Let the hungries continue!!! New characters new problems and new hungries
Let the hungries continue!!! New characters new problems and new hungries
It took me over a year to read this but I finally finished. I did take a long break during that time. I was determined to read one of his books in my lifetime. I‘m sure it was a great way to spend a long Russian winter. Trying at times but worth the journey
Uncomfortable subject but an innovative way to get you thinking.
I can‘t recommend this enough. Her words flow beautifully in perfect combinations
Love a good historical fiction. This author delivers
Interesting format. Sad issue. Keep moving forward towards hope
Wonderful read. Important message to all women. Don‘t stop ...being you, trying new things, having ideas , making plans The list goes on and on. Would make a great movie
A lot to think about in this book. How war destroys but hope grows
Read and then go to see it. I've read and going to see it in the spring when the azaleas are in bloom. I learned so much from this book about the Vanderbilt family and so many more people and forestry and the list goes on and on
Short but worth it. A fairytale for the edgy
Didn't want it to end. Bought the DVD. Hoping for a sequel although I know Gaiman really doesn't write sequels. Oh goodness just read it. I know it's not new or in the papers but it is just too good to miss
What happens when magic and bureaucracy collide!!! What a romp!! It's a commitment but worth it
If you are a fan of Garrison Keillor...do not miss this opportunity. A pure delight. Great characters, wonderful setting. Heartwarming tale
Listened to this on Audible. I can't recommend this enough. If you like an edge if your seat , keep you guessing tale. This is it!!!
Read it!!! There is so many interesting discussions to have. So many decisions to debate
Thoroughly enjoyed this read. What a great character Celine. I could read about more of her investigations. Well paced. Kept me turning the pages
Oh so lovely!!! A winding story that takes you to so many different places with wonderful characters. Read it. Don't wait
Almost halfway through. Bit of a slow start but my interest is picking up
While it dragged in certain areas overall a thumbs up. An interesting way to tell a story of a war criminal and the wide reaching effects of their actions. To be able to see inside the mind of twisted individuals is eye opening
Kind of disappointed that this story became so Christian. I don't think it needed that angle and quite frankly I skimmed those sections
Very smart book. Great characters that you can see , feel and hear. Highly recommend!!" Favorite sentence in the whole book. Took my breath away
Heard a lot about this one. Time to find out what it's all about
Done!!! Lots of running about in this one but an interesting story
Time to rejoin the peculiars
I enjoyed this book but at times it moved rather slowly
Nothing like a bit of mystery
Well written but I find it hard to look forward to reading about family crises
Really enjoyed this book. A great friend book , some good life lessons and a touch of mystery. I'm passing it along to a good friend
Great read. Loved Ivan. Touching, funny, thought provoking
The last book and it took me a long time to finish. I would still recommend it but it was not my favorite of the 4