I enjoyed the ever loving crap out of this audiobook. 10/10⭐️✨🌟
It‘s astonishing to see the cultural and historical bias that I was fully unaware of be confronted and turned on its head in this book. Like historically I know the world was pretty rough, but apparently I had placed the Vikings on a moral pedestal… I blame how to train a dragon…. Anywho… I really enjoyed listening to this book at work today. Made me face some of my biases and learned a lot.
So in the 35 pages I‘ve read thus far, I have come to two conclusions… 1: I have watched far too many Chinese historical dramas, thus giving Wang Yibo‘s face to the male lead in the book… and 2: if the two characters I am currently rooting for are not in love together by the end of the book… imma RIOT!
100/10⭐️s. I fluctuated between yelling ‘gods damn it Ophelia‘ and screeching about what not to do with the things that go bump in the night, and fanning myself. So I guess one more for the road… GODS DAMN IT OPHELIA!!!
“You are the worst tour guide ever, you know,” she admonished the cat, which was currently bathing itself at her feet.
“Well he is a cat,” a deep, vaguely familiar voice commented from behind her.
The cat is absolutely my favorite character thus far.
“What a phantasmagoria the mind is and meeting-place of dissemblables!” Virginia Woolfe, Orlando.
Respectfully, what the heck does this mean?! It‘s right before chapter 1… I am confused.
It‘s a book about a childhood hero of mine read by another childhood hero of mine (LeVar Burton)
I have never been more grateful in my life that my definition of horror didn‘t match StoryGraph‘s definition of horror…. Mildly creepy(with a shocking number of types of creepy, like damn) and the audiobook narration was phenomenal. A solid 3.5⭐️.
First, I love this man‘s voice. I‘m seriously just vibing at this point. But he asked a question and I had an instinctual visceral response to… if an Alien from space walked up to you and asked you to take them to your leader… would you take them to the White House…. Personally, that sounds like the beginning of the first intergalactic war with earth so imma pass on that, thanks. 😳
In short, yes this is absolutely worth the 18 hrs on audio. I greatly enjoyed listening to this while working and coloring. Made me deeply reflective about how books have changed the world and I‘m super zen now.
Got to the end of a fascinating chapter of this book and wanted to talk to my sister about it… Phone call devolved into discussing the origins of the story from the movie The Mask of Zorro(We did find the original novel: The Curse of Capistrano by Johnston McCulley - published in 1919)…. I wish I could say this was abnormal for us.
I was unaware this was a part of a TRILOGY! Fortunately I already have book two… but book three isn‘t out yet… April 1st needs to arrive soon.
I don‘t know what‘s weirder the fact that I had to wait for over a month for this audiobook to be available or the fact that I waited for a month to read this book…
You know it‘s really irritating rereading a book and knowing who you should hate but also knowing you shouldn‘t hate them yet. Ugh
I can‘t even begin explaining the mind numbing rage I have against like 80% of the characters in this book and I‘m only a quarter of the way through… I am so upset that it feels like a weight on my chest and I just wanna claw it away.
This book flirts on the edge between cosy low stakes fantasy and fantasy quite well. Coulda have gone either way right up til the end. Well done. 4.25 ⭐️
If a man is a reformed thief/bandit… is he still considered morally grey? Cause I have immediately fallen in love with Silt because he seems to be a chaos gremlin… and I respect that.
In mid 30s AD, it was very easy to lose a fiancée, or even two, if one was careless(disease, soldiering, political exile/execution)…. ???? my god… the giggles I gigged at that sentence.
Am I starting my 2025 off strong by reading all of the Rick Riordan books I can get my little hands on? Yes I am. *jumps headfirst into Greco/roman/Egyptian/norse mythology like I am 15 again* WOOHOOO!!!!!
Oh this HURTS. I can‘t remember the last book that broke me like this… I am sobbing. I think I‘ll keep sobbing for a while. I need to call my mom… but it‘s like 3 am.
This title was just ridiculous enough to catch my attention…. Now I am curious about the history of the index.
Listening to this audiobook while my mom and sister watch bizarre Christmas movies. Here comes Santa Claus was fine but whatever this movie is…. It‘s annoying and stupid.
Am I three novellas deep into P. Djèlí Clark‘s work? Yes I am. Have I possibly found myself an auto buy author? Yes! I am thoroughly enjoying everything that I have read.
I love when libraries have their little lists on Libby - this little gem is from Queens Public Library‘s Native American Heritage list. I may have downloaded like 10 books. Gonna read them while listening to football games.
My god…. This whole book was horrifyingly fascinating. WOW. Just full of madness, addiction and horror.
If I‘m being honest, a world dominated by the world‘s laziest animals…. Sounds pretty darn delightful.
Oh Marcellus… you beautiful brilliant creature. Gods this book was a great read! I listened to Marcellus‘ chapters on the audio book and whoever narrated him should have all the hugs. I will admit that I am still crying… and I may have outright sobbed, just a bit. A million and one stars ✨
When lacking an audio book option, does anyone else read aloud to themselves? For some reason I do in my Americanized British accent lol.
History book club book for November. So of course I‘m starting early. And yes I know hindsight is 20/20… but have you ever read a history book and just spent 70% of the time shouting WHY?!?! and the remaining 30% googling the words used?
Because historically, people in power were big dumb.
I may need to raise my hours goal for 2025…. This is what happens when you listen to nonfiction books while you work.
I am a learn‘ed person. I know how the dinosaurs died. So explain why this jerk made me tear up about the dinosaurs demise…. Excellent book to listen to at work.
I am only 100 pages in but Bryce‘s father is this close to catching these hands. The sheer amount of nonsense she and Ruhn put up with from him… if I were them, he‘d already be ashes scattered into the sewers. 🤬
I spent roughly 80% of this book crying….. or raging…… what the hell?!
The tears may be due to the fact that I absolutely pulled an all nighter to read this in one sitting…..
This man‘s voice is downright relaxing. I need him to teach me more astrophysics.
This man. This MAAAANNN! How dare he be equally punchable AND kissable. And equally sneaky sneaky AND utterly naive. The whiplash of my affections!
“But it feels good. It feels right. It feels like she was always meant to burn.” - as this book deals with witches….. I am CONCERNED.
Check out my new book! It‘s the third book in the series! What do you mean it‘s not the same series or even by the same author? But they look identical?!
Lol the bookstore sent me the wrong book, but they‘re sending the right one now. AND i get to keep this cute children‘s book about King Arthur. Win win!
I am only able to listen to history audiobooks while at work.… but the books I choose are about the powerful and scary women in history. I‘d consider that a win.
Did I just read 13 books in 7 days just to finish this book in like 2.5 hours? Yes I did. Do I have any regrets? No this book was excellent. I only wish there was another book waiting… I need mooooore!
And I say 7 days but I didn‘t read over the weekend or on Tuesday or Wednesday so… 3 days? Ish?
That moment when your hold for this book comes in at the library, and for the life of you, you cannot remember what happened in the last six books… or in the first four... But don‘t worry, I remember vividly books six and seven… but nothing else. Well , guess who‘s rereading 12 out of 14 books in a series, just so I can read this new one! 🙄🙄🙄