1200 pages (truth - 70 hours audiobook): just finished Les Miserables for the 3rd time!
Wow! What an ending! I love these characters so much 💓
Still my favorite book.
Victor Hugo was such an amazing artist!
1200 pages (truth - 70 hours audiobook): just finished Les Miserables for the 3rd time!
Wow! What an ending! I love these characters so much 💓
Still my favorite book.
Victor Hugo was such an amazing artist!
Just finishing Go Set a Watchman & this seemed like the perfect follow-up. It's a haunting tale of a young man torn between the grandparents that are raising him, his deadbeat strungout mother and his ex-con father. Add in his mixed ethnicity, deep-south mysticism, white grandparents that reject him b/c he's mixed and the fact that he's raising his toddler sister. Oh, and multiple narrators, 1 of whom is dead.
Man! This was a powerhouse of a book.
I am a little embarrassed to admit that I listened to this, and even more embarrassed that I enjoyed it. I was in the middle of some heavy books and needed something lite to fill in the gaps. Keaton, who reads with a touching vulnerability, mixes humorous anecdotes with moving moments from real life. A surprisingly personal look into the life of a real person who is also a celebrity. She is open about her flaws, her mistakes & her insecurities.
"The Fault in Our Stars" meets "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
Intrigued by this description in the blurb I read, I checked it out, but honestly wasn't expecting much...BUT I AM LOVING THIS BOOK!
Surprisingly, this has been a great read. I usually find his writing formulaic and turn to him for some mindless entertainment, but he has surprised me more than once in this one.
Here we go. Time for another ride down the James Patterson mystery template.
"A novel can best be defined as a long piece of prose with something wrong with it". An old saying
Another great quote from the introduction to the 10th anniversary edition
"You never learn to write a novel, you only learn to write the novel you're writing." - Gene Wolfe
Great quote from the introduction to the 10th anniversary edition
Decided to read it after watching the show. Everyone that works with high school students needs to read this. The differences in the show were done carefully and deliberately.
This was a fantastic expose of the very flawed "correctional" system. The show, which I've only caught bits and pieces of, takes a ton of liberties. This is a very powerful book!
Good read. Started a little slow but picked up quickly. Nice murder mystery.
"Every poem you write should be like someone reading your things. It should be terrifying and incredibly embarrassing."
OK, confession, I'm watching the show and haven't read the book yet, so I don't know if this is in the book or not. However, I'm finding the show the most poignant, realistic exploration of modern teenagers.
Oh, man! So far I am loving this book. Sci-fi, cryogenics, AI, eerie yet realistic political events, and a narrator with a great balance intelligence and levity.
" Lin does exactly what Shakespeare does. He takes the language of the people, and heightens it by making it verse. It both ennobled the language and the people saying the language. That‘s precisely what Shakespeare did in all of his work, particularly in his history plays. He tells the foundational myths of his country. By doing that, he makes the country the possession of everybody."
Reading this classic to my kiddos for the first time.
Hope they love it as much as I do!
A must for all word-nerds!
Just finished watching season 1, and even though I just read this a few months ago, I'm diving back in - eerily timely!
And, who better to read it than Claire Danes!
Haven't watched the movie yet, but the book is eerily good and a little too believable!
Reminds me a lot of "The Black Mirror" episode 'Nosedive' with Bryce Dallas Howard. If you read this, you have to watch that!
Randomly started listening to this. Recently read Rebecca and loved it! I'm almost done, and it is just as good!
Imagine my surprise yesterday when I saw a commercial for the movie!
Intriguing plot, very creative structure, great character development: one character I really admire and another I abhor!
Looking forward to reading another Harry Bosch book after binging the show.
I innocently started listening to this, looking for something to distract me while driving 3 hours for a big job interview, naively putting stock in the following line: a private, personal battle in which the humor & humanity that has touched millions became her most powerful weapon. I found myself laughing & crying while stuck in traffic & battling construction. All made even more poignant knowing that she narrated the audiobook in her last days.
I'm enjoying this. Very well thought out.
I really appreciate that this book and its prequel, Memory Man, explore synesthesia, one of my favorite literary devices and an absolutely fascinating psychological condition.
One of my former students just brought me this signed copy! This is one of my favorite books!
Holy cow! What a twist! Totally didn't see that coming - had no idea what I was getting into.
Just started teaching this modern classic. It's a great end-of-the-year reprieve after all of the challenging classics I have had my Brit Lit students read this year.
MY FAVORITE BOOK, HANDS DOWN! It took me three years and several starts to get through it after buying an old hardback edition that doesn't even have a publisher or date listed. That was 10 years ago, and that tome is still one of my greatest treasures (and one of my greatest accomplishments). I tell my English students that this is the greatest story of redemption there is next to the Bible. The Bishop is my favorite character!
Just finished this - such an unexpectedly sweet and touching book. Very original.
This book changed me life! I read it twenty years ago, and I am different everyday because of it. It is easily the most influential book I have ever read.