❤❤❤
#januaryreads #setinmycity Playing Beatie Bow is a timeslip novel set in Sydney, Australia, and has been one of my favourite books long before I stepped foot in Sydney (let alone moved to the beautiful city). #timeslip #timetravel
I think this was the first #timetravel book I read and it's still a favourite. Set in Sydney's historic The Rocks area, Abigail finds herself stuck in the 1870s with the Bow family. Adventures and drama ensue. #funfridayphoto
#FunFridayPhoto: I love time travel books. I've read so many if them as an adult, but this was my very first time travel book back when I was eight or nine; my mom bought it at a yard sale, and it took me a long time to read because I thought I wouldn't like it. Once I finally gave in, I read it over and over and over. It was a great intro to time travel books, as well as other cultures and countries (it was the first book I read set in Australia)
#photoadaynov16 #day16 #childprotagonists These are two of my current TBR books that have children as main characters, not counting Harry Potter of course because that's just the most obvious choice. Miss Flavia de Luce is a amateur sleuth & chemist who is obsessed with poisons in The Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie & Abigail Kirk is a young girl who follows a strange child one day in The Rocks in Sydney & finds herself back in the late 1800s.
#photoadaynov16 #day6 #readinschool I first read this for English in high school, it's an Australian children's classic. It's about Abigail Kirk, a young girl who lives in an apartment in The Rocks the oldest part of Sydney. After watching a child's game in the park she follows a strange girl & ends up in 1873, in the Sydney of muddy streets and horse & carts. She is taken in by Mr Bow, the owner of a taffy store while trying to find her way home.
I'm really pleased with today's #bookhaul from QBD at my local shops.Even though they don't have the best range & they're a chain store, if you're a member you accrue credits & I have $60 already & 2 more times to add more!Woohoo Xmas! The children's books are for my grand babies who moved to Tasmania & I've added to my classics collection plus the last Divergent book & This Is Where It Ends.#giveascarybook #deathtonobooktober
One of my all time favourite books. I first read it as a child, and the story never left me. Revisiting it as an adult I love it just as much. The little slice of Sydney history and the well-drawn characters capture the heart and imagination. For fans of time slip novels and historical fiction. #histfic #historicalfiction #timeslip #timetravel #sydney #australianclassics