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Kindred | Octavia Butler
Dana, a modern black woman, is celebrating her twenty-sixth birthday with her new husband when she is snatched abruptly from her home in California and transported to the antebellum South. Rufus, the white son of a plantation owner, is drowning, and Dana has been summoned to save him. Dana is drawn back repeatedly through time to the slave quarters, and each time the stay grows longer, more arduous, and more dangerous until it is uncertain whether or not Dana's life will end, long before it has a chance to begin.
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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This has hands down one of the best protagonist- antagonist relationships I've read in recent memory. The main character and her white, slave owning ancestor are two people who shouldn't know each other, and Butler writes their interactions like she is herself curious to find out what would happen if a black woman from modern times had to confront a slave holder. There is something unnerving about this realism in an inherently unreal context 👇

Billypar That quality also extends to the general atmosphere of threat. I've read other novels about slavery that have described more horrific violence, but something about having a modern character travel back in time to be at risk made me feel the main character's vulnerability more intensely. This surprised me: I'm not sure if it's because there's an extra buffer in a standard historical novel, seeing through a person's eyes from that time period? 3w
Billypar In any case, this is my new favorite of Butler's and is very much deserving of its new classic status. 3w
Texreader I loved this book 3w
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KathyWheeler I‘ve always been grateful to my sister, who took an African American Lit class in college and brought this book home for me. It‘s amazing, and I agree with what you said about the mc seeming extra vulnerable because she wasn‘t from that time period. 3w
Ruthiella I love Octavia Butler. She was fearless in her writing. And left us way too soon. 3w
LeahBergen Great review! This was a fantastic book. 3w
batsy Nice review. I definitely have to get to Talents and then this in quick order. 3w
Tamra Definitely memorable storytelling! 3w
Billypar @Texreader @LeahBergen @Tamra I loved it even going in with high expectations. I actually read it months ago but got distracted from posting a review, and it's been lingering on my brain ever since. 3w
Billypar @KathyWheeler It's a big regret of mine that I minored in English but never took a black- or women-centric lit course. And back in 2000-2004, diversity in the other courses was terrible - I can remember just one short story and two plays by black authors. No Butler or Morrison 😮‍💨 3w
Billypar @Ruthiella Way too early, and she was so ahead of her time. I would love to know what kinds of projects she would be working on now. 3w
Billypar @batsy She's one of those authors who can write equally well in a literary or sci-fi fantasy mode. In spite of the time travel device, this one feels to me more like a literary fiction novel compared to Parable/Talents, but it's a little like splitting hairs because of how all three are both, not fully one or the other. 3w
Aimeesue Excellent review - and you nailed the impact of modern day person confronting past atrocities. It really brought something to this story. Octavia B ❤️❤️❤️ 3w
Billypar @Aimeesue Octavia Butler was truly one of a kind - I can't tell if I should lookout for other time travel narratives to try and find the same effect, or if it's simply how good the writing is. 3w
KathyWheeler @Billypar I have a BA and an MA in English. Back in the 70s and 80s there were not many African American Lit courses. My sister, although my age, went to college about a decade after I did, so she was able to take a course. (edited) 3w
Reggie This is one of the first books I read because of Litsy and when I finished it I thought I have to read more of her, hopefully she‘s still writing. Imagine my surprise that Kindred came out the year I was born, and that she died in 2008. Made me so sad. 3w
Billypar @KathyWheeler It's good to see things are changing, even if it's slower than we'd like! 3w
KathyWheeler @Billypar Yes, it is. Most of the books I‘ve read by women and minority writers were read outside of my degree programs. I would‘ve loved to have had a class that included Butler. (edited) 3w
Billypar @Reggie Yeah, I almost never need to worry about finishing an author's complete works, but it's always sad to not see interviews or new releases, along with the main terrible fact of seeing someone leave us so young. 3w
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I loved this book so much. It could be a considered a horror novel—though not in the sense that you normally think of. Horror that deals with the monsters of humanity, not the supernatural. Hulu adapted it onto the screen but didn‘t renew it for a second season. The year is 1976, in CA, when Dana is suddenly ripped through space and time back to the year 1815, onto Weyland Plantation, VA. She soon realizes she is tied to a child there, the⬇️

JenniferEgnor son of the plantation and slave owner. She realizes she has no control over when she gets pulled back into these times, and that time passes differently in both then and now when she moves through it. She can only be pulled back into the now if she fears for her life. She must stay on the plantation until a future child is born—because without this child, she will never exist. Rufus has a control over her that she realizes, is no different ⬇️ 2mo
JenniferEgnor than him owning her as his slave, yet is even worse. She must make a decision if she is to ever be free of him. But is she ‘free‘, after having gone through this? 2mo
JenniferEgnor The idea of going back in time fascinates many of us. We want to choose the time and place. Dana does not get this privilege; she is violently ripped back and forth through space and time to one of the most horrific times: the days of chatel slavery in the old south. Step back in time, put yourself in Dana‘s shoes, in the shoes of her ancestors. The stain of slavery in America can never be forgotten, nor should it be. Highly recommend. 2mo
Pruzy I need to read this! 2mo
JenniferEgnor @Pruzy I couldn‘t put it down, it was really an experience. I found it very easy to slip into that time and world. It was scary. I so wish that Hulu hadn‘t cancelled a renewal, I was really looking forward to seeing more. 2mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude
Today was a soul/funk day: highly recommended when you need to reduce work stress but also fight drowsiness. When I was choosing the book for this post, I realized my Rufus listen may have been subconsciously inspired by a character of the same name from Kindred, which I'm reading now. And that, in turn, made me wonder if Octavia Butler was a Rufus fan since the novel was released right around peak Rufus popularity 🤔🤯

TheBookHippie Thelma!!!! 🎶🎵🎶🎵♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3mo
batsy Great tracks, and so intrigued by the Rufus-Kindred connection. I'm moving that Butler book up the tbr but I need to get to Parable of the Talents first. 3mo
Billypar @TheBookHippie So good, right? 🎶🕺🎶💃 3mo
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Billypar @batsy Talents was the last one of hers that I read. I may have liked it even better than Sower - I have a tough time deciding. 3mo
AmyG I had that Rufus album! And Gil-Scott Heron. Good musical memories. 3mo
Billypar @AmyG I was born in 1982, so I just missed out. Of all of these artists, Aretha was the only one who I knew without having to seek out (for Chaka Khan and Gil-Scott, it was just one song for each). Crazy to me how short-lived worldwide fame can be! 3mo
TieDyeDude That's cool. I don't typically associate music to the books I read, so it is interesting that there have been a few people have mentioned that idea.
Chaka Khan's induction into the Rock and Roll HOF was a lot of fun.
The local independent radio station in Philadelphia does Funky Friday every afternoon. I still try to catch it here in Alaska. Such a good pick-me-up.
Billypar @TieDyeDude I can imagine that induction was amazing. And thanks for the recommendation for Funky Friday - I'll have to give it a listen! 3mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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This book had me thinking all the way through, run! No stay! No run! No stay! What a moral dilemma Dana faced as a slave. Protect myself or protect others? This book is brutal, some of the themes were so hard to read but it‘s a must read. A time travelling historical novel set in 1815 in the Antebellum South. In an interview Butler said ⬇️

Rissreads “I wanted to write a novel that would make others feel the history: the pain and fear that black people have had to live through in order to endure.” Mission accomplished 👏🏻 4mo
batsy I'm reading another (and my first) Butler: Parable of the Sower. So good, and too real. 4mo
maich I liked this one. The story I'll never forget 4mo
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Reggie This is easily in my top 10 since I started reading again in 2016. 4mo
Rissreads @batsy I loved Parable of the Sower too. That was my first Butler too 4mo
Rissreads @Reggie that‘s high praise! Top 10! 4mo
Rissreads @Centique thank you for gifting me this book. I just remembered where it came from! ♥️ 4mo
Centique @Rissreads yay! Im so glad you enjoyed it. Like you, this just blew my socks off. 🤯💔 4mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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It‘s been a while since I‘ve posted my read reviews, so I‘ll have a blast of a few. I loved this book! A lovely combination of fantasy time travel and historical fiction.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Klou Perfect, this is what I would have picked if I'd actually completed this months challenges 🤦‍♀️ 5mo
TheSpineView @Klou 👍😊📖 5mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Let‘s talk about my best books of 2023. It‘s been a pretty good reading year, so I had to really think about this list. But I finally narrowed it down. And is it really any surprise that a Brandon Sanderson book is at the top of my list?

What books did you love this year?

For my full thoughts check out my blog post: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/12/29/the-best-books-of-2023/

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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It‘s a wrap! With a few tweaks (and assuming Dracula fits for “featuring mythology,”) this book by Octavia Butler completes the final prompt needed for #52bookclub2023” 🥳. A great way to finish—Loved this book! Another one that had languished on my TBR pile for too long!

#rushathon #littenlistens

BarbaraBB Wow! And what a timing! Congratulations 🎉 (edited) 5mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 5mo
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Librarybelle Congratulations!! 5mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
ravenlee Congratulations! 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 5mo
Deblovestoread Well done 🙌🏼🎉 5mo
LeeRHarry Congrats! 🎉 5mo
rmaclean4 Congrats! I fell several short on this challenge but read some wonderful books along the way. 5mo
Bluebird @BarbaraBB @DieAReader @Librarybelle @squirrelbrain @ravenlee @Andrew65 @Deblovestoread @LeeRHarry @rmaclean4 thanks all! I surprised myself by finishing! My goals were just to whittle down my TBR list and read a bit outside my comfort zone. I accomplished both (though fewer from my TBR than I hoped). I read some wonderful books this year that I would have otherwise missed! Looking forward to joining again in 2024. 5mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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A dark time travel/historical fiction story of a woman who is forcibly transported from 1976 to the antebellum south Maryland. There are layers upon layers to this story, and I highly recommend going in knowing little. I really enjoyed this, though definitely not an easy read. 4.5⭐️
This was on my #DecemberTBR but I finished it so fast!

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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I was a little worried about the Octavia Butler prompt for the #52bookclub challenge. I'd previously read Parable of the Sower, and was not a fan. But I'm so glad I chose this book! While it can obviously be difficult to read (it does address horrors of slavery, after all), it was incredibly well-written and engaging -- I didn't want to put it down. Definitely worth picking up!

GondorGirl This book was STUNNING (and also what I re-read for that exact challenge prompt)! 7mo
Librarybelle I think this is the one I would like to read for this prompt - hopefully I can get to it by the end of the year! 7mo
BarbaraBB Such a good book 7mo
squirrelbrain Well done! 7mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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@Endowarrior21 @Readergrrl Have you read any of these? Let me know!!

MrsGagnonreads2024 I have read all but The Changeling 7mo
Readergrrl I have read all of them, but would be thrilled to reread The Changeling for #LMPBC. It‘s one of my favorite horror/mythopoeic novels and I‘d love to read both of your thoughts on it too! Of course, it‘s your decision and I‘ll be happy regardless. 7mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Endowarrior21 @Readergrrl Ok!!! The Changeling it is! I‘m excited!! 7mo
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MrsGagnonreads2024 Yay it sounds like a great book 7mo
BookishBelle Is it too late to join y'all in Group F? I've been distracted by recovery from surgery last week and missed the deadline... @Endowarrior @Readergrrl 7mo
Readergrrl I‘m cool with that! The more, the merrier! I‘m in a painting workshop right now and STILL haven‘t made my selection yet. 7mo
Readergrrl If it‘s alright with the others, can you check to see if the google sheet is still open? 7mo
BookishBelle The google sheet is still open @Readergrrl I went ahead and added myself. I hope that's alright with y'all. :) 7mo
Readergrrl @BookishBelle I‘m positive that is fine! Welcome aboard! 7mo
Readergrrl And, for the record, I still haven‘t picked a book yet. I‘m in a 3 day painting workshop that ends today. I will be able to focus on picking a good one tonight!! 7mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @BookishBelle Yay!! Happy to have you!!! 7mo
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Readergrrl Have you picked a book yet? Just wondering!! 7mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Simultaneously harrowing and hard to put down.
How to God did Dana survive all that?! (How did anyone?)
OB's characterisation of Rufus will continue to provoke me: acting in accordance with the norms of his culture, he is monstrous. He is not *a monster*, though: she makes him *understandable*, which is infinitely worse.
Powerful book, this!

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Kindred | Octavia Butler

Interesting concept blended sci-fi/fantasy with the historical perspective on life for enslaved people in the early 1800s. Written in the late 70s. Confronts many big topics with surprises all along the way. Well written.

BkClubCare Read this years ago and still haven‘t gotten to more Octavia. I need to fix that soon. 9mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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This is a good story, more fantasy than sci-fi since there‘s no explanation nor interest in the means of time travel, just in the meaning & consequences of the trips. I had a more complicated reaction to it than pals of mine. Following a modern Black woman from the 1970s to the early 1800s in the American south is a harrowing journey. Saving a slave-holder relative must be so hard: it‘s humane, but it also permits his continuing (see comments…)

Hamlet …terrible acts. The set up makes the character & us come face to face with the human relation to slave & slave-holder. It‘s all horrific & removes any easy responses, even as the stark evils of slavery & their effects on all are laid bare. Dana‘s ability to teach so many enslaved persons to read seemed implausible, even more so since she acted with the tacit consent of Rufus. That‘s not much of a weakness, though, set against the tale‘s power. 10mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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The night of my last day of school has me starting this beauty. I read this many moons ago so when the graphic novel came out I just had to have it. I am definitely intrigued with time travel but only if I can choose the when and the where. The turmoil the main character experienced was one I won‘t forget and reading it definitely took me on a roller coaster ride.

SamAnne Loved this one. 12mo
Bookpearl @SamAnne I do too! I read it in print a few years back but to have a visual is entertaining. 12mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Wish I hadn‘t waited so long to read this.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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This was a heavy read, but worth it. I know Octavia Butler wrote mainly sci-fi, but this to me felt like historical fiction (but with time travel). Painful to read at times, so accurate that it made my heart hurt. Written in 1979 but some eerie parallels to our current society and world. #booked2023 #afrofuturism #tbrtarot #pictureonspine

Cinfhen Fantastic review 13mo
CBee @Cinfhen it‘s a powerful read for sure! And thank you 💚 13mo
Cinfhen Yes! This book has really stayed with me. 13mo
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TheBookHippie I agree. I‘ve read it twice. 13mo
KathyWheeler They did a decent job with the graphic novel adaptation as well. 13mo
CBee @KathyWheeler there is also a series on Hulu I think? 13mo
CBee @TheBookHippie I don‘t know if I could read it twice, it was so tough at times. But worth it! Not one I‘ll soon forget. 13mo
TheBookHippie @CBee I read it when it came out and then last year with a student. Couple of decades in between helps. 13mo
KathyWheeler @CBee I think so, but I haven‘t seen it yet. 13mo
CBee @KathyWheeler I‘m not sure I could watch it… 13mo
KathyWheeler @CBee I know what you mean. 13mo
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CBee @KathyWheeler From what I read, the series heavily modifies Butler‘s original. Not sure it‘s for the better, as I also didn‘t feel like I was up for watching. 13mo
CBee @BarbaraTheBibliophage ah, okay. I think I‘ll definitely pass on it then. 13mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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It was an interesting story idea, but I felt it lacked the bones to be truly good, and in the end, I kind of wished Dana hadn‘t succeeded in saving her many times removed great grandfather that first time, just so the story would be over. It was almost a DNF.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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February absolutely flew by but I was able to squeeze in several good reads. And definitely found a new favorite. I can‘t stop thinking about Kindred!

My full wrap up: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/02/28/february-2023-wrap-up/

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Every now and then a story comes along that completely changes the way I view the world, and this was one of them. Seriously, I could gush for hours, but please just go read Kindred. It‘s a true masterpiece.

Full review: https://wildwoodreads.com/2023/02/27/kindred-review/

TheHungryBookworms This is on my top 10 books. I absolutely loved it 1y
KathyWheeler My sister is only 1 year younger than me, but she didn‘t go to college until we were both in our late 30s. Because of that, she had an African-American lit class where they read this book. She sent it to me, and it became one of my very favorites. I hate that I missed out on so much good literature by majoring in English in the 70s. 1y
wildwoodreads @TheHungryBookworms It‘s on mine now too. I can‘t stop thinking about it. 1y
wildwoodreads @KathyWheeler I don‘t think this one was ever mentioned in my Lit classes at all just a few years ago. And it‘s such a shame because it‘s a lot better than some of the ones we studied. 1y
KathyWheeler @wildwoodreads That is a shame. My sister passed along a lot of good books from that class, but this is the one I remember the most. 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Interesting book, unsure what I think so far...

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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AMAZING!!!! Easily a new favorite. I can‘t believe how long it took me to read this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Suet624 I‘m embarrassed I haven‘t read it yet. 1y
Itchyfeetreader I felt the same ! So good! 1y
CBee @Suet624 just saw your comment, did you ever read this? I just finished it and would love to send it to you ❤️ 13mo
Suet624 @CBee how sweet of you! I haven‘t read it yet! Do you have a gmail address I can send you my mailing address? (edited) 13mo
CBee @Suet624 yes! It‘s cydneybean@gmail.com 😊😊 13mo
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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We spent the weekend in Birmingham so I just had to stop into this gorgeous bookshop at Pepper Place. Oh, and if you‘ve never been to Pepper Place you need to because it‘s amazing. That is all.😍😍😍


Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I read this book as last of the 52 Week Reading Challenge. The prompt was to read a book by Octavia E.Butler.She writes sci-fi, which I don‘t normally like.I was wrong about this book. I found it interesting that it showed slavery from the view of a modern day black woman and from the view of a black woman in the 1800s.This woman just happens to be the same person. Believe me when I tell you that this book is very good, and I highly recommend it

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I had the great privilege to be in DC last month for a few days with PPFA. On my first day, I had to stop in Capitol Hill Books! A historical, well loved, tiny book store that is a book lover‘s dream. L bottom picture is looking out from one of the windows shown in the top R pic! I bought a copy of Kindred while there. Last pic: hotel bed has built in book lights!

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½ • Fun fact: I live in the small suburb just north of Seattle that Octavia Butler lived and died in. My local bookstore was her local bookstore!

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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More historical fiction than science fiction and the hardest parts to read were the parts that once were a reality. I realize that I am privileged and ignorant of this time period, and this book yanked me into Dana's ordeal in a personal, brutal way and taught me so much. Deserving all the stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I rarely read sci-fi or fantasy but got an early start on my book club‘s pick. I enjoyed this and it made me reflect on how so little was taught or mentioned about slavery during my 1970s public education in South Carolina.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Second read for book club and to read while the new tv series is on! A classic, for sure, and so confounding to this day. I like that the series has moved the modern timeline into the near-present. It's so hard to get into the racial mindset of the 1970s and know enough to figure out the dynamics. Confounding!

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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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So good! Time traveling slavery sci-fi that is brilliantly done. #audio #2 #2023

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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Worked hard getting both trees & all the Christmas decor packed away (ugh) so now it‘s time for lazy reading & football watching. 🙌🏻 This my first Octavia E. Butler! Thoughts? Only a few chapters in, but intrigued.
#52bookclub23 #abookbyOctaviaEButler

Deblovestoread Such a good book! 1y
Cinfhen Read this for IRL bookclub - great discussion. I liked it but didn‘t love it 1y
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Cinfhen Love your photo 😍 1y
KathyWheeler I loved this book. It was my first Octavia Butler book. 1y
squirrelbrain I can get the graphic novel version of this on Scribd, so I‘m thinking I might try that, for a bit of a change, as I don‘t usually do graphic novels. 🤔 1y
LaraReads @Deblovestoread @KathyWheeler glad to hear this! I think the idea of a series to watch after finishing makes me more excited too. 1y
LaraReads @Cinfhen thanks! And I have seen a little of both likes/loves. It‘s definitely a little outside of my usual wheelhouse. 1y
LaraReads @squirrelbrain that‘s a great idea! I‘ve got scribd too. I‘ll have to check it out. Thanks for the info! 1y
Librarybelle One of my colleagues thinks this is such a good book. It‘ll probably be the one I read for this prompt too. 1y
Bluebird I haven‘t read any of her books yet. I bought this one a few years ago and am thinking I will use it for the prompt. 1y
KathyWheeler @squirrelbrain I thought the graphic novel was a good adaptation of the book. 1y
squirrelbrain Oh good! @KathyWheeler - I‘m looking forward to it. 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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In this captivating and perplexing story, Dana - a young black woman, time travels between current day (1976, California) and a plantation her ancestors are enslaved on in Maryland during the 1800s. First time reading Octavia Butler - looking forward to reading more of her work.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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My top 22 reads of 2022. This was hard to narrow down 😊 Cheers to 2023 🥂

TrishB Agreed- it was hard! 1y
mcctrish I see some similar favourites and some to put on my 2023 list ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
squirrelbrain A great list! ❤️ 1y
Deblovestoread Great list! 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I almost can't forgive myself for having waited this long to read this book for the first time. Wow. That's all I can think to say because of how powerful it is, particularly for being so far ahead of its time. Literally.

And on a personal note: as a mixed kid who grew up in this often horrible world to become the woman I am today, it cut me deep.

jlhammar Such a good book! Are you planning to try the new adaptation (FX/Hulu series I think)? I haven‘t yet, but am definitely interested. 1y
swishandflick @jlhammar You know, I'm actually not sure yet! I have a really hard time watching slavery depictions in film/tv and I also kinda feel like there's no way to do it justice! 1y
SamAnne I just recently finished this one. Can‘t stop thinking about it and now want to read everything Butler has written. 1y
swishandflick @SamAnne Ditto! Though I'll have to pace myself so I can brace myself emotionally 🥺 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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✔️Headed toward the finish line with “Kindred” starting the series this week!📺

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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Re-reading Octavia Butler‘s “KINDRED” forty-three years since publication. A new Hulu series!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SamAnne Recently finished my first read and now reading the graphic novel. Hope the series lives up to the book! 1y
LatrelWhite @SamAnne I‘m just about finished and wanted to start the series this week. I hope too the it lives up to the novel.☺️ 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Timeless novel written in the 70s. Dana, a Black woman, lives with her white husband. She gets transported back to 1815 Maryland, interacting w/ her ancestors, both black and white. The novel explores how people survive under oppressors, how easy it is to slip into roles & how difficult it can be to escape them, the difficult moral choices people make to survive, & the complicated relationships between oppressors & oppressed.

SamAnne These are themes being explored in many novels and non-fiction in the 2020s. Butler wrote this in the 1970s. Many of the themes Ibram X. Kendi explores in his excellent non-fiction. I will be thinking about this read for a long time and plan to read all of Butler's work. 1y
SamAnne And really interesting Fresh Air episode this past week with old interviews with Butler: https://www.npr.org/2022/12/12/1142245168/sci-fi-pioneer-octavia-butler 1y
KathyWheeler I absolutely loved this book. The graphic novel adaptation was not bad either. 1y
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SamAnne @KathyWheeler I have the graphic from the library and plan to dive in this weekend! 1y
KCofKaysville @SamAnne. It's on my list! 1y
KathyWheeler @SamAnne I hope you like it. I thought it did justice to the novel. 1y
SamAnne @kathywheeler and then I will check out the TV series. 1y
KathyWheeler @SamAnne I need to watch that. 1y
Texreader Such a good book. I hope to watch it too 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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In Kindred, Octavia Butler weaves a historical science fiction story of time travel with Dana Franklin, who is called back in time to a slave plantation of her ancestors, exploring the horrifically real lives of slaves and slave owners. The intensity and graphic nature of Dana‘s experiences are masterfully played out in first person past and present perfect tenses, which had a gripping effect.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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Starting this next on audio before the show comes out!

SamAnne It‘s my IRL book club read for December! Have been wanting to read it forever. 2y
KathyWheeler I love this book! There‘s a graphic novel version as well, which is also good. 2y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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There are multiple layers to Kindred. At once it‘s complex and simple, Sci-fi and not Sci-fi, fiction and nonfiction. The beginning suffers a bit from “first-part-itis” — the dialogue can be cringeworthy and the fact that Butler allows her characters to accept what‘s happened with little question is a bit distracting. The dialogue does improve, however, and the story is so good and so important that these minor flaws don‘t matter by the end.

SamAnne Plan to finally read it in December. 2y
BC_Dittemore @SamAnne hope you enjoy it! 2y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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With 2 very interesting topics being interwoven,the book is an interesting one. Written by a female author of colour & written way ahead of its time. Sci-Fi and Fantasy put together in the form of Time Travel & slavery in the antebellum America.it's a journey that is belwildering as well as thought provoking.One has to applaud the author for her thorough research & weaving this beautiful story,which stays with you for a while.

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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📘Tagged and The Kite Runner
✒️Barbara Kingsolver, Sue Monk Kidd
🎬 The King's Speech
🎤 The Killers
🎶 Kangaroo Cry (Blue October) Kristy, Are You Doing Okay (The Offspring) King Tut (Steve Martin) Kiss Me (Sixpence None the Richer) Keep on Lovin You (REO Speedwagon)

#ManicMonday @CBee

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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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📕 Kindred by Octavia Butler
🖊 Keegan, Claire
📺 the Killing
🎙 Krall, Diana
🎶 Kick Jump Twist - Sylvan Esso

#ManicMonday #LetterK

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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📚 Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

🖋 Stephen King (I‘ve read him the most but it‘s been a while- not 100% sure if he‘s my favorite anymore), Steve Kluger and E.L. Konigsburg (runners up)

🎞 The Kid (Chaplin)

🎤 The Killers or The Kinks, I suppose.

🎼 “Killer Queen,” by Queen, “Kooks,” by David Bowie #manicmonday #letterk @CBee

Kindred | Octavia Butler
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For anyone that has read this book or love this author— how are you guys feeling about this series coming to FX? It has been a long time coming, what is everyone‘s thoughts? Octavia Butler is iconic — I have mixed feelings about this. Love to hear your thoughts #poc #woc #bipoc #timetravel

BkClubCare If I watched TV 📺 I would be excited!! But sadly (?!) I don‘t do much box-watching. But when I am in the mood to watch books (films based on books), I will search for it in the future 2y
MoonWitch94 WHAT?!?!?! Oh I must‘ve missed this! I WANT to be excited…but adaptations are always tricky. I hope it‘s done well. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2y
Reggie I can‘t. In the same way I can‘t ever watch Call Me By Your Name, in the same way I will never read the sequel to Aristotle and Dante. I can‘t. That book is near perfect and what I have in my head is good for me. 2y
annahenke This would be hard to watch I think on multiple levels - the content and the rich literary history of this book Among them. 2y
Readergrrl I agree. Very mixed emotions. I teach this novel every year, pairing it with works from living poets and sources from LearningforJustice.com. While I‘m eager to see it adapted for the screen, now I‘ll have entire groups of students who will never open the book. 😢 And, frankly, some of the scenes in this novel will be watered down by the film when they are better left to the reader‘s imagination. 2y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I can‘t tell you how excited I am that the series adaptation of this amazing book will be released on Hulu starting December 13th. I knew they were working on it but wasn‘t sure when it would be released. Trying not to get my expectations too high but it sounds good! If you have not read it, I highly recommend it—not an easy read but a really good one.

Link to EW article:

shanaqui Ooh, I hadn't heard about this. Thanks for the link! 2y
DebinHawaii @shanaqui You are welcome! I can‘t wait! 2y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I‘ll admit, when we picked this for our book club read this month I wasn‘t sure. 1970s Sci-Fi; I‘m not sure that‘s my thing. How wrong I was. I loved it. Such accessible, modern writing. Such an incredibly powerful story about slavery, power, race and so much more.

TrishB I had the same feeling- but a great read. 2y
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻 You make me want to read it! 2y
Cathythoughts Stacked 2y
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JillR @trishb definitely 2y
JillR @cathythoughts the subject matter is not easy, but it‘s very easy to read 2y
Cathythoughts Sounds like a good Bookclub choice 👍🏻 2y
JillR @cathythoughts yes it was a good one to discuss :) 2y
LatrelWhite I picked it for my book club maybe 15 yrs ago. First book of Octavia Butler‘s I had read just picked up again and got the audiobook to read and listen before I watch the series. Still one of my favorites💯. 1y
JillR @LatrelWhite sorry for my slow reply. This was the first Octavia White for all of us in our book group, we all loved it and intend reading more. Such fresh writing. Hope you enjoy it as much second time around. 1y
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Kindred | Octavia Butler
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I did not know what to expect going in. I was not even sure what the book was about, just that it was always recommended. This is one of those books that will stick with me for awhile.

JillR I‘ve just finished this for our book club read. Didn‘t really fancy it, ended up loving it! 2y
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