Thirty-two pages in and I've already cried twice. This is going to break my heart.
Thirty-two pages in and I've already cried twice. This is going to break my heart.
It's not moving on, Libbs. It's moving differently. That's all it is. Different life. Different world. Different rules. We don't ever leave that old world behind. We just create a new one.
"The beautiful thing about books was that anyone could open them."
The thing I realize is that it's not what you take, it's what you leave.
"As he stands, hands on hips, nodding at the Blue Flash, I think about impending, weightless doom. It's a phrase I like and understand. I tuck it away in the corner of my mind to pull out later, maybe for a song.
I say, 'You may be the most brilliant man I have ever met.' I like the idea of something that can give you those feelings all the time. I want something like that, and then I look up Violet and think: There she is."
Ah Finch. ?
I'm surprised I liked this book as much as I did, but I did! I especially like the way the friendship is portrayed in the book. It made me laugh, it made me shed a few tears and I'm so happy I finally picked it up!
"I try to tell it he might have meant "just be careful when you have sex. Use a condom", but instead, because you know, it's a brain, and therefore has - is - a mind of its own, it starts thinking of every way in which Violet Markey might break my heart."
Funny, smart and I know it's going to break my heart....
Gosh, I get so upset with Caddy's dad (or both her parents really), he's on his high horses all the freaking time! So Suzanne has parents who are abusive and Caddy's parents are supposed to be really great ones, but they are just so.... ***aaaaargh***
I think why I like this book is that I can actually relate to Caddy. I don't think I was her, but people viewed me like her... even when I was more like Suzanne, people still thought of me like the good one. Ha! 🙈🙊🙉
That Finch guy.... just started, but kinda falling in love..!!! 💔
"Suzanne's elbows parted slightly and she peeked out at me. I put on my very best encouraging, this-is-a-safe-space smile and said, 'Hi.'"
For some reason this just gets to me. I've read reviews on this book where there's been a lot of annoyance with the main character Caddie, and I get it, but this makes me re-evaluate.
I've decided to try and read the books I have by authors coming to London YALC this year, and Beautiful Broken Things by Sara Barnard is one of them. So far so good! 💕