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The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko
The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko: A Novel | Scott Stambach
The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko is comic and staggeringly tragic, often both in a single sentence... A grittier, Eastern European, more grown-up The Fault in Our Stars." Eowyn Ivey, author of The Snow Child Seventeen-year-old Ivan Isaenko is a life-long resident of the Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children in Belarus. Born deformed, yet mentally keen with a frighteningly sharp wit, strong intellect, and a voracious appetite for books, Ivan is forced to interact with the world through the vivid prism of his mind. For the most part, every day is exactly the same for Ivan, which is why he turns everything into a game, manipulating people and events around him for his own amusement. That is until a new resident named Polina arrives at the hospital. At first, Ivan resents Polina. She steals his books. She challenges his routine. The nurses like her. She is exquisite. But soon, he cannot help being drawn to her and the two forge a romance that is tenuous and beautiful and everything they never dared dream of. Before, he survived by being utterly detached from things and people. Now, Ivan wants something more: Ivan wants Polina to live. Ivan Isaenko is a beautiful, heartbreaking, and hilarious novel whose closest literary relative might be One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...will appeal to any reader with a beating heart - a true gem. Nickolas Butler, author of Shotgun Lovesongs
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3 ⭐️ I really wanted to like the book, but it felt confusing, at least for the first part of the book and it also just kinda seemed to fall flat at times. I felt very confused as to what was going on in the book; the second half seemed to be much more clearer as to what was happening. #2021 #fiction #bookreview #bookstagram #contemporary #readingeurope2021 #belarus 🇧🇾

Was my #bookspin book for March

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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Been working on this for the past few hours; am slowly making progress #24deweysreadathon #24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon #readathon

BarbaraBB It‘s nice don‘t you think? It was an unexpected surprise for me last year. 3y
melissajayne @BarbaraBB liked the latter half of the book more that the first part 3y
BarbaraBB That‘s right, me too! 3y
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Anyone doing the #ReadingEurope2020 challenge still in need of #Belarus ? @Texreader has graciously offered to send a copy of the tagged book to someone, in the US, who still needs to complete this prompt.

Check out her feed for more information!

Texreader Thank you!! 4y
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Calling all #readingeurope2020 challengers! Do any of you (preferably in the US) still need #Belarus? I‘d be happy to pass it along. I‘ll be happy to mail it to the first person who still needs Belarus. If nobody then I‘ll open it up to all US Littens. It‘s a good book, but it‘s one I‘m happy to share.

BarbaraBB That is so kind. I read this one too for #Belarus and it‘s really good, so I can recommend it! 4y
Librarybelle What a nice gesture! 4y
Texreader @BarbaraBB @librarybelle I‘m sad no one‘s taken me up on the offer! Do either one or both of you want to post to y‘alls lists to see if there any takers from the #readingeurope2020 challenge? 4y
Librarybelle Done! 😁 4y
BarbaraBB Me too! 4y
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Update on my #readingeurope2020 challenge. I‘ve read 31 (in ink) of 50. Titles in pencil are books I‘ve lined up to read. I need book recommendations where I have blanks (Hungary and Liechtenstein).

Hoping I can fit some of these tbr on this list into the #scarathlon! 😁😳🧛‍♀️👻🎃

Librarybelle 👍 4y
Megabooks Great job!! 4y
StaceGhost This is such a cool challenge! I loved Dogs of Riga & I recommend Sisi for your Hungarian book 🤓 4y
BarbaraBB Hungary shouldn‘t be too difficult. I can highly recommend 4y
eeclayton @BarbaraBB I second that! 4y
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This is an endearing book told by a “partial” boy (as he described himself) born without all limbs except his left arm and a partial left hand about his life in a #Belarus hospital for gravely ill children and an orphaned girl dying of cancer. Very well done and I enjoyed the references to Russian literature. The explicit descriptions of sexual acts by young teens were the only eww factor. Could‘ve done without that. #readingeurope2020

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A lovely phrase describing the passage of time: “the hands of the clocks spun around the perimeter of the day”

BarbaraBB I enjoyed this book a lot. How about you? 4y
Texreader @BarbaraBB Yes I did too. Finished it tonight. Letting it sink in to write my review. It was very good. 4y
BarbaraBB Looking forward to it 💕 4y
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It‘s been a long time it seems since I started a new book for #readingeurope2020 so I am thrilled to start this one for #Belarus even though I believe it‘s going to be a tearjerker having read news stories about the Belarus orphans. Going in...

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Updating my #readingeurope2020 list (1st of 2 I‘m posting) since I just bought a few books to cover 4 more countries. Unfortunately I disliked HHhH so much I lost more than a month on this challenge because I kept putting it down for weeks at a time to build up my patience for it. In retrospect I should have bailed & found a different book. I‘m a slow reader & doubt I‘ll finish the books I‘m so excited to read in this challenge. 🙁 I‘ll try though

Katerina I'd like to recommend "The Island" by Victoria Hislop for Greece ??? 4y
Texreader @Katerina Thank you!! 4y
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#readingeurope2020 books purchased today! Tagged book for #Belarus

BarbaraBB I just finished that one! It‘s good! 4y
Texreader @BarbaraBB I‘m glad to finally find it and get to read it. It‘s been on my list even before the challenge. I‘ll be starting it soon 4y
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I‘d never read this YA book if it weren‘t for #ReadingEurope2020 but it turned out to be surprisingly good.

Ivan lives in the Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children in #Belarus. He is born severely disabled as a result of Chernobyl. In the hospital he meets Polina, a girl his age with cancer. They grow friends and of course there is a lot of sentimentality but also dark humor, which keeps the book from getting cheesy.

#ReadingEurope2020 🇧🇾

erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for the idea for Belarus 👍 4y
CarolynM Stacking for Belarus (if I ever get that far😬) 4y
Librarybelle Nice! 4y
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BookDepository delivered today and I am now almost covered for the remaining countries of #ReadingEurope2020. Here are my choices for Belarus, Serbia, Malta and Slovakia!

I still need to read a lot of them but at least I have my choices sorted out. The only country I am still missing is North Macedonia. #bookhaul

Ruthiella Book mail! 🥳 4y
squirrelbrain I had Banana Peels on the Tracks on my original list - I have a feeling I might have substituted something else but I‘m not sure without checking. Looks like some good choices there! 4y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I think I borrowed some from your list! 4y
Librarybelle Hooray! 4y
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Wow!! A great, unexpected haul from Dollar Tree today!! Especially the Beatriz Williams book!! Are any of these on your tbr list??

The Wicked City
Paris For One
By Invitation Only
The Fact of a Body
The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko
Lifeboat Clique

#Bookhaul #Tbr

AmyG I am so jealous. I miss having a Dollar Tree near me. Today is one of those days I just miss going shopping. 😢 Is what it is. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG do you like any of these? ❤️ 4y
AmyG You are THE sweetest. Save them for birthday mailings! 😘 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @AmyG ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Texreader So jealous! What a haul!! 4y
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My time in Belarus has centered around the Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children, where Ivan has spent his entire life. It‘s been fascinating to consider effects of Chernobyl, but Ivan‘s storytelling, ultimately, became too much for me—yes, he‘s intelligent and clever, but he‘s also quite acerbic and derogatory. I‘m ready to keep traveling.

The comparison to The Fault in Our Stars is completely accurate.

#BackpackEurope: Belarus ✔️


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I‘ve found my way to Belarus! It‘s a good thing I‘ve kept my map handy because I am regrettably unfamiliar with the geography of Eastern Europe—but I am learning.

#BackpackEurope #MountTBR

Books88 Loved this book! 6y
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#backpackEurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 12: Belarus has some lovely castles and a great Chagall museum with hundreds of his paintings!
If The Fault In Our Stars and It's Kind of a Funny Story had a Belarusian baby, it would be this. This book was heartbreaking and darkly comic and wonderful. Ivan has been hospitalized in Belarus since birth (parents lived near Chernobyl in Ukraine). But there he meets Polina...
Gorgeous YA book. 5/5!!

bookandcat @JenP @BookwormM Belarus visited, now I'm off to the Ukraine for a date with Sammy Davis Junior Junior while revisiting a favorite book of mine 6y
hes7 Haha, I‘m planning to read this one, too! 6y
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Oh my. Page 9 and already I can tell Ivan is going to be a heartbreaker. He is a teen living in a Belarusian hospital (Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children). Many of his limbs and features never developed fully in utero (he was born in the Ukranian city of Pripyat, where Chernobyl is located). On the first page he is already drunk on a few caps of Stoli, given to him by a nurse. This reminds me of a John Green book, if he wrote about Belarus.

bookandcat Oh Lordy two pages later and he's recalling a moment when he was 4 (his earliest memory) and a nurse was calling him a "Hui morzhovy" (walrus d*ck) for not taking his medicine and how he doesn't know her name because she died "falling off the hospital roof in near-hurricane-like weather during a smoke break" ?what is this book???? it is so darkly comedic 6y
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"The Fault in Our Stars" meets "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
Intrigued by this description in the blurb I read, I checked it out, but honestly wasn't expecting much...BUT I AM LOVING THIS BOOK!

daf_fields I cannot remember the last time a book moved me to tears, but this tragically beautiful tome did it twice. I LOVED THIS BOOK! 7y
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Fantastic story, so well told it's hard not to feel like it's a memoir.

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My heart is a broken mess. Major book hangover. Telling all my other books to go away, that I need a minute. Five stars.

daf_fields I felt the same way! 7y
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This story of the life of a boy who others define by his physical deformities while he knows he is so much more. His life changes & expands through his friendship with Polina a girl losing her battle with leukemia. This book has it's sweet & beautiful moments, but I mostly found it awkward & not that engaging. I don't know if that was the narration as I was listening to it or if it's just the story. Maybe 1 of these days I'll give it a 2nd shot.

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One of many disabled children born after the nuclear accident in Chernobyl, Ivan has lived his entire life at Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children. Despite his physical limitations, he has a keen mind. His emotional maturity is lacking, especially during the first half of the novel, where he plays mean-spirited "games," often involving bodily excretions.

When Polina arrives, he makes a real connection for the first time.

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What a heartbreaker this book was, but chock full of teen angst. #SmellsLikeTeenSpirit #JuneTunz

Cinfhen All the way from Hawaii 🙏🏻💓😊hope you're having a wonderful time😘 7y
EvieBee @Cinfhen Of course! So excited about these tunes! 😘🤗🌺 (edited) 7y
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Dear Reader, these Russians that I love so very much might just be the end of me...

MidnightBookGirl I really liked this book! 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Now Im going to have to get this one! 8y
celtichik It was slow for the first 30 pages or so, (I really didn't like Ivan at first) but I've been sneaking back to read it every chance I can get! 8y
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Loved it!

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Seventeen yr old Ivan has lived all his life in a hospital for gravely ill children. Everything is business as usual until Polina arrives. Ivan is witty and sarcastic, I loved his character despite of sometimes being an a-hole. This story is sad and hopeful. The description of the children and their afflictions will break your heart.

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Great read. Loved Ivan. Touching, funny, thought provoking

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Not always an easy, pleasant read but still a pick. 17-year old Ivan has severe physical deformities and has spent his entire life in a hospital for gravely ill children. He is an unlikeable character for a good part of the novel. But once Polina, a terminally ill girl, arrives and Ivan and Polina's relationship develops, you come to understand Ivan and hope for more for him and Polina too.

Side note: I like Lou with glasses😉

Joybishoptx Looking good Lou! 8y
EvieBee I loved this book, too. Not quite 5 stars, but it really got under my skin in a good way. Also, Lou is rocking those glasses. 8y
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Starting this one today. It's from my library stack and I have already renewed the entire stack once. I do that alot🤗
But best of all, I finally discovered the stickers🎉

RanaElizabeth This book was really interesting, uncomfortable and hard but good. 8y
Beckys_Books Love the stickers! 8y
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I give this a "pick" but only because if I didn't it would just seem wrong. It's such a sad and disturbing book, yet it also has so many deep thoughts. Ivan as a character seems almost unreal and beyond believable, yet you still want to read about his life in post-Soviet Belarus. Polina is much more believable and I think she is what keeps the story going. Don't read if you want an uplifting book, but do it if you liked the Fault in our Stars.

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YA Audio I wanted to love this like TFiOS and Cuckoo's Nest. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it. I Really enjoyed the Russian translations but I didn't attach to any of the characters. So as it played out I really didn't care. +

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Not as good as The Fault in Our Stars, which it's compared to. I did like Ivan, even though he's an asshole. I can understand some of the unfavorable reviews on Goodreads, so I guess this one gets a 'so-so' from me since there's not an option between that and 'pick.'

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The kitty cat is always competing for lap space.

DebinHawaii So sweet! 🐱❤️ 8y
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#disabilities Written from a 17 year old Russian boy's perspective named Ivan who lives in the Mazyr Hospital for Gravely Ill Children. Born with a deformity, but is mentally sharp. This is a raw look inside his heartbreaking sarcastic mind as he dictates his day and takes to the page the people and interactions around him. An absolute must read.

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I have been thinking about my favorite reads for the year. This is definitely in my top 10. Ivan has a severe birth defect and a sassy mouth. He's too smart for his own good, which along with said defects makes him a difficult patient to love. When a terminally ill girl comes into his hospital his life is changed. She teaches him to live, love, and take chances. So good!

daf_fields I lived this book, too! 7y
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A beautifully bitter sweet mix of 'The Fault in Our Stars', 'Wonder' and 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'. My book club members and myself really enjoyed this one and it made for a great discussion. But fair warning, you might find yourself laughing out loud yet you're going to want some tissues handy at the same time!😂😢 #BookclubPicks #TheFeels

Reviewsbylola Ok, I loved The Fault in Our Stars so I will have to check this one out. 8y
LiteraryinPA Wow. It sounds really powerful. 8y
daf_fields Yeah, I can truly say that I laughed and I cried! 7y
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Many people have compared this book to a Fault in Our Stars. Both are sad and tragic, but the Invisible Life is grittier and darker. The humor is darker as well. I felt guilty laughing at things I shouldn't have.

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Witty, honest and sometimes uncomfortable, I'm enjoying Ivan. I could do without so much bodily fluids though. 😬 #currentlyreading

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My husband says that this is like the Fault in Our Stars Guillermo Del Torro style.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Woah. With that description, Im sold. 8y
daf_fields Apt description 7y
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#PhotoAdayNov16 #TBR

My tentative #NovemberTBR, starting with my bookclub's current pick 'The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko' which I'm curling up with tonight since I have till Friday to finish it! 🙊🤓📚

Let's see if I actually stick to this TBR....then again, this stack doesn't include my audiobooks lol.🎧😁

Reviewsbylola Reading and loving The Mothers right now. I really want to read Shelter. 8y
MarticaMustRead Happy to hear that about The Mothers @Reviewsbylola since that one is my next one-it seems to be everywhere! 8y
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Tragic, raw, funny & inspiring! This book had it all. 17 year old physically disabled teen living in an asylum for gravely ill children. Set in Belarus. Many of the children suffered abnormalities from excessive radiation from a nuclear reactor accident. Ivan's wit & perseverance are remarkable.

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There were times when this book made me feel uncomfortable to listen to with my son but in the end it was definitely a good experience. I enjoyed the story, the writing was superb and my son gave it two thumbs, what more could you ask?!

RanaElizabeth I really enjoyed this too, uncomfortable but great. 8y
MidnightBookGirl Haha, I read the book too, so I can imagine the awkward moments of trying to listen to certain scenes with someone else. 8y
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This book was unlike any I've ever read. Quite the tale.

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Crazy book!

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I'm not gonna lie listening to the main character's description of his first erection and masterbation with my son on the way to school made me a bit uncomfortable. Sticking with this week's theme though I would never want this book banned, it has opened the door for lots of great conversations.

Qemorio @WanderingBookaneer yes, I read it a long time ago and my son and I just listened to it last month. 8y
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Started this one with the little guy on the way to school this morning.

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I bailed on this one. I get that the author was going for "gritty realism", but the first third was just gross - waaaaayyy too scatalogical for me.

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Korje, the buyer at #BooksInc in San Francisco, says: "It's WONDERFUL. You think it's going to be unbearable, but it's not. It's amazing." #getindie

Cspen113 This sounds lovely and horrible at the same time. A must read! 8y
daf_fields Well said! It's hard to put into words the experience of reading this book. 7y
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