Early Sunday morning reading 📖
Multiple award-winning novella. Unique alternate world, beautiful m/m romance. Interesting subtexts. There‘s a lot packed in this tight little story. It‘s bigger on the inside... #lgbtqia
this novella is...interesting. the middle is pretty bonkers and I had a hard time following but the ending was very satisfying. tbh I spent most of the time praying for a happy ending since the set-up of the plot makes you think otherwise. I'm aware the author has another novella set in the same universe, but I think a full-length novel would be a better way to express such lush worldbuilding.
Y‘all, Kai Ashante Wilson knows what he‘s about. A TASTE OF HONEY isn‘t a deconstruction of Queer Tragedy so much as an affecting commentary on a certain brand of it, viewed from a certain angle, packed into a nonlinear story that blends pseudo-African and pseudo-Roman influences. It came out where I expected it to (because I‘m the best at guessing #modesty), but foreknowledge didn‘t lessen the impact AT ALL. ⬇️
Putting shelves up is thirsty work, so I‘ve settled myself outside with the last chunk of A TASTE OF HONEY and a Rosé Lager from Surly Brewing Co out of Minnesota. The Lager mimics rosé wine mixed with beer a little too well for it to be a frequent purchase, but it‘s a pretty good hot-weather beverage and, as with most beers, the more I drink of it the better I like it.
I‘m not feeling the Saturday crosswords just yet, so I read a bit while I finished my coffee.
I haven‘t abandoned HILD, but I also haven‘t had much time to read it these last few days and I know I‘ll enjoy it more if I can wallow in it instead of chipping away a few pages at a time. It‘s best if I read a novella or two to clear my palette before I try again. So far, A TASTE OF HONEY has proven an excellent choice.
Here the protagonist is bisexual and we learn what would happen if he follows his heart or duty to his family. The world they live in is quite fascinating I wish it had been more fleshed out into a novel
I‘m home this week (after traveling for business every week for the last two months) and I couldn‘t be happier. Bailey is also thrilled, but asleep until a pile of blankets.
The cadence of this book was very Robin McKinley, but the content was like nothing else I‘ve ever read.
I tried for longer than I should have, but I could not get into this book. It is a high fantasy story with time jumps; too much to process for a leisure read.
I always feel like there‘s something I‘m not quite getting about these books, but I love them anyway - the characters are fascinating and the stories are emotional, but I feel like o need to reread both of them. Fortunately they are short, so rereading them would be an easy task! Picture is from a Vietnamese Buddhist Monastery we visited yesterday outside the tiny town of Clover, SC!
I recently read this pair of novellas from Kai Ashante Wilson and loved them. They‘re both independent stories set in the same fantasy world, and they pulled at my heartstrings in different ways. The Sorcerer of the Wildeeps is a fairly traditional fantasy story, following a group of people hired to protect a caravan as they travel through a dangerous forest, while A Taste of Honey feels like a m/m romance within the framework of a fantasy world.
LUNCH TIME. 🍨🥄📚 #readathon
Hour four is almost over and it's time for lunch! What are you snacking/breakfasting/lunching today? 🍨🥄📚 #readathon - @Liberty
Cheers Book Nerds 🤓 This was a great #book1 for my #100forsummer If you liked Binti I think you would like this as well 😃
I just ❤️ Kai Ashante Wilson!! I wish he'd write a novel already!! He keeps taunting us with novellas set in the same world, so you get glimpses of things, but not a complete picture. He is an original voice in fantasy, especially in #diversefantasy. This was a great love story with other interesting bits--I mean, who doesn't want a pet cheetah?! #diversereads
I absolutely loved Sorcerer of the Wildeeps by Wilson! I am halfway through this novella of his and it's gone off in an odd direction. As in, I was not expecting there to be math!! But it's definitely interesting, I'll say that. Also, I am sadly pieless on #piday. 😟
I loved this book! It's a fantasy novella with a gorgeous m/m romance and a definite Nebula Award contender. I'm hosting a #giveaway on my blog if you want to try your luck!
Giveaway: http://wp.me/p7a9pe-1cF
#Litsygram #lgbt #sff #fantasy #readingoutside #Litsyfeature
Tor.com has started publishing novellas that focus on diversity. You need to check out their catalog. I've had this on my shelf since Nov and finally have the time to devote to it. First few pages are great!
Ok, so I HATE non-linear timelines that bounce around like this one did. I'm rather lazy and I don't like having to rearrange my mental sequence of events constantly as I read. That said, I stuck with this anyway since it was too short to bail on and it turned out to be worth it. The twist at the end was great and the writing was beautiful. Definitely going to check out Sorcerer of the Wildpeeps. #novella #sff
Binx was interested by Sabah and so agreed to pose with this book 😊
I didn't get super drawn in to the story until almost the very end - I didn't love the way it was structured or the writing. But then it all came together and raised it to a 'pick' in a really interesting and wonderful way. Also, it was great to see gay characters in fantasy.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Holy cow I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! I'm struggling to even articulate it. Two men from different kingdoms and cultures fall in love with each other. One of them has to come to terms with his sexuality and his homophobic people. There's magic and magical gods. Also the writing style is simple and beautiful and made me change the patterns I usually use to read fantasy. Just SO GOOD.
My #wanttoreadindec! At least, for the first two weeks--then I'm going home for the holidays! 😊One of these is for school research but it's interesting enough that I want to read the whole thing properly. And I'm so excited for A Taste of Honey, I've heard such great things about it! I'll prob read that first even though I should reeeaally start with Crooked Kingdom since it had holds. 😆
I got some awesome #bookmail today. I love scifi and fantasy most out of any genre, so I'm super lucky to receive these two novellas from Tor.
What's the latest book mail you've received, either from a publisher or books you've bought yourself?
#diversebooks #books #reading #LGBT #fantasy
Great take on that Moment You Figure it Out @surlyspice #sff #romance #glbtqqia
This book is only 100 pages, but it is taking me forever to read it because I'm so worried about the protagonist.