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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Anthem | Ayn Rand

Second read and I have been reminded why I love this book so much. For someone who has lived in a communist regime, I resonate a lot with this book. In only a few pages, it encompasses the reality of collectivism and the wrong that there is in forbidding individual intellect and success. The lack of the self is the lack of freedom, and there is beauty on differences, whether it is physical, of thought, or achievement.

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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It was interesting to read Anthem right on the heels of 1984. I enjoyed Anthem more. It is certainly more optimistic. Some might argue unrealistic, but what do we have without hope?

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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Aight, so hold your fire; I know this author is...controversial, to say the least, and I‘m not some blind disciple, but I do find her endlessly fascinating and, like it or not, I actually did learn a couple things from her. So I wanted to revisit Anthem, a book I initially had to read in high school, and damn if it ain‘t pretty good. Say what you will about her, she could in fact write. Anyway, full review here:


SRWCF One of my all-time favorite novels is 3y
TH3F4LC0N I have a copy, but I only got thru about 250 pages. I‘m prolly gonna have to tackle it again someday, if only to see what all the fuss is about. ☺️ 3y
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Book 13

BooksNBowls One of my absolute favorites. Haven‘t read it in almost 10 years but it‘s stuck with me all this time. 💕 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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I just finished listening to another audiobook. I‘m counting this book for 1 reading challenge.

☑️Good Book, Bad Cover - #beatthebacklist

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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#Bookaday Book 8.
Yay or nay?

My physical bookshelves are overflowing and I want to Marie Kondo them a bit.
So, I‘m posting #abookaday of my “maybes” and I hope you can help me decide.
Have you read this book? Should I? ❤️ or a hard pass? Is it on your wish list? Let me know below.

Soubhiville I liked this one a lot. 3y
Roary47 I also really enjoyed this one. 3y
CuriousG Sorry, but would be nay for me 3y
effani I read this in high school, and it's the first book I can remember thinking “this is badly written“ about. So that's a nay from me too. 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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#Maywrapup from most favorite 🙂 to least favorite 😞

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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This novella tells the story of Equality 7-2521, a young man living in a collectivist society in a dystopian future. One day he finds a artifact from the past which changes his life.

My copy of this book also contained the marked-up 1938 first copy of the book, which was interesting to read bits of and compare to the 1946 version. Rand re-wrote Anthem for its 1946 American release.

Texreader I read this in my teens after reading the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. I remember them but I don‘t remember anything about this one. I need to read it again. 3y
aa_guer2021 What an interesting edition. We read this for the high school curriculum. 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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A good friend of mine recommended this book a few weeks ago, and since I loved “Atlas Shrugged” (by the same author) I knew I should give this one a try. And honestly, this has become one of my favorite books of all time. It‘s about finding identity, individuality, and freedom in a dystopian dark age.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻📚 3y
Literary_Siren This reminded me a lot of The Giver. 3y
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pr.alm @Literary_Siren I haven‘t read The Giver yet 😬.. do you recommend it? Anthem reminded me of 1984 in some ways. 3y
Literary_Siren Oh for sure! It was required reading in elementary school. 3y
llcoolnate 👌🏻👌🏻 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Eggs Well done 👍🏼 4y
pr.alm Read it this afternoon… so good! 🤘🏼 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Loved it!!! Totally different from what I read, but it was excellent! Lessons learned from this read. This was also my first read by Ayn Rand.

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We totally loved it. 👀 It took a little adjusting to follow the “we” language but ultimately it‘s a story advocating for capitalism as the story is built around a socialist structure...I appreciate this classic story and can‘t wait to read her others. stories!

Trashcanman Hi Sarah, I hope you are doing well and that you are safe. 5y
Sg1224 Hi @Trashcanman I‘m doing well. Allowing myself to read as much as possible. How are you and your family? 5y
Trashcanman @Sg1224 I'm ok, I'm able to work from home 3 days a week then rotate. Since I'm on a 9/80 schedule I have ever other Friday off. The kids are well but bored and want to go back to school. I don't like working from, all this shit is nuts. 5y
Sg1224 @Trashcanman it is crazy, and I can imagine working from home with a full house is quite challenging. I agree this is really crazy, but at least we have books and modern technology that allows us to work from home. I can‘t even imagine if this were to have happened in the 90‘s with dial up...👀 😂 5y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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The world is interesting and the main character, Equality 7-2521, is equally interesting. I love the way he paints the world and his discontent with it and the path his discontent takes him on. In a world where you cannot make your own decisions or be your own person, what happens when disagree with your path?
Picked this one up for #readharder, a sci-fi novella.

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Awkward to read but an effective use of prose. Relevant today as it was when written

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Current read

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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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I read this graphic novel adaptation of Anthem for the graphic novel prompt in #booked2019. I really enjoyed this rendition and the artwork. It really illustrates the message and kept with the original story. I recommend this if you enjoyed the book! #graphicnovel

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! 👊🏻📚♥️ 5y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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A small book with a big message; amazing how literature can capture concepts that are still prevalent and relevant a century later.

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Anthem was one of my favorite books growing up. It‘s a dystopian SF novel that focuses around a character who‘s “different” than the rest of his society. I would highly recommend this book as a guided reading because some parts are hard to understand based off of the pronouns the characters use- everyone is we or us because there is no individuality in the society. Using ESOL 13 with students would help with comprehension before and after reading.

kennedimartin Using UDL 9.3 would allow students to understand the text better and ask questions about certain sections of the book if needed. https://www.aynrand.org/-/media/pdf/teacher-resources/lessonplans_and_studyguide... this PDF I found a great resource by Ayn Rand and it has comprehension questions, projects and other assignments to use in the classroom. #lae3414sp19 (edited) 6y
Jerlynn I love that book:)) 6y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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This was the second audiobook listened to on today‘s long trek across #Pennsylvania and back. Sometimes short books are more satisfying. Amirite? 😁

Reecaspieces Love Ayn Rand! 6y
Soubhiville I loved this book. 6y
jb72 I definitely love the accomplished feeling of getting a few short books read. 6y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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My first time reading Ayn Rand! I picked the smallest of her masterpieces, but I think it was an excellent introduction. I highly enjoyed this book. It's your typical dystopian novel, but it was the first of its kind, I believe. It's beautifully written, I loved Rand's prose. It was so well thought out and precise. Rand tends to be a controversial author but I think her works can produce some insightful discourse whether it be good or bad. 4/5 ***

pr.alm The golden one 3y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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re-reading an old favorite. I try and read at least 30 minutes every night and my goal for the summer is 20+ books.

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I really liked it. I love the dystopian genre, and this is classic dystopian. Emphasizes the corrupting influence of power and how any philosophy, taken to extremes, is dangerous and destructive. This book focuses on a futuristic nightmare of a collective society where the individual does not exist outside of the needs of the group. The protagonist‘s journey leads him on a voyage of self-discovery; he discovers the concept of “I.”

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I haven't been doing nearly as much reading lately, and I blame this guy. :P I think I've spent more time outside in the last few weeks than I did in the last 6 months! #dogsoflitsy #poodle #rocketman #mrfloof

GondorGirl He's beautiful! 7y
gjacobs @GondorGirl Thank you! I pretty much spend all my time with him now, haha. I'm a little obsessed. :P 7y
Scurvygirl He‘s so adorable! 🙀💙💙 7y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Ayn Rand is trash. Not worth reading.

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This was a great dystopian classic! I really enjoyed getting to know the MC and watching him change and grow.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Cinfhen I‘m really into dystopian now...maybe I‘ll give this a try on @SerialReader 💜 7y
shendrix413 @Cinfhen super fast read! I kept jumping ahead because I was enjoying it so much! It's only 8 issues 7y
Cinfhen Oh good!! I haven‘t used my serial reader app in months 🙄 7y
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These are the first and last books on my bookshelf. #24in48

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A reminder that you owe the world nothing, you are not required to do a damn thing. We choose to because we want to, and that is wonderful but don't ever let anyone back you into a corner. #myowntwocents

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A favorite read this year! The Anthem takes place in a society where everyone is a We, instead of an I. When one citizen starts to question what he has been told he begins to ask the definition of individuality and humanity. Ayn Rand tells this story with power and purpose, I was blown away by how fitting this message is for our current society. You are one person, and is enough to change our entire reality. Humanities flaws are every changing. 💡

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Familiar themes. Presented simply.

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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Bureaucracy in a nutshell 🤣

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Decided to give Ayn Rand another chance after failing to finish Fountainhead three times. #serialreader

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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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I am on this novella short story kick. Can‘t remember where or when but was told to read this once upon a time.

So I enjoyed the tone the book set from the beginning.
I enjoyed the descriptions of daily monotonous life that Prometheus describes. The fact that this was written more than 50 years ago blows my mind. It feels so relevant and like a current best seller. 9 stars

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Oh Ayn Rand... I bet she was fun at parties.
So this story wasn't terrible but it really illustrated Rand's philosophy. I've read worse! #TeamEgo

britt_brooke 😆 This is the only book of hers I‘ve read .... and will remain as such. 7y
IamIamIam LOL, good choice, @britt_brooke! I read Atlas Shrugged years ago & still don't know why!!! 😂 7y
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My afternoon painting project for the Halloween party at school & I decided to listen to some uplifting Ayn Rand while basking in the sun. I think my subconscious is being affected by the skeletons on the tree... lol, it will resemble a Tim Burton creation by the time I'm done, hopefully!

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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• finished part 4; ready to see where this is leading •

#classics #aynrand #literature #currentlyreading #SerialReader #apps #digitalreads

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I'm not positive that this book was banned but it was the first thing that popped in my head when I thought about this tag. I read it in high school and aging a few years later and loved it both times.
#bannedbooklove #backtoreading
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

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A brilliant, philosophical story about a future world where "I" does not exist. We are one, and individuality is a sin. Reminiscent of Yevgeny Zamtatin's "We," "Anthem" is a quick but powerful read. Check out my full review here: https://theultimatebookgeek.wordpress.com/2017/07/26/anthem-book-review/.
#aynrand #anthem #classics #philosophy #dystopian

Anthem | Ayn Rand
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A unique dystopian novella focusing on the power of I, or individual freedom and personal satisfaction.

It gives a distinct perspective of focusing on one's own self and avoiding the constraints of collectivism.


We, Equality 7-2521, were not happy in those year in the Home of the Students. It was not that the learning was too hard for us. It was that the learning was too easy. This is a great sin, to be born with a head which is too quick. It is not good to be different from our brothers, but it is evil to be superior to them. The Teachers told us so, and they frowned when they looked at us.

Suet624 Ugh. 7y
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But what is freedom? Freedom from what? There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men. To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. That is freedom. That and nothing else.


I owe nothing to my brothers, nor do I gather debts from them. I ask none to live for me, nor do I live for any others. I covet no man's soul, nor is my soul theirs to covet.

I am neither foe nor friend to my brothers, but such as each of them shall deserve of me. And to earn my love, my brothers must do more than to have been born. I do not grand my love without reason, nor to any chance passer-by who may wish to claim it.

Suet624 Ayn Rand. I really dislike her uncaring and ruthless approach to helping others. 7y
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What is my joy if all hands, even the unclean, can reach into it? What is my wisdom, if even the fools can dictate to me? What is my freedom, if all creatures, even the botched and impotent, are my masters? What is my life, if I am but to bow, to agree and to obey?


My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.

Anthem | Ayn Rand

At first, man was enslaved by the gods. But he broke their chains. Then he was enslaved by the kings. But he broke their chains. He was enslaved by his birth, by his kin, by his race. But he broke their chains. He declared to all his brothers that a man has rights which neither god nor king nor other men can take away from him, no matter what their number, for his is the right of man, and there is no right on earth above this right.

Texreader 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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When "We" takes over and "I" no longer exists. #ruletheworld #junetunz

Cinfhen DEEP 😍😜🙌🏻 7y
Reviewsbylola You're really going hard on these challenges. Love it! 7y
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Anthem | Ayn Rand
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Just read this in one sitting. The writing is amazing and the allegories and references to other literary works and political ideologies is amazing!

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Haven't read any of her books yet, but if this is the attitud, l think l should really seeks her out.

Anyone read anything of hers?

Redwritinghood Yes, they are good but a little preachy - they are mainly indictments of communism. 7y
JazzFeathers @Redwritinghood l thought they might be. But l might try her anyway 😊 7y
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