Success is never so interesting as struggle. -Willa Cather. I have chosen this quote because it‘s quite true to me. I would rather listen to your struggle of getting to your success and how you got over it, then just the success it‘s self.
Success is never so interesting as struggle. -Willa Cather. I have chosen this quote because it‘s quite true to me. I would rather listen to your struggle of getting to your success and how you got over it, then just the success it‘s self.
I just started this book and i am so happy to read it! I have been waiting to read this book for two years and i‘m only 20 pages in but is already so good. I can‘t wait to finish this book!
You NEED to read this book! This book hits the highs and the lows and you can feel it while reading this book. The way Green puts his ideas into words is amazing, he has just a perfect way with words. It also changed the way I think for the better. I really recommend you read this book.
I‘m only halfway through this book but let me tell you the characters development. Finch is a spunky, careless person that really cares for violet. And violet is a quiet, loveable character who is amazing at writing. I am very excited to finish this book if you want to read it I really recommend it but it has a lot of heavy topics
If the hurt comes then so will the happiness. -Rupi Kaur I picked this quote because it‘s true. It‘s true because if you don‘t feel sad you will never know what it feels like to be happy.
This book was ok. I liked it but I wouldn‘t read it again. Maybe I didn‘t like it because it didn‘t relate to me at all. I think it‘s a good book and it had a great plot but it just wasn‘t my thing. :)
This book was great it had such a good idea! Their was a amazing plot twist that you couldn‘t expect. And it‘s a really good telling of the story. If you haven‘t read it already I really think you should.
I found this book so relatable. This book everyone can at least relate to one time in the book. This is an awesome read and I can‘t wait to read more of her work.
This book had me hooked I read it in one day. I couldn‘t put it down, it leaves you on so many cliff hangers and you just had to keep reading. I loved this book. Just to you know this book is pretty gory and there is a lot of death so be cautious with this book.
I am loving this book so far. Kile and Ahren are my favourite characters. Ahren is a protective older brother who cares about his sister and he is a kind hearted brother. He also is the most trustworthy person in this book.Kile is a book worm and is very sarcastic. He makes amazing jokes and is all around a funny guy.
hey hey hey guess what I‘m a human being too!!
This isn‘t the book I‘m reading but I am reading a drivers guide. Soon I have to take the drivers test that‘s why I haven‘t been read a lot.
I finished this book and oh my gosh was it good! It had everything I wanted plot twists, romance, and drama it was amazing. I felt so many emotions and that‘s what made it good. There was the happy feeling and the there was the sad feelings right after. The ending had so many different emotions, it ended the trilogy perfectly.I can‘t wait to read the next book. :)
The reading of this book made me sad. It makes my heart hurt for the people who had to go through this. It Rained Warm Bread tell the story of a family of five, hiding from the Nazis. It‘s tell the story in the point of view of the middle child. The poems are a great telling of the story.
I hated this book. I couldn‘t get into it I felt like this one just didn‘t cut it. It has no action in it, and it had no feeling. It was an ok story of Max ,but not one I would read again. It was also really confusing to read. It jumped back and forth throughout the book. And just wasn‘t a good book in my opinion
This is such an amazing book! I couldn‘t put it down, the author has an amazing ability to get you hooked. Kiera Cass is one of my favourite authors now. She effectively writes enough to make you imagine what happens. She sometime will write some “boring stuff” but I really love the way she writes. I just started the next book so I‘m really excited to see what it has to show me!
This is an awesome book I‘m only halfway through but when I pick up this book I can‘t put it down. The plot so far is really great too I recommend reading it.
This is a amazing book. It has the poems placed perfectly to tell the story. You can feel the emotions throughout reading this book and it absolutely astonishing how good it is.