Fantastic conclusion to The Selection series. A few twist & turns along the way. I would highly recommend this series.
Fantastic conclusion to The Selection series. A few twist & turns along the way. I would highly recommend this series.
Some shocking twists at the end there! Definitely glad she followed her heart and picked Eikko after that beautiful talk with her dad. America‘s heart attack and recovery was really difficult to read. The ending was not long or satisfying enough. I wanted to hear more of the happy ending with Eikko.
Or dipping your toe into something you‘ve been scared of your whole life. Happily ever after could be waiting in a field a mile wide. Or a window as narrow as seven minutes.
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New York Public Library 📚
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelection #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #Romance #YoungAdult #Dystopia #Fantasy #Fiction #Audiobook #ScienceFiction #YoungAdultFantasy 💖💖
This book became available to borrow at my library, so I paused my current book…again. This series was light and quick reading, but I enjoyed it all the same!
My favorite of the series. Even though I found a lot of it incredibly stupid (falling for multiple boys, out of character major decision made by the king, and more), I was totally sucked in by the series at this point and loved the ending.
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelection #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #Romance #YoungAdult #Dystopia #Fantasy #Fiction #Audiobook #ScienceFiction #Teen #YoungAdultFantasy
“I‘m sorry,” I said, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash.
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelection #firstline #openingline #book #books #bokkcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #Romance #YoungAdult #Dystopia #Fantasy #Fiction #Audiobook #ScienceFiction #Teen 💖💖💖💖
THE MORE I THINK OF IT THE MORE I REALIZE WE WERE ‼️ROBBED‼️OF GETTING TO KNOW KILE BETTER 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 I loved his friendship with E and I‘m so happy they love each other but OMG! There‘s no way she loves Eikko more 🫡 also LOVE the plot twist of Maxon‘s sister!! But the setting where he told his daughter was a lil weird. Could‘ve been timed differently
I‘m a mess!!!!! I was afraid for Eadlyn and felt like these new books just didn‘t compare to the OGs, since we got slices of everyone and only sprinkles of her final choice. And then it ended and I believed in love and forever and beautiful families more than ever. I loved these books so much 💛 Maxon and his daughter‘s relationship was my favorite part! It also had just enough emphasis on past vs new characters
3✨ I read this so fast I didn‘t even get it on Goodreads before I finished it. I did enjoy it, but the action/drama wasn‘t as good as some of the rest of the series. I knew who she was going to end up with by this book, but not sure how. The ending was pretty neat. Now to locate that hard to find epilogue which is the last book in the series! 😭
This was so heartbreaking! I had my choice but still kept me guessing until the end! And this was a great series ender!
This book was great it had such a good idea! Their was a amazing plot twist that you couldn‘t expect. And it‘s a really good telling of the story. If you haven‘t read it already I really think you should.
I‘m sad that this is the end of the series. It was a nice distraction from my crazy life.
Or a window as narrow as seven minutes.
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogger #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #YoungAdult #Romance #Dystopia #Fantasy ❣️❣️
Better than the previous one, at least Eadalyn is less unkind and is starting to like the people around her. She is still was too immature to be comfortable with the idea of her running a country but at least she picked a boring but safe husband. However. I really didn‘t like that most of the selection decisions were made for her by the guys. I get that Cass was trying to take any blame away from her but she just made her seem not worth it to them
“I‘m sorry,” I said, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash.
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I was rooting for at least four boys, but I was not thrilled by Eadlyn‘s choice. I felt no chemistry, nothing that would truly make their love believable. The politics seemed much less interesting in Eadlyn‘s story than in America‘s, so losing interest in the love story as well was disheartening. Everything seemed to fall apart from that point on. Some characters I came to love were dragged in the mud. In the end, I found the book quite awful.
Or a window as narrow as seven minutes.
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #lastline #closingline #book #books #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookwarm #bookwarmth #bokkwhore #bookworld #bookwords #YoungAdult #Romance #Dystopia #Fantasy 💞💞💞💞💞
TBR Bingo
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #AStudyInCharlotte #FireHorse #ThePrincessSavesHerselfInThisOne #RebelOfTheSands #DrJekyllAndMrHyde #TheMysteriousAffairAtStyles #AesopsFables #Beast #TheJungle #book #books #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookwarm #bookwarmth #bookwhore #bookworld #YoungAdult #Dystopia #Romance #Fantasy 💞💞💞💞💞
TBR Bingo
#TheCrown #KieraCass #ElephantsCanRemember #DrJekyllAndMrHyde #EverythingEverything #TheScarletLetter #JourneyToTheCenterOfTheEarth #TheHoundOfTheBaskervilles #TheMirrorCrackdFromSideToSide #HowToFindLoveInABookshop #book #books #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdy #nerdsunite #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #YoungsAdult #Romance #Dystopia #Fantasy 💕💕💕💕💕
Eadlyn is one of those few characters I can relate to. I am so glad I finally finished the Selection series. I‘ve been waiting to see how it would end for a long time. It had so many twists and turns in this book, I thought I might get whiplash. In the end I loved how it ended. 📚⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookbag #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #YoungAdult #Romance #Dystopia ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
I would have enjoyed this more having read the first books but it was still a fun, light listen.
Book 9 of 14 for #bookfitnesschallenger2
Purple cover for #readingrush
@wanderinglynn #fitwizards @Clwojick @Lova @Peddler410 @Mynameisacolour @RainyDayReading @thereadingunicorn @jen_the_scribe
“I‘m sorry,” I said, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash.👑
#TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #firstline #openingline #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #FreddyFunko #NormanBates #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookwarm #bookwarmth #bookwhore #bookworld #bookword #bookworm #bookworms #Dystopia #YoungAdult #Romance #YA #funkopops
The Crown by: Kiera Cass 👑👑👑👑👑 #TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #funko #funkopop #popvinyls #FreddyFunko #NormanBates #book #books #bookunion #bookutopia #bookunicorn #bookunicorns #bookunhaul #bookish #bookishfeature #bookishfeatures #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #prisma #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #Dystopia #YoungAdult #Romance 💙💙💙💙
It's the kind of weekend where you don't care that it's 2:00 in the morning. You just finished one book and you're moving on to the last one in the series. #tiredtomorrow
What I loved about this series is the fact that they were all nice light reads. They reminded me a lot of the Batchelor, except with prince and princesses. 👸🏻🤴🏼
No!!! The series can't be over! 😢😢😢I want to know more about Eadlyn and her life after the selection!! Now off to read the novellas because I couldn't find the order to read them whole reading the full length books in the series!
I didn't really like this book it wasn't like the other series, but it was still ok I liked the end the most because its unexpected. I suggest this book to anyone who is interested in in realistic fiction.
I have now read all of the selections series... Yay 😄
The Crown by: Kiera Cass 📚📚📚📚📚 #TheCrown #KieraCass #TheSelectionSeries #book #books #bookunion #bookutopia #bookunicorn #bookunicorns #bookish #bookishfeature #bookishfeatures #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #prisma #photolab #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #bookphotographer #bookphotographs #Dystopia #YoungAdult #Romance #YA 💝💝💝💝💝