#lmpbc #groupb @BookishBelle @babyruth2510 @cwarnier
I read the first few chapters of this and skimmed the rest. I loved reading everyone's notes!
#lmpbc #round13 #groupB @Kangaj1 @BookishBelle @babyruth2510
Over all this wasa good book. It just read too much like a history book for me.
I will get it sent of later this week. Thanks for sharing.
I finished 1 book of of my Jan. TBR list.
I should read The Proposal or Grey as they are my #bookspin and #doublespin books, but The Pinks is my Jan. #LMPBC book, so it will take priority.
I was really hoping for a low key weekend so I could finish more reading, but my parents showed up on Friday night and just left this morning. Now I have grading and lesson plans as well as #BibleBuddyRead to catch up on.
Starting my next books. KC Chiefs are leading.
#LMPBC #groupB
@kangaji1 @bookishbelle @babyruth2510
Look what finally showed up.
I will do my best to get it done on time!
I finished this one over my lunch break today. It was alright - not what I expected at all. I‘m not into history much so it was a bit dry in places to me which means it took me awhile to read it. I think that others may enjoy it more though. Which is a good thing because this is my #LMPBC book for this round. How‘s that for a recommendation? Would y‘all rather I chose a different book and sent it out instead? @babyruth2510 @cwarnier @Kangaj1
The Pinks details some of the exploits of the first female operatives of the Pinkerton Agency, led by a man progressive enough to understand the value and capabilities of women. They did more than detective work, setting up sting operations and spying, sometimes in ways not entirely ethical. A really interesting read.
#Booked2020 #ThinkPink
In reading this, the line "Underestimate me, that'll be fun," kept running through my head. I've known about the Pinkerton Detective Agency forever but only learned about Kate Warne and her contributions a few years ago, so this was definitely something I wanted to check out. A shorter read with chapters broken out into the various missions, it was a lot of fun seeing how tough and determined all of the women in this were.
1. Goals: research books for answer to question #2, 2 audiobooks, 1 book for fun
2. Yessiree, I am!
3. Fav (and least fav) thing is my birthday on Nov 4. The ending of one year and the start of another is bittersweet.
4! Hi @JoScho and @Bookzombie ! Happy November!
An intriguing book on the first female detective in America and how she assisted in protecting President Lincoln, procuring strategic information during The Civil War and various other capers. Forward thinking Allan Pinkerton followed with a bevy of women agents that furthered his mission of protection and justice, eventually becoming what is today, the Secret Service. Thank you Goodreads and Twodot publishing for this informative read.
So very much enjoying this informative read. Amazing how forward thinking Allan Pinkerton was and how sly Kate Warne, and all her followers were against the odds of the era.
If you know me at all, you know that pink is my favorite color💖
#manicmonday @JoScho
#colorcollage #breastcancerpink
I literally ‘laughed out loud‘ at this paragraph. Just the image of Pinkerton‘s shocked face and then 1.5 seconds later punching Washburne in the face is too funny 😂😂😂
This was a great book with a bunch of short stories showing how women were involved in the formation of our country. They were more than homemakers. They were detective and spy's. Well researched and well written.
The chapter telling Elizabeth Van Lew's story was excellent - very moving.
The chapter on Hattie Lawton is fantastic!
Lots of stuff I didn't know! Easy to read, too -- presented mostly as case histories. Received an ARC to review.
Really enjoyable so far. I didn't know Pinkerton's used such psychological tactics (e.g. The fake blood and fake ghost in the Drysdale case).
I enjoyed this well-researched book about the women of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. Many of their missions were more spy-like than what I would consider modern idea of a detective. Each chapter is another case and another false identity. These detectives protected the life of President-Elect Lincoln and they served as secret service agents. Would make a great mini-series.
#BookHaul #netgalley
Got several goodies in from netgalley this week!!!