This was 4 stories that take place on Catonica, mostly in the Canto Bight Casino. The stories are ridiculous (read stupid) but are still enjoyable, especially the first and last ones.
This was 4 stories that take place on Catonica, mostly in the Canto Bight Casino. The stories are ridiculous (read stupid) but are still enjoyable, especially the first and last ones.
I finally finished this pick for the Star Wars Buddy read from a couple months ago. I ended up enjoying that this was a collection of 4 stories that had a couple character crossovers between stories. None of the stories blew me away but they were better than the scene in The Last Jedi.. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
I enjoyed this one, but I‘ll be honest, the short story books always take awhile for me to get through. I read one, then set it down for a long time...read another. But I enjoyed all of these, and honestly I think they got better as they went, each story a bit better than the one before, and although the first story was probably my least favorite, I found myself smiling as the last story wrapped back around to that one. 😉
Attention Jedi & Sith
Results are in!
February: Tarkin
March: A New Dawn
April: Cobalt Squadron
May: A Crash of Fate
By May there are a few new releases so I‘ll add those & post a new summer survey.
@CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @wtimblin @trioxin_sematary @Shadowfat @callielafleur @annkuch13 @PSreads73 @SenatorMothma @InLibrisVeritas @Andrew65 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @Jari-chan
Do or Do Not, There is No Try
The audio book is awesome! Really, really well done and you get the whole Star Wars feeling with it. Even though I liked all the stories I guess my favourites were “Rules of the Game“ and “Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing“.
Canto Bight is up first and the new survey is ready: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K2W3DF3 to help determine what else we are reading this winter.
Please vote and May the Force Be With You!
@CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @wtimblin @trioxin_sematary @Shadowfat @callielafleur @annkuch13 @PSreads73 @SenatorMothma @InLibrisVeritas @Andrew65 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @Jari-chan
Just a reminder as we finish up 2019 and The Resistance Reborn, in January we are stating 2020 with Canto Bight for anyone interested in continuing to travel the galaxy... please feel free to join us.
@CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @wtimblin @trioxin_sematary @Shadowfat @callielafleur @annkuch13 @PSreads73 @SenatorMothma @InLibrisVeritas @Andrew65 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @Jari-chan
Its started off poorly, with a predictable story, but the stories of Canto Bight got better with each tale, ending with John Jackson Miller's funny and engaging story, "The Ride". 3 ??? 1/2 out of 5.
Letter C for #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
Book 2 finished #24B4Monday @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid
Won this in a contest hosted by some awesome fellow podcasters from Book Wars Pod (books + Star Wars) 😍
A collection of 4 short stories about Canto Bight, the gambling planet we meet on The last Jedi. Not my favorite star wars canon book but still an enjoyable listen ⭐️⭐️⭐️
More Star Wars audio fun! I loved the scenes in The Last Jedi that took place in Canto Bight. It was such an interesting planet and City with such characters! This collection did not disappoint. I loved all the stories and hearing how they connected. It was a treat to hear from parts of the Star Wars universe unrelated to the characters we usually hear about. Also the audio was of course wonderful- the voices were great!
Feeling optimistic about my reading this month 😁
#junetbr #bookstack
Starting Canto Bight today!!!
Just finished my 1000 piece Star Wars puzzle! (while reading a star wars book and wearing a star wars shirt lol😆)
Fun, fast paced short stories set in the Star Wars universe ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I'm not super familiar with these authors but my favorite was either the one by Mira Grant or Rae Carson
#starwars #thelastjedi #saturday
It seems I'm in the minority here, but I had fun with this novella collection. I enjoyed all four stories, and I LOVED Grant's offering about a wine sale gone wrong. The audio production was as entertaining as always, too.
One wider worldbuilding quibble: it seems the llama-cats from THE LAST JEDI are actually called something that sounds like faviers (or fabiers, or falliers, depending on the narrator's delivery). Hmpf. Llama-cats is WAY better.
I needed a break from reading with my eyes, so I put my audiobook on, fried up some sausages, and braised some kale with a whole lot of garlic. It was delish. #audiocooking
Last night I dipped leftover fried chicken in makhani sauce, and it was so good that I went ahead and made full on butter chicken waffles tonight, with a salad and some sausages I bought on a whim today. It ended up being a LOT of food, so I've saved one of the sausages for breakfast and put about half the salad in a Tupperware. #audiocooking
Brief break to read a story in this collection.
TBT to two weeks ago when I was reading Star Wars stories on a cruise ship in the Caribbean instead of on the internet waiting for work to end
I was sent home sick today. So now I'm doing some comfort reading by picking back up some Star Wars reads that had been on hold for a while.
HappyNational Sci-Fi Day! What are you reading today?
Saw The Last Jedi last night, and then picked up some reading for the holidays. Very excited to find out more about Canto Bight 🎰🎰🎰
I‘ll start reading this after I finish The Dark Lake.
Here's a list of some of the sci-fi/fantasy headed our way for December: http://www.unboundworlds.com/2017/11/best-sci-fi-fantasy-books-december-2017/
#sciencefiction #scifi
Star Wars book mail is the best book mail.