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Ghost Brigades
Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
43 posts | 71 read | 13 to read
The Ghost Brigades are the Special Forces of the Colonial Defense Forces, elite troops created from the DNA of the dead and turned into the perfect soldiers for the CDF's toughest operations. They're young, they're fast and strong, and they're totally without normal human qualms.The universe is a dangerous place for humanity--and it's about to become far more dangerous. Three races that humans have clashed with before have allied to halt our expansion into space. Their linchpin: the turncoat military scientist Charles Boutin, who knows the CDF's biggest military secrets. To prevail, the CDF must find out why Boutin did what he did.Jared Dirac is the only human who can provide answers -- a superhuman hybrid, created from Boutin's DNA, Jared's brain should be able to access Boutin's electronic memories. But when the memory transplant appears to fail, Jared is given to the Ghost Brigades.At first, Jared is a perfect soldier, but as Boutin's memories slowly surface, Jared begins to intuit the reason's for Boutin's betrayal. As Jared desperately hunts for his "father," he must also come to grips with his own choices. Time is running out: The alliance is preparing its offensive, and some of them plan worse things than humanity's mere military defeat...Old Man's War Series #1 Old Man's War #2 The Ghost Brigades #3 The Last Colony #4 Zoe's Tale #5 The Human Division #6 The End of All Things Short fiction: "After the Coup" Other Tor Books The Android's Dream Agent to the Stars Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded Fuzzy Nation Redshirts Lock In The Collapsing Empire (forthcoming)
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Scalzi's ability to make space- and worlds-spanning sci-fi impactful on the small scale, the personal level, is what keeps me coming back to this series, even if on first glance it would appear to fall just slightly outside my wheelhouse. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality I don't do 'space war' sci fi. It's kind of a given that war, and associated actions like sabotage, espionage, taking prisoners, assassination and kidnapping, sucks and affects people negatively in a multitude of ways, so I rarely feel the need to engage in speculative fiction that elaborates on those themes. 2/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality Likewise overuse of technology - the cautionary tales already in the zeitgeist are legion.
I find it fascinating to consider the pragmatic and ethical aspects of gene manipulation and biotech integration, the clone/android arena, even if that is fairly well tread ground as well. 3/?
Robotswithpersonality But aside from the poignant emotional impact, how Scalzi creates relatable characters in truly alien circumstances, where it gets me, is the unique angle on exploration of the self - the mind, individuality, personality, thought and memory, awareness, consciousness, free will, CHOICE, of how to live, and how and to die.
A bit of 'I Will Fear No Evil', to give Heinlein his due.
Robotswithpersonality As with The Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers, I was surprised how much I liked the second book's decision to veer from the majority of the group we got to know in the first book and while referencing previous people and events, telling a different story. I do think it has more significance if you've read the first in the series. 5/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality Lastly, I will continue to say it, because not enough of sci-fi does it. Scalzi is marvelous at immersive world building, that never features too much info dump/exposition at once, usually with bonus humourous asides included. More please!

Will definitely be reading the next in the series. 6/6
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Have I mentioned I love this author?

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Excellent argument ender.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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"Well, explode is not quite the accurate word,...The physics for what really goes on are much weirder..."
"You can stop now,"
? Not reassuring! ?

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Identity verification via the urge to punch someone?! 😂🤦🏼‍♂️

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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And the reward for greatest UNDERSTATEMENT goes to...

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Nothing beats a book in a coffee shop.

paper.reveries A book at the beach?? 🤔 I want a group debate! Lol 1y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

The second in the Old Man's War series. This time focusing on the new-borns in old bodies, as opposed to old souls in new bodies of the first. Scalzi is an excellent writer and this is no exception. It did remind me that I enjoy military sci-fi. And The book brings forth issues of morality, identity, and how we as humans perceive anyone that is different. A really good book.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Today's #BibliophilePix prompt is #soldiers. I haven't read this one yet, but I loved the first book in the series, Old Man's War. Scalzi always makes sci-fi fun.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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This story is quite different from its predecessor, “The Old Man‘s War.” It deals with many of the uncomfortable features of the world that Scalzi created. Ultimately, I liked it better than the first book. It is deeper and more impactful.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Bk5 of May & Bk2 of #NutsInMay #readathon is done! I know, it wasn‘t on the pile, but once I‘d finished the 1st I had to keep going! The 2nd is from the perspective of a Special Forces soldier, the Ghost Brigades of the title. Made from the DNA of dead conscripts, they awaken fully conscious but with no memory except the training they receive from their BrainPal. Excellent next in the series. #SeriesRead2021 #StackingTheSeries #PickYourPoison👇👇

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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I am loving this series so far - sci-fi full of sarcasm, heart and what it means to be human.

Jaimelire Love it too!❤️ 5y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Six books down on #TBRbingo with John Scalzi's OLD MAN'S WAR counting as a book set on a spaceship.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Book #2, not quite as good as the first (Old Man‘sWar) but a solid read. A good book for the space, sci-fi readers out there. I am continuing on to book #3 - “The Last Colony”. John Scalzi is quickly becoming one of my favourite writers in this genre of fiction.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Book #2 in this series. Pretty good so far. Goes great with a S‘more.
I love that my boys are older. I can sit on the deck and read while they have fun with their friends.
People ask me “don‘t you miss having babies?” Honestly, no.

JacqMac I love having older kids, too. The independence is nice. 5y
Jaimelire @JacqMac More time for reading! 😉 5y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

I‘ve breezed through both Old Man‘a War and The Ghost Brigades in precisely one week. Unfortunately, those are the only 2 books in the series I own and the last of my John scalzi books. This series is great and I fully intend to hit up my library for the rest of it and any other John scalzi books I can get my hands on

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Had this on my shelf so it was the logical choice for my next read. I‘m about half way through and really liking it.

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Listening to this audiobook and walking around my local library to try and induce this baby to nap. (it worked!)

Libby1 Well done, mama! And cute glasses! 6y
rachelm @Libby1 thanks!! 6y
kspenmoll So sweet!! 6y
Eggs Adorable 6y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Okay, here's my stack for #4in48readathon! @Syndelle777

- Seven Daughters of Eve by Brian Sykes
- The Sisters of the Crescent Empress by Leena Likitalo
- The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember
- The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi

BeansPage Wow! Those look awesome! Don't forget to post updates for us 😄 6y
Beachesnbooks I enjoyed The Seafarer's Kiss! 6y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Didn't think I'd be crying my eyes out like a small child over this book but here we are. I've experienced emotional trauma at the hands of a paperback!

ReadZenRites Hi👋🏻Welcome to Litsy ✨📚✨ 6y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Jared turned away and missed seeing the leg of the body that fell next to her clip her on the neck and shoulder, crushing arteries and bones and driving shattered ribs into her lungs and heart.

wanderinglynn Love this trilogy! I‘m a huge Scalzi fan. 6y
Clove311 I'm 284 pages in, it's got me but at the same time I miss John Perry! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 😊🖐 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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I loved Old Mans War, but I'm having a hard time getting into this one.

Chelleo Hope it picks up soon. Welcome to to the #LitsyFamily! We‘re so glad you‘re here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. @LitsyWelcomeWagon
Megabooks Welcome to Litsy! I hope you love it here, 👋🏻📚👍🏻 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy 🎉🍾📚 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout those links above! There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out #LitsyHappenings for details. #LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Filed under: bookseries that I started by accident. #TBR

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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So. Bought more books today. #tbr #newbooks #herge #johnscalzi #kurtvonnegut

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

This series isn't as instantly compelling/hilarious as some of Scalzi's standalones (I'll tag a few faves below). But, it's engaging, witty, and makes me think in new ways! I've read a fair bit of romance lately, so some funny, fast-paced alien warfare was just what I needed as a palate cleanser.

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Fighting off a migraine. So, lying in my dim bedroom and listening to the book. It's good so far! (Although my kids are being suspiciously quiet. Hmmmmm.)

[DELETED] 206653737 Hope you feel better soon! And good luck with the quiet it usually means nothing good when kids are around. 7y
DGRachel I hate migraines. Hope it goes away soon! 7y
Jas16 Hope you feel better soon 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hope you feel better soon!!! 7y
JacqMac Quiet kids are scary! Hope you feel better soon. 7y
BookwormAHN Hope you feel better and good luck with the kids 🕊 7y
Libby1 Take care. 🌼 7y
Kmmsellers I hope you feel better soon! 7y
LiteraryinPA Hope it leaves you alone soon! 7y
Bibliogeekery 🤕 feel better 7y
moranadatter I hope you feel better soon! 💙 7y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Enjoying this audiobook while I try to get allll the books sorted before the store opens. 😜

litznbooks Wish I can help. 😍 7y
vivastory I've only read two Scalzi books, but I loved them both 7y
RadicalReader @jess.how if this isn‘t a book lovers paradise I don‘t know what is! 7y
Texreader Oh fun!! 7y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

OMG, what an ending!
It took me too long to finish, but nota because It was bad, It was really good, but I've been a little lazy with my readings...

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Some coffee and milk with a lot of sugar, brazilian cheese bread (pão de queijo) and space shenanigans!

JPrecht LOVE this series! 7y
coffeenebula Space shenanigans = the best shenanigans 🚀 7y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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I am really loving this series so far. The audiobooks are great, and the story is fantastic. The questions about consciousness and personhood are thought provoking, which isn't something you always get in this type of sci-fi.

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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Day 26 of #Riotgrams: most badass heroine. This is a tough choice: there's Breq from the ANCILLARY novels; Agnieszka from UPROOTED; Shara from CITY OF STAIRS (or Mulaghesh from CITY OF BLADES); Harry from THE BLUE SWORD; Phedre from the KUSHIEL novels; etc., etc. In the end, though, I had to go with Jane Sagan, the intelligent, forceful, ruthless (but not cruel) Special Forces officer and colony leader of Scalzi's OMW universe.

Chachic I chose Harry for this one, but I do agree that Katsa, Agnieszka and Lyra would have been good picks too.👏👏 8y
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

"Yes, he's an equal opportunity asshole," Szilard said. "And he's aware of it, which he thinks means it's okay."

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

"We don't mind when the other guy brings a gun to a knife fight," she said. "It just makes it easier for us to cut out his heart."

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The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

Loved it, I have read the first and fourth book in this series, this one tied it all in so good! I guess if I was reading them in order that wouldn't be a thing. Lol but it is and this is a really good story, it can be understood I think with out reading the first one. It's a lot of fun check it out.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi

Loved the reveal at the beginning. Then the heart of the book brought it home. Great sequel; love the universe. Has so much potential.

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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This was better than I'd hoped; better than a sequel has any right to be. It was a slow start due to a shift from first person POV to 3rd, and some intricate setup, but it pays off. I laughed; I was horrified; I even cried a little. Cracking good read; can't wait to grab the next one!

The Ghost Brigades | John Scalzi
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It's the end of a long Saturday; there's no better way to end it than curling up in bed early with the next installment of this series! I was so glad it came in the mail this week!

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