Love this book!!!!! 📖
When you find a watership down equivalent but with Labradors!!!! 🐶😭🐶😭🐶
Let‘s see what this is all about then ...
When you discover where you work has a library filled with YA ❤️📚❤️📚❤️
I feel that I should have written this book 📖 📚📖📚📖
I though you guys would appreciate my new bookmark that I designed and made. #bookmark #crossstitch
New Year‘s Eve - feeling low so in bed reading my xmas present from my husband 😬
I‘ve heard this audiobook is awesome so giving it a go!
Saturday night - in bed and starting to read this. Let‘s see how this goes. 🛏 📖 📚 😊
Anyone else feel a bit ripped off by the ending?
This book is making me a short story convert. 📖
Starting this tonight.
An #kindleunlimited must read. Murder mystery in a rural county with lots of twists and turns. Not my usual cup of tea but will definitely be catching up on the Di Nick Dixon series created by Damien Boyd. This is book 3 and the first I‘ve read.
Currently listening to this delightful book 📖 #mindfulness
I am currently loving this read which I got from Kindle Unlimited. Its a hidden gem. 💎💎💎 It‘s made me wander what hidden gems are included. Guys - can you please bombard me with your favourite Kindle unlimited reads please? #kindleunlimited
Can't wait to start this. Hopefully a kindle unlimited delight 😌
Ideal summer easy reading. One of the best chick lit reads of 2017. An easy peasy pleasing page turner.
Post honeymoon blues kicking in thanks to being back to work and major busy. A few friends have recommended this so off to bed for kindle session before bed. 📚☕️🛏
If you loved Big Little Lies, you will be engrossed by this tale of three intertwined stories.
Last day on honeymoon 😢 Is this appropriate reading?
Great holiday read especially when in Greece. I would highly recommend the audiobook which made this book more entertaining. Ideally the photos in the book could have been in colour (I read the paperback version - I believe the hard book is in colour).
On honeymoon and have lost my voice so this is my reading spot for today. Pool bar !!!!! Hopefully the cocktails will help my voice.
❤️audiobooks - especially read by Dan Stevens
Heartbreaking. Heartfelt. Heartwarming. All at the same time.
Beach read for today
Worth a read but not as good as me before you. Lovely reading about Louisa Clark again but as a stand alone book is nothing special 📚📖📚📖📚
This book is awesome. Hooked from start to finish yet not something I would have read from the books blurb. Lots of friends recommended it and I read it while on holiday on the island of Crete. Glad I did.
Is it just me or is YA fiction totally knocking adult fiction out the park? Or am I becoming less mature as I grow older?
Started tonight. Listening to the audio book read by Jake gyllanhall
An alright read. I found it dull in places but also very heartwarming in others. I did enjoy the David Tennant narrative of the book. I don't think I would have finished it otherwise. 📚
I ❤ audiobooks!!!! I'm currently listening to this one. David Tennants narrative is amazing!!!!! What is everyone's favourite audiobook?
❤❤❤ great quick read on techniques to make you happy ☺️
On my honeymoon reading list. Would be rude not to when going to Crete ☀️
I am loving this book soooooo much at the moment ❤️easy enjoyable reading 📖
Just started this!!!! Amazon deal of the day and the audio book is only Qa.99 too ???