A little slow at the start then as I got into the patients stories I couldn‘t stop. Cried like a baby.
A little slow at the start then as I got into the patients stories I couldn‘t stop. Cried like a baby.
It was so scary I couldn‘t read a lot at a time. I had to take breaks it was so intense. Four famous authors go to a supposed haunted house for a live interview and what happens after is actually where it all kicks off. At first it was a little slow but then once it got going it didn‘t stop for one second. It‘s going to be a tv show on Showtime and I‘m so amped!!!!!
Reminded me of Chuck Palahniuk. Fast paced and amazing scary visuals.
People who work at an ikea like store get drug into a living nightmare.
Ghosts, haunting and seances...oh my.
I get to read and hear about podcast? Sounds like a win-win to me. When it first started I didn‘t know if I would be into it but as soon as it jumped off I couldn‘t put it down. There were stories within stories within stories within stories. So many layers to this novel. Absolutely recommend it. It had action, drama, comedy and mystery.
Listened to the audiobook read by Selma Blair. Wow she did such a good job.
Couldn‘t put it down after I started. Beautiful, moving and unexpected. Just wow.
Listened to the audiobook read by her, she did an amazing job.
Overall interesting and I‘ve always loved her but it seemed to get pretty slow at times.
A good amount of stories were a little longer than needed maybe.
If anyone‘s a fan then it‘s a definite listen, it‘s just not as good as other memoirs I‘ve heard the last year.
So scary I couldn‘t read it when I was alone or at night. Seriously. I‘m a grown woman and I couldn‘t do it lol. Absolutely recommend it! Great story, interesting characters and it never slowed for a second.
Quick fun read. Reminded me a lot of practical magic.
Amazing book and movie. Recommend both.
Great audiobook. A little boring at times but never for too long. Love her.
Love the writing but didn‘t care for the plot. 3/4 in and I was like what is going on? The end was semi satisfactory. I‘ll read more of the author but man I hope the overall structure of her books improves.
I love these two. Really quick audio book. Funny and sweet. Definitely recommend.
Wow this book creeped me out. The ending was shocking. I love her writing, she always keeps it interesting throughout the whole book.
Loved the movie but never read the book until now. Just blown away. The entire book was like one epic heart breaking poem. Definitely will read again.
I will absolutely buy every single thing she ever releases! It gave me chills, made me cry and helped give me courage in a really bad time. She‘s amazing and it‘s my favorite birthday gift this year!!!
Enlightening and well written. It‘s interesting to hear from someone who grew up a bit like I did and came out the other side. Funny and moving.
At first it seemed boring and too many characters but as soon as it jumped off it stayed good. My only issue was two things: 1. Constantly calling one character fat the entire book! She was a whole 30 lbs overweight 🙄. 2. Having a horrible brat of a teenager run her mouth with no repercussions the whole time 🤬. I recommend skimming the Frances parts. Still it was a lot of fun like desperate housewives kinda, without the murder and nonsense.
Quick and fun read. I was always a fan of hers but reading about her rescue doggie and how much love and care she gave this big sweet guy made me cry like a baby.
Super creepy and scary book! So interesting and I loved the writing. Great podcast, show and book series.
Alice Hoffman never lets me down! This book was so beautiful and so poetic, I reread so many parts. I hope they make this into a movie!!!
Beautiful book! Amazing pictures, old magazine and newspaper clips and of course epic love stories. Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton and Clark Gable & Carol Lombard are just a couple of my favorites. Colorful, captivating and re-readable.
It took super long to get into the twists but once it did it was good. I was shocked by the very end. Overall pretty good read.
Completely insane plot. I couldn‘t stop till I found out what happened that night. Heart breaking and not expected at all! Great mystery book.
I love her so much! This book was way different than what I expected, in a good way. I love that she was completely politically incorrect and just herself. The audiobook made me laugh so so so hard.
Pretty good over all, I really like her chapter on pit bulls. A lot of it was non stop medical issues and that did get a little old I think because the book wasn‘t what I expected. I did love it though and I love her more now than ever.
My god I was so bored and it felt like a 12 year olds diary. It was immature and unoriginal. I felt nothing once. Poets like Rupi Kaur blow stuff like this out of the water.
Her writing blows me away. I will buy everything she ever writes. It is heart wrenching stuff.
I finally made it over 1,000! Woo hoo 🤩
Finished this awesome book while sharing my bed with two cats and three dogs (these two just happen to always be closest). Great book! Her writing really blew me away And had me and my husband talking. She has so many interesting points of view. I love her writing. I highlighted like 30 parts. Quick and easy read.
Wow! I don‘t get the many bad reviews on goodreads. I loved this. I completely got her stuff. Great images in the book. I‘m buying a hard copy ASAP.
Completely engrossed by every story but the last one I hated. The stories keep running through my head, they are haunting. It‘s like esops fables mixed with Grimm fairy tales. I love her writing so much, she is now one of my favorite authors of all time and I will read everything she writes.
Fun and not at all what I expected. Kind of reminded me of cabin in the woods. Some really crazy stuff goes down in the end. Pretty scary, but I‘m easily scared lol.
I fan girl‘d out listening to Kristen Bell. Great if you‘re a fan, like I am. At times I was a little bored and I missed Logan in it. But overall I liked it. Surprising end.
Wow. Didn‘t see the end coming at all. Great book! I was up half the night finishing this. Felt like watching a horror movie.
Read this so quickly I was disappointed I didn‘t make it last longer. Her writing blew me away.
Wow! Blew me away. Read it in hours. Never read anything like it. Really Original plot and simple but well written dialog.
Loved her reading of this. She is super funny and I love her sarcasm! Fun and quick read/listen.
Love her and loved this book. I love to hear people who fought for what they have, she earned it that‘s for sure.
Her narration was like just talking to her. It surprised me when she broke down and cried over her fathers death, having lost my father younger it hit me hard. Definitely a quick and fun read/listen.
Started off really good, got a little boring in the middle but picked back up. I especially loved when she talked about 90s r&b, who doesn‘t love that. But the end drug a little. Overall a fun read.
Heartbreaking and beautiful! I‘m having everyone I know read this.
Pretty good book overall but it was nothing at all like the first book. The first book has so much more feeling and a better pace to it. This book seems really stretched out and the ending was just OK.
I listened to this one quick. I loved hearing it in the authors voice. She is extremely witty and smart. I loved every second and I laughed often. I share pretty much all her beliefs so of course that helps. If you lean more liberal this is the book for you.
Didn‘t love it as much as hot & heavy or things no one tells fat girls. This was more about her past than about her quitting dieting or body issues. I didn‘t care for her narration, often it was like listening to a teenager. It was at times shallow and immature. It didn‘t really get much deeper than the surface of the subject. Still inspiring overall.
Nerding out hard core! It was really cool hearing the story from most of the actors themselves. Funny, not too long or shot and an easy listen.
What an amazing writer. I was completely blown away. I‘ve never read anything like this. Her writing is her own style. I loved every chapter except the last, I thought it was boring and went on too long. Also hard to relate to being with someone when they have a significant other. I felt no sympathy or connection to that part of the book.
This book was way better. Still weird and shocking but at least in this one people are sex slaves by choice and want that life. The first three made me uneasy how they were forced into it and then grew to love it like Stockholm syndrome! Really good end though I have to say.