Forcing myself into a day off and some reading by the tree at bae's family's house.
Forcing myself into a day off and some reading by the tree at bae's family's house.
I'm struggling with this book. Maybe because I've lived this? Falling in love with my best friend while in a long term relationship with a man. I think I'm letting that affect me. Pros: fun layout, story moves quickly, each girl has a distinct voice, info gets dropped on you and you're like WHOA. Cons: not big into fanfic, the ending was a "wait what", the surface was scratched of falling in love with your bff but not deep enough. (Notmypic)
This one has been on my TBR 5ever and I'm so happy to get into it. I need something lighter feeling this month. Work is stressful and life is stressful and I find myself wanting to read or paint all the time.
Eh. Ran a bit long I thought but you can't hate a book about loving books.
After much stress and back and forth (really a book shouldn't cause this much internal conflict) I'm officially DNFing the shit out of this book. I will try again next year.
Finished most in one day. Delightful. I liked it better than Bernadette.
I stayed away from this book for a while because it isn't what I'm used to. I realized that's a sorry reason. I heard Sara speak at Book Riot Live and she was so thoughtful, funny, and inspiring. The book was not what I expected. Almost a coming of age because you see the lead figuring herself off in just a couple hungry pages. Really amazing. Really recommend it.
Our flight is crazy delayed. Good thing there are 15 new books in my bag. Book Riot Live was such a fun time. Can't wait for next year.
Day 1 of Book Riot Live was terrible and I hated it. Definitely not madly in love with Tara
This book wasn't going to be on my TBR 2016 but after visiting Parnassus, I really needed to get my hands on this. I loved it. It rang all my bells. Family drama, coming of age moments. Failed relationships. I just really enjoyed it. 🍊 ❤️ 📚
So excited to sink into this one
Brb incorporating all of these colors in every piece of art I make forever.
So fun. Reading to me and letting me pick the adventure while I drive. 💘
Books and babysitting. Best combination (when they're not screaming and you can actually read)
Visiting NYC this week and this is the only book from Book Blind Date that I could comfortably say I knew what it was!
I saw a ton of mixed reviews for this one but all in all, I really enjoyed it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I started this book yesterday and cant put it down. No waiting at the nail salon for a #treatyoself situation and hoping I can tap my kindle to turn the page with wet nails. 😜💅🏼
On audio 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Books for boys who are hard to buy books for.
This is a recreation of my face when I read who answered the kidnappers phone. This book dragged for me in the middle but I loooooved the twist and ending.
Kicking off #bannedbooks week with Yaqui Delgado Wants To Kick Your Ass. It's so so so good!
I accidentally told someone today that I am reading a book called "Meg Medina Wants To Kick Your Ass". Oops, sorry Meg. I don't think you're a bully.
Books and the bath. My favorite combination.
I was anxious to finish this book because it was just so crazy and I had to know. I gave it 4 stars on good reads because it had issues but it was so damn engaging.
So far it's feeling very Girl on Trainy but it's so easy to read and I can feel it sucking me in.
The book club meeting is tomorrow so I spent the weekend trying to get through this one. My interest in the book has been a roller coaster. Now, 81% done, I am bored and ready for this story to end. (Unlike how I did not want my weekend at the pool to end 😥)
I laughed. I cried. I highlighted a lot of paragraphs. It was so, so, so good.
I don't often reread books but the second I finished this one I wanted to start it right back over.
I was afraid this book got too hyped but I loved every minute of it. Perfect portrayal of so many different ages and relationships.
If you had two moms, though, or two dads, or your parents weren't the same color, then you were born knowing there wasn't actually a default setting.
I'm listening to Lin-Manuel Miranda read this and it's so wonderful. I can't get enough of the love that these friends have for each other.
I drew this in response to Book Riot asking on Snapchat what audiobooks we were listening to. Have you read it? I'm really enjoying it.
I should be done by now but family and the pool are nice distractions.