I am enjoying this fairy tale book. I have about an hour left.
Chris is the one that is narrating it.
I am enjoying this fairy tale book. I have about an hour left.
Chris is the one that is narrating it.
This was fun…and I learned that my nephew and his mom are reading the series, too. Should I continue?
Who doesn‘t love a surprise book? #middlegrademagic #summerofmiddlegrade
Infested with literature #middlegrademagic #summerofmiddlegrade
Although I wasn't planning on picking a series I have decided I need the escape. My current read and am enjoying it so far. I'm not in the best place in most ways right now so I'm inhaling this. Anyone else read the series? I do hope you're all ok. Hugs to you all, happy reading and weekend littens 📚❤️📖 #fairytales #journey #siblings #magic #fantasy
My most educated analysis with all science and math a hand is that it‘s magic- Alex Bailey 👍👍👍👍
I love this book it puts a new spin on fairytales and is the first in an amazing series. ❤️❤️❤️
I feel bad and frustrated. We celebrated several bdays one of which was my 10 yo niece. When asked what she wanted her mom said unicorns, I asked if she still liked to read ,yes. So we got her the first three Chris Colfer books. She then came up to me and said she doesn‘t want books anymore. First it makes me sad that I was so off the mark. Second I‘m just frustrated. Who says that? My mom would‘ve killed me.
A passage I love in this book. I love marking those parts that just speak to me in a book. 😌
Not a bad month! I actually read 4 books instead of just audio reading the majority of the time. It‘s hard to physically read with two very active young kids. I got 2, 5✨ reads in the tagged and Dog Man. Plus I‘m half way through 3 books I‘m planning on finishing very soon.
All✨ I wish I could give more than 5, because this book would get it. I love fairy tale retellings and this one has so much adventure, magic, and humor. Twins Conner and Alex have been having a really rocky year. Then they fall through their Grandmother‘s storybook and start living the stories they grew up with. To get home they need magical items to make a wishing spell. Along the way they learn more about themselves and the secrets within. ⬇️
We got snowed in the day after Christmas and I ran out of books. My daughter loaned the Garber book and my grandson also loaned me this book knowing I‘d have to finish it at home. I loved that Chris Colfer stuck closer to the original fairy tales than the Disney version. This was a delightful adventure. Twins fall into their story book and go on all kinds of ventures in their attempt to get back home.
Yes! This has been on the waiting list for a while and it has Snow White in the prologue so I‘m planning on this for January for #Fairytalereading challenge. Woot woot! Thank you for hosting @Charityann
I love books that take a new look at an old story, especially a fairy tale. So good!
This was a fun read, with enough inventiveness to keep it going and likeable characters. The language was a bit repetitive and it was trying a little too hard to be cinematic, if that makes sense. Jay says: I liked it; it was fun and exciting. Jay is a lot less chatty at 13😂 But I know he really liked it because he kept wanting to read more!
Fun middle grade fantasy book about twin siblings that fall into a fairytale book and try to work out how to escape. Along the way they learn the extras to the fairy tales they grew up with and more.
I liked the story but I really disliked the audiobook, there was music playing the entire time in the background of the narrator and it was incredibly distracting. I‘ve already done book 2 though and can say that‘s not a problem going forward.
When we still read together, which is more often than it could be, for sure, Jay and I are working through Land of Stories. It‘s...okay — somewhat predictable and not as well edited as it could be, but the characters are believable and engaging and the plot keeps moving well enough. Jay LOVES it, so that‘s a recc right there. #YA #jayreads
Too childish and trivial for me!
I think it could be perfect at a very young age, but for an adult it's not so entertaining. I found out the final twists from the very beginning 😅
This could be a picture of my childhood, but it's not!
The cake is called 'Torta della Nonna' (Granny's cake translated... Idk why) and it's a famous italian cake with custard and pine nuts 😋 Delicious!
After #Therailwayman I picked up #Thelandofstories #Thewishingspell ... I need something less challenging 😅🤣
I tried reading the tagged aloud with the kiddo, and after three weeks and 148 pages I talked her into bailing. Maybe it would be better read alone? I feel like the idea has been done before and better (Sisters Grimm, for instance). Might give it a try again another time, or just leave it for the kiddo.
On to Harry Potter! I‘m hoping to savor this first time through with the kiddo, alternating books and movies, and taking our time about it.
The gang‘s all here. Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the Little Mermaid, the Frog Prince, Little Red, Goldilocks, Jack, Prince Charming, Mother Goose and more in this wonderful fairy tale world.
Almost done with book one. Only took all summer! ☺️
New post on instagram today! @rose.colored.books
This was a great book by Chris Colfer! (I would give it a 4.9 out of 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.9) You should really give this book a read can‘t wait to read book 2! 📚
This was the right book at the right time. I started reading this the day after my grandma passed and I finished it on the day we bury her. To escape into a world of fairy tales and light adventure was exactly what I needed. That‘s the magic of stories and why I‘ll always be a reader. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Book 11/12 for #bfc28
This MF book about twins who go to a magical land alongside the fairytale characters that they read about growing up. This would be a great PR so they can talk about what connections they can make with the characters. Thelandofstories.com has all the information about this book and the rest in the series as well as other cool videos and activities.
"Sometimes we forget about our own advantages because we focus on what we don't have. Just because you have to work a little harder at something that seems easier to others doesn't mean you're without your own talents"
"A villain is a victim whose story hasn't been told"
OMGOSH this book was soooo good!Best quote is when they are trapped in a cage and Alex says “kiss her you idiot,and we‘ll get out of here”🤣🤣🤣
I enjoyed this MG book with my boys! We‘ve been reading it at bedtime since Aug & it definitely kept their interest. The author did a great job capturing the spirit of an elementary boy & girl that makes this relatable! Do you have any favorite Middle Grade books?
Under strict instructions from my 9yo sister to read this series asap
#3 the genre of the book is fiction fantasy this book is good so far it‘s about a boy and a girl that have a tight family situation with money, and the boy (Conner) is doing really bad in school. Their grandma gives them a book that they read when they were younger but they didn‘t know that it was enchanted until Alex ( girl) goes into it and they get lost in this enchanted book. Read this if you like enchanted story‘s full of fun and adventure.
Here‘s my #bookreport!
I finished my #OwlPost book, and also the above. Arms From the Sea was not for me. I‘m loving The Circle!
Great audiobook! First time to start reading Chris Colfer‘s series and LOVED it. He is a wonderful storyteller, and the audiobook made the story even more even more magical. Can‘t wait to continue this series !
Feeling a bit like Olivander at the moment 💫 I am immensely enjoying this book as an audiobook. Chris Colfer is a wonderful storyteller and I have no idea why I have put this series off for so long! ➡️QUESTION: What Harry Potter Character do you think I am dressing up as for Halloween? Wand is similar to my characters‘ but a little extra detail and glitter to make it my own ⬅️
This was a good book featuring twins trying to find their way home but also the big bad wolf pack, the evil Queen, trolls and goblins that kidnap and enslave people and a witch in a gingerbread house.
+11 point #TeamStoker(10 theme, 1 participation)
For Halloween I think I'll dress up as a gas station worker who is out of patience and just wants to read this book and do this #TeamStoker thing but people keep asking questions like "are the tacos tacos?" and "the salted pretzel. Is it...salted?" .....oh wait..... Thats every day.....
+1 @TheReadingMermaid
"I will continue to be degraded into nothing but a grotesque villain until the end of time. But what the world fails to realize is that a villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told."
A great read for #TeamStoker
+1 point
Starting a series that I heard is pretty good and I had to share this dedication! I'm glad to be reading a series I already expect to enjoy for #TeamStoker
+1 point @TheReadingMermaid
From my tbr: a middle grade, modern day fairy tale mashup.
#spell #chillingphotochallenge #scarathlon