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We Were Feminists Once
We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement | Andi Zeisler
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Feminism has sold out, or so argues Andi Zeisler, the founding editor and creative director of Bitch magazine: Todays feminism is a choose-your-own adventure story. Women can choose which aspects of feminist empowerment sound the sexiest, and hype those to the exclusion of more urgent political concerns. Today, feminism is no longer a dirty word, and women purporting to stand up for womens equality now include high-powered names like Beyonc, Taylor Swift, and Emma Watson. Hip underwear lines sell granny pants with feminist emblazoned on the back. In every bookstore, there are scores of seductive feminist how-to business guides telling women how to achieve it all. In fact, its the same kind of sloganeering and wishful thinking that sells low-fat yogurt on TV commercials: get a gym membership, get a job, get a husband, wear a power suit, enter the boardroom. Meanwhile, access to abortion clinics is growing ever more difficult for many women across the country, and Arizona has passed a law requiring doctors to tell women undergoing an abortive procedure about a junk science method of reversing abortion espoused by the Tea Party right. Feminism has gone mainstream, but true equality is never an easy sell. Drawing on almost 20 years of experience covering popular culture from the frontlines of the feminist movement, Andi Zeisler will tell a cultural history through the stories of institutions and real women, feminists and otherwise, in America. She exposes how feminism has transformed into something barely warranting the name, ignoring the many for the one, shamelessly colluding with market forces and popular culture. This kind of feminism is not particularly nuanced, and it doesnt challenge identities and hegemonies as much as it offers nips and tucks. It is no longer a collective action on behalf of all women and those traditionally marginalized, but more about self-actualization of the few. Witty and fearless, We Were Feminists Once is story of how we could have let this happen, and where we go from here.
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I am only at 20% but I already found this great paragraph.

#Feminism #WeWereFeministsOnce


This book was more academic than I expected, not as a criticism, but a note that I will probably keep this around as a reference tool. Its amazing that in the short few years since this was written, I feel so much has happened in the feminist sphere that aspects of this feel outdated. But in general, this is a great read to reframe feminism & think more critically when engaging with something or someone who claims a feminist message. #bookspin

nukie19 Forst pick #bookspin for May complete! @thearomaofbooks 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
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Excited for the push I needed to start this from #bookspin for May! I got it from the library when it first came out and then again from my Feminist Book Club but it never seemed to make it to the top of the #tbr pile. Here we go...

TheAromaofBooks I definitely have books like that! Good luck!! 4y
Caterina Loved this one! I knew very little about a lot of the pop culture stuff it covered, being young and out of the loop, but it changed the way I think about a lot of current “feminist“ pop culture/market stuff. 4y
nukie19 @Caterina I‘m enjoying it a lot, although it‘s more academic than I expected. Still so interesting! 4y
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Feeling annoyed with my picture loading this month but set with my list to see what happens with #bookspin in May! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Technology, WHY?! But you got the list so that's the main thing! 4y
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This book took me forever to finish. It was published in 2016, so anything about feminism published before 2017 generally seems a bit dated to me. Plus it was too academic to be enjoyable. I felt more like I was reading a dissertation than a “fun” sociology book. However, her points were well argued. 3⭐️

BarbaraTheBibliophage That‘s essentially how I felt too. And it took me forever also! 4y
8little_paws I get what you're saying. I read a political commentary book that was essays from like 5ish years ago and it felt super out of touch. If I had read it closer to pub date it might have worked better for me. 4y
Hooked_on_books Hmmm, I remember liking this one, but it‘s been more than a year, so I remember no details. 4y
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Megabooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage yes, it was surprisingly dry. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
Megabooks @8little_paws I feel like there is a huge pre-trump/post-Trump divide when reading literature like this or political commentary. The world just changed so much for everyone that isn‘t a straight, white, cisgender (conservative) man. I look back and think, oh you and you‘re simple problems...just wait! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books basically, like I said to Barbara, it was dry. Well argued, smart, but it just lacked any fun that is it usually present in books that make it to a wider audience. 4y
8little_paws @Megabooks yes. And stuff from pretrump, it's like, look everyone either gets what you're trying to say by now or they're never gonna get it, if that makes sense. 4y
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Okay, so I started The Glass Hotel, and it‘s awesome. Plus, I‘m sick of short story collections, so here we are: hugely redone list!

#bookspin #doublespin #triplespin

Yes, I realize there are repeats.

BarbaraBB You started The Glass Hotel! So glad it isn‘t disappointing! 4y
Cinfhen What @BarbaraBB said!!!! I‘ve seen lots of mixed reviews 🥺so I‘m super excited to hear what you think!!!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Glad to have you back for another round!! I totally revamped my list for this month, too! 4y
Megabooks @TheAromaofBooks awesome! So excited for Thursday! 4y
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Here is my #bookspin for April! @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Glad to have you along for another round!! 4y
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“Across all races, there are more women than men enrolling in colleges and universities, but the percentages of men enrolling has remained steady. In other words, it‘s not that men are declining to enroll; it‘s simply that women are doing so in greater numbers. But the articles written about this phenomenon have presented it as a titanic crisis.” pg. 201

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A fraction of my TBR list #onyourtbr #day28 #riotgrams

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Zeisler explores the dangers of marketplace feminism, i.e. the recent branding of feminism, which capitalizes on a popular concept without actually resulting in action. She makes compelling arguments and I found the book an interesting read.

#ReadingUSA2019 #Oregon (author from)

Kaye 🌟👍🏼 6y
JennyM Cutie 🐶 6y
Itchyfeetreader This sounds fascinating 6y
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mreads ❤🐕❤ 6y
TheSpineView ❤🐾 6y
Soubhiville Hi Bindi! 💜🐶. 6y
Librarybelle Great pick! 6y
NatalieR Adorable puppy! 💜🐾 6y
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This book is intense, with small moments of levity. Zeisler explores the way feminism—and women—are treated by Hollywood and advertising. She also discusses terminology and trends that seem to support feminism, but actually don‘t. It‘s an eye-opening book, and I encourage anyone with an interest in social and political change to give it a go.

Full review www.TheBibliophage.com

LauraJ Thanks for the review. I‘m frequently disappointed in books like this because they are repetitive and dumbed down. Glad to hear this one delivers. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LauraJ You‘re welcome. This is neither dumbed down or repetitive. It delivers and then some! 6y
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Zeisler goes into detail about pop culture‘s perspective that any choice a woman can make is a feminist choice. Choice is more complex than that, as is feminism. I‘m finding this an interesting book that demands significantly more concentration than I expected.

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I thought maybe this one might resonate a little bit more intensely with us bookish folk.

#wewerefeministsonce #quotesoflitsy

abbielistenstobooks stars yes! I couldn't agree with this more 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @abbielistenstobooks This was just the start. She goes into detail about movies (then and now). Then reality TV, Sex and the City, and so, so much more. 6y
Leftcoastzen 😂 6y
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“But while “feminism” has become a buzzword everywhere from Madison Avenue to Hollywood, the actual issues crucial to feminism‘s forward movement are as threatened as ever.”

Lots of quotable ideas in this book. Be prepared to see a few ... 😎

#wewerefeministsonce #quotesoflitsy

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes, this was a good one! 6y
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I‘ve been a feminist since before it was cool. (What you get so say when you‘re OLD!) I also had a fifteen year career in marketing and advertising. So far, this is an interesting confluence of the two topics.

#feminism #feminist #litsyatoz #letterz

Caterina I really enjoyed this one! I didn't know about most of the people and trends it covered, being born in '94 and not the most up on pop culture, but it was so eye opening! It's changed the way I approach a lot of things. Hope you find it insightful too! 6y
Caterina (I've been a feminist since way after it was cool. 😅 Not until a few years ago when a feminist friend helped get me out of an abusive relationship) 6y
Megabooks This is on my TBR! 6y
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abbielistenstobooks Ooooo! Intriguing! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Caterina I‘m so glad you had help and got out of that relationship. I‘ve been there, and I‘ll bet I was about the same age you were. I grew up a LOT because of it, and my next relationship has lasted almost 25 years. So ... go feminists! ♥️ p.s. Glad to hear you liked the book too! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @abbielistenstobooks I‘m sure I‘ll post quotes—I‘m highlighting a LOT! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Megabooks I‘m not surprised. We often pick some similar stuff! 6y
Amiable Still proud to be a feminist after all these years! (I'm old, too. 😀) 6y
RaimeyGallant Feminist here. 6y
lynneamch Reading the synopsis of this concerns me a lot. But, knowing some young feminists and reading this book makes me hopeful there is a new wave 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @lynneamch I have the Richards one on my shelf! But what I‘m getting so far (only 10% in) from Zeisler is that the true precepts of feminism have been co-opted by advertising. It waters everything down. I remember so many of the campaigns she points too. The second part of the book is supposed to be “where we go from here.” 6y
lynneamch And, dare I say some female political leaders use the label, but aren't walking the talk. I look forward to hearing what Zeisler says about "where we go." I always appreciate your reviews. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @lynneamch For sure—people use the word but don‘t mean it. Thanks for the props. xo 6y
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Another #blameitonlitsy audiobook. An interesting look at market place feminism.

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Very detailed and interesting book about the watering down of feminism to be whatever you want it to be and whatever will sell....well, anything and everything, not to mention some very contradictory and unfeministic ideas and products. Well worth a read! And if you prefer audiobook, it is currently on Hoopla at the moment too. 😉


Lindy Thanks for the tip about Hoopla: I may get to it sooner via audiobook. 7y
Rcoco Have you read 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Rcoco I read about 1/2 of it, but I didn‘t really care for it. 7y
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Pretty sad, but sadly accurate statement in the conclusion of this book! 🙈

alisahar This is such a good, thought-provoking book. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @alisahar Yes! I completely agree. It‘s one I think I‘ll be revisiting and it definitely made me think a bit differently about a few marketing techniques. 7y
alisahar Yes - I thought back to it a lot after I read it. Kind of want to reread it. (edited) 7y
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minkyb Sadly true. 7y
Gezemice Great quote. I used to think feminism was a thing of the past but it has become so clear to me that we have a long way to go. Feminism is different now, though - from concrete rights we have moved to being treated with respect. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Gezemice I think it‘s both. It‘s still equal rights for women. The problem is we still can‘t get the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) ratified because many modern women think it isn‘t necessary. While I‘m glad we are concentrating on issues like abuse, some of those would find it harder to flourish if we actually had equal rights and protections. 7y
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Good questions.

Eugeniavb Love it 7y
readordierachel Great book 👍🏽 7y
Jennifer3 Thanks for sharing this blurb! 7y
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Here‘s what I have started AND what‘s up next this week (and next)!

Why does the library always send you great ones that had a huge waitlist when you‘ve already started or committed to a bunch of others! 😱😂

ralexist Story of my reading life! 7y
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🙄🤦‍♀️ So sad, but sadly so true😤

minkyb Unfortunately this is spot on. 7y
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My two big #LitsyAtoZ reads left for this year. Anyone else have these on their list yet? Or just on their #TBR pile. Anyone interested in making one or both into a buddy read?

We Were Feminists Once is available on Hoopla as an audiobook at the moment as well.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Malcom X is long but so vital to understanding the world today. Looking forward to chatting with you about it! 7y
Notafraidofwords @BarbaraTheBibliophage I read it and I believe I‘m a better person because of it. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Notafraidofwords I agree. I read it this year and it helped add dimension to ALL the other social justice reading I've done. 7y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Notafraidofwords I‘m so glad to hear you both really found it a great addition to read. Makes me feel better about picking it late last year as my X and bad for not getting to it until now. I can‘t wait to start. 7y
KVanRead Definitely going to TBR these but don‘t think I‘ll get to them this year. Been learning about Malcolm X in Black Against Empire. I just started it and amazed by how much I didn‘t know/had wrong. I think you‘d like it @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Notafraidofwords 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KVanRead That one looks good too, I‘ll add it to my list too....but like you (in reverse) I probably won‘t get to it until next year. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @KVanRead So many of these reads all tie together historically and politically. It's a fascinating topic that never fails to make me angry at the white man. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage @KVanRead Yes! I have John Lewis‘s book sitting on my shelf too, but I probably won‘t get to that one until next year. 7y
KVanRead @BarbaraTheBibliophage Agree totally.😣 7y
KVanRead @Riveted_Reader_Melissa That looks good too. I loved the March series. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @KVanRead Yes, That was a great series. I bought it around the same time I read Coretta Scott King‘s earlier this year 7y
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Do you take pictures of excerpts from books to remember them later? I do, and my phone is full of pictures from this book. Incredible read, all the way through.

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Excellent book. The co-opting of feminism for commercial use and in order to sell products is the main focus of this book. Released in 2016 there are a couple of dated passages. Worth the time.

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I started reading this on my tablet a while ago and didn't get very far, not sure why it is interesting. I found it on audible for cheap not too long ago so I grabbed it. I almost couldn't stop listening yesterday. Really interesting even with the slightly dated even for having been published in May of 2016.

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Today's book haul

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https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/youre-getting-hustled-bustle/and-weve-got-few... I feel this needs to be shared. As a reader and a feminist I love bitch magazine a lot. Thoughtful content with no advertisers. They are being treated very badly by bustle there's two more articles about it. If you want to help let bustle know how you feel about their actions please

cephareads Thank you for sharing! I had no idea 7y
Weaponxgirl @cephareads anytime, I feel bad as bustle does have some good articles about feminism on it but I feel like to pose as a site that is feminist and activist minded and then treat bitch so badly is a disgrace. Bitch says it best though. Thanks for the commenting 😀 7y
LauraBeth I spent almost 15 years in corporate media and this article is spot on accurate. Thanks for posting it. 7y
Weaponxgirl @LauraBeth thanks for reading it and the input. 7y
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what's a feminist to do?!
At face value, it seems like pop culture's embrace of feminism is the ultimate sweet spot in a long struggle, but the movement to untarnish the word isn't, in itself, enough.
Zeisler's epilogue pretty well sums up everything I want to say to people who tell me feminism is no longer needed/relevant, but with which I'm not eloquent enough to refute.

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Binge listening!

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My car was out of commission for the last three days and that's where I do most of my #audiobook listening, so this has been sitting on my bookshelf untouched ? today is my "friday" so we'll see how much I can get to this weekend! I've really been slacking lately!

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I love nonfiction, especially nonfiction with references. This is a fascinating overview of feminism as a capitalist commodity. #readathon

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Mind. BLOWN.

Seriously, I can never look at feminism and capitalism the same way ever again. Absolutely a must read for anyone fighting for equality. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I had to take a couple hours away from #readathon because I was starting to burn out. I spent the time catching up on #Riverdale and #ebook shopping! Back to reading I go! #bookhaul

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Time for some nonfiction! #readathon

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Not even past the introduction and this book is already kicking ass and taking names. "These are problems that can't and won't be solved by marketplace feminism." #feminism

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Some book nerds hate dog-eared pages. Others hate cracked spines. But I hate hate hate hate HATE torn dust jackets.

I can't stand it! It drives me batty and makes me want to shout FUCK 33 times in a row! I just can't even!

So this nice, clean, pristine book jacket is hiding in a safe place until I finish this book. It's an excellent book, so I can't have it tainted with a subpar book jacket.

What's your book nerd pet peeve(s)?

SusanInTiburon I hate it when there are sales stickers on the cover that won't come off without doing damage. 😡 7y
haileybean I absolutely hate the security stickers right in the middle of the page. 😡 7y
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Literaryunicorn I'm with @SusanInTiburon re: sales stickers. I'm also just not a fan of dust jackets in general. I always take them off when I'm reading the book. Sometimes I put them back on, but if the "naked" cover is pretty, I don't. Maybe I should send my pristine unwanted dust covers to you! ? 7y
OffTheBeatenShelf.com @SusanInTiburon @haileyhugsbooks @coffeenebula @Literaryunicorn omg, sales stickers are the WORST! Several of my formerly pristine dust jackets have been ruined by me trying to pry off an ugly sticker that should've never been on there to begin with. ☹️ 7y
OffTheBeatenShelf.com @Literaryunicorn That's so funny! If you're not using them on your books it might be fun to make some bookish crafts with them. It'd make an epic collage! 7y
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I read this article today and it echoed this book. While I fully support the marches and voicing opinions but it isn't enough. Groundwork, hard work has to happen for change. http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2017/02/21/515799019/today-s-feminism-too...

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This is what really annoys me about discussions between liberal people on Twitter. The words of a white supremacist calling for genocide and the words of some random person who used terminology that some people don't find acceptable but some people say is fine tend to be subjected to the exact same levels of outrage. There is no nuance to the discussion.
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

BiblioNyan Yes! I agree completely! Frustrating isn't a big enough word to describe how that feels, to say the least. 8y
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I'm loving this book.

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OK, I knew that women could not get credit in their own names until the 1970s but some places restricted library cards too? The b@stards! I'd have been marching in the streets.

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An accessible examination of the commodification of feminism through the last 30 years. A lot of thought is given to "choice" feminism and how that plays into brand marketing. The takeaway here is that it's easier to put on a pair of sweats that say "feminist" on the butt than go to a march or have a nuanced discussion. Because feminists are still portrayed as baby-eating family-wreckers rather than humans with equal standing (see also: the ERA).

valeriegeary Mmmmm....Babies.... Might have to pick this one up soon. 8y
balletbookworm @valeriegeary they are the other, OTHER white meat...😜 8y
valeriegeary 😂😂😂👏 8y
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"Lite-metal hair farmers" ????? (but yes, this book is very thoughtful and has good discussion about feminism)

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Maybe we should all re-read that article.

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I'm giving this a thumbs up because it taught me a few things in the history of the feminist movement. It has also given me an idea of what I might really be looking for. But I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that I felt like I was forcing myself to finish. #LitsyAtoZ - Z

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Preach! (And this is only the introduction!) #24in48 #readathon

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Getting back to post-vacation life. Started Everyday Feminism on the plane yesterday in between #womensmarch updates, still need to finish We Were Feminists Once.

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When you find that book that expresses your own feelings so eloquently and you can't believe it. I'm so happy finding another amazing book about feminism.
@BookishFeminist I finally managed to get this book and it's so amazing. And that's all thanks to your blurbs that drew my attention to it. 🤓