My #24in48 reading stack is ready to go... let‘s do this 📖🙌
I enjoyed this tale of adventure of a poet, two sailors and a thief on a journey to find a missing magical stone to reunite with the others while rescuing a goddess at the same time. There are corpse eating ape creature, vampiric bird like creatures and radioactive zombie blobs. 4 stars.
This isn‘t out in physical copy where I live got a few months so I was able to request and get this ebook through my library.
This is a collection of everything, poetry, artwork, interviews that all capture Black artists, Black activists and the spirit of archiving the present for the Black future. Amazing and I‘m looking forward to having the physical copy soon! 5 stars.
This is a 150 page book that does horror very well. You are left with an unsettled feeling. I had to keep turning the pages to find out what happened. A woman is in hospital with a boy by her side asking her to recount what happened, so they can find the part with the ‘worms‘. He determines what is important to the story. 4/5 stars
‘A girl comes of age against the knife‘ is this book in a nutshell. There are a lot of trigger warnings for this one but Betty and her resilience and love for her family pulls you through. The last chunk or so broke my heart in so many pieces. A tough but worth it read for me. I gave this one 5 stars
The Medoran Chronicles by Lynette Noni, a portal fantasy set at a magical academy, that contains an even more magical library. The friendships and world building just gets better with each book. I‘m glad I kept reading the series and overall I would rate the series 5 stars, with books 3 and 4 as my favourites (Draekora and Graevale).
📖 Of One Blood by Pauline Hopkins was written 1902-1903 in serialised form. It is about Reuel Briggs, a medical student who is interested in ‘mesmerisim‘ and is tricked into going on an archaeological trip so his best friend can try to get with his wife. He discovers a hidden city and finds out more about his heritage. Definitely can see how it earned its place on the #crashcourseblacksff
A magical ocean garden that allows Willa to travel at age 8, 33 and 93 to visit her other selves. A quirky premise with a lot of darker themes.
#currentlyreading #bindrosbookshelf2021
First read for 2021 and it‘s the first book from a crash course in black SFF history. It was written at the time it‘s set, in the 1800s and is an alternate reality, where slaves begin to organise an uprising after Henry‘s wife is sold and sent to Cuba after their owners had promised that it would never happen. Trigger warning for racism, child torture and anti-Semitic language. #historyofblacksff #bindrosbookshelf2021 #currentlyreading
Dewey‘s Reverse Readathon TBR
Also participating the MS readathon all month to raise money for families living with a MS diagnosis. If you can donate, please do so: https://www.msreadathon.org.au/s/94086/99947/s
@DeweysReadathon #reversereadathon #reversereadathon2020 #MSreadathon #MSreadathonaus
The Enchantress of Numbers, Ada Lovelace, was the first computer programmer and daughter to the infamous poet Lord Byron. In her short life, she navigated a male world and was a brilliant mathematical mind, while also being a wife and mother.
Also has a complex mother daughter relationship which I found fascinating.
4 stars 🌟 🌟🌟🌟
For more detailed thoughts, check out the review here: https://bit.ly/2ZfurHl
The narration by Rebecca Morris was amazing. It felt like I had Joana next to me, telling me hear innermost thoughts.
Near to the Wild Heart is a stream of consciousness, focusing on Joana‘s life, her being an orphan, growing into the woman she became and her not exactly enjoying being caged in by marriage she is no longer sure she wants
4 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
I‘ve posted my review if you want to know more:
I have been haunted by a drafted blog post. It has been glaring at me for all of 2019. It is hours of formatting, writing., work that got lost but you know what? I finally posted it as it is. It was my reading survey for 2018. While a bit old now, I still enjoyed reading my thoughts on the books I did read back then and I hope you will too...
Working from the bottom to top, I‘m up to After Atlas. I also am reading The Weight of the Stars for a buddy read bookclub, which isn‘t pictured above.
Think I can do it or am I just crazy?
#januarytbr #stackofdoom #tbrstack
First physical read of 2020 and it‘s a childhood favourite.
It‘s also a bookclub pick for tomorrow and there is no way I‘ll get through it all in time.
I‘m also a bit worried going in as I reread this over and over when I was younger and I haven‘t read it as an adult yet. I‘ve been too worried about ruining it. Does anyone else feel this way over their childhood faves?
#currentlyreading #bindrosbookshelfreads2020
What did you read in November? Have you read any of the above?
I clearly went on a bit of Sailor Moon kick but also read some other excellent things and managed 3 books over 500 pages and to read both my poetry book of the month and the classics for bookclub for two consecutive months (Dracula and the Secret History).
#readingrecap #monthlywrapup #novemberreads
My blog post is up for the Winter Quest. I will be reading the Tiger‘s Daughter which fits all the challenge prompts.
The scavenger hunt‘s prompts was fun to do as well! All books listed are ones I‘m planning to read really soon
#SaveYourDaemon #BtWQScavengerHunt
When your library borrowing takes on the next level...
I‘ve already maxed out my library card for 20 holds, so I borrowed my husband‘s for this pile 🙈
#libraryhaul #librarystack
October reading recap
I did a borrowed tbr theme so getting through books that I have borrowed from other people and the library. The only book I owned that I read was Pansy and that went towards my poetry book a month challenge.
All up a good reading month with all four and five stars, however my absolute faves were:
• Daisy Jones
• Sophie Stark
• Eggshell Skull
• Pansy
#monthlywrapup #octoberreads
After taking a break, I‘m ready to jump back into reading.
This will be my third book for the #readathon and my second bookclub pick for the month. Only one more bookclub pick to to go after this one. Let‘s see if the hype is worth it...
2nd book done ✅
I really loved this poetry collection and I‘m so glad I finally picked it up
#readathon #deweys24readathon #deweysreadathon #deweysoct
My poetry pick of the month for my own personal poetry challenge and my second book for the #readathon
#deweysreadathon #deweys24readathon #deweysoct
My first book for the #readathon
So far it‘s a bit Blair witch like and told through a mixed media format which I appreciate. Also unreliable narrators which makes things interesting.
#deweys24readathon #deweysoct
My #tbr stack for Deweys #readathon
All bookclub reads plus one poetry collection I‘ve had my eye on
Pedro‘s not so sure about my reading taste...
#currentlyreading #dogsoflitsy
Reading wrapup for the month of September. I had a bit of a reading slump so I tried reading in various formats as you can see with more comics than usual.
Recommend No Friend but the Mountains on audio and is a must read for Australians in particular.
Loved reading Go Set a Watchman and then To Kill a Mockingbird back to back.
If I had to choose a fave it would be between Priory and Ten Thousand Doors of January
When you are only 400 pages or so in, on chapter 40, and only two thirds of the way through your book...
#currentlyreading #tome #historicalfictionescape
My reading stack this long weekend for #OcTBRChallenge
Besides The Night Circus which I‘m reading in parts for a readalong (and is a reread), all the other books have been borrowed from someone and I would like to read and return them!
I‘m currently just under the halfway mark for the Life and Death of Sophie Stark and so far I‘m really enjoying the different perspectives telling Sophie‘s story.
#currentlyreading #weekendbookstack
So I went to two different bookstores to look for a particular book, didn‘t find the the one I was after but managed to picked up two books at each store...
This wasn‘t one I picked out on my own. This was one of the three picks for my irl bookclub. I enjoyed it fine. It‘s about a witch and a witch hunter who have to get married and obviously end up haters to lovers. It‘s predictable but that‘s okay, I didn‘t mind and it was a fast read. I gave it 4 stars just based on enjoying the experience and I did really like the main character Lou.
My bookclub chose To Kill a Mockingbird for the classic pick this month.
Instead of a straight reread, I decided to pick up Go Set a Watchman first. Straight after reading Watchman, I dived into Mockingbird and really enjoyed the experience. It was interesting to see what had been left From Watchman and what had been rewritten.
3 stars for Watchman, it does read as a first draft as it actually was intended.
5 stars for Mockingbird, of course.
Reading Brave New World for the first time for bookclub.
I have 38 pages or 15% to go and so far I‘m not loving it.
This was last month‘s classic pick but as bookclub was cancelled for last month, I have extra time to catch up on last month‘s picks as well as this month‘s picks!
When you have read almost 700 pages and still have quite a few pages to go...
#currentlyreading #ilikebigbooksandicannotlie
What are you currently reading?
I‘m ending my reading slump jumping into this mammoth. I‘m a third of the way through and I‘m really enjoying the world building and character set up. Also you just have to give me a book with court politics and even a hint of a dragon and I‘m there to be honest...
#currentlyreading #ilikebigbooksandicannotlie #dragons #septemberreads
The two books I ordered from Thriftbooks arrived and then I went and had some retail therapy on Friday night after work at Dymocks.
With Death Grip, I‘m collecting a childhood favourite series. I needed a new edition of Gone With the Wind because my previous copy was falling apart and I had loaned To Kill a Mockingbird out and never got it back.
The others are just books I‘ve had my eye on for awhile. Have you read any in this stack?
Saturday has been a graphic novel, classic retelling with illustrations type of day.
Moonstruck vol. 1 and vol. 2 were adorable and I gave both 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Heartstopper vol. 1 was all the feel goods and I gave it 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sleepless had ancient magic, animal familiar and court politics, I also gave 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lastly The Story of Antigone was cleverly told through the eyes of a crow 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Better late than never right?
Recap of the 17 books I read in August.
Would love to know what you think about any of the above books pictured.
#readingrecap #monthlywrapup
Visited the library after work today to pick up my hold on the Ice Palace, my book for Norway from my reading #aroundtheworld challenge... Left with many more books than expected AND I‘m already in the middle of a big reading slump AND trying to attempt to read one of the big books this year, Priory of the Orange Tree. How am I going to get these read? #libraryhaul #oopsabookhaul
When you are supposed to be on a library ban and reading through the books you own...
But at least most of these are on my goodsreads want to read shelf so that‘s going down? 🤷♀️🙄📚📚
#libraryhaul #goodreadstbrtakedown #tbr
I am one of the few readers out there that love Wuthering Heights so I was excited to see this at my library.
I am also very curious in reading works where the author has interpreted the classic text and have made their own story. Also Kate Mosse is a favourite.
#currentlyreading #reversereadathon #deweysaug
Opening line for the #reversereadathon:
‘Even before stepping into the cottage, Gary knows that this is bad.‘
Switching to a thriller from all the SciFi and Fantasy I‘ve been reading lately
#currentlyreading #deweyaug #readathonhourlyphoto @DeweysReadathon
My reading month in July was ok with only one 3 star read. The rest were 4 or 5 stars.
I had a whole week where I only read two books due to my birthday trip but I did manage to finish #thebookjunkietrials and read my Austen for the month as well as squeezing my poetry book for the month.
6613 pages
11 print
4 ebook
3 audio
#monthlywrapup #julywrapup
My weekend reading stack since I was unable to participate last weekend in the #24in48
Need to finish off those #bookjunkietrials prompts
Not shown here but on my Kobo that I want to try to fit in as well:
• An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
• The Invasion by Peadar O‘Guilin
• Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman
Wish me luck!!
#currentlyreading #weekendstack
Finding little bookish corners in arty cafes hidden down laneways...
Just arrived at my hotel and set up my book stack. Still feel like I should have brought more books with me on my holiday...
#currentlyreading #holiday #melbournevisit
One of the books that has been on my TBR the longest. Finally getting to the book that everyone else has read and so far I‘m really enjoying it.
Reading for the The Great Library prompt and for bookquest which involves reading through my unread shelves #bookjunkietrials #teambard #currentlyreading #bookquest
This book is HYPED in the book communities I belong to and even at the SciFi and Fantasy bookstore I go to.
It‘s also SciFi and I still feel like an imposter saying I like SciFi since I haven‘t read a lot in the genre.
Due to these reasons, may I introduce you to my intimidating read at the Giant Squid for the #bookjunkietrials for team #bard ?