A comic about a bookstore owner how is a wolf and the customers who are woodland creatures but it‘s so relatable if you‘ve had to do any kind of customer service. You too would wish to be a wolf.
Absolutely loved it on Netflix. Had to read all the books. This is a short, spooky story.
It‘s a typical YA hunter of the supernatural kind, except every other day she‘s a normal girl
This was a strange mix of young adult and maybe it‘s the afterworld. Didn‘t really care about any of the characters much. If you want it done better watch the German series Dark. Those 3 seasons will blow your mind
It‘s been some stressful times lately. This can give you some concrete guidance.
I heard about this when watching Domic Nobel‘s YouTube channel. It really is a pretty good book, not one of your standard fantasy novels. How much is fate and how much is up to you?
TW: depression & suicide. The concept is very intriguing but the ending left me a bit empty at the end. Perhaps I just need my own library visit. Oh, and the cat doesn‘t make it.
I don‘t like steamboats in America. There was nothing ground breaking about these vampires
Last book of the entire series. Found it a bit underwhelming and didn‘t feel like it concluded in a satisfying manner but that‘s just how I feel. I really loved the series when I began reading it as a teenager.
I would‘ve liked a story more about the dogs than the people. I didn‘t like how the men thought about the mother.
I was really more curious about the background of the dogs. The rest of the story is kind of uneventful. I don‘t like how all the men think of the boys mother
Sorry haven‘t really been up to reviewing this past year. Moving, pneumonia and then the pandemic.
Anyway this had all my favourite characters in one novel. DD Warren is still my favourite but Flora is growing on me. Small towns hide big secrets. The most interesting part of the story is the witness though.
Written in 2011 this is a bit dated. It can give you some ideas but a lot of things have already been done
2 girls witnessed a murder, or maybe they didn‘t. Then as adults one goes missing. They have powers because scientists are messing with the “paranormal”. It‘s an okay story. I dock it a star for using frisson more than once.
I like how they select a comic for each era and they sort of reflect that series as a whole pretty well
I was confused at first as I didn‘t know the author and his previous works or past. I don‘t like him & neither does the dog. I trust the dog. The horror is well done. Is he just an old drug addict or is it a demon/haunting?
I was a little surprised at who it was and it was weird how they became a werewolf to begin with. Quick read but not really scary. Plenty of gore.
This was an unexpectedly good ending to an interesting series. I never thought mummies could be made relatable. This is the third book so do read the other two beforehand. It is worth it.
I‘m not going to bother really going into this because guess what? The author invalidates the entire series by having the main character able to time travel. I think she may have even prevented herself from existing in the first place in doing so too
I think I relate more to 6 than 11 but it‘s probably because of the red hair. I think her dad taking advantage of her precognitive abilities seems pretty realistic. I wish I could see more of 6.
Not a fan of this book. This house attracts a bunch of immortals, eventually it gets burned down. There is an ancient mummy and an abandoned human newborn. Didn‘t find it that interesting personally.
At first I found this a little confusing to get into, but it gets better. Raven created our world so he had somewhere to fly. Of course no one in the modern age thinks the animal people existed.
I think the story is alright but I don‘t like it when characters all of a sudden level up their powers because they are the chosen one and need to be powerful because otherwise the bad guys win by default. This is only book 2 though. Plus I don‘t think those killed off really seem to matter. Too much telling, not enough showing.
Even better than the first book in the series. Young vampire coven causes havoc in Paris. I do have to dock it for using the word Frisson though.
Dr. Helsing is a doctor to the supernatural and gets involved in a situation where someone is targeting them and there is a serial killer loose in London killing the human population too
It‘s believable someone would take a healthy dog to be put down. It‘s another big conspiracy story. Good thing Marcus is on their side
It‘s sad when prisons are better than retirement homes. These 5 feisty seniors are a riot
I wanted to read 100 books this year, but with the combination of moving suddenly without prior warning and 3 months of pneumonia, I only read 67.
On the move for August 1st. No time to really read & review while I‘m packing.
I can see why this is popular, like shades of gray for sex. The Middle Aged woman is bored with her middle classed life. This is a self help guide disguised as a novel. The techniques are real cognitive therapy ones. I thought the husband was having an affair, not afraid of not being good enough for his improved wife.
With all the ancestry DNA available now, would be interesting if there was a soulmate gene. These are a couple of examples of matches. I think I would want to know. Probably a very bad idea though. It‘s a slippery slope fate vs choice. (-♾ for using the word Frisson)
Hulder really needs to quit drinking. He makes terrible relationship decisions drunk. The whole story is dark and depressing. The power some people have, when you don‘t believe the kids, when the kids can‘t trust the system to protect them. It‘s sad.
This novella is basically an outtake of what takes place in one of the novels. Adds a little but isn‘t really necessary.
This is the 6th and final book. I‘m kind of annoyed about how it ends. I‘d really like to know who his father was though.
John is in way over his head. He acts like it‘s all his fault and the becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy
A girl goes on a long walk with the family dogs but doesn‘t return and strangely they are all murdered.
The older brother killed their lousy parents and hurt his sister. Now she‘s getting adopted by profilers and he‘s killed his foster parents. Obviously it‘s all about him.
Cold case where they have 3 suspects in a room, bring in a forth and suddenly it all comes together
The protagonist has schizophrenia, or at least the doctors tell him he does. Just when you think you know what‘s real and what isn‘t, you meet the children of the earth. Are they just a cult or something more?
I recently read one of the latest in the Kate Daniels main series, and these two show up to help out. This explains so much actually.
Why does one say 7 and one 7 1/2? Oh well, this book confused me because of the timeline aspect. It reminds me A LOT of an episode of Black Mirror, and not in relation to time travel. In the end I was actually kind of disappointed how the murder mystery actually panned out. So run of the mill.
What I know of genetics from several years of biology class is that this book is plausible, which makes it extremely creepy. What if you could just slap on a cream and become a supermodel free of any genetic medical issues? We go as far as plastic surgery, what‘s a little fiddling around with DNA?
He‘s a hot powerful guy with PTSD and she‘s determined to use her power even if it exposes her family who has been trying to hide. There is something bigger going on than she is aware of.
I found this really boring. The son of one of two gay men learns his best friend is gay. What a couple of students do next & his mother‘s attitude makes you wonder if we still live in the stone ages.
Movie was better in my opinion. Still have no clue what they saw.
DD Warren hasn‘t been the same since she had a kid. A pregnant woman shoots her husband but she also accidentally shot her father when she was sixteen.
Another book dealing with Cotrad‘s syndrome. It‘s a short story
I‘m just surprised he never realized the bad guy wanted to recruit him. That was my first thought when he says you aren‘t like the others. You learn more about the background of The withered which is interesting.
What do suicides have to do with horrible murders? He did threaten the demons so he had to expect something to happen. He might even have a girlfriend.