3 stars
I read this for many reasons, because I already had it on my TBR (one of those books I was saving for a guaranteed good read situations), bc I love the author's previous books, and because, as I read it, I realized it satisfied by #ReadYourSign prompt of a book that I thought was imaginative. Told in 3 POVs- Wink, Poppy and Midnight are all characters that leap from the page and make you sigh and cringe and dream. Loved it! @Clwojick @Meaw_Catlady
“For your sake i have braved the glen, and had to do with goblin merchant men. Eat me, drink me, love me. Hero, Wolf, make much of me. With clasping arms and cautioning lips, with tingling cheeks and fingertips, cooing all together.”
i really enjoyed this book. i read it in one sitting and i‘ll def be checking out the authors other novels
This was one of my #bookspin picks of the month, #16, the #triplespin. @TheAromaofBooks
I was ALL into this book, it's so unique and moves very quickly. Until the last 20 percent of the book, which was a big WTHeck. I never saw the twist coming, I didn't even know this book was going to have a twist. Shocking!
I just didn't really like this book. I wanted to, the concept was interesting...it kept my attention enough that I finished it, but I can't recommend. The writing is gorgeous, I will say, and that cover! But I actually have no idea what happened in the story... A quick Google search brought up a handful of reviews saying they didn't get it either. Kinda frustrating!
Day 7 of #7covers7days #covercrush
I had so much fun with this challenge and really enjoyed seeing everyone‘s posts. 😊💕📚
All I can say of this is WTF did I spend my time reading? It doesn't get actually interesting until page 200 and then at that point there's only like 45-47 pages left. That was by far the most interesting point in the book because of the only climax. The writing was also confusing. They say that repetition of the same word 3 times is a sign of insanity, so I mean... 🤷🏼♀️ I'm just saying, if you loved this kudos to you but it wasn't for me.
Hero. Villian. Liar.
// Super excited to dig into this one today! I initially bought this because I loved the cover so let's see if the story is just as beautiful! (I will a picture of the cover later!)
My latest library book sale haul. I paid $5 for everything. I few of them I've already read.
It was a very slow beginning and middle. I spent most of the book confused about what the author was trying to accomplish. I saw the "surprise twist" coming several chapters before it happened, so it was completely lost on me. Her writing style wasn't bad, but the plot was a pain to follow. I almost DNF'd several times.
Love the writing but didn‘t care for the plot. 3/4 in and I was like what is going on? The end was semi satisfactory. I‘ll read more of the author but man I hope the overall structure of her books improves.
That was something... I‘m not sure how I feel about it yet. 😂😬
Wow this book started out so strong but that ending? What? I am so confused. I honestly don‘t understand what happened.
Yay for Preseason Football! 🏈
My book I brought to the Geek Girl Brunch Denton Blind Date with a Book event. Hopefully someone likes Wink Poppy Midnight better than I did.
IDK. This book took a left and IDK if I‘m in love with it or disappointed.
Fan art found here: https://ratondebiblioteca15.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/resena-de-wink-poppy-midnig...
Two hours into the #audiobook and nothing has happened. Nothing. The protagonists are boring cliches - and unsympathetic ones at that. As magical as the cover is, as bland is the plot and as unbearable especially the character Poppy.... additionally, if you wanna have everyone sleeping around, maybe don't make is so obvious that you're trying to be relatable to modern YA audiences, while still giving your characters the maturity of an 11yr old...
I‘ve had a dumpster fire of a weekend. Reading was my go to for stress relief (also, my pets). This is book 4. Hoping it‘s good!
Well that was...interesting. I loved the writing style, but I didn't really connect with any of the characters. Luckily its really short so the writing was enough to make it worth it!
🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 I figured out where Kylie Jenner has been hiding!! She has been modeling for bookmarks!! #youarewelcome
Never sure how to feel when Barnes has this on the 70% off table. Purchased this beautiful book for $1.99. Started it today, and I am a little nervous with the Litsy Rating at 48%....
I heard such mixed things about this so I wasn‘t sure if I would like it but i was pleasantly surprised. It was creepy and mysterious with some gorgeous writing. Perfect Halloween read 🎃🎃🎃
This has to be one of the most gorgeous covers I've ever seen. I love all the little details.
This book is a fast read with an interesting format, taken from each main character's POV. At first I was not a fan of the author's writing style but it quickly sucked me in. The opening of the book is rather shocking. This book kept me guessing the entire time. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a mystery!
Afternoon reads with a side of mint tea and irony. #gottaread
Lyrical, dark, mysterious, and beautiful. I can't say too much without giving secrets away, but this book was very much worth the read. If you like Lanai Taylor or Maggie Stiefvater you'll probably enjoy this book.
There's still six more hours of Detroit Maker Faire, so I think I'll take a quick walk around and then start this one. I haven't heard much about it, but this cover is GORGEOUS!
I give this book a solid "meh". Perhaps it didn't thrill me like I'd hoped because there were comparisons to E. Lockhart's brilliant We Were Liars in reviews, which was a high standard and inaccurate. Sure, there's a mystery, and the end is a twist (so to speak), but it just did nothing for me.
Sometimes people just leave. They realize they are on the wrong path, or that they are on the wrong story, and they just go off.
Heyy! How is everyone today?
I had mixed thoughts about this book. I didn't really like it but also didn't hate it 😅
QOTD: What are your thoughts about this book?
Wink Poppy Midnight is the most photogenic book I have! I wish I love the story as much as I love its cover! But, hey! It has a lot of good quotes! 🌺🌿
Recommend some good magical realism books to me! Magical realism has long been my favorite genre, and I need MORE.
^^an old embroidery I threw together 3 hours before the event for April Tucholke.
Wink Poppy Midnight is atmospheric and dark. It's eerie and deceptive. Unpredictable, raw and gritty, and pretty bad-ass. Tucholke doesn't hold back, and that's what I love about her writing. There are no easy answers and no simple solutions, the characters stay strong in their convictions - whether they're right or wrong - and the ending of the story is not you classic Hollywood happy ending, but it's beautiful and perfectly satisfying.
"When you look into the darkness, the darkness looks into you."
This book had a major twist to the end and I really enjoyed it. It wasn't anything I was expecting at all!
#bookstagram #book #books #bookhoarder #bookphoto #bookworm #bookaddict #booklover #bookaholic #booksarelife #bookjunkie #bookstagrammer #bookreader #booknerd #booksofinstagram #booklife #bookish #readingissexy #readmorebooks #yabooks #yabookstagram #yabooksociety #bookstore #winkpoppymidnight
So this one was interesting. This book definitely kept me hooked, and it's a snappy read, but the ending just seemed to come out of nowhere. It was odd. Not the twist ending; which honestly wasn't a shock to me, but maybe that was just because I was preparing myself for it? The characters and their situation was compelling, but all in all everything felt like it didn't gel quite right.
It's good this was an audio book and I was listening to it to pass the time as I drove to/from work. Otherwise, I wouldn't have finished it, even though it was super short. It kept my attention at times, but the characters weren't relatable or developed enough to care what happens to any of them. And the plot twist at the end was far from stellar. Woof.
The cover may possibly be my favorite so far this year. As far as the story line, not so much. Don't get me wrong. The story is beautifully written just not my type of story. I am still trying to figure out what parts were fairy tales and what parts were 'real'... who was the hero and who was the villain? AND WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT THE END?!
Well that's not cool! Some kind of sticker/alarm chip? is stuck on page 93. Lame.
UPS, USPS, and a random amazon mini van.... thank you. My book haul Monday is complete. #bookhaulmonday
So, throughout reading this book I wondered why so many people gave it a bad review, then I got to the ending and sorta figured out why. I really liked this book. The writing is beautiful and the characters are all interesting. I got lost in the world of Wink, Poppy, and Midnight and their love triangle. What I didn't like is how the book set itself up to be a mystery and didn't really follow through. All this being said I give it 4/5.
Happy Sunday all!! Hope you're all enjoying your current reads!! I'm loving Wink Poppy Midnight. I'm very curious to see how it ends!
It was okay. It was a little hard to follow, honestly. And I was expecting it to be more mystery than it was. Oh well.