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Trust Exercise
Trust Exercise: A Novel | Susan Choi
140 posts | 131 read | 2 reading | 97 to read
Pulitzer Finalist Susan Choi's narrative-upending novel about what happens when a first love between high school students is interrupted by the attentions of a charismatic teacher. In 1982 in a southern city, David and Sarah, two freshmen at a highly competitive performing arts high school, thrive alongside their school peers in a rarified bubble, ambitiously devoting themselves to their studies - to music, to movement, to Shakespeare and, particularly, to classes taught by the magnetic acting teacher Mr. Kingsley. It is here in these halls that David and Sarah fall innocently and powerfully into first love. And also where, as this class of students rises through the ranks of high school, the outside world of family life and economic status, of academic pressure and the future, does not affect them - until it does - in a sudden spiral of events that brings a startling close to the first part of this novel.In the book's second part, the reader immediately and surprisingly learns that what we understood to have happened thus far in the story is not completely true, though it's not entirely false either. The plot thickens and speeds up and tightens, until, with a stunning coda, the author reveals a final piece of the puzzle that makes this novel shock and resonate long after the final sentence.As captivating and tender as it is brilliantly surprising, Trust Exercise will not only incite heated conversations about fiction and truth, about friendships and loyalties, but also leave readers with wise impressions about the capacities of adolescents and the powers and responsibilities of adults.
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Trust Exercise by Susan Choi is a novel split into three parts:

• Part 1 follows two high school drama students, Sarah and David, under the tutelage of their manipulative drama teacher, Mr. Kingsley, who uses intense trust exercises to blur reality and performance.
• Part 2 reveals that Sarah and David are characters in a novel written by one of the students, shifting the narrative to explore the nature of fiction, memory, and authorship. ⬇️

suvata • Part 3 focuses on the real-life versions of these characters, examining how their past experiences influence their adult lives and relationships.

The book explores themes of trust, manipulation, and the boundaries between art and life, using a meta-narrative structure to question the reliability of stories and memories.
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Trust Exercise | Susan Choi
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I don't get it.

peanutnine The candle! 😂 8mo
janeycanuck @peanutnine isn‘t it fun? It‘s a local candle maker but she just announced she‘s shutting down 😭 8mo
peanutnine @janeycanuck oh how sad 😞 8mo
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This one is almost a "pan" for me, but I gave it a pass because it has a few phrases and descriptions that I appreciate. I suppose the narrators are meant to be unreliable or at the very least inconsistently informed, but I had trouble figuring out the relationships between the characters. The timeline was also challenging as there were few differences in tone between the segments set in the 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s.

ImperfectCJ So, are we meant to understand that Martin and "Karen" are Claire's parents and that "Karen" was "Manuel" and used by Kingsley/Lord, too? Or is there no Martin and Claire is Lord and "Karen's" daughter whom Lord assaults in the last section? Or is the middle part just "Karen's" revenge fantasy and never actually happened? Ugh, this darned book. 10mo
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I have mixed feelings about this book overall, but I love this quote (although I disagree with the comma).

"Obsession is an accidental haunting, by a person not aware she's a ghost."

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


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I NEVER do this but… this one‘s a DNF for me.

I feel like I‘ve been reading this too long for me to only be on page 70. I‘m clearly not connecting with it and since I soooo cherish my summer reading, I think it‘s time to move on to something more enjoyable.

Ruthiella I totally support your DNF! But the book changes style and perspective at 150 pages or so. It makes the reader re-think the first section. HOWEVER, you still might hate it…😂 2y
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While I appreciate the experimentation of this novel, and I found the characters compelling, it stopped working for me eventually, I became less interested; was it because of the twist? Maybe, but I‘m not sure that‘s it.

The “unreliability” theme is a tough dance to pull off; like balancing on a wire—you don‘t want to go too far one way or the other. I think in this case she might‘ve tipped too much.

The first half was cool though.


We almost never know what we know until after we know it.

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On balance I liked this - it was certainly original and a bold choice to write what seemed like the first half of one book and then the second half of a completely different book. I enjoyed having things left up to me to decode, I found the level of pretentiousness appropriate to the setting so I minded that less than some people.

Continued in comment

Emilymdxn I will say, though, that I don‘t think this writer has any idea what English people speaking sounds like and the dialogue of the English characters was painful to read. I could never work out if that was part of a statement it was making and it was MEANT to be unrealistic, or if the writer thinks any grownups have ever seriously called a penis a willy…? Like was that part of the unrealisable narration? It really wrecked my immersion 3y
Ruthiella I think the pretentious writings and dialogue was intentional. Each part of the book destroys the reader‘s trust in the narrative. 3y
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I don‘t really do New Year‘s Eve or New Year‘s Day much but I am excited for a new goodreads reading challenge and working as hard as I can at the #bfc2022 fitness challenge. I don‘t find New Years that significant at all apart from as the time the goodreads challenge switches over lol

Today I did an aerobics workout for #bfc2022 and did a decent chunk of reading around my teaching in the afternoon. Feeling pleased with myself 🥰


wanderinglynn Great way to kick off a new challenge. Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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The first half of this was a slog, and I‘m still debating if it was worth going through it to get to the more interesting second half. It featured a couple of narrative tricks that didn‘t *quite* land the emotional punches for me I think they were meant to. It‘s between a so-so and a pan for me, but closer to the latter.

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⭐️⭐️• It feels so pretentiously written, it‘s almost funny but also perfect because ✨theatRE ✨ people are generally pretentious. But it‘s also totally ridiculous and hard to read. The last two sections read better, but can‘t make up for the long slog of a first section.

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This was a bit like reading a puzzle. It wasn't your average novel. It uniquely switches gears smack in the middle of the book and it took me a while to adjust, but once I did, I really wanted to find out how it ended. Certain things were implied rather than stated outright. I ended up a little confused, but I rather liked it. The book will stick with me.

britt_brooke This one was so different. Once I had a decent grasp on what was going on, I really enjoyed it! 3y
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3/5 for this one. I am not sure what I just read. I haven‘t stopped thinking about it since I read it. I am not really sure whose story was true and whose wasn‘t.

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I‘m ready for May with my #BookSpinBINGO list!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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You ever have a book on your wish list that once you read it you are left thinking "why in the world did I have this in my tbr?"
That would be this book for me.
I don‘t understand what actually went on. It was all over the place. Am I suppose to like any of these people? What the heck happened exactly?
I give it 2.5 stars only because I didn't stop reading it. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't good. The cover says it's "electrifying" ?
No. #false

Vansa Excellent!please let's discuss this.I thought it was so incisive....and then there was that coda.What on earth?? So....there were no foreign exchange students?It was the evil drama teacher all along?That's fine,but....he also molested his daughter?And did we waste a lot of time reading about an imaginary vacation to London,or did that happen??Did the rivalry happen?! 4y
ItsAnotherJen @Vansa Right?!😂😂😂 I don't know! If it was good, I'd reread with the intention of figuring these questions out. 4y
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Each part is worse than the one before.

Trust Exercise | Susan Choi
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Quarrel in Live and let Die and Doctor No.He helps Bond, he trains him, he saves his life and then....dies. it's so tragic and Bond doesn't even seem particularly cut up about it.
2.I loved Trust exercise and then...that end.Completely pointless and made me feel like there was no point reading the book at all.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 4y
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Nope. Couldn‘t get through it. Didn‘t care about the characters and the writing style was a tad annoying to me.
#doublespin #bookspinbingo

Soubhiville I bailed on this one too. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just have to let a book go!! 4y
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November #bookspin list - here we go again!!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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I couldn‘t do it. I just wasn‘t connecting with it. I‘m sure I‘ll try it again at a later date, but today it is a #DNF for me.

I just couldn‘t connect to the plot or characters. It feels a bit overwritten to me.

#bookspin #bookspinbingo #doublespin

TheAromaofBooks I've seen some mixed reviews on this one. Sometimes the time just isn't right for a book!! 4y
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I started the audiobook for Trust Exercise while I work today so I could make traction on my October #bookspin

I‘m having a really hard time getting in to this one. Has anyone read this one? Should I stick this out? I‘m not normally one to abandon a book, even if I‘m not enjoying it because I find I often like it better in the second half.

Let me know what your experience has been with this book!

Ruthiella This book switches perspectives midway through. I say, read at least until then. Once the POV changes, if you still aren‘t into it, drop it. 4y
Annie1215 @Ruthiella this is what I needed! Thanks 😊 4y
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Just another #ManicMonday #letterT
📚Tagged book 👍🏽
✒️Amor Towles
🎶Take Me To Church

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love that song!!! 4y
rubyslippersreads 💙 Titanic! 4y
Cinfhen Thanks...you both have excellent taste @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @rubyslippersreads ❤️😄 4y
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I have tried to read this book three times in the last year. The first part is hard to get through. So I picked it up again, determined to finish this award winning book. I finished it but I did not enjoy the book‘s structure, plot or characters. I am guessing I missed something clever that is above my head but it all felt uncomfortable and contrived. Hopefully my next read will be more satisfying.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love the colors of the cover!! 4y
Godpants I had to quit this one too. 4y
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TW: statutory rape

Not sure how I feel about this one. The beginning involves a lot of graphic sex between teenagers, and in some cases, between teenagers and adults. I would have bailed if it weren‘t for my book club, but then the second half took a turn for the much more interesting and thoughtful commentary on the 1st half, but I still had to get through the 1st half to get to the 2nd half and I resent that.

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I‘ve been on the waitlist at the library forever! Very mixed reviews on Litsy. Let‘s go!

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Endlessly inventive, stirring, provocative. I thoroughly enjoyed this. One of the smartest books I‘ve read in a long time.

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“Heartbreak will come to seem like a rather luxurious reason for pain.”

ONH LOVED this book! 4y
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Ugh. I usually enjoy National Book Award winners but this book was not for me. I had to push myself to get into, finally got there, then it switched to a new point in time and I hated that section, then the last section was a let down. Definitely would not recommend.

Megabooks Agree 4y
BarbaraBB Agree with you and @Megabooks 4y
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This year's National Book Award winner, Trust Exercise, shares a similar theme to 2018's winner, The Friend by Sigrid Nunez.

While the two are very different books, both authors take a look at what is fact and what is fiction in novels. 2 of the 3 narrators sound very similar to one another, but overall they do a respectable job narrating the audiobook. I can't say I loved this book, but I liked it.

Overall rating: 4.01 stars

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A "trust exercise" indeed. I want to be one of the cool kids who adore this, turns out I might not be ☹️?
Without ruining it for future readers, here's hint about what you're reading -- not all is as it seems. But how far does the author take this concept? That's what unsettled me about the whole reading experience. What exactly can we believe? I appreciate this style, but ultimately, I don't enjoy second guessing myself through an entire novel.

ChaoticMissAdventures I keep going back and forth about reading this. It seems fairly polarized. And I usually adore books that half the people who read it hate it 😂 4y
Chelsea.Poole @ChaoticMissAdventures I didn't hate it and I would say go for it! I appreciate the reading experience and have thought about it often since finishing. It just happens to be something I don't enjoy in the moment, if that makes sense. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
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Listening to this book is a 'trust exercise' in and of itself! I'm nearly halfway and trying to make my mind up about this. 🤨
#audiobook #libby

Godpants I couldn‘t get into this one. 4y
Hooked_on_books I hated it 😆 4y
Chelsea.Poole @Godpants @Hooked_on_books certainly not a straightforward read! 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really didn‘t love this at first. Sarah is absolutely insufferable. The story is overwritten and underwhelming. But, when the timeline and narrative style shift, the story cleverly reveals itself. The second bit moves effortlessly between first and third person, providing much more information, broadening the scope, and making sense of part one. Then, another shift. Brilliant ending.

readordierachel I picked this up a few months ago and put it down pretty quickly b/c I thought it was overwritten, as you say. You've made me want to give it another chance! 4y
britt_brooke @readordierachel Getting through the first half is kind of annoying, but the reward after is worth it. I understand why so many bail early on. I do wish the first part would‘ve been shorter. (edited) 4y
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🎧🧩 Another puzzle completed! About to wrap up the tagged audiobook as well.


Readerann Oh, I love that puzzle! Who makes it? 4y
BarbaraBB That was fast!! 4y
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB 😂 I‘m a bit obsessive with puzzles as it turns out. Not happy until they‘re done. 😬 4y
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BarbaraBB I didn‘t finish mine (I bought it immediately after lockdown, 1000 pieces) so I envy your dedication 😀😍 4y
Bluebird Fabulous puzzle!😍 4y
britt_brooke @Readerann Thanks! It‘s from a company called Galison Puzzles. 4y
AmyG Great puzzle! 4y
britt_brooke @AmyG Thanks! 4y
Crazeedi This is an awesome puzzle 4y
Reviewsbylola Well done! 4y
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🎧🧩 I‘m a little over halfway through this book and can‘t quite decide if I love or hate the style shift. We‘ll see!


charl08 Ooh, nice puzzle! 4y
LiteraryinPA I got an ARC of this a long time ago and haven‘t read it yet. It sort of fell off my radar. I‘ll be curious what you think! 4y
wanderinglynn I know that puzzle! It‘s a fun one. 👍🏻👍🏻 4y
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Hooked_on_books I came down on the hate side for this book. 😬 4y
britt_brooke @wanderinglynn It‘s a little trickier than I expected, but I‘m enjoying it! 4y
britt_brooke @LiteraryinLititz Seems like a love/hate. Not sure yet where I‘ll land. 4y
britt_brooke @Hooked_on_books Weird styles often throw off my enjoyment. Still not sure where I‘ll land on this one. 4y
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This book is written in such an interesting way - switches from third to first person sometimes in the same paragraph, characters' names change in different parts of book. By my low rating, I'm not saying it was a bad book; rather, it simply wasn't for me.

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I only read Choi and didn‘t like it much so I am not objective today. In fact I don‘t really care who will be today‘s winner 🙈

TheNerdyProfessor I hated Trust Exercise. I don't get all the hype 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen Those covers look so good together!!!! I‘d love to see Trust advance but I have a feeling it‘s not 😬 5y
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What I did like about this book: it made me reflect on my own HS years and on the power Dynamics of my teachers.

What I didn't like about this book: this book needed trigger warnings, why trigger warnings aren't added to book and Audiobooks is a mystery to me.

Second, what the hell is with that ending?? I thought the author was gonna go one way only to be thrown in a completely different direction...


Okay so once again, I get to a part in the story and find myself wondering if what I am listening to is consensual behavior by two characters... And Lord it's never mentioned before hand that this will come up... And it's starting to piss me off... Ugh.

Look, trigger warnings are helpful for me they help.prepare me to deal with the emotional heavyness of a scene in the book, so that I can continue to read it. Maybe I am over reacting.

LiteraryinPA I don‘t think you‘re overreacting. That‘s a completely valid point. Sorry this book is turning out to be hard for you. 💗 Although I have an ARC of this on my shelf, I haven‘t read it yet. Maybe someone else who has will weigh in. 5y
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Started reading this book this week, I am loving the narrator and the overall story. It's flowing well and is good at keeping my attention.


ONH I loved this book! 5y
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I really didn‘t know what to make of this book. I kept thinking about it for awhile. It wasn‘t the easiest book to get into but once it grabbed me it didn‘t let go. The writing is both beautiful and jarring at the same time. And I couldn‘t stop thinking about the very different narratives from these women. I judged them and how they dealt with their “experiences”. And because I saw myself in all of them, I judged myself and continue to do so..

Reggie Oof, the book that‘s a mirror that shows part of us that we might be uncomfortable with. Nice review!!! 5y
nelehelen @Reggie SO uncomfortable!! 5y
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Definitely not a book for everyone, but I really enjoyed it. I loved how much it challenged me as a reader, how I can‘t stop thinking about it since finishing it, and how much I want to talk about it with others.
In style, it gave me vibes of Fates & Furies and also The Unchangeable spots of Leopards.... two books I adore. So although this books themes of truth, storytelling and perception may not be the most original, it totally worked for me.

BarbaraBB I didn‘t really like it but your review is awesome. I love it when books have such an effect on me! 5y
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Just starting part 2 of this book (which I‘m loving) and feeling a bit picked on! 😂
What‘s wrong with my name anyway!!?! 😂

LiteraryinPA Whoa! That‘s so mean! There is absolutely nothing wrong with your name! 5y
rockpools Wow! I wonder what Karen did to her! 5y
JennyM 😂😘 5y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I know this is such a divisive book but I really liked it. The first part is full of teen angst and emotion, but I think you have to know that and take it for what it is. The second part I found fascinating. I love how this book made me think. It was more of a slow burn and I found it worth sticking through to the end.

PNWBookseller85 I really liked this one too! 5y
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Not much reading this week. Rough week at work and a Houseguest too!
Finally completed American Dirt for BN bookclub. Just so-so for me, but should make for a good discussion.
Third of the way through Trust Exercise and loving it so far......
Hope to do better next week! 😊📚💕

squirrelbrain Sorry you had a bad week at work - hope next week gets better 😘 5y
Cinfhen Glad you‘re still enjoying Trust Exercise 💗 5y
KarenUK Aw thanks Helen! It‘s inventory time, so overnight in store, and all the mess that goes with that! @squirrelbrain 💕😊 5y
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KarenUK It‘s kinda giving me Fates and furies vibes 🤷‍♀️ @Cinfhen 5y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I felt that too @KarenUK 5y
squirrelbrain Oooh I loved Fates and Furies - might need to try this one! Hopefully stocktaking is over with now..... 5y
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The writing in this book is beautiful. Choi definitely has a way with words. The story itself though never really connected with me.

Have you ever finished a book and felt like you just weren't smart enough to appreciate what the author was trying to say? That's how this book made me feel.

TrishB Lots of times, usually by Ali Smith! 5y
Scochrane26 @Addison_Reads I‘ve had that feeling several times, esp with classics. 5y
BarbaraBB Lol @TrishB she is the perfect example indeed! 5y
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TrishB @BarbaraBB I‘m not reading anymore by her as she‘s obviously just too clever for me! 5y
HollyQ I think she could have told this story in a much more straightforward way and made a way bigger impact. It seems like nobody is not confused by this book. 5y
BkClubCare @HollyQ - i just hit page 216 and am crazy confused with the confusing narrators and who is telling this dang thing! Ugh 5y
HollyQ @BkClubCare I feel you. Seems that everyone has that reaction. 5y
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Interesting, if at times troubling story, involving power and manipulation and sex. I would have preferred an ending that tied up more loose ends