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After the exciting build-up of Secret of the Unicorn, the sequel is a bit of an anti-climax. For the first time, we get every famous character associated with Tintin as Professor Calculus makes his debut. It‘s a bit reliant on slapstick but the dialogue, specifically Captain Haddock‘s, is funny. There‘s no disputing the artwork, it‘s glorious as always.

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Almost at the border to Congo. Two tourists and a guide was killed by terrorists and there‘s pretty much no one around, except security forces. Super weird things happening. Rebels trying to overthrow the government. The rebels recite students. One got caught, and he‘s in a torture chamber now, never to be seen.

Bookwormjillk I hope this happened in the book not on your trip! 11mo
Tove_Reads @Bookwormjillk Nope, live from Uganda, today! 11mo
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This was a fun adventure set in the Arctic waters. I was happy to find this book in French at a local book sale, as I continue trying to improve my reading skills in that language.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #1942 @Librarybelle

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
Librarybelle Good choice! 1y
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I have what they call a “flashbulb memory” with this book. Finsbury Library was my haunt as a kid and I know I must have got this book from there. This was the 1st Tintin I had read and I remember sitting on the floor while my mum listened to the radio. The song playing was January by Pilot. Google says that‘s 1975. I was probably watching Dr Who by then but this must be my first exposure to literary SciFi. It the most surreal Tintin and a fave

Bookwomble I often use the pop charts to figure out the year I'm remembering something from, too 😄 1y
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Now, Hergé is writing his Tintins in occupied Belgium so the politics moves away from the anti-German sentiments that were allegorised via evil characters in the previous 2 books. This is a thematic remake of “Cigars”: drug smuggling, desert setting. From here the books start to become classics. “Crab” introduces the character I loved more than Tintin as a kid: Captain Haddock. He‘s not fully developed but he‘s a more lovable drunk than my stepdad

bthegood Book drunks tend to be more lovable than real life drunks - thanks for the review - make a great day for yourself 😊 1y
The_Book_Ninja Thank you! You too☺️ 1y
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My favourite Tintin so far. Lots of suspense and humour. 🎵Au clair… de la Terre… 🎵


Possibly my favourite Tintin so far; I do love a space story! Also poor Captain Haddock being the butt of all the physical comedy 😂

kwmg40 I love this one too! 2y
rabbitprincess @kwmg40 As soon as I finished it, I requested the sequel from the library! 2y
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When your music inspires your reading choices:
« Oh! Grande cheminée
Touche le ciel, crache la fumée
Toute rouge et blanche comme la fusée
Du premier Tintin sur la lune »
— Beau Dommage, « Grande cheminée »
YouTube: https://youtu.be/VnA8X8sd93Y

Tintin in the Congo | Herge, Michael Turner

This book is racist. There‘s no other way to say it. Tintin has been an enduring loved comic book character for decades.These adventures brought the bumbling detective to life and made them a part of our lexicon. But sometimes classic characters in fall to the changing of time. The illustrations are in typical black face. Not drawing a black person is a black person but drawing them as a monkey painted black as you would see in old vaudeville acts

LibrarianRyan Completely inappropriate. Then add the language barriers, and how none of these black characters speak proper English. It‘s all broken or comical, or made to show more differences then should be relevant. Then add the white saviorism. Tintin has gone to the Congo to write about his adventures with the great apes and acts like an unneeded hero. Whether it‘s fighting lions, riding crocodiles, or saving a group from a different man, Tintin wants to b 2y
LibrarianRyan be the hero. I know this book is a product of its time, but this is not one a library should have on their shelves, unless the library specifically keeps collections of old children‘s books for purposes of study. Tintin can do better. This book has been banned. I agree with the ban in this case. There are better books and better characters. 2y
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