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Killing Commendatore
Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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My latest addition to the my collection. Which is your favorite? Mine is probably the wind-up bird chronicles (not pictured here bc I read it on kindle. I‘m also missing a few others which is driving me crazy and instead of doing work, I‘m tearing up the house trying to find them 😂

Ruthiella I‘ve only read one (so far) 5mo
BarbaraBB I read a lot by him and my favorite is The Wind-Up Bird too. I recently read this one and was super impressed again by the author: (edited) 5mo
JenP @BarbaraBB my second favorite! 5mo
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JenP @Ruthiella did you like it? 5mo
BarbaraBB 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️ 5mo
Ruthiella @JenP I did like it but definitely need to read a couple more before I can decide if he‘s an author for me. 5mo
JenP @Ruthiella definitely, he‘s not for everyone and Norwegian wood was probably one of his most conventional books. I‘d be curious what you think of the more bizarre ones 5mo
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Classic Murakami in the best way. I love his quirky, slightly unsettling approach to storytelling. He keeps you on your toes and leaves you with some unresolved pieces to ponder. He‘s always a favorite of mine. I got this copy in Taipei - pictured here with the tea set I picked up there as well. 📖 🫖

LeahBergen I love your little Yixing tea set! 8mo
Suet624 You're so right about Murakami. 8mo
sarahbarnes @LeahBergen I love it too! 8mo
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emz711 Which book of his should I start on? 8mo
sarahbarnes @emz711 I would say this is a good one to start with 8mo
sarahbarnes @Suet624 it‘s his thing I think. 8mo
JuniperWilde I LOVED Wind Up Bird Chronicle 8mo
BarbaraBB I haven‘t read this one yet. Great review! And I loved Wind Up too! 8mo
batsy Love the tea set! 🤎 I waa just reading about the new Murakami coming out this year, which sounds fascinating. And was also taken aback about his age—he seems perennially 50 or so in my mind. 8mo
sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB @juniperwilde it‘s still one of my favorites of his! 8mo
sarahbarnes @batsy thank you! And I hadn‘t heard about his new book so thank you for the heads up! It does sound fascinating and I‘ll be keeping an eye out for it. I know, it‘s crazy what a long time he‘s been writing. 🩵 8mo
vivastory I have loved every Murakami that I have read, esp. the stories! 8mo
sarahbarnes @vivastory I haven‘t read any of his stories yet, and really want to! 8mo
vivastory The two story collections that I have read are “After The Quake“ & “The Elephant Vanishes“ There are stories form both that I still think about, despite having read them years ago 8mo
sarahbarnes @vivastory I appreciate the recommendations! 8mo
vivastory @sarahbarnes I always meant to read the story collection that Drive My Car is Based on. I've heard great things about that movie! 8mo
sarahbarnes @vivastory yes! That film is on my list! 8mo
merelybookish You tea set is lovely! And I have never read any Murakamki. 😬🙈 8mo
sarahbarnes @merelybookish thank you! And I think that‘s okay! 😁 8mo
vivastory @sarahbarnes I love Murakami, but I don't know if you would. I would recommend sampling his stories if you are curious. I really loved this collection 7mo
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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This is the story of a 36-year-old unnamed narrator going through a personal and artistic crisis leaves his house on a remote mountain and takes residence in an old house previously occupied by a mysterious painter. Wherein, he discovers an enigmatic painting called “Killing Commendatore” in the attic and triggers a chain of events that comprises the core of this narrative.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

An absolute return to form for Murakami. I felt the excitement that I had experienced 25 years ago when I read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. The perfect balance of observation with the splendid alternate reality that he excels at.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Murakami is absolute love. From ever I started reading his book I was never disappointed.
Murakami book just sucks you into his world And make you believe in all the stories and illusions he creates.
Murakami book has a great magically charm which I never get tried off.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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relishing every single word of this book. not something you would want to read in a single sitting because it's not fast paced and plot driven. more of an examination of art, the world of ideas and reality. the characters' musings are quite amusing. i'm pacing myself and reading this piecemeal to take time to digest the ideas and savour them.

Cathythoughts I really enjoyed this one.. it was my first by this author.. 3y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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"Look deep enough into any person and you will find something shining within."

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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Ending my year with Murakami and this grumpy, little beautiful thing!!!

Happy New Year 🎊🎊🎊

MittenGirlPeach Awwwww. That face! Happy New Year! 4y
Shamzi @MittenGirlPeach 😄😄😄 Happy New Year!!! 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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My first Murakami! And also my last!

I knew he wouldn't be my type of author, but if you can get past all the uncomfortable and kind of inappropriate scenes, then you're good.


#murakami #asianlit #japaneselit #harukimurakami

Cathythoughts It was my first too. I didn‘t like some of it ... but I loved most of it ❤️ 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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The man just doesn‘t get it. Yet, like Mieko Kawakami, I still enjoy his books.


Cathythoughts Oh I will enjoy having a listen to this later on 👍🏻 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Just read this and had the same reaction 🙄 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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An interesting and weird book about a painter who leaves home following his wife‘s request for a divorce, moves into another painters house and finds himself on a bizarre journey complete with a 2 ft version of Commendatore from Don Giovanni. At times I felt as though Murakami went on a rambling tangent, but once he got back on pace it was enjoyable. #AuthorAMonth #AuthorAMonth2020

Soubhiville Logged-11📚 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Finally starting this beauty!!! Hoping to finish this and 1Q84 soon!

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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This chunkster could have been edited to half its length. The story follows the male protagonist artist who is recently divorced and is living is another artist‘s home. Mysterious things start happening after he finds a hidden pairing by the resident artist. It has Murakami‘s trademarks of a missing girl, magic realism, strange people, going on a quest, and a lot of World War II history. Definitely it his best. #AuthorAMonth

Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 13📚 4y
NeedsMoreBooks @Soubhiville thank you. This should count as 2 as it was a chunkster 😂 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Maaaaaybe this story doesn‘t translate well, but I suspect it‘s just crap. There‘s some interesting stuff about a painting and metaphors. Then there are obsessive descriptions about the breasts of every female character. Murakami has never been good at writing women. Here they‘re especially (ahem) flat. Way too much detail on meals eaten and clothes worn. At 400 pages this could have been a great book, but at 700+, it‘s just a mess.

KatieDid927 I don‘t disagree. 4y
NeedsMoreBooks I am a quarter into this and I think it needed heavy editing 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
Soubhiville Logged, that‘s 13📚 4y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Nothing new from Murakami.
This is a very long and somewhat repetitive read coming from him. However people who prefer his softer novels may really enjoy this. Still Murakami, Still Worth Reading.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Well this is either going to be an incredible read or an unbelievable slog, so say the reviews. Into the breach I go...

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Second read of the year. This seems to be a study of human nature meshed into a fiction story. Will see how it all unfolds.

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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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7 days. 7 covers you love. No explanation. Tag a new person to participate each day.

#7covers7days #coverlove Day 7, 10/4/19

@keepingupwiththepenguins Wanna play?

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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An idea, a metaphor and a double metaphor walks into a bar and Killing Commendatore was created.

After hearing so many bad reviews, I was sightly reluctant to read KC. Even though it took me a lot of tries of starting and putting it away over a span of 10 months, I finally managed to pick and complete this book during a slow week at work.

Do I love KC? Definitely no, but it‘s definitely not the worst book I‘ve read.


BooknerdsLife Yeah!!!! You finished it!!! 👍🏼🎉🎉🎉 Wish I could say the same 😆 And great review! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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#AyUpAugust #PillowTalk Has any one read this & remember the pillow ..... 🤐😳 saying no more ( spoiler) .. I also read Wind Up Bird ..... but this Commendatore is my favorite so far

Texreader My husband is reading this one now. So far he likes it. 5y
Cathythoughts @Texreader just putting more info in a spoiler for him 👍🏻 not to read spoiler till about halfway (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts @Texreader it was my first experience of Murakami & I loved it. Could not get over that “ pillow” on the couch when it ( he ) spoke... 5y
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squirrelbrain Now you‘ve got me intrigued.... 😁 5y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain it‘s fairly intriguing 😉 5y
Cinfhen Same!!!!! @squirrelbrain and weren‘t we just talking about Murakami @DivineDiana !!!!! Maybe we need to try this one 😉 5y
Billypar Good to know- for some reason I didn't hear (or don't remember) much of a reaction either way when this came out. Will definitely need to check it out- WBC is one of my all-time favs, so your review bodes well! 5y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen We were! Stacking! Still slogging through 5y
Cinfhen Oh no @DivineDiana that book is sucking away your summer days!!!!! 5y
Tamra I just placed a hold on the audio! 👍🏾 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra I‘ll be very interested to hear your thoughts when ever you get there 5y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen That it is! And the other one I must read quickly for Book Club is another chunkster 5y
Cathythoughts @DivineDiana I couldn‘t get into the Goldfinch, but I did love Pachinko 5y
Cathythoughts @Billypar I‘m only new to this author, but I really enjoyed this Commendatore👍🏻 5y
Tamra @Cathythoughts the Goldfinch was one of 2 books that have ever made me mad when I finished! 😆🤪 My fault entirely because I kept reading instead of bailing. (edited) 5y
DivineDiana @Cathythoughts Thank you! I will nevertheless persevere! 🙂 5y
DivineDiana @Tamra Oh no! 😕 5y
Tamra @DivineDiana just one of those times I didn‘t heed my intuition. 🥴 But I think most readers have loved it! 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Wow! I didn‘t know what to expect from Murakami‘s newest novel. I wasn‘t really blown away by “Colorless Tsukuru” & I‘ve been more fond of his earlier works. But I absolutely loved Killing Commendatore!!! It reminded me a little of 1Q84, another Murakami favorite of mine, but with more character building that really had me loving the characters, especially Menshiki.

Cathythoughts It was my first experience of this author ... loved it. Looking forward to reading more 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

I‘d really like to discuss how all of Murakami‘s novels are related.
How Marie‘s father is in a cult, probably from 1Q84, the hole the protagonist fell through is similar to that described in Norwegian Wood (and maybe wind-up bird chronicle? It‘s been a while since I‘ve read it though), and many other references throughout his work. Has anyone else noticed it?

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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I loved my first experience of Murakami. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Layers of dreams & the unconscious & metaphor... what a story , such imagination! He is a strange one & I love his strangeness.. ... that‘s my Japanese cup that hubby got me years ago in the airport in Japan.

Tamra Stacked! 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra I‘ll be interested to hear your thoughts when you get there. I got your recommendation Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, I wanted to get the book but the print was tiny , So I got it on kindle , I hope I can get to it before the summers over 🤞🏻 5y
Tamra @Cathythoughts good move! If a book is a tome, I get it on Kindle. 👍🏾 If you like the line between reality and dreamlike states blurred, as it sounds this one was, you‘ll also like Wind-up Bird. (edited) 5y
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Tamra @Cathythoughts I am so looking forward to reading freedom - 2 more weeks! I don‘t know what I‘ll read yet, but I‘ve been downloading books for a month of camping. Woot! 👏🏾 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra a month of camping 😍and reading 😍😍sounds fab 5y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thanks! 😘 5y
JennyM I am yet to read any of his books - but your review and everyone‘s love for him makes me think it is time I should! Glad you enjoyed x 5y
Tanisha_A Great review! 👏It's on my list. 5y
LazyDays Love the cover! 5y
Blaire So glad you liked it! Love murakami (for the most part) my favorite is 5y
batsy I love this review 💜 I've read a few by him while at uni and loved it. But it's been a loooong time and I should give this a try... 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Yay! For your love for Murakami! He‘s a marmite case. I‘ve got to read another of his to decide if I love him or he‘s not for me. And the cover beneath the jacket is gorgeous! 5y
Cathythoughts @JennyM thanks Jenny ! I really did enjoy & will read another. ( I‘ve just got the following tagged one ) Most Littens seem to recommend (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts @LazyDays I love it too 👍🏻♥️♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts @Blaire thanks! Yes , I got the Bird Chronicle, it seems to be the big favorite with Littens. I think I know with what you mean by “ for the most part” ... some parts of this one were a little off , inappropriate ! But I loved the book. ( I‘m not throwing this baby out with the bath water ) 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy thanks Suba ! I‘m looking forward to trying The Bird Chronicle.... love his imagination - I‘ve seen it reviewed as magic realism but I wouldn‘t consider this as a description of his writing.. it‘s different again IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm thanks! Yes I do love him. It‘s a beautifully designed jacket & cover 👍🏻♥️ 5y
BooknerdsLife What a great review! 👍🏼💚 I used to binge read his books back in the days but I‘m still half way through this one 😅🙈 Maybe I should get back to it soon! BTW, Love your mug which totally matches with the book 😍 5y
Cathythoughts @BooknerdsLife thanks!! This was my first one. I‘ll look forward to more ♥️👍🏻. I love that old mug ... no handle , it‘s like a cup - I‘m very attached to it 🤷🏻‍♀️♥️ 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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He doesn‘t recognize me. He‘s lost the concept of family of father of son. Even the distinctions between himself and other people may have blurred. Still , maybe it‘s easier when those things are swept away and you don‘t have to think about them anymore...

That psychic power is what makes him who he is. I feel a bit guilty sometimes that I didn‘t inherit that temperament

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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“There were times I felt abandoned at the edge of the world. Yet even then I felt no envy toward that other man. Did that make me strange ? “

I could quote endlessly, but I won‘t. Marakami is such a unique writer .. I‘m turning pages calmly but surely.. it‘s a long book & I‘m in no hurry ( I feel under a spell ...

Freespirit Lovely review😍 5y
Cathythoughts @Freespirit I‘m only just beyond half -way ..... 👍🏻✨✨✨✨✨✨ 5y
Freespirit I have it stacked to be read one day😊 5y
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Cathythoughts @Freespirit have you read others of his ? Any recommendations ?! 😊this is my first ( but not last ) one (edited) 5y
Centique I loved Kafka on the Shore - and like you, I felt under a spell, the sense of calmness even when crazy things are happening in the text! I have to read this one too 😍 5y
Cathythoughts @Centique yes! He is an interesting one 👍🏻♥️ 5y
BooknerdsLife I used to read Murakami in Chinese translations, somehow I think English translations made everything more beautiful & whimsical 💖🤗 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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1. I think reading & reaching the halfway ( 350pages ) in my first book by Murakami... & finding it amazing on all sorts of levels .. feels like an accomplishment to me
2. Inchydoney ♥️west Cork , a reading paradise
3. I definitely prefer apples 👍🏻
4. ♥️Yes ! Neil Young & Bob Dylan in Kilkenny with my 2 daughters. I‘ll need sun glasses & tissues ... tears of memory & sun ☀️ predicted 🤞🏻
5. I will 👍🏻♥️

Tamra If you end up loving it, I‘ll add it to my TBR. 😁 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra it‘s the only one I‘ve read ( or am reading ) but I can already tell you I‘m loving it. I‘ll try your Bird Chronicle one next. 5y
TrishB Enjoy your concert 😁❤️ 5y
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merelybookish Wow! Have fun! That concert sounds fab! 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB thanks ! So excited .. 5y
Cathythoughts @merelybookish thankyou! It does sound fab , doesn‘t it 🤭😍😍 5y
Izai.Amorim Neil Young! Canada's gift to the world! 5y
Cathythoughts @Izai.Amorim yes !! Love him & listening to him for such a long time .... Hey Hey My My ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Izai.Amorim @Cathythoughts That 1979 album Live Rust was just gold! 5y
squirrelbrain Oh have a fab time at the concert! 😘 5y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain thanks Helen ! I‘d say I need to calm down... hyper all week now 😆 5y
youneverarrived Neil Young and Bob Dylan ♥️♥️ have an amazing time x 5y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived thanks! They played Hyde Park in London last night & it seemed to go well .... hopefully it will go well for us in Kilkenny too 😉 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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I‘m over 200 pages in & I think it‘s safe to say I‘m IN , hook , line & sinker .... LOVE Murakami .. beautiful writing & as of a few pages ago, I‘m in shock & in stitches - Really Murakami !!!! 😳🤔🤣😳 what are you doing to me .... ??!!! ( Pic taken by hubby -

squirrelbrain I really need to get round to reading some Murakami.... 5y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain it‘s my very first experience of him .., I had no notion or no expectations... I‘m finding him really good , but I get the feeling it‘s a marmite situation 👍🏻♥️ 5y
TrishB Great pics of you and hubby ❤️ 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Yay! Glad you‘re hooked! I must read more of him. 😊 5y
erzascarletbookgasm It‘s true about his books being a marmite situation! 5y
LeahBergen Aww, I love this pic of you! The only Murakami I‘ve read (and loved) is 5y
batsy Love the pic 😍 (and the grill work in the background!) 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm yes! I do really like him & I picked him up on a whim so I‘m delighted 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen thanks! I have your tagged one stacked now too ♥️👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy @Trishb thanks! I‘m letting my grey hair grow out .... it‘s turning out to be a long process, but I‘m determined ♥️😊 hubby didn‘t read novels - but his book looks good ( it‘s an ancient old one , falling apart at the seams (edited) 5y
youneverarrived Great photo ♥️ I love Murakami, not read this one yet though. Glad you‘re enjoying. 5y
Cathythoughts @youneverarrived thanks ! Oh sure I am loving him ... 👍🏻♥️ a slow meditative page turner ✨ 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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I‘ve decided to be adventurous on this sunny morning & try a new author & it‘s a long long book ( 681 pages 😬) Oh well , nothing ventured nothing gained. ....

Oryx Good luck. I just can't get on with Murakami, so I've given up trying, but a lot of people love his books. Hope it works for you! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Not sure if it‘s the best book to start on Murakami but that‘s a great cover and I‘ve heard positive reviews. 👍🍀 5y
Cathythoughts @Oryx thanks ! Sure I‘ll see how it goes. 🤞🏻♥️ 5y
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Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm thanks! I‘ll stick with it & see how I get on. Which one would you recommend for someone to start with ? 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I don‘t know Cathy, I‘ve read this one only. There‘re different thoughts, here‘s one I find interesting.. https://bookoblivion.com/2015/05/13/the-best-way-to-read-haruki-murakami/ 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm thanks , you‘re very good. I‘ll have a look at the links 😘 5y
Mishu94 I recently read Kafka on the shore by murakami and let me tell you, I got lost in it 😂 it was quite twisted in a way. I can‘t really explain it but best of luck and do tell me how you like his writing and the story line! I might give him another try! 😂 5y
Cathythoughts @Mishu94 I really picked this up randomly for something different with no clue what I was getting into ...only on page 41 , but so far & I don‘t exactly know why but I‘m really enjoying it 🤷🏻‍♀️. I‘ll let you know 👍🏻 (edited) 5y
Mishu94 @Cathythoughts I have heard Norwegian wood is really good of his! And let me know how you like it! Because the one I read was quite disturbing 😂 5y
cathysaid Wow! That's an ambitious undertaking! I love Murakami (some more than others) and my favorite is 1Q84...but I didn't start with that one. I'm looking forward to what you think of this one as I haven't yet read it. And I know what you mean with “I don't exactly know why but I'm really enjoying it“ because for the life of me, I have tried to explain why I enjoy his work and I just can't. 😃 5y
Tamra I haven‘t read this one, but I loved 5y
jchawkins Oh boy. If you get a bad impression of Murakami from this book, don't give up on him as an author. He goes through stylistic phases every decade or so, and IMO this was a weaker book from him. 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra thanks ! I‘ll look up your tagged one 👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @jchawkins interesting! I‘m finding it him .... unusual ... but I‘m reading on , and I‘m intrigued. Which of his would you recommend 5y
jchawkins Depends on what you like. Norwegian Wood is great if you like explorations of relationships, and aren't so much into magical realism. If you like magical realism, though, 1Q84 is a great way to go, albeit a very slow burn. His heaviest-hitting (and I mean HEAVY) novel is Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, which is also magical realism, but the book uses it to explore the violence people do to one another, particularly in war and abusive relationships. (edited) 5y
jchawkins Killing Commendatore, for me, lacked the poignancy of Wind-Up Bird and the delightfully bizarre atmosphere of 1Q84, but that might just be me. I've read most of Murakami's works at this point, and maybe I'm just getting desensitized to his brand of magical realism. 😅 5y
Cathythoughts @jchawkins thanks! That‘s very helpful, I‘ll continue on the The Commendatore & see where to go then ... I‘m drawn to Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, but as I say first things first, must finish this one ...So far , he has an oddly calming effect on me ( which doesn‘t make any sense 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Tamra @Cathythoughts it‘s that dream-like state he writes. 😄 5y
Cathythoughts @Tamra isn‘t it !! I really like this book 😳🤔👍🏻 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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#Top6Reads @Cinfhen
These are my top reads for the first half of 2019. My very favorite was Killing Commendatore.

Leftcoastzen Nice choices! 5y
suvata @Leftcoastzen Thank you. 5y
Cinfhen I still haven‘t read ANY Murakami 🙈 5y
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suvata @Cinfhen You really should. IMHO 5y
Cinfhen Which book should I start with???? 5y
suvata @Cinfhen It‘s really up to you but my favorite so far is Kafka on the Shore. 5y
Cinfhen I don‘t know why but I‘m **scared** to try Murakami 😬 5y
suvata @Cinfhen No reason to be scared. It‘s just a little magical realism. 5y
Cathythoughts These look great ! Can‘t wait to read Ask Again Yes 5y
suvata @Cathythoughts It‘s not my usual kind of book but I really, really enjoyed this one. 5y
Cathythoughts Just got tagged book ... ♥️👍🏻 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

Murakami is my favorite author, so this review is a little biased! That being said, I loved this novel! It is magical realism at it‘s finest and Murakami does not disappoint with this book. His style of writing- it‘s simple words that form such detailed pictures in my mind. I can‘t get enough of his work! #PulitzerWorthy

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Omg!!! @thebluestocking Thank you so much!!! This is awesome! I love everything!! All this plus The Priory of the Orange Tree for my kindle.(my daughter snagged it and is reading it now) Thank you! My insomnia has kicked in, so it‘s a perfect time to start reading Killing Commendatore. I love Murakami and have wanted this book for so long. Thank you!! #MysteryMessageSwap

gradcat I like your cards & bookmarks...really nice. ♥️ 5y
thebluestocking Yay! I‘m so glad you like it!!! I had fun putting it together. 💙💙💙 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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#QuotsyApr19 Day 26: The truth as a #Symbol. Murakami is a hit or miss for me. I did not particularly enjoy the only novel of his that I read - title escapes me now, but perhaps one has to be in the right headspace to really appreciate him. Regardless, I am still collecting most of his novels in the hopes that I acquire a taste for them.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Me too 🙋‍♀️ Ive read The Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Colorless Tsusuro (or something) and liked them, but theyre hard work. I keep thinking I‘ll fall in love and keep trying. 5y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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This is one of the best authors in the world today, I haven‘t read anything by him I haven‘t enjoyed. This bizarre story is a stunning work of imagination. Next I‘m on to IQ84 wish me luck.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

Really good book

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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“‘If I can draw you the right way, maybe you'll be able to see yourself through my eyes,‘ I said, ‘If all goes well, of course.‘

‘That's why we need pictures.‘

‘You're right - that's why we need pictures. Or literature, or music, or anything of that sort.‘”

#QuotsyMar19 | 9: #Observation

📷: Made with Typorama

gradcat I love this quote ❤️ 6y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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What can I say, it‘s Murakami at his finest! This may be his best book yet. Of course, that‘s easy to say when I just finished it and it‘s fresh in my mind. Haruki Murakami absolutely deserves a #Pulitzer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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After his last two boring books, I'm glad to see Murakami return to his famous flights of fancy. Killing Commendatore is classic Murakami, with a nearly affectless hero, mysterious collaborators, spirits, and most important, dark and mysterious holes in the ground. Murakami also tipped his hand to what I think must be one of his sources--Ueda Akinari's Tales of Moonlight and Rain, an 18th century collection of supernatural stories. Loved it!

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Up next: My February pick — listening to audio and reading print book at the same time. I love doing that.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

As nuts as ever but I just love how he writes and his books are so different from anything else I read

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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My kids and I went to the library this evening and these were my choices! Has anyone read either? They're both on the long side so I must assume I won't get through both before I have to return them. That being said, which should I start with? 🤔

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Hard to review. There were bits I adored so much, including the overall plot and themes, but Murakami‘s view of women particularly preteen girls just ruined it in so many places. The idea of a 13yo talking about her breasts to a man she‘s never met for PAGES was completely ridiculous, it icked me out. I love the magic realism and the ideas but I wish Murakami would just never mention women, I can‘t read books where every woman is this ridiculous.

Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Lost track of time a little for #24b4monday but think I‘m around the 4/5 hour mark? Should have used my timer more carefully!

I‘ll finish this book today if it‘s the last thing I do! Need to crack on and get through it. @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

Andrew65 A great time whichever it is. 😊 6y
BeansPage I like your spirit sweetheart! 🤘🏻😆🤘🏻 6y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami

Not my favourite Murakami. His obsession with ore-pubescent girls‘ breasts is disturbing, to say the least. I found the resolution very unsatisfying as well. #aroundtheyearin52books

Emilymdxn I‘m halfway through and finding it the same. I loved the plot but really really needed him to stop talking about young girls like that 6y
MamaJody @Emilymdxn It‘s really creepy. I find the way he writes anything sexual very “off”. It makes me very uncomfortable. 6y
Emilymdxn I was excited at the beginning of this book cause I thought a book about a lonely man living in a house in the middle of nowhere couldn‘t have any creepy sex in it. Wtf 13yo girl starts talking about her breasts with a man she‘s just met? Why does his wife remind him of his dead kid sister? 6y
MamaJody @Emilymdxn And of course the natural and appropriate response to that by the adult man was to start talking about his penis, right? Just no. 6y
Gezemice I finished my first Murakami, Norwegian Wood, a couple weeks ago. I liked it but I don‘t think he is my style overall. 6y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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#24b4monday @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65

I‘m at about 3 hours now, pushing on through lunch with this one. Starting to wonder if I‘ll be reading this book for the rest of my life...

Qpri That‘s exactly how I felt reading 1Q84. Somehow Murakami gets his hooks in ya, and the only way out is forward 🙃 6y
Emilymdxn @Qpri I‘ve read all the other Murakami I‘ve read by audio and I wasn‘t prepared for how much slower physically reading it would be! 6y
Qpri Ahhh... and I never realized audio might be faster for these 😅 6y
BeansPage Great start sweetie! 👍🏻 6y
Andrew65 Going well, well peen and good luck. 🙌 6y
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Killing Commendatore | Haruki Murakami
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Lunchtime murakami with my new eco-friendly sandwich bag - no more cling film or metal foil! It was a gift from a friend and it‘s so cute.

Finally over half way through Killing Commendatore, hoping I can finish it in the readathon this weekend. I definitely need to read something short next

Weaponxgirl Oh yay I love those sandwich bags! 6y
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