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The Regional Office Is Under Attack!
The Regional Office Is Under Attack!: A Novel | Manuel Gonzales
In a world beset by amassing forces of darkness, one organizationthe Regional Officeand its coterie of super-powered female assassins protects the globe from annihilation. At its helm, the mysterious Oyemi and her oracles seek out new recruits and root out evil plots. Then a prophecy suggests that someone from inside might bring about its downfall. And now, the Regional Office is under attack. Recruited by a defector from within, Rose is a young assassin leading the attack, eager to stretch into her powers and prove herself on her first mission. Defending the Regional Office is Sarahwho may or may not have a mechanical armfiercely devoted to the organization that took her in as a young woman in the wake of her mothers sudden disappearance. On the day that the Regional Office is attacked, Roses and Sarahs stories will overlap, their lives will collide, and the world as they know it just might end. Weaving in a brilliantly conceived mythology, fantastical magical powers, teenage crushes, and kinetic fight scenes, The Regional Office Is Under Attack! is a seismically entertaining debut novel about revenge and allegiance and love.From the Hardcover edition.
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Bummer. Admittedly, I had a different idea of what this would be when I picked it up. But even having adjusted to the tone and focus, it just felt like too much and not enough at the same time. Kind of derivative of a number of things - not helped by the pop culture references in inner monologues - without really narrowing in on one of them enough to make for an engaging story. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality 2/? Or maybe my lack of engagement has to do with the choppy structure, on a plot (multiple interrupted timelines/multiple POVs) and sentence level (the commas, the rephrased sentences, the backpedaled action plans).
It didn't help that the book made multiple references to what might be covered under regular operations of the regional office, which all sounded a lot more interesting than where the plot went.
Robotswithpersonality 3/? I think Sarah and her arm was the most compelling component for me - but I didn't really need the mother backstory to find that interesting even if it did form the origin of her circumstances.
I'm really not sure what the point of Rose's narrative was aside from making me uncomfortable in myriad ways.
I'm not sold on the plausibility of the 'report' angle given where the story ended.
Robotswithpersonality 4/5 Similar to the vague references to more interesting fantastical elements, the book also suffered from going in depth on people whose ends the reader already knows. An argument can be made that it's about the how or the why when the who and what have already been revealed, but if the reader hasn't really been presented with enough reason to care about the who and the what, waiting around for the how and why fall flat.
Robotswithpersonality 5/5 Strong possibility I just wasn't the right audience, but I can't in good conscience recommend it either. 🤷🏼‍♂️
⚠️animal death, ableism, fatphobia, self harm, mental health concerns, suicide, body horror
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My 3 week staycation is starting now.

Since I was rearranging some of my tbr selves, I thought I should shop my own selves. So this stack includes books that was brought within the last few months and as far back as 2008 (looking at you Sepulchre) and everything in between.

I‘m also waiting on two books in the mail that I want to read.

Off course this is too much for 3 weeks, but I hope to read as many as possible

Cinfhen Sounds wonderful!!!! Can‘t wait to see/ hear your thoughts 😍 1y
BittersweetBooks So jealous of your staycation, enjoy!! 1y
AnneCecilie @Cinfhen @BittersweetBooks Thank you 😊 it really is relaxing just to sit at home and read 14mo
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I've had this book forever, but never got around to it. My rating would be more a 3.5. It was slow going as far as the real plot, which deals with a teen being kidnapped and turned into a cyborg for “revenge“ purposes.

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I felt like this was a novelization of a Graphic Novel. It had tons of action and fighting, and a possibly corrupt corporation. A force of highly trained fighting women.

It wasn‘t a bad book, it‘s perfect for those who like a lot of intrigue and action packed stories. Unfortunately this isn‘t my type of book.

Megabooks Agree! 5y
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Finally getting around to my #weeklyforcast (what a terrific and fun idea @Cinfhen !)

I hope to finish The Secret Commonwealth and maybe a good way through Plainsong. I‘ll be finishing up the tagged audiobook too, on my work commutes.

I‘m not sure how much reading I‘m going to actually have time for though, as this coming weekend is our move! We still have packing to do...

Crazeedi I have one of Haruf's books on my shelf, maybe this one! 5y
Soubhiville @crazeedi I have heard such good things about him. this‘ll be my first of his. I have one other on my shelf, can‘t remember the title. I‘m looking forward to it! 5y
Cinfhen Good luck with the move 😘😘😘😘😘you get an excused pass on Saturday‘s #BookReport 5y
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This was my first book haul photo, a little over 3 years ago. The tagged book is still sitting on my TBR shelf 🤦‍♀️. One day it‘ll get its turn! (I have read the other.)

I‘ve really enjoyed seeing everyone‘s first book-hauls! What a great idea!

#bookhaulchallenge @Lcsmcat

(This was also the first time I had unicorn hair 😊🦄)

Lcsmcat 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
TrishB And it‘s great hair 👍🏻 5y
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Catching up from yesterday!
📚 The Regional Office is Under Attack!
👩🏽‍💻 Roxane Gay
🎞 Requiem For a Dream
📺 Reno 911
🥪 Reuben sandwich

#manicmonday #letterR @JoScho

JoScho 😊💖 6y
bookcollecter Have you read the novel as well? I did enjoy #ChristopherMcDonald cameo as motivational speaker. 6y
amywithbooks @bookcollecter I haven‘t read the book. How does it compare to the movie?? 6y
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🚀Redshirts and The Regional Office is Under Attack

🌈Rainbow Rowell

🐭Rescuers Down Under

🍫Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

#manicmonday #letterr @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊💖 6y
sebrittainclark I almost did The Rescuers! 6y
rachelsbrittain @sebrittain it was the only thing I could even think of-- and we did both love it as kids 😅 6y
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The downtown Chapters store is closing in September so bargain books are half price. Naturally I had to buy these three books for 8 dollars. 📚

CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 6y
Dragon Thanks @CouronneDhiver happy dance 💃 6y
Faibka Nice! 👍 6y
Dragon Thanks @Faibka I‘m looking forward to hours of happy reading 👍🐉 6y
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@iread2much I just opened the package. Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to trying the peanuts, and I'm very intrigued by the jacket summary of the tagged book. It sounds super fun and even seems like one I could have my boyfriend read when I'm done since we both like superhero stories. 😁 #FunInTheSunSummerBookSwap @BookaholicNatty

BookaholicNatty @therealdealbeall yay!!!! You got some awesome books!!! Love midnight at the bright ideas bookstore and also all the light we cannot see! I haven‘t heard of the other one but I bet it‘s just as good!!! ❤️ (edited) 6y
BookaholicNatty @iread2much great book selections!!! Thank you both for participating! I hope you liked all you got and that it brought a little sunshine to your day!! You both deserve it! Happy summer reading! 😘😘 6y
cornfedwellread @BookaholicNatty I had those two on my tbr, so I'm looking forward to reading them. Haven't heard of the other one either, but the summary makes it sound like a lot of fun! 6y
BookaholicNatty @therealdealbeall surprise books are always fun and hey if your boyfriend can read it to you got a double deal! 😂❤️ 6y
iread2much I‘m so glad you enjoyed the gifts! I tried to think of what books would fit into the summer theme for your surprise gift book, I definitely think it‘s a summer time read 😄 enjoy! 6y
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Loved this book. Great story wonderfully told, strong female characters

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A #crimson (ish?) stack - playing catchup for #seasonsreadings2017

DebinHawaii Pretty! ❤️ 7y
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Long weekends are the best!

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Fun book, but not a whole lot more than that.

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Book haul from the Texas Book Festival, Austin Tx

Texreader That‘s an awesome haul!! 7y
britt_brooke Nice!! 7y
Julsmarshall Great haul! 7y
LeahBergen Wow! 👍🏻 7y
minkyb Nicely done! 7y
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So this book just bumped up my list. I sat in on his panel with Owen Egerton and it was insightful and funny. #TexasBookFestival


I really enjoyed the story in this book, but there was something about the writing style that put me off a bit and made it a slower read than it felt like it should be. We had a good time discussing it in book club.

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Been waiting for this one for a while. Turns out, it's a bit of a shaggy dog story where the plot is less important than the telling. Stylish enough, although there were too many bits pilfered from other places, like Minority Report or La Femme Nikita, and, while the endless pop cultural references were aimed squarely at me, even I found them a little tired and tiring. Mostly fun with around 50 more pages at the end than seemed necessary.

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Fun, quick read no big takeaway or revelation. But I was pretty consistently annoyed that the female operatives were all run by a man and recruited by a man. Of course this was written by a man, so....

bookwrm526 I‘ve only read half of Book One right now and it‘s already annoying me lol 7y
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Got a couple of goodies from the library today!

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Another #TBR book and #blameitonlitsy purchase - gotta love the title!

#hispanicauthors #autumnreads

MidnightBookGirl Yeah, I think I need this! 7y
mcipher This book was great fun! 7y
readordierachel I concur with @mcipher. Hope you enjoy it too! 7y
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BookFreakOut This book is a wild ride! 7y
DGRachel @mcipher @ReadOrDieRachel @BookFreakOut Thanks for the encouragement! It's got really mixed reviews on Litsy, so I've waffled on getting it, but that title!! 7y
DGRachel @MidnightBookGirl I resisted the title for a year, but I just couldn't resist any longer. 😂 7y
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Hopefully I'll get to finish this one..... #litsypartyofone

amywithbooks I really liked this one.... very different! 7y
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Did I mention that my husband is an armed body guard????? And Today is take your wife to work day( so he said this morning) while he plays with his guns I'll just read..... ok? OK!!!!

readordierachel Whoa! (That book was a lot of fun. Enjoy!) 7y
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I absolutely loved this supernatural, spy movie meets Buffy mashup of a book! Such a fun read, and I'd highly recommend it. 4 stars/ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

full review on my blog: http://rachelbrittain.com/book-review-the-regional-office-is-under-attack/hickle...

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The sweet @readsusieread tagged me to show her a shades of red stack. So I thought I'd get ALL my red books and try to fit them in one picture 😄
How did I do on this #bookcolortag, Ms. Susie? 😊
I hope we're not being given points for following instructions cause you said stack and I gave you stackS - lol!
I'd love it if Holly - @Hooked_on_books - and Melanie - @mcipher - could share a stack of their favorite color! 😄😊❤📚

mcipher Late - but I posted mine! I even matched my drink to my stack to make up for the color being off. 😝 7y
Librariana @mcipher - Are you kidding me, you did awesome! And you weren't late at all. The glass and drink matching were a fabulous addition! 7y
readsusieread Gorgeous!!! 😍 7y
Librariana @readsusieread - Aww! I'm glad it is Susie approved 😁😊 7y
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A few of my favorites from July 😊

#bookphotography #julywrapup #bookish #summerreads

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Sneaking in a few chapters while I wait at the drive-in 😊🍟

Bradleygirl Is this one good? I need to bug my library to get a copy... 7y
rachelsbrittain @Bradleygirl I'm liking it so far! 7y
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Just started this one, and I'm enjoying it so far. Superpowered assassins and a secret underground agency. I think the build up to what's actually going on in the story is going to be slow, but I like Gonzales' writing style and the book is definitely keeping me guessing.

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I'm back, Litsy!

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
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#Bookhaul from Goodwill. I think it evens out though since I donated an entire bag of books while I was there. #TBR

britt_brooke Nice! 👏🏻 7y
AmyG Oooooh, Small Sacrifices is a good True Crime book. 👍🏻 7y
readordierachel I really enjoyed The Regional Office Is Under Attack. It was crazy and fun. 7y
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Brie @ReadOrDieRachel I'm really excited for it! 7y
Brie @AmyG I love true crime, but I've never read this story before so I'm intrigued 7y
BekahB Nice finds! 7y
Dragon Great haul! 7y
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Loving this @bookriot podcast! It makes the work day so much better.

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I gave this a second chance and liked it well enough, it just didnt have that extra punch it needs to make it really good.

britt_brooke Love the graphic! 7y
RealBooks4ever @britt_brooke Thanks! ☺️ 7y
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Couldn't get into this the first time I tried, but giving it a #secondchance. Halfway through and it just gets funnier and more absurd! 😆😆😆

MrBook Nice pic! 7y
RealBooks4ever Thank you, @MrBook ! 😄 7y
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I...don't know what to think of this book. I felt like I should have loved it - it's an interesting world. But I didn't connect with the plot of the attack. I enjoyed the first half of the book but didn't really felt drawn into the second, and didn't connect with (or really like) the characters. However, it's a debut novel and I think this author's next book is likely to be interesting based on the concept behind this one.

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Friday night fun!

batsy Nice! I've been curious about this one ☺ 7y
ScientistSam @batsy Enjoying it so far, but not loving it. 7y
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I finished this over then weekend. It's a fine read. I would love to revisit this world before the attack to see the Operatives on duty and in action. We need more stories about badass women kicking ass, and saving the world from evil.
#theregionalofficeisunderattack #manuelgonzales #oracles #getlit #kvnreads17

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#howyouread is any way I can! Overdrive, Kindle, actual book... I'll take any and all of those options. But mostly, I like to read in or by the water. #riotgrams

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Gave it 70 pages. Just wasn't doing it for me and the fact that women were the warriors, but called girls and all called by their first names while the director is a man that has a title and his last name, rubbed my fur the wrong way. Next!

Megabooks It was a so-so for me. 7y
Jabberwocky I despise that kind of sexist double standard. I hope the next one works out better for you!! 7y
Lola This was a so-so for me, too. What I really wanted was back story on the two characters behind the formation of the Regional Office. 7y
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Laura317 Glad I wasn't the only one who bailed! 7y
Chelsey I totally bailed 7y
Nebklvr I didn't find it compelling 7y
Kmmsellers I listened to this one on audio and found it to be fun, but I don't think I could have read it. And I don't care to read it again. 7y
Moonpa Yeah, I could not get into this one 7y
BestOfFates I finished it and didn't think it got better, so probably the right choice! 7y
Beachesnbooks Yeah I didn't love this either; the audio was well done but the book didn't impress me. 7y
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Starting this tonight!!!! Oh yeah, I'm full-out Friday night!! 😂😂

Laalaleighh This fell apart for me really fast. 7y
Laalaleighh I think if you like the premise of this a much better book is The Rook by Daniel O'Malley. 7y
Well-ReadNeck @Laalaleighh oooh! Thanks for the heads-up!!!! 7y
Laalaleighh @Well-ReadNeck you're welcome! Hope you like it! 7y
Beachesnbooks I second @Laalaleighh 's recommendation! The Rook is such a fun read 7y
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I love having a volunteer gig where I can read! #FridayReads

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RanaElizabeth This was such a fun and crazy book! 7y
SaturnDoo 😭I want that bird on the cover... I love macaws 😍😍😍 7y
WanderingBookaneer @SaturnDoo : That's not the cover. 7y
SaturnDoo @WanderingBookaneer 🤣😂🤣😂 I see that now...I was so intrigued by the bird that I paid no attention to anything else in the post 7y
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IamIamIam I used to get in trouble for saying that exact thing!!! 7y
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stacybmartin I hope you like it! I'm interested in hearing your opinion on the audio - I got a hard copy from the library and really enjoyed it. 7y
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Promise in the premise, but underwhelming in the undertaking. I would have liked to see a little less looping and excess in the writing and more character and plot development. I loved the idea, and even the structure of the narrative, but it didn't deliver everything I wanted. #ERMadlibs #Exclamation #PlayingCatchUp