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The Woman Upstairs
The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
56 posts | 81 read | 67 to read
Nora Eldridge, a 37-year-old elementary school teacher in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is on the verge of disappearing. Having abandoned her desire to be an artist, she has become the "woman upstairs," a reliable friend and tidy neighbour always on the fringe of others' achievements. Then into her classroom walks a new pupil, Reza Shahid, a child who enchants as if from a fairy tale. He and his parents--dashing Skandar, a half-Muslim Professor of Ethical History born in Beirut, and Sirena, an effortlessly glamorous Italian artist--have come to America for Skandar to teach at Harvard.But one afternoon, Reza is attacked by schoolyard bullies who punch, push and call him a "terrorist," and Nora is quickly drawn deep into the complex world of the Shahid family. Soon she finds herself falling in love with them, separately and together. Nora's happiness explodes her boundaries--until Sirena's own ambition leads to a shattering betrayal.Written with intimacy and piercing emotion, this urgently dispatched story of obsession and artistic fulfillment explores the thrill--and the devastating cost--of giving in to one's passions. The Woman Upstairs is a masterly story of America today, of being a woman and of the exhilarations of love.
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I'm reading Winter Tales II: Women on the Art of Aging. So, I'll continue with that book and also continue Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime by James O. Pyle & Maryann Karinch and Go Luck Yourself by Andy Nairn. I'll also start The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud.

@Andrew65 #AwesomeApril

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😊 6mo
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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This is a wonderful look inside one woman‘s life as she struggles with the best way to love three members of the same family; a husband, a wife, and their young son. Nora is obsessed with each person in a different way and working out why and if they are as equally obsessed with her is fascinating. A book about art, education, aging, friendship, and deciding your own fate.

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Another reread of one of my absolute favorites!

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Oooh, this was interesting. Good depiction of the interiority of a person. I appreciated the depiction of single womanhood - as daughter and carer. I LOVED that she at the very very end, got MAD. I was left thinking she is going to take command of her life!

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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Nora is 37, single, a teacher who wanted to be an artist. She often feels unworthy. ‘The woman upstairs‘, for all to see and judge. But she mostly judges herself. Until the Shahid‘s enter her life. Father, mother, 8 year old son. They make her feel like a friend, an artist, a woman and a mother. Before long she depends on them for her happiness and self esteem.

The book began and ended with a bang, but dragged a bit in the middle.

BarbaraBB You sent me this one a long time ago Cindy, if you remember at all. It was an enjoyable read! Thank you again ❤️ @Cinfhen (edited) 3y
Suet624 I have been avoiding this book and now I have an idea why. 3y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I did enjoy it, but it‘s not too special and no need for you to read it! 3y
Suet624 I‘ve been reading a few of those types of books lately. 🙂🤨 3y
Cinfhen Completely agree with your review! It had its highs & lows 3y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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This was great!

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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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The books I ordered with my Christmas gift card came. 😍📚😍

readordierachel Looks like some good ones! 6y
Ruthiella Nice stack!😀 6y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

I can see that it was one small thought among all the other thoughts that drift like dust motes through a cluttered mind. But it was a thought I made an object, and held on to and turned over and over in my hand, as if it were an amulet, as if it gave meaning to what had come before; and holding on to it changed everything again.

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 6y
Ericalambbrown Welcome! Hope you love it here! 6y
Cinfhen I liked this book, even though the MC was really unlikeable 😬 6y
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Sace Welcome! 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
TheSpineView Welcome! ❤📘 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
AnimalRiotPress Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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“Don‘t ever get yourself stuck like this.” Advice from Nora‘s mother to her daughter about marriage. The protagonist is an angry frustrated single lady. Felt mixed about this book, it did lead to an interesting convo about likeability of characters vs enjoying a book and the difft standards for female characters. #aprella #singleladies (photo credit nyt book review).

Cinfhen Agreed, a very polarizing read and a very unlikable character ~ ending got a little 🙄😳but I thought it made for an interesting book (edited) 7y
Reviewsbylola Sounds intense! 7y
emilyhaldi I‘m intrigued!! 7y
Blaire @Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi I can‘t say I loved it, but I am glad I read it - if that makes sense. It was interesting and different and a perspective that is not often given voice in popular literature. Certainly had some very strong parts. 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I feel about this book the same way I felt after reading The Emperor‘s Children. It kept me engaged for the most part, although there were parts where I felt it dragged on unnecessarily. In the end, I had very little sympathy for Nora, who was gullible in her neediness.

8little_paws Ditto 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

I ... am not sure how I feel about this book. I liked the writing style, and I do love me a pissed off, unlikeable female protagonist. But I also found Nora to be a bit too pathetic at times, and the other main characters to be a bit cartoonish & two-dimensional. And the ending felt unfinished. But I did like the exploration of being a middle aged woman (as I'm approaching) who hasn't given the world what it thinks she should've. So ... eh? 3/5 ⭐️

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Above all, in my anger, I was sad. Isn't that always the way, that at the heart of the fire is a frozen kernel of sorrow that the fire is trying--valiantly, fruitlessly--to eradicate.

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Hunger of one kind or another--desire, by another name--is the source of almost every sorrow.

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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LOLOL well hey, this is a good start, at least 🖕🏻😝🖕🏻

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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I have no idea what this is about other than the vague synopsis on the back, so hopefully it won't totally suck. #nowreading

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I'd only read about a fifth of this before today (busy month) but raced through the rest of it now I'm on holiday and it's great - anger, love, jealousy - really raw, bitter emotions. Loved it.
And also am sooooo excited about a lie-in tomorrow :-)

Rcoco Awesome expression of anger in this book. 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Ouch! Bit close to home, ha!

MyBookLife Haha, right!!? 7y
BookishBelle Yep. A little too close. 7y
Nute Maybe I‘ll give this author another go. I tried reading The Emperor‘s Children a few years ago and just could not get into it. However, this story sounds interesting based on the passages you‘ve selected. 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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What a first page!

ClairesReads Just read my first Messud and loved it 7y
Rcoco This book is pretty unforgettable 😳 7y
batsy Oh wow. 7y
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BarbaraBB Wow, I hope the rest is just as good. Let us know! 7y
nomadreader I loved this one! 7y
i.z.booknook Sounds fantastic! 7y
MicheleinPhilly I ADORED this book! 7y
SilversReviews I like the title...sounds good. 7y
minkyb Wow! 7y
Kristyngansen I loved the writing in this book. I do t know if the story was my absolute favorite, but I was blown away by the change in the writing matter the event that made the main character this angry. Loved that part. 7y
jhod @Kristyngansen it's taking me an age to read - busy month - but am looking forward to getting stuck in over the weekend. Will let you know how I get on :-) 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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#Rocktober Nora leads a quiet life at 42 years old, a schoolteacher & part time artist. And then into her life comes a family: Reza Shahid, a beautiful young boy of exotic background joins her class. As Nora becomes infatuated with the boy & his family she finds she's #InTooDeep

BarbaraBB Sounds like a book I must read! 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I just didn‘t not get it. Started with a bang, but slowed to a snail‘s crawl early. I enjoyed The Emperor‘s Children and The Burning Girl, but this one didn‘t do it for me.

AmyG Agreed! I just couldn't get into this one. 7y
DivineDiana Too bad. Sounds interesting! 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Ended my book-venture with a latte and some of the backlist of 2 renowned authors I have yet to read (shocking I know but Underground Railroad is still waiting on my TBR).

After this I SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET IN ON THE BOOK BAN BINGO GAME (that's what I'll labor through on Labor Day tomorrow 🤞🏻)


Lmstraubie Not shocking - still on mine too 😣 7y
mrozzz @Lmstraubie now I don't know if I want to read Underground Railroad first or one of these! 7y
mrozzz Ugh totally. Maybe I'll go backwards. Maybe I'll change my mind again next week 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Evening reading. 📚

MicheleinPhilly YAASS! 🙌🏼 7y
LauraBeth 🙌🙌 I just posted about The Emperor's Children before seeing this 😂 we're having a Claire Messud moment on Litsy 7y
Liberty @LauraBeth @MicheleinPhilly New Messud next week! 7y
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Leanney I feel this font was a deliberate choice. The same as "The Woman in Cabin 10" 7y
SharonSmith I got to page 184 before i finally have up - it began well, but it took a while to get going, and when it eventually did, the story was fairly unbelievable, irritating and childish. 7y
Lindy I've never read anything else that beats the pure rage that opens this novel. The ending is excellent also! 7y
susanw Loved this one!! 7y
nomadreader I love this one so much. 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oooo! Good one! 7y
Laalaleighh So basically Bertha Rochester. 7y
LeslieO Oh I didn't even think of that @Laalaleighh ! 7y
Laalaleighh Your subconscious knew what was going on haha. 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Ditched it 😤

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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"The apartment was entirely, was only, for her: a wall of books, both read and unread, all of them dear to her not only in themselves, their tender spines, but in the moments or periods they evoked… Her self, then, was represented in her books; her times in her records; and the rest of the room she thought of as a pure, blank slate."
#Obsession #MayBookFlowers

Cinfhen Good one!!!! 7y
zsuzsanna_reads Great quote! 7y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Time to admit that I'm probably not coming back to this one...

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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#ReadJanuary Most of the books I own, I haven't read, so I'm not sure if the covers make sense😒but these two deserve better covers! Is that meant to be a bird cage on An Untamed State?!? Because that would actually make some sense...

LauraBrook Same here, most of the books I own I haven't read. Trying to work on that this year. 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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The best books I read in 2016. #bestbooks #bestbooks2016

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Loved this book . The writing is great!

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Someone please explain the point of this book to me, because I clearly didn't get it.

insanitysandwich I haven't read it so can't help. I can give you some support by saying it looked rubbish when I saw it in the library 😆 8y
[DELETED] 4184155464 I just finished this book and I'm glad I'm not the only person scratching her head about it. 🤔 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud


The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Oof, this was a tiring read. The protagonist was a passenger in her own life looking for outside validation the whole time and became consumed by either real or imagined feelings. The plot was quite thin, but in my opinion didn't have the powerful prose needed when this is the route an author goes down. I now understand why it had such mixed reviews.

shawnmooney I hated this one of hers, too: 8y
Ais I doubt I'll read anything else by her! It was very underwhelming @shawnmooney! Too many other great books out there! 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I'm enjoying this SO much. Thanks for the recommendation on Get Booked, @Amanda and @jennirl !

Notafraidofwords I never get my question answered lol. But congrats to you! 8y
Ammie @Notafraidofwords oh me either, haha. I asked almost a year ago. This is one from a lucky listener this past week. 8y
Notafraidofwords @Ammie oh okay. Lol. 8y
Ammie @Notafraidofwords what did you ask? I asked about short stories similar to as king and Aimee Bender's "the particular sadness of lemon cake" but I feel like since Kelly Link dropped Get In Trouble, they were like "eh, she's fine". 8y
Notafraidofwords @Ammie lol that's funny. I asked about books with beautiful sentences and underline tension. 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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This one is getting mixed reviews, hopefully it lives up to some of my expectations! Happy Saturday😍

Sweettartlaura I wound up really liking it - enjoy! 8y
susanw I really liked it too! 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I enjoyed "The Emperor's Children," so now it's time for the next book in my to-read stack.

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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This novel was said to be a "psychological & intellectual thriller".. I didn't find it to be either. Solid writing. I found the plot to be a little thin. Story of a frustrated middle aged school teacher who cannot stand up for herself. I got frustrated with the main character and didn't think much of the others..

jessberk13 I didn't like one of her other books either. I've heard that a lot about this author 😐 8y
JoeStalksBeck I just downloaded this one. I had a feeling it would be as you described when I read the summary 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

This is not my kind of book. The plot was buried in subtext, and I'm sure the book could have been a chapter long had the author written in third person. I wanted to climb out of the protagonist's head to just find out where the story was going. I found myself skimming just to expedite the pace. The narrator did not endear me to her, and I found myself profoundly saddened by her negativity and disappointment in life. #24in48

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

"But do you know this idea of the imaginary homeland? Once you set out from shore on your little boat, once you embark, you‘ll never truly be at home again. What you‘ve left behind exists only in your memory, and your ideal place becomes some strange imaginary concoction of all you‘ve left behind at every stop.” #24in48

CynCruz23 Love this book - it hit home for me on so many levels 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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"...slightly too close to unbearable"

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

"...maybe it was about an unconsummated love affair after all, maybe about a flirtatious exchange with a stranger in a train station, or an unanswered letter from a college sweetheart, one of those secret moments when you think that now your life will have to change, only it doesn't."

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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I don't even remember why I wanted to read this, but it's been on the list forever.

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Ever had a paragraph take you straight out of a book? There's a scene where 1 teacher is helping 10 kids making paper mache masks over a bent coat hanger frame. Most 8yo's cannot bend a coat hanger into any kind of mask shape without a lot of help. No way a teacher thinks this is a 45 min deal.

BkClubCare Lol! 8y
MrBook I've been transported back Memory Lane not infrequently, lol. 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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Cassandra Campbell people! So glad I picked up the audio even though I have it in print.

MyBookLife I didn't know if I should giva it a pick or a so-so, but I'm in a good mood today :) 8y
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The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud
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The rest of my birthday book haul. A few from a friend and a few I found when discovering a new used bookstore!!

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Whoa. As I began this book, I felt myself nodding along, feeling just the way Nora does. For almost the entire book, I felt close to the same types of emotions-- life, potential, all wasted; the need to make something of yourself. Becoming attached to those whom you envy. Brilliant writing!

The Woman Upstairs | Claire Messud

Simple but interesting and worth the time spent reading.