I didn‘t expect to love this book as much as I did. Tears were had (several times). Highly recommended!
4.5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I didn‘t expect to love this book as much as I did. Tears were had (several times). Highly recommended!
4.5 star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Love this graphic novel! The witty banter, and the gorgeous illustrations and colourings. Can I also add that I think this is my first time reading anything magical with the MCs of Asian descendants. #mooncakes #netgalley
Even though poetry is not my cup of tea, i truly enjoyed this. Had a couple of hours free with no distractions, what better way to spend my Friday afternoon, sipping hot tea with this as a companion.
This collection of poetry is beautiful, especially with the illustrations by Chris Riddell. I can foresee myself re-reading this again and again in the future.
4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Found a copy of the ARC at Portobello‘s Oxfam back in May. Finally got around to reading it this weekend and I‘m kicking myself why I didn‘t read it sooner. It‘s hard to put this down once read the first twenty pages.
4.5 stars
Volume 2 is just so sweet! And those blushes, I wish these books are in colour. I normally avoid reading novels or watching shows where the main plot is school-based, but for this series, I don‘t mind.
An idea, a metaphor and a double metaphor walks into a bar and Killing Commendatore was created.
After hearing so many bad reviews, I was sightly reluctant to read KC. Even though it took me a lot of tries of starting and putting it away over a span of 10 months, I finally managed to pick and complete this book during a slow week at work.
Do I love KC? Definitely no, but it‘s definitely not the worst book I‘ve read.
I don‘t think I can truly review this book without tearing up. That famous photo taken by the beach keeps flashing while I was reading this.
New curse word added to my repertoire: Mothercustard.
Started the year by reading something easy and light. I saw a photo of this book by random on Instagram and thought why not. If you‘re looking for an easy chick-lit read, I would recommend this.