Continuing my Christie education with Murder on the Orient Express!! I was especially eager to read this one, with the movie coming out and all. I love comparing books to their film adaptations 😄Do any of you have a favorite movie based off a book?
Continuing my Christie education with Murder on the Orient Express!! I was especially eager to read this one, with the movie coming out and all. I love comparing books to their film adaptations 😄Do any of you have a favorite movie based off a book?
Often in trilogies, the first book is my favorite, but I can easily say this sequel to Walk on Earth a Stranger was just as enjoyable and thrilling as the first. Leah's magical golden powers are expanded upon, the tension and bursting love present are palpable in just the right instances, and the climax is utterly explosive. We finally get to see California in the grip of "gold fever", and it is both inspiring and horrifying. #booknerd #YA #review
I started and finished my first Agatha Christie classic in one day! Kept me guessing till the very end, it actually had me foolishly believing I'd figured it out until the big reveal. I should've known better! I'm definitely adding many more of her novels to my TBR pile. #booknerd #bookreview #mystery #classic #whodunit #bibliophile
To sum it up in a word: charming. It started off a little shaky, with it feeling like the author was basically grafting Anne's personality onto L.M. Montgomery's life, but Maud grew and matured so much throughout the book that that didn't last long. It's a sweet comfort read, especially if you love Anne of Green Gables and want to get some insight into its creator. #bookreview #bibliophile #booknerd #historicalfiction #YA
I absolutely love Anne of Green Gables and have never seen any historical fiction focused on L.M Montgomery, so I am thrilled to be diving into this one! I've read mixed reviews so I hope I'm of the more positive persuasion, but I guess we'll wait and see!
This was exactly what I needed to satisfy my historical fiction craving. The Aviator's Wife is emotional, lyrical, and breathtaking, getting deep into the head and heart of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Her story is inspiring on a number of levels; the ending unexpectedly moved me to tears. Definitely pick this up if you get the chance! #review #booknerd #historicalfiction #strongwomen #bibliophile
"To live for oneself is a terrifying prospect; there is comfort in martyrdom, and for years, my hair shirt had been more comfortable than the silk brassiere I was currently wearing."
#bookquotes #booknerd #historicalfiction #strongwomen #bibliophile #quotes
"Why couldn't confidence be bottled, like perfume? I'd sneak into my sisters' rooms at night and steal a few spritzes, just as I sometimes stole their clothes." #booknerd #flyingwomen #historicalfiction #bibliophile
I actually had a hard time choosing between pick and so-so for this one. The story and characters were engaging, and overall it was enjoyable, but the pacing was off. It felt like the author rushed through so much of the world; but maybe I just wanted it to be Harry Potter. There are two other books in this series, so I'll definitely be adding those to my list to see where else The Magicians goes! #booknerd #fantasy #bibliophile #review
"A magician...feels the difference between what the world is and what he would make of it. Or what did you think that stuff in your chest was? A magician is strong because he hurts more than others. His wound is his strength."
Really enjoying this one so far, a little tongue-in-cheek and plenty of escapist fun!
#booknerd #bookdragon #quotes #magiclover #bibliophile #fantasy
"The study of magic is not a science, it is not an art, and it is not a religion. Magic is a craft. When we do magic, we do not wish and we do not pray. We rely upon our will and our knowledge and our skill to make a specific change in the world." #bookquotes
Reading The Magicians is the next logical phase for those of us who are wizarding-school obsessed 😃 I went to Hogwarts with Harry, Ron and Hermione, and now I'm off to Brakebills for college with Quentin! #yerawizardpart2 #booknerd #bibliophile #magiclover #magicschools #bookdragon #fantasy
Walk on Earth a Stranger was a gripping adventure from start to finish! The story is actually the first book in a trilogy, so it mostly covers the main character Leah's journey across America in a wagon train, with California waiting at the end of the road. The focus is on strong characters and the incredible real struggles intrepid travelers faced in search of a better life, with a dash of gold dust magic sprinkled in. #booknerd #YA #strongwomen
"The gold sense is so strong now, its buzzing so merciless that I feel it down to my toes. It's almost good, like being filled with sunshine...it explodes inside me, so much hotter and and brighter than the scent of fresh blood." #booknerd #currentlyreading #booklove #beautifulquotes #quotes #bibliophile #yalove
Station Eleven was so different from any other sci-fi/dystopia book I've read! Rather than just tell the story of an apocalypse, or of the changed world after the fact, this book layers stories of several different characters covering the before, during, and after. It is fantastically well-written and a wonderful combination of suspenseful, lyrical and haunting. The ending wasn't what I expected, but it fit the story well. Definitely recommend!
Finished with one and on to another! Walk On Earth A Stranger has such a fascinating setting and concept; a girl with the magical ability to sense gold in the Wild West? Yes please! And I've heard so many good things about it, I can't wait to jump right in!
#booknerd #booklove #historicalfantasy #currentlyreading #yaadventure #litsy #funsetting #goldrush #newbook #newread
1. Is both an acceptable answer?
2. Deckled
3. Book series, I devour them!
4. Neverland 😄
5. A librarian! That's my future career plan!
#bookishwouldyourather #newlitten #litsyfun
"She had never entirely let go of the notion that if she reached far enough with her thoughts she might find someone waiting, that if two people were to cast their thoughts outward at the same moment they might somehow meet in the middle."
I'd been waiting to read this one and I'm so glad I finally got into it!
#booknerd #booklove #currentlyreading #bookdragon #bookish
So this one was interesting. This book definitely kept me hooked, and it's a snappy read, but the ending just seemed to come out of nowhere. It was odd. Not the twist ending; which honestly wasn't a shock to me, but maybe that was just because I was preparing myself for it? The characters and their situation was compelling, but all in all everything felt like it didn't gel quite right.
"Do you really have a flying ship?" blurted Jesper.
"I have several."
"Take me with you."
Kaz didn't look remotely entertained.
I am 100% Jesper in this instance ??
How to describe this book? A fantasy heist YA novel with an Oceans 11 feel, Six of Crows will suck you in and you won't want to get out. Leigh Bardugo pulls off the complex plot, multiple character viewpoints, and vivid world brilliantly. Not to mention the hilarious banter between the characters. It's a wild ride from start to finish, and one of the most thoroughly engaging books I've read in a long time! #booklove #readerdelight
This sci-fi dystopia is absolutely incredible; well-written, thrilling, with characters you really care about and a fascinating world. It features characters that start out as teenagers, but somehow it doesn't feel like an exclusively YA book. Every moment is intense, and the themes it explores provoke thought just as intense. It is an amazing cross between The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, and Percy Jackson.