Lion and tigers and bears, OH MY! Oh wait, just a mouse?? This book was one of my FAVORITE books growing up. I‘m SO excited to start reading it with #NCHPedsReads! Despereaux is way more than just a mouse. Let‘s read and find out!!! #MarPedsReads
Lion and tigers and bears, OH MY! Oh wait, just a mouse?? This book was one of my FAVORITE books growing up. I‘m SO excited to start reading it with #NCHPedsReads! Despereaux is way more than just a mouse. Let‘s read and find out!!! #MarPedsReads
As we‘re about to start another book for the #NCHPedsReads book club, I wanted to share my final opinion about this read!
I had such a hard time putting this book down, and I even let my friend borrow my copy so she could read it! The message is so powerful for readers of all ages and I‘m so glad I was able to read it. This book will be in my classroom library for sure!
Have you finished the book yet? It was such a sweet ending, but I want her to write more so I know how the characters stories continue! This is the hardest part for me with books, how do their lives continue? I like to think her brother was able to visit and her dad was able to meet the new baby. How do you think their stories continued after the book ends? #NCHPedsReads #JanPedsReads
I just finished part 4! It was (so far) my favorite part of the book. I love reading how Jude learns who she is and reading how she is growing into her strong, brave self. I can‘t wait to read how her character grows from here! #NCHPedsReads #JanPedsReads
“Excuse us. Thank you. We are happy.” (Warga p. 188).
This moment in the book has been the most powerful to me so far. I cannot seem to put this book down!!
Has anyone else read to this part of the book yet?
#NCHPedsReads #JanPedsReads
I‘m SO enjoying Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga. I‘m already connecting to the characters and I‘m so worried about how the political issues are starting to become more intense. I‘m so ready to read more to find out what happens- it‘s hard to put down once you start reading!
#NCHPedsReads #JanPedsReads
This TL novel is another classic (obviously) that you NEED to read if you have only ever watched the film. I said this novel would be great for a LC. https://homeschoolgiveaways.com/2016/01/the-wizard-of-oz-free-resources-and-prin... is a great resource that could aid teachers and students while reading this graphic novel together.
This classic TL novel would be the perfect RA. I only know this, of course, because this is the first novel I can remember being read to me in school. I remember everyone getting a class copy, the smell of old books (is that a guilt pleasure for anyone else??) and most of all the illustrations. I found a great resource https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/unit-plans/teaching-content/charlottes-web-t... that could aid teachers in a RA.
This B graphic novel is a great addition to any classroom library. Representing ALL of your students in your classroom library is so important. Leaving this book in your classroom library and letting students read this independently allows for individual choice, UDL principle 7.1. It also allows students to want to read this type of book and possible get interested in books other than modern fantasy.
This B graphic novel is a great addition to any classroom library. Conversation about children and people with special needs so important if we are to start spreading awareness and acceptance to younger generations. https://www.rif.org/literacy-central/book/el-deafo is a great resource I found that teaches could use if they used this book as a guided read.
I thought that this NF picture was such a great book to have in a classroom library! Not only are the illustrations extremely inviting, the book itself has great information about Apollo 11. I thought this book could spark a great dramatic reading from students as they reenact the first moon landing, the rovers on mars and the moon, etc. Getting children interested in reading through space exploration might even be MORE fun for the teacher.
This HF novel has won so many awards due to the subjects and social injustices brought up in it. I said this novel would be great for a LC and I also found this amazing resource https://www.matchfishtank.org/curriculum/english-language-arts/5th-grade-literat... that has a great lesson for the 5th grade level.
One of the best SF series I have read! This dystopian novel would be great for a LC in a upper level middle or high school literature class. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:divergent is a great resource that shows different lessons and activities teachers can plan around the novel, including a few that align with common core standards.
Phantom of the Opera! Maybe you have heard of this famous Broadway show or maybe you have seen the movies made about it. But did you know it was a book? I found this for ONLY $2.00 in this amazing book store in Salem Massachusetts! While this is my favorite musical, the book really satisfies my need to learn more about the french opera ghost. I wouldn‘t recommend this book for young readers however- the content is high school level.
The Tale is Despereaux was another classic book for me when I was growing up. This F novel by Kate DiCamillo is a great read for young readers. I remember the layout of this novel being different than any other book I had read before I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I recently ordered this book to add of my own library. https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/genia-connell/2017/The-Tale-of-De...
This F picture book is a great book to have in your K-1 classroom. Using this story as a RA or RT, a teacher could really get the students into the story by having each student be a character, using different voices for each animal, and acting out each part. The repetitive phrases in the story allows for ESOL 8 and 14. Making sure to model the correct reading fluency and pronunciation helps EL‘s and other students comprehend the sorry better.
As you can see by the Sunshine sticker on the front cover, this was my most read novel as a young reader. After doing my book boost about this F novel, I decided to read it again, and WOW. I forgot captivated I get into this book, and I also picked up on hundreds of new details. Using my teacher hat, imagining using this book as an IR or a LC in my classroom would be amazing! I also did some research this time around while reading.
Anthem was one of my favorite books growing up. It‘s a dystopian SF novel that focuses around a character who‘s “different” than the rest of his society. I would highly recommend this book as a guided reading because some parts are hard to understand based off of the pronouns the characters use- everyone is we or us because there is no individuality in the society. Using ESOL 13 with students would help with comprehension before and after reading.
This novel is a very interesting NF read for anyone interested in evaluation or the story behind Charles Darwin himself. I would use this novel with upper level 8th grade and high school students in an LC to introduce the subject of evolution.
I had the pleasure of reading Wonder on my trip to Massachusetts this spring break! I loved this read so much that I read it in the plane, in the airport, or any breaks I took from playing in the snow (yes, that‘s snow in the background). This RF novel is PERFECT for a LC with children grades 4 and up. I feel teachers can even use this as a RA in grades 2-4. Talking about children with special needs is so important!
This timeless picture book (P) is an amazing read aloud for any K-2nd grade class/young reader! I remember this story being read to me as a kid (the wear and tear is shown with ripped pages and frayed edges). The rhyming and repetitiveness in this story helps children recall the book easier and enjoy the story as the reader follows the contagious yawn.
Where the Sidewalk Ends (P) was one that I read frequently with my mom when I was younger. I had dog eared all the “best” poems and we would read them night after night. This one was my favorite poem from the book. http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/poetry-feast-form... this is a great lesson plan for 3-5th graders about poetry! RA to the class to model fluency helps young readers understand poetry more!
To Kill a Mocking Bird (HF) is my FAVORITE book of all time (yes, even above Harry Potter). Harper Lee was a literary genius in my opinion, and I believe every person should read this book at some point in their lives! This Pulitzer Prize novel captivates it‘s readers by being in the point of view of a young girl named Scout. Set in the 1930‘s, this book seems like a completely different world.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s Stone (F) is a classic for me! http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/profbooks/Sorcerer-Explori... is a great resource I found that you could use to help reinforce the plot of the book! While some of the later book in this series are more appropriate for older students, this timeless series would be a great for IR or LC!
Creepy Carrots! (F) is an amazing book for RA! The story itself is captivating and the illustrations by Peter Brown enhance the story in a way to help children really visualize the “creepiness” of the carrots. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Craftivity-and-Inference-Activity-to... is a great resource when reading this book to K-1! Allowing for discussion while reading allows for UDL 8.3.
Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper (RF) is a book that will bring out ALL of your emotions. This story is told in the point of view of Melody Brooks- a hilarious, brutally honest little girl. Oh, and she is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Although she can‘t walk, talk, or do most things on her own, she never lets that stand in her way of being her true self. Reading this book in a LC allows students to read independently and make their own opinions.