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Yes We (Still) Can
Yes We (Still) Can: Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter, and Trump | Dan Pfeiffer
73 posts | 48 read | 64 to read
From Obama's former communications director and current co-host of Pod Save America comes a colorful account of how politics, the media, and the Internet changed during the Obama presidency, plus how to survive the Trump era and stay sane in the process. The Decade of Obama (2007-2017) was one of massive change that has rewritten the rules of politics in ways we are only now beginning to understand (which is why we all got 2016 wrong). YES WE (STILL) CAN looks at how Obama navigated widespread social and political upheaval to become one of the most consequential presidents in American history, why Trump surprised everyone, and why Democrats will come out on top in the long run. Part political memoir, part blueprint for progressives in the Trump era, YES WE (STILL) CAN is an insider's take on the crazy politics of our time. Pfeiffer, one of Barack Obama's longest serving advisors, tells never-before-told stories from Obama's presidential campaigns to his time in the White House, providing readers with an in-depth, behind the-scenes look at life on the front lines of politics.
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Crooked media George Santos mugs made me giggle!

AmyG Ha! I can‘t believe that guy is still in Congress. 😳 2y
Leftcoastzen @AmyG so ridiculous! 2y
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#nonfiction2020 I used the tagged book for #somethingaboutacandidate and for #somethingaboutdrugaddiction I used Kitchen Confidential - which I know is mostly about behind the scenes cooking, but there was a lot of drugs!

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Hope for the future!

TheBookStacker Hey I‘m reading this right now! Enjoying it a lot! Can‘t wait to read his new book! 5y
Jen2 Me too! 5y
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I love the Pod Save America boys so I decided to read this book as well as his newest book!

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What‘s a girl to do during impeachment proceedings? Read this Pod Save America co-founder‘s memoir, of course. Pfeiffer talks about his 6 years in the Obama White House and 2 campaigns. Pfeiffer strikes a pleasing balance between professional, political, and personal. And he‘s a decent narrator. Hope and change galore.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#nonfictionchallenge2020 #elections
#mandmchallenge2020 #audio

LauraJ Love the Pod Save America guys! 🖤 5y
Suet624 I've been wanting to read this. Glad to hear you liked it. 5y
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I can‘t find a darn thing I want on Scribd right now. But I have plenty (!!) in my Audible Library. Pfeiffer is coming to my fav bookstore soon and I have tickets. Better listen to this first. Plus, it‘s an antidote to actual current events.

NovelGirl82 Pod Save America is my fave podcast!! I have this on my tbr, as well. 5y
Leftcoastzen Pod Save America is saving my sanity! 5y
Sward7 I read it last year... 5y
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MelissaSue81 I liked this a lot. It soothed my weary soul. (edited) 5y
Hooked_on_books What an awesome cover 😂 5y
cariashley This one‘s great! 5y
LeslieO Friend of the Pod! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @LeslieO 👊🏻 I don‘t listen all the time, but yes! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @cariashley @MelissaSue81 I‘m really enjoying it. Without realizing, I‘ve been stringing these Obama-era memoirs out over the current administration. 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Sward7 So good, right? 5y
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I love Pod Save America and this book by one the podcast‘s core team was everything I‘d hoped for: funny, thoughtful, occasionally profane, and laced with nostalgia for a better time. But there‘s also good advice about where to go from here. In these times, it feels like nothing could be more important.

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Finishing up the tagged book and then I am done with the winter season for #Booked2019! 🙌🏻

🕵️‍♀️ Female detective: The End of the Wasp Season
🧜🏻‍♀️ Fairy tale retelling: To Kill a Kingdom
💙 Happy place: The Winter Sea [Scotland]
🎙 Related to a podcast: Yes We (Still) Can [Pod Save America]
🇮🇪 Irish author: The Absolutist
🤞🏻 New to me author: The Fifth Season

Suet624 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
alisiakae 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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This book gave me hope for the future, and the future of our democracy.
Objective, positive and optimistic anecdotes and stories of working with Obama as his communications director ...pro and con....and how we can help to make this administration a lesson to us all. Well written, easy to read and follow.

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Day 2 of #24in48 I'm still working on all of these, hopefully I'll actually finish some of them! I won't get to 24, I'm shooting for 16 hours as my goal.

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Time for some breakfast! I've finished Dead Lake and will be listening to Yes We (Still) Can in between other books. #24in48

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It's almost time for #24in48, and I've got my stack ready! Let's do this thing! 💪 @24in48

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I really enjoyed this one! It kept me engaged; my mind never wandered which is rare for me with audio. If you love Obama and/or are democratic-leaning, I would heartily recommend this book. Lots of laughs, lots of smart insight. Yes, there are some parts that made me angry, but Dan Pfieffer was there to reassure me that I‘m not alone in that. I loved that he used some audio from Obama‘s speeches when possible. 🍒

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It was sort of a disorganized slog, and yet I have 10 passages bookmarked in the audio to which I'd like to go back. I thought it was too heavy on rehashing and didn't concentrate enough on how we still can.

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As a former Obama staffer, I found this book slightly better than the pile of other Obama staffer books, but it‘s missable without much fuss. Nothing surprised me and I didn‘t learn anything new. The lessons he discusses for Democrats to draw from Hillary Clinton‘s loss were the most interesting parts of the book, but he poses those lessons largely as unanswered questions.

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When I got to the chapter on election night I had to take a 2 month break before finishing. Otherwise I loved hearing Pfeiffer‘s insider take on Obama and Trump. Worth a listen (Pfeiffer narrated).

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A reminder.

AmyG Oh, I haven‘t forgotten. 😡 6y
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On Twitter.

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I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

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*Sigh* every book about the Obama years makes me wistful.
Don't go into this expecting Dan to hide his dislike for Trump, or his clear admiration for Obama. I listened to this more for his opinion on where things went wrong in 2016 and I liked most of his points (but I disagree that Hillary was a good choice for the DNC).

I plan on listening to Ben Rhodes' book next (should be policy heavy) and then I think I'm caught up on staffer memoirs! 😯

keithmalek I also have the Ben Rhodes book on my (never ending) TBR. 6y
keithmalek Have you read "Thanks, Obama" by David Litt? It's very good. 6y
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How do you get booked on cable news or get a lot of retweets and followers? Say something and do something more outrageous than everyone else. Push the envelope on decency. Throw a temper tantrum on the floor of the Senate. Here's what won't get you attention: thoughtful public policy, bipartisan compromise, or basic governing.


Dean's campaign gave all the volunteers distinctive orange ski caps to wear as they courted Iowa caucus-goers. The campaign called this effort the "Perfect Storm," and it worked out for the campaign about as well as the movie The Perfect Storm worked out for the Andrea Gail.


In politics, coming up with the strategy is a lot easier than having the discipline to stick to it.

Bklover Same goes for home budgeting! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Or book buying bans! 6y
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There is a famous story in my family about a seven-year-old me finding out that Santa isn't real and turning it into a debate about the existence of God. I stand by my view then that if Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy--all magical entities, never seen by people--were fake, I was right to ask the question.

Bklover Agreed 6y
Suet624 Yup 6y
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I listened to Pfeiffer‘s book over the course of two road trip vacations with the husband. He was already a huge fan of his podcasts but Pfeiffer‘s voice was newer to me (other than following him on Twitter). I loved the rapid fire insight into life on the campaign trail and in Obama‘s White House (yes, nostalgia abounds). This is an excellent read for a better understanding of how US politics got to its current state and how we can get out of it.

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Book 4 of Florence - a little political memoir and a lot of nostalgia. #currentlyreading #podsaveamerica

Lcsmcat Did you lever se power? Ours flickered out briefly, but it came back on. 6y
Leigh0906 Ours went out last night sometime while we were asleep. 6y
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Part Obama staffer memoir, part examination of why Donald Trump won, part manifesto for what the Democratic Party should do next, this is the most analytical look at current American politics from inside the Democrats that I‘ve read yet. If you‘ve listened to Pod Save America you‘ll have heard some of these ideas already but this draws them into a cohesive, well-argued whole. An interesting read.

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1) not that often, but sometimes
2) I‘ve read 110 books this year. 14 have been non-fiction
3) hmm. Memoirs or Political
4) Furiously Happy
5) yes we still can #hellothursday

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 😀 And Furiously Happy is a great choice—one of my faves too! 👍🏻 6y
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Listened to this book on the way to & from Montreal this weekend and really enjoyed it. Pfeiffer has some great stories from his years working with Obama, and it was great hearing more about the Obama years from an insider. I will say that the audio was a little difficult sometimes--Pfeiffer is a fast talker and at times got so quiet I had to rewind & repeat sections. Definitely recommend though! I need to go check out his podcast now.

bridge12 Yes! I love the whole crooked media team! Another great read from that crew is Jason Kander‘s book, though not an Obama years book but still a great political read! 6y
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Forgot that this was also Book 1/4 for #BookAWeekChallenge

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This was really great. I‘ve mentioned before that I always am a bit hesitant to read political books but this one was funny, enlightening , honest and still somewhat hopeful. I think pfeiffers take on why trump won is more accurate than Hillary‘s own in What Happened. Book 2 for #twointhree Labor Day readathon Complete. I‘m going to try to finish my audiobook this afternoon too.

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Ugh. This is bringing up all the bad memories. 😭 #twointhree book 2, almost complete.

LoverofLit I remember the morning after crying while trying to put on my make-up and my husband standing in the doorway looking at me with concerned eyes. That moment is still so vivid in my memory. 6y
AmberWB I stayed up til at least 3am and drank A LOT of wine. Completely shocked. 6y
MelissaSue81 @loveroflit - I cried for a good 20 minutes when I woke up because I had to wake up my daughter who was 7 at the time and tell her the news. Also, election night, I was at the bar I worked at with my best friend and my sister and we had sat down after in preparation to celebrate. It became clear things were not going well and we decided we needed to go home to be with our families. We hugged and cried. It was rough. 6y
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LoverofLit It was a heartbreaking 24 hours and hearing your guys' stories makes me feel a little less alone ❤ @AmberWB and @MelissaSue81 6y
MicheleinPhilly I called out sick the next day. I could not stop crying. 6y
arubabookwoman My adult kids who live on the other side of the country began calling me in disbelief as the returns began coming in the wrong way asking me what was going on? How could this happen? It was like they wanted to believe this was something that could be fixed. Almost 2 years later, I think about it every day, and despite a lot of reading I still am not sure how it happened. It‘s so hard for me to believe the evil and corruption going on. 6y
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I wish I could read in the car without feeling sick. 😢. 2.5 hour car ride

trazo I hear ya! 6y
LoverofLit Have you ever tried audiobooks? I love them for longer car rides! 6y
MelissaSue81 @LoverofLit - yeah, I do them all the time when I‘m driving solo. I don‘t think my family is super interested in my current listen though. 😂. I do have my ear buds, but I‘d rather read this one. 6y
LoverofLit I totally get that! I make my family suffer or usually use ear buds 😂 This one does look like a book that needs to be read instead of listened too! 6y
Decalino I have the same problem! I did try taking Dramamine once, and it worked but also felt sort of weird. 6y
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Still in the introduction and have already gotten teary eyed twice. Book 2 for #twointhree Labor Day #readathon and book 1 for #bookaweekchallenge

LoverofLit 😍😭😍😭😍😭 6y
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Yes, Dan, yes! 🙌🏻

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Today‘s train book. I‘m reading a lot about American politics and society at the moment...

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A fun book for any #friendofthepod or anyone who wants a quick overview of how we got here as a country and what we need to consider going forward.

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It‘s my 12 year wedding anniversary and my husband got these amazing flowers 😍 and hung with the kids so I could read in peace this morning.

robinb Happy Number 12! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
Lovesbooks87 Happy Anniversary! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
riversong153 Congrats!! 6y
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TrishB Happy anniversary 🎉🎉 6y
RavenLovelyReads What a nice hubby! Happy anniversary!! 💐 6y
JessClark78 Happy Anniversary! 🎊❤️🥂 6y
TheSpineView Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more! 6y
DivineDiana Beautiful! Wishing you much love! 💗❤️ 6y
CarolynM Happy anniversary💐🍾💖 6y
Redwritinghood Those are beautiful. Happy anniversary! 6y
Nerdgirl_Ms_Sorrells Happy Anniversary 💝 6y
ScientistSam Lovely! Happy anniversary! 6y
Nute Congratulations! Happy Anniversary. 6y
Purrfectpages Happy anniversary! 6y
readordierachel How wonderful! Happy anniversary! 🎉🎉 6y
Insightsintobooks Happy Anniversary! 6y
mabell Happy Belated Anniversary! 🍾🥂🎉 6y
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Excited to crack in to this guy. 📚

Mandigolightly Oh I was eying that! Can‘t wait to see what you think 6y
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🥜 strawberry rhubarb pie
🥜 for sure
🥜 I got one in 2000, but otherwise, I‘m good
🥜 by myself: audiobooks or Crooked Media podcasts #friendofthepod
with the kids: music or the Wow in the World podcast
Thanks for the tag @Insightsintobooks I‘m tagging @TheClevelander @maryreading & @foxymama01
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

mabell Strawberry rhubarb! ❤️ I don't think I've had that for years 6y
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Let‘s do this.

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As a #friendofthepod I knew I would love this book. I thought it had a good mix of humor, inside scoop on life in the White House, and discussion of communication strategy. It probably won‘t appeal to everyone, but there‘s enough here for different readers and tastes. If you like your politics with a side of snarky footnotes be sure to check this one out!

ReadingSusan Hello fellow FOTP 👋 6y
Suetara Friends of the Pod are the best. 😁 6y
BekahB I love their entire podcast lineup! I‘ve been thinking about getting this book on audio. Are there photos/graphics that I‘d miss out on if I listened to it? 6y
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CoffeeK8 I love to find other Friends of the Pod 👋 6y
Jadams89 Hello fellow Friend of the Pod! 6y
Bette I smile every time I see that cover. 🙂 6y
megt @ReadingSusan @Suetara @CoffeeK8 @Jadams1776 👋 It‘s always nice to find other Friends of the Pod! 6y
megt @BekahB I think this would be great on audio! You wouldn‘t be missing any photos. 6y
megt @Bette it‘s a great cover design 😊 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Sounds good, thanks for the review 6y
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This book is great soo far! This gem made me laugh...

laurieluna 😂 6y
megt I‘m loving this one so far! 6y
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