August wrap-up. Some really good reads (& a couple of really bad ones).
August wrap-up. Some really good reads (& a couple of really bad ones).
I read this for a Book Bingo prompt, & I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. 4🌟
TW: mental health issues, discussion of violence, discussion of suicide. Some sexual references.
I‘m not a big fan of #YA genre but picked this because it‘s about friendship. It‘s a story of 3 friends( caddy, Arizona, Suzz), their fun, family life, silly fights & heart breaks. You can feel the essence of beautiful friendship. As the author says, ‘It‘s a love story without the romance‘. Much better than what I anticipated. Recommended book for YA. I remembered all my besties while reading this! 4🌟
My pick for #readingwithmaja #friendship
I really enjoyed Beautiful Broken Things. It was such a refreshing and beautiful read about friendship, love and life. It tackles some really hard issues in such a sensitive yet raw and real way. I really liked that about this book. I also found it so refreshing as a lot of YA books involve some sort of romance. I loved that this was about love between friends rather than a romance. It was refreshing and amazing #YA #YALC #Contemporary
Sorted out my #TBR for #YALC from the authors announced so far. Starting with this one. I‘m about 120ish pages in and really enjoying it so far. Super excited for YALC #YA #CurrentlyReading
I used the #CyberMonday and bought some #Ebooks! I rarely use my #kindle and don‘t have much on it. That‘s because I love having a real book in my hand and making other people jealous with my beautiful shelf 😊.
Nevertheless I just couldn‘t resist on the weekend and yesterday.
Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard
Crown of Midnight- #SarahJMaas
The Fifth Season: Broken Earth
Red Rising
History is all you left me
Song of Achilles
The course of both friendship and recovery can be rougher than people realize, and downward spirals can have a momentum of their own...
"People we love come and go. That doesn‘t mean we loved them any less at the time."
It took a lot of deliberating for me to come to the conclusion that this book was so-so. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and when it started it was so full of energy and I was getting through it really quickly, but then something just... changed. Maybe I started to get sick of Caddy's boohoo woe is me attitude. All in all I I wouldn't read again but I do think there were some important issues touched upon #ya #youngadult #yacontemporary #review
I can‘t point out the exact moment I started to enjoy Beautiful Broken Things less, but there is no doubt that the final part of this story didn‘t live up to the promising start. There were certain things that started to bother me: the cliches, some of the characters and the way they act and think, the way important (darker) themes are handled… All in all not what I expected.
2,5/5 stars.
Busy busy busy few days, but now it's time for some train reading! #ya #yalit #ireadya #bookishnerd #yacontemporary #yaliterature #youngadult #igbook #currentlyreading
"By the time you're 20, you're like a grown up"
Hahaha I wish!!!
Nice easy read for my journey home. Started this book yesterday and I think I'm enjoying it, it's cute! #ya #yalit #ireadya #bookishnerd #yacontemporary #yaliterature #youngadult #igbook #currentlyreading
A good book,although a little slow at times. I can't wait to read her next one! I recommend 4/5 stars.
Now I've finally finished Little Women after MONTHS, it's time for a new TBR jar pick!!! And the winner is... *drumroll*
Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard.
I've heard good things about this one, so I will be looking forward to start reading it soon... Hopefully it won't take me as long as my previous pick to actually read it. 😂
#tbr #tbrjarpick #nextup #beautifulbrokenthings #sarabarnard
I'm surprised I liked this book as much as I did, but I did! I especially like the way the friendship is portrayed in the book. It made me laugh, it made me shed a few tears and I'm so happy I finally picked it up!
Gosh, I get so upset with Caddy's dad (or both her parents really), he's on his high horses all the freaking time! So Suzanne has parents who are abusive and Caddy's parents are supposed to be really great ones, but they are just so.... ***aaaaargh***
I think why I like this book is that I can actually relate to Caddy. I don't think I was her, but people viewed me like her... even when I was more like Suzanne, people still thought of me like the good one. Ha! 🙈🙊🙉
"Suzanne's elbows parted slightly and she peeked out at me. I put on my very best encouraging, this-is-a-safe-space smile and said, 'Hi.'"
For some reason this just gets to me. I've read reviews on this book where there's been a lot of annoyance with the main character Caddie, and I get it, but this makes me re-evaluate.
I've decided to try and read the books I have by authors coming to London YALC this year, and Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard is one of them. So far so good! 💕
Everyone says apologizing works, but it never really does.
People we love come and go. That doesn't mean we loved them any less at the time.
#bookishconfession #riotgrams
I judge books by their covers.
😍I saw this book in an article (I think) on the Guardian. I had to have it so I immediately purchased it from Book Depository as it had not been released in the US yet. In case you cannot tell by the pic it is shiny! Golden!
😔It took me well over a year (despite the blogosphere exploding) to read Divergent. Really just because I don't like the cover.
An encouraging and heart warming u sight into female friendship, the pressures of the teenage years (which never stops!) And dealing with mental illness.
I found the author's touch to be very light but incredibly sensitive to the nuances of relationships that occur and fail with people dealing with mental health issues. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would!
"because trauma is not just something that happens to one person"
This books was a well written piece about teenage girls and mental illness. Worth reading!
'Beautiful Broken Things' is a incredibly insightful book into the world of teenage girls, it was so relatable. I loved the characters, they were recognisable, I went to school with girls like them, I'm still friends with some of them. This a debut that packs a punch. Enjoy!📚
About teenage friendship and the delicate bonds we form and break. I liked it but I also had my issues with the main character. I think there needs to be more YA focused on friendships. Also touches on domestic family violence and mental illnesses. 3 stars and worth a read
This is a book I have many feelings about. It's a brilliant read and tackles some important issues, but emotionally it tore me apart. I never quite knew how to feel or what to expect due to one of the main characters erratic behaviour. I was in bits by the end! A great read though. I'd recommend.
I loved reading this book - but it's so problematic. This is NOT a book to be read by young people with mental health problems. It romanticises them, and it perpetuates damaging ideas about sex and virginity. I enjoyed reading about the female friendships though.
Just started to read this ...I was drawn in to the shininess
A beautiful contemporary about friendship, abuse, and the far reaching effects of one on the other that made me both laugh and cry.
Broke my heart and I'm glad for it. Beautifully written. I now can't help but remember the girl I was friends with around 12/13 who would dare me into doing things I didn't want to and I hope she is ok.