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Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed | Lori Gottlieb
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book was pretty amazing, and I took my time with this one bc I felt like I needed to savor what it was saying. It‘s nice to see that even therapists don‘t have their collective shit together. I would #recommend #litsy #therapy #blameitonlitsy

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It seems I‘m not really a people person. Just too many other people‘s problems 💔 I had a huge dip in the middle and wasn‘t sure I‘d finish it, I did but probably would have been better not to.
A real case of it‘s me not you.

Cathythoughts I won‘t be rushing into this one .... too many others calling 👍🏻 (edited) 4y
MsMelissa I really feel this review! Not a people person 😂 I haven‘t read the book, but based on your reaction I already know I wouldn‘t like it much either. 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts @Book_Fiend_Melissa I‘ve read other people‘s reviews and it‘s one of those perplexing ones where you think you read a different book. But I guess that‘s books for you. 4y
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MsMelissa I often times feel that way about literary fiction that people rave about. I mean the writing is usually good, but I have a hard time reading stuff where nothing much happens or where the focus of the book is on someone‘s feelings. I need some kind of action or big drama. (edited) 4y
Trashcanman 🤗🤗💛🤗🤗 4y
Cathythoughts Yes I hear you. Also , I‘m not drawn to this title at all ... 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
Kalalalatja To bad, but I can see why this isn‘t for everyone. As a psychologist, this was right up my alley, though 😊 4y
TrishB @Kalalalatja I can imagine that it was a fascinating insight for you, I felt weighed down and sad ☹️ 4y
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Not getting much reading done last couple of days. Usual work bonkers stuff! Enjoying when I get the chance.

Reggie 😭😭😭 4y
Kalalalatja My favourite book of last year! ❤️ 4y
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This was brilliant. I really enjoyed the way it was written. Highly recommended if you enjoy a little bit of introspection from time to time.

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Really, really enjoyed this one! I even picked up some thought-provoking personal insights, and loved getting her perspectives from both sides. I want to go to therapy now!

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Happy Friday! I‘m only on page 6 and I‘m completely hooked! 😁

Chelsea.Poole Loved this one 😊 4y
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Such a beautiful book and such a therapeutic experience. Really loved each character and felt for them acutely.

The narrator on audible did a fine job bringing the book to life. This should definitely be on the must read/listen list for everyone.


A therapy room is the perfect place for whining and crying. 😭

I thought the audio of was great!

#Booked2020 #WineOrWhine
@4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage

BarbaraTheBibliophage Oh, this is a great pick for this prompt! 4y
Cinfhen I loved this audio!!!! It was so cathartic 🍷 4y
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Update for #Summerfunbingo #summerfun
Set at the beach or near water: Where the Crawdad's sing - Delia Owens (finished on June 15)
Summer Romance or Wedding: Beach Read- Emily Henry (finished on June 23)
On Audio: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone- Lori Gottlieb (finished on June 23)
Read a book about Anti-Racism: Between the World and Me- Ta-Nehisi Coates (finished on June 19)


StayCurious Excellent! That's 4 entries so far - keep it up! 4y
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Gonna try to post a weekly wrap up regularly... This sheltering in place this has been great for my TBR stack. These were all great reads but the tagged book was definitely my favorite.

Such a compelling and insightful memoir. Gottlieb has lived interesting life and proven herself to be excellent writer. This book is honestly everything that I look for in a memoir.

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Starting to get spoiled by having the train to myself.

julesG That must feel great and weird at the same time. 5y
KathyWheeler My daughter and I had to go to Target last night; it was eerily empty — not completely empty but there were so few people that my daughter said it was like the zombie apocalypse without the zombies. 5y
marleed That was my feeling at Target on Tuesday. It was so quiet. There seemed to be a unstated rule not to walk down an aisle if someone else was making a selection. I actually cried when I got in my car thinking how can this be real. Then I called my son who was at his home and thrilled to have time to organize his hard drive. That helped me just laugh at the craziness that is now. 5y
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KathyWheeler @marleed My cousin is kind of like your son; he said he‘s been preparing for this moment all his life — he‘s not a hugger or toucher and he prefers to be home. 5y
Catherine_Willoughby IKEA is closing indefinitely tomorrow in Ireland 😔 due to virus. We only have 2 stores in Dublin which serve a whole country. More & more shops closing up till further notice 5y
ShelleyH @marleed @KathyWheeler @Catherine_Willoughby The coronavirus in a rural area is a completely different experience. We never have crowds & everyone naturally has 6 feet of personal space already. There's a bit of a disconnect for us & the crisis is kinda distant. Incredibly grateful for that. 5y
TheLiteraryLifestyle Omg. I love your drink tumbler with all the stickers. 😊 5y
rather_be_reading @julesG exactly how it feels! 5y
rather_be_reading @marleed its def a very weird time. lots of feelings 5y
marleed @ShelleyH I hope it stays that way for you! 5y
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Starting my #doublespin pick. Excited for this one.

TheAromaofBooks I've heard lots of good things about this one!! Hope you enjoy it! 5y
Megabooks This is great! 5y
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A little slow at the start then as I got into the patients stories I couldn‘t stop. Cried like a baby.

charl08 Waiting for this one from the library (impatiently!) 5y
TofuandBooks @charl08 I recommend hoopla if you ever want your library books quicker! My fave app currently. 5y
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I love this book so so much ♥️♥️ I cried so many times. This is truly a book for all of us: about life, love, relationships and what it means to be human. (Which is all of the above) I will carry many of these lessons with me. So! Well! Done!😭♥️
Last picture with my Christmas tree. I took the ornaments off today which is always sort of sad, but it will be nice to have the space back to normal.

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This is next-level #bookandbath, it's my birthday edition! Reading with candles and new birthday bath bomb set in the bath while my boys nap is heaven!

ChasingOm Happy birthday!! 5y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 5y
youneverarrived Happy Birthday! Enjoy 😄 5y
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Librarybelle Happy Birthday! 5y
mrp27 Enjoy! 🎉📚🎂 5y
kspenmoll Happy birthday!!!🎂🔔 5y
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Merry Christmas to all! Hope your day has been full of books and coziness ♥️
Still loving this book and sneaking in a few pages here and there at my in-laws while visiting with family.

Texreader Merry Christmas!!🎁🎄 🎅 5y
JenReadsAlot Merry Christmas 🎄 5y
Bookzombie Merry Christmas! 🎄 5y
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Dawnrod1970 Merry Christmas 🎄 5y
Daisey Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄 5y
AnneCecilie Merry Christmas 🎄 5y
Chelsea.Poole @Texreader @Jenreads @Bookzombie @Dawnrod1970 @Daisey @AnneCecilie Thank you all!! 🎄Hope you all had a great holiday!! 5y
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Congratulations @Chrissyreadit on all your milestones! And what a lovely idea to do a #thankyougiveaway 😊💕
My favorite Non-Fiction of the year (tagged) was so full of warmth and empathy... I laughed, I cried and I‘ve recommended it constantly ever since!
Very excited about a new Lily King (I loved Euphoria) and the synopsis for this one sounds just my cuppa tea 😊☕️💕

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Loving this one! ♥️📘

Same breakfast, different day! 🥑 (I took this earlier but forgot to post---now it's actually almost dinner time!)
#readandeat #nonfiction

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I've had this checked out multiple times from the library and it keeps getting pushed aside. Now is the time! Finally! I've heard such great things and I'm excited to sink my teeth into this!
#bookandbath 🛁 📖

Thousand-Lives It‘s so good! Enjoy! 5y
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I enjoyed this one more than I expected. Really interesting insight into what a psychotherapist does, and she provides a pov both as a patient and a therapist. Well written, flows well and is sympathetic and honest.

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I've apparently adopted a mental health theme for #NFNovember.

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Wow. Intense and emotional. I feel like I gained a lot of insight about humanity while also being entertained. I have a lot to think about and process and I think this is the type of book that will have me doing that for a long time. Also, therapy is good. For all the reasons. ☺️

LoverOfLearning Yes, therapy is good. I just started going to counseling this month! Love it so far. 5y
ElishaLovesBooks @LoverOfLearning Good for you! That‘s wonderful!💗 5y
Reggie Rita, Julie, John, and Charlotte....😭😭😭 5y
ElishaLovesBooks @Reggie Yes! John and Rita were the hardest for me to read😢😞 5y
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Such a good book! Love, loss, death, hope. Holding on and letting go. The future holds a lot of possibilities for us, just as we always have the power to choose our response. In our response, lies our growth and freedom. So is truth in Romain Rolland‘s words, “There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” 💜
#everyalleywayisway #unknown

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Started this a few days ago. So far I like her writing style and how relatable she is. But I am reading it in short doses because reading about therapy and mental health can be too much to handle I‘m not in the right frame of mind.That‘s why I‘m trying to get a few mins in while I‘m waiting for my shower 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

emilyhaldi I loved this book!! I listened on audio and it was brilliant. Although it admittedly had me sobbing more than once... 5y
ElishaLovesBooks @emilyhaldi It definitely seems like that type of book! I bet the audio was great! 5y
emilyhaldi I think she does a brilliant job of balancing the story of her own life interlaced with the lives of her patients.. each character has such a poignant journey, it's really moving. I'm getting worked up just thinking about it now!! Ha, perhaps I need to read it again 😆 5y
ElishaLovesBooks @emilyhaldi I‘m starting to get that vibe- I really like the way she describes people and the way that therapists think. It is so fascinating! 5y
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I chuckled and thoughts provoked already, with just one chapter in. Good sign.

suvata I really liked this book too. Some parts were so funny I laughed right out loud. 5y
janerzy @suvata How wonderful! Am looking forward to reading on 😍👍🏽 5y
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“Happiness equals reality minus expectation.”


“It‘s not as if we‘re going to peer in those darker corners, flip on the light, and find a bunch of cockroaches. Fireflies love the dark too.”

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I LOVED this book. I laughed, I cried and I cried some more. Some really useful insights on therapy and how it can help coming to terms with the baggage we ALL carry around. This book also helped me look at some of my relationships in a new light. A solid ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Reggie John, Julie, Rita, Charlotte...😭😭😭 5y
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This book is so powerful. Gottlieb, a therapist, has a sudden breakup with a long term boyfriend and realizes she needs to go talk to someone about it. Her story of therapy intermixed with patients of her own combine to make this non-preachy book about how we are all human and how sometimes we just need help. There are people‘s stories in here and their revelations I won‘t be forgetting for a long time. A lovely, heart wrenching, pick!!!

Cathythoughts Great review ! I like the sound of “ non- preachy” 👍🏻 5y
Reggie @Cathythoughts I think you would love this book. It‘ll make you bawl. Omg, the tears!!!! 5y
Tanisha_A I have a slightly hard time reading non-fictions but your review makes me want to pick it up! 👏 5y
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Reggie @Tanisha_A It‘s another one of those doesn‘t read like a nonfiction books, but in the best way possible. There are 4 of her patients she tells you about but as she tells you about them breaks their stories down in a most unobtrusive way that makes you appreciate what she has to say and I think everyone would see someone in their life if not some of themselves in this book. Please give it a try! 5y
Centique Stacked! 5y
Crazeedi This sounds very interesting 5y
Reggie @Centique @Crazeedi It‘s sooo good. It is probably gonna be the X-mas book I give to my reader friends at work. All day today I thought of it. (edited) 5y
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This book shook me to my core. Get the audiobook. Enjoy the ride. I cried while cooking dinner at least once and multiple times in the car and at least once at my desk.

Megabooks So awesome! Totally agree. 5y
Reggie Multiple cries? the marshmallow teddy bear of my inner self says I‘m in. Stacked. 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Reggie She tells you about four of her patients (names changed etc) and it‘s quite heartbreaking. 5y
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#LilithJuly Lori Gottlieb has been keeping me company this past week. Her honesty and hysteria is endearing and comforting. Making #ManicMonday manageable 😁 still in a reading slump but taking baby steps.

Centique Think of it more as a “slowing” than a slump! It‘s okay for reading to take a bit of a back seat for a little while - you‘ve had an Awesome reading year 👏👏👏 You might benefit from a little break or maybe just a change. However it goes you‘re still a #readingqueen 💕 5y
TrishB It‘s a temporary thing whilst you have so many other things! 😘 5y
Megabooks This is a fantastic book! Enjoy. (I may have cried a little at the end.) 5y
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Kalalalatja I‘m reading this at the moment, too, and I‘m learning SO MUCH! I‘m halfway, and already thinking it might end up as one of my top faves this year 👌 5y
KarenUK Have this one queued up on Audio.... you know I‘m not a big Non-Fic girl, but I think this one might be for me... 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen You‘re going to love this one @KarenUK ♥️ cheaper than seeing a therapist but listening to Lori you get all of the benefits of her wisdom @Kalalalatja @Megabooks 5y
Cinfhen Thanks @Centique @TrishB its like my brain is stuck in molasses 🧠I just can‘t seem to absorb the words although I am enjoying the “human interaction” 😜 5y
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I discontinued this #audiobook when I got depressed because I wasn‘t ready for it to end, and I couldn‘t deal with other people‘s problems. I‘m feeling better now and finished it up this morning.

Beautiful, thoughtful, cathartic, well narrated. I wholly recommend this book, unless, maybe, you‘re going through heavy stuff yourself. 5⭐️

Saw some pretty lilies on my walk! #bfc #bfcr2 #goteam

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
TheEllieMo So glad you‘re feeling better x 5y
TheSpineView 👍awesome! 5y
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Megabooks @wanderinglynn Thanks! 😊😊 5y
Megabooks @TheEllieMo Thanks! Me too! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
Megabooks @TheSpineView 😊😁😊 5y
cobwebmoth Nice steps and pretty flowers! I've thought about reading this book. 5y
Megabooks @cobwebmoth Thanks! I would encourage you to read it. Very well written!! 5y
KathyWheeler I‘ve picked this book up and put it back down without buying it several times. I think I‘ll read it. 5y
Megabooks @KathyWheeler Definitely do!! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
rockpools You‘re rocking the overnight steps again! 5y
Megabooks @RachelO I‘ve decided sleep 4 or so hours at night, then get up early and walk when it‘s cool then naps a little in the afternoon/evening. Best of both worlds!! 5y
cewilf Nice! Beautiful lilies 💐 5y
Megabooks @cewilf Thanks!! 😊😊😊 5y
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This book is simply fantastic! It's an easy, relatable read intertwined with very deep, complex psychology theories. It will make you laugh, cry, and feel like 'wait, that had happened to me too!' Worth every minute you spend reading it (and the audiobook narration is fantastic too!)

Simona Welcome to Litsy❣️ 5y
BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy! ❤️📚😂 5y
BooknerdsLife Welcome to Litsy 🙌🏼📚💖 5y
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Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 5y
echalpan LOVED this book! 5y
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(Author pictured)
Since I finished an audiobook yesterday and have a credit expiring soon, I browsed Audible for a new book. I don‘t always immediately start listening to books I select with my credits, but I did this time. I would never have expected to choose this book, but the sample was so interesting, so... sometimes it just happens that way.

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This was a great read. Lori Gottlieb helps others to find themselves, and experiences the other side in her own therapy. Besides herself, she follows several interesting clients: a jerk who turns out to be hiding his unbearable pain behind his narcisstic mask; a young woman facing terminal illness; an old woman who cannot face her past. Very human, self-revealing, touching, sad, funny, and a lesson in empathy and self-awareness.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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And engaging book about a therapist, her patients, and her own therapy. She does a great job of telling the stories of humanity. Well written and an enjoyable read.

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Lori Gottlieb, a therapist unknown to me, has written my favorite book of the year so far. I am a therapist, so this is definitely a personal pick. This is about all the things I care about: human connection, how we share and re-work our stories, the discomfort of being able to help others while not seeing our own lives clearly all the time, humility, change, resilience, and the magic that can happen in the therapy room.

Also, summer is coming!

Tamra Yum for summer eats! 5y
JSW I couldn‘t put this one down. 5y
Gezemice Great review! I enjoyed it, too, and I am not a therapist. @jsw I could not put it down, either! 5y
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