“What‘s your secret [to surviving]?”
My reading has reached a new level of lazy but I don't regret it at all 😜😂
Packing for a move was made a little easier when I can bribe myself with reading perks, “If you pack a box you can read 5 chapters.” Really fun book and now I‘m a Lynette Noni fan 🥰📖
This book...😑
The story is soo good, (those last two pages 👀) but my gosh...the book is so drawn out it's agonizing 😩 If not for it being a #whimsicalreads pick I would have DNFed. In the end I'm glad I didn't and I feel like I HAVE to read book 2.. IYKYK. I'm too intrigued not to. But, please, couldn't this have been 300pgs instead? The 400 were not necessary.
Spoiler in the comments 👇
@Linsy @ShelleyBooksie @gracielee8 @SamAnne @MrsRoberts96 @joolz_92 @RedxoHearts @Clwojick @Read4life @wanderinglynn @Allylu @AbigailJaneBlog @persephone1408 @KristiAhlers @GirlNamedJesse @BooksNBowls @Liatrek @PageShifter @ozma.of.oz @BrittanyReads @tokorowilliamwallace @BookBelle84
Please don't forget to tag me in your review of our August pick "The prison healer" since we're no longer holding discussions. Can't wait to see what you all thought.
One of the most epic endings ever! I love when the author saves the plot twist for the very last page! I‘m absolutely shooketh! 4.5/5
Listening to this on audiobook today so I can adult and do chores. Pretty good so far! #whimsicalreadsbookclub
A book and a Bucs game ❤️🧡🏴☠️
Let's GO! 😆😆😆
~So happy right now~
Five stars.
Crying, screaming 😭 omg chapter 32 I knew it was coming but dang! Great book, the way I immediately needed book two hasn't been matched since the Scythe series. This book was amazing 🤩👏🏽
I have a hunch this is going to be great 😃👍
If anyone would like to join us for this month‘s book, I‘ve heard so many great things about this one! And it has a really high rating on Goodreads! Instead of holding a discussion, just post your review and tag @KateReadsYA we can interact on each other‘s posts about the book
#whimsicalreads book club! Don't forget this is our monthly pick for "The Start of a Series." I've heard great things about this one and can't wait to read it.
@Linsy @ShelleyBooksie @gracielee8 @SamAnne @MrsRoberts96 @joolz_92 @RedxoHearts @Clwojick @Read4life @wanderinglynn @Allylu @AbigailJaneBlog @persephone1408 @KristiAhlers @GirlNamedJesse @BooksNBowls @Liatrek @PageShifter @ozma.of.oz @BrittanyReads @tokorowilliamwallace @BookBelle84
#whimsicalreads book club August Winner! Thank you for all who voted.
@Linsy @ShelleyBooksie @gracielee8 @SamAnne @MrsRoberts96 @joolz_92 @RedxoHearts @Clwojick @Read4life @wanderinglynn @Allylu @AbigailJaneBlog @persephone1408 @KristiAhlers @GirlNamedJesse @BooksNBowls @Liatrek @PageShifter @ozma.of.oz @BrittanyReads @tokorowilliamwallace @BookBelle84
*If you would like to be added/removed from the list, please let me know.
Saturday afternoon fantasy poolside while hubby spins some tunes. Love these relaxing days with him! ☀️❤️
February's choice was easy, but between the 2 months was more difficult. In the end my fantasy loving heart won out ✨ #2023readingbracket
I saw so many people do this last year and I was sad I didn't participate, so I'm not missing out this year!! I had 3 five ⭐️ reads this month but I'm a sucker for fantasy so this was my favorite!
Thanks for making the bracket @chasjjlee
5/5 ⭐️ If you like dark fantasy with magic read this! Loved the characters and world building! Great plot twists and that ending 🤯🤯🤯 Definitely excited to see where the series goes!
This is the FairyLoot edition 🧚🏻
Oh wow loved this first book, it has Hunger Games vibes with the pace and how the characters grab your attention instantly. Really enjoyed this book and I am straight onto the second book The Gilded Cage
#YA #Fantasy #Booklovers #BookNerds #LibraryMouse #InkDrinker #ReadersLiveAThousandLives #BookWitch #BookGeek #Reader #LostInABook #SundayReadersClub #BookLover #WeekendReads #JustOneMoreChapter #LetMeRead #ProfessionalBookworm #LostInABook
Well that twist was certainly a twist. Admittedly a bit of a slow starter but still. Well done
Read first days of August-YA fantasy but so good. Not much to say because the story has many twits and that ending😱so good. Kiva has a complicated family and she is living in a world where you can go to prison for any kind of treason to the royal family. But why she was incarcerated during her childhood? Why nobody rescued her? How was her life in prison? Who are her family? Can she ever leave prison? Fast pace read. 3.8/4 ⭐️
Often, people view rereads as boring since they already know what‘s going to happen. I am not one of those people however because, oh my god, I love this book. The characters! The storyline! The quotes! And I have to say that this being a reread did not stop me from shedding tears. Also, the ending, never loses its impact!
“Help what?” Kiva demanded, her anger flaring again. “Help you keep your kingdom? Your crown?”
“Screw my crown.”
“My people—they‘re who I care about. They‘re the ones suffering and dying because of this uprising. Husbands, wives, children. Innocents. It‘s turning into a civil war.”(…)“And despite how it might sound to you, I care about the rebels, too. Because wether they like it or not, they‘re my people as well.”
“Never apologize for loving someone. Even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts.”
“Things happen in life that you don‘t expect, that you can‘t plan for and you‘re helpless to stop. Their story didn‘t end as it should have. But I know for a fact that they‘d live it all over again, even the ending, as long as it meant they could keep their beginning.”
- - -
But, Papa, the endings are the best part.
Sometimes, sweetheart. But other times, the beginnings are.
“So you‘re right, you don‘t need me fighting your battles.”
“But…if you‘ll let me, I‘d like to be standing beside you as you fight them.”
“And just so you know, I don‘t see you as some kind of damsel who needs rescuing. I‘ve never met anyone stronger than you—not just because you‘ve survived a decade in this gods-awful place, but because you‘ve sacrificed your own needs over and over again to serve those around you, even—and especially—those who don‘t want your help. So you‘re right, you don‘t need me fighting your battles.”
“I have a lot of dreams. A lot of nightmares, too. Only time will tell which path my life will take.”
“My name is Kiva Meridan, and I claim her sentence as my own.”
“It might not be much yet, but the smallest spark can cause a flame.”
“What‘s your secret? To surviving, I mean?”
She considered her words carefully before answering, “It helps if you have something to live for. To fight for. It grounds you, gives you a reason to get up every morning. It gives you a reason to want to survive. And sometimes, it‘s the wanting that makes all the difference. Because once you give up in here”—she pointed to her heart—“then you‘re already as good as dead.”
“Pretty face or not, he‘s still a man, Tipp.”
“So,” Kiva said, “most men are pigs.”
“You‘re not g-going to swoon, are you?”
Dreams were for fools. And Kiva was the biggest fool of them all.
She was a guard of Zalindov, a weapon in her own right, death incarnate.
Never forget, little mouse: no two people look the same, but we are each beautiful in our own ways.
He arrived like many of the others: covered in blood and looking like death.
So excited for this reread before the release of the last book in the series! I can‘t wait!
Have some reading time with this one. I‘m not too far in but I like it so far. Got a little new BTS as background music while I enjoy some reading time!
Saint Rita‘s mobile bookstore possibly coming to a town new you this summer.
Let‘s find it Littens!
What a fun book! Loved the setting. The surprise reveals were a bit cheap but they didn‘t detract from my overall enjoyment of the book. I‘m looking forward to reading the next in the series.
I finished this book 4-5 days ago, I‘ve just been procrastinating against writing this review but here I am. This was a really good book, but after reading so many books I practically predicted the last quarter of the book. Maybe if I hadn‘t investigated so much, I would have enjoyed it more. Nonetheless, I would recommend this to anyone! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5
Never apologise for loving someone. Even when it hurts. Especially when it hurts.
Hope was a drug, and Kiva was an addict. She couldn‘t keep believing, couldn‘t keep trusting, couldn‘t keep hoping.