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Only Killers and Thieves
Only Killers and Thieves: A Novel | Paul Howarth
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I haven‘t read any other books about this time period in Australia. It‘s quite reminiscent of the push west by the white colonizers in North America, and in a lot of ways felt like an old west desert story.

Crushingly sad, but well written. The two brothers in the story start to lose their bond when a manipulative neighbor takes advantage of their tragedy.

So many trigger warnings.

Megabooks Intrigued! 2y
vivastory I *really* need to read more Haruf. I have only read 1 novel but I think about it probably once a week. 2y
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It felt like a good day for a little pampering. My hubby is in the chair next to me, also in blue polish 💅💙📙.

Librariana Nice! And it's a complimentary color to your book's cover 😊💙🧡 2y
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I almost bailed halfway through because the brutality is awful, but the climax was worth it. The writing is superb, yet it seemed Howarth didn‘t want the story to end so the final couple of chapters felt like tag alongs.

Reads like an American western of the same period - racism and all. Bigotry wears the same face.

AmyG Yes…this reminded me of an American western, too. I really enjoyed this. 3y
CoverToCoverGirl It was brutal but good. 3y
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I love discovering new books with @AmyG as my guide - because you know they‘re going to be a cracker - she has amazing book sense! And ivy leaf sticky notes and a gorgeous botanical magnifier. Love you sweet friend. Thank you xxxx

AmyG I hope you are having a fabulous day! 😘😘😘 3y
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Looking forward to getting into this...

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Remarkable debut from Howarth perfect for fans of stories about revenge & survival. Set in drought stricken Australian outback in 1885, it‘s the story of two brothers & what happens after tragedy strikes. If the reader knows the truth of what happened before the brothers do, it doesn‘t detract from this brutal, gripping story of man‘s willingness to exploit, manipulate, sacrifice, to confront the worst & survive. At times ugly, always compelling.

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Now reading...

ljuliel Is this set in the West ? I couldn‘t find a description on it when you click the title. I like Western books ! 5y
TracyReadsBooks @ljuliel It‘s actually set in Australia in 1885. A number of blurbs/reviews I‘ve seen compare it to Westerns so you may want to take a look at it. I‘m only five or six chapters in but I‘m really enjoying it. 5y
ljuliel Thank you. Sounds good. 🙂 5y
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ebook deal alert!! This is a great price for this amazing historical fiction, coming-of-age book. It was one of my top reads last year ❤️


CoverToCoverGirl I concur.. a very good book! 5y
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I have to admit, the one nice thing about waking up early during the school year is that I also tend to wake up early on the weekends which means more reading time! This is my favorite way to start the day—and with the arrival of some #bookmail yesterday, I have some new books/comics to choose from. Now comes the hard part...what to read first?!?

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I tried with this book, I really did. It's well written and it's about an aspect of Australian history that I'm guessing most people outside Australia don't know about. The racial tension could have been ripped from today's headlines. But something just didn't feel right about the story. I think it's the fact that this story about a time in black Australian history has only one character with a redeeming storyline and he's white.⬇️⬇️⬇️

Elma I feel like there are so many ways and perspectives this time in history could have been told from and this particular story chose to equate goodness/redeemability with whiteness. 5y
Ruthiella Sorry it wasn‘t for you! I‘ve been seeing that cover all over the place and it totally reminds the US cover for The Killers of the Flower Moon. 5y
MsLeah8417 I would search for books about that period written by authors who are part of the indigenous people. The time has long ended for non-indigenous folks telling the stories of the indigenous folks. Paul Howarth didn‘t even move to Australia until he was in his late 20‘s🤦🏾‍♀️ (edited) 5y
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Elma @Ruthiella The covers are very similar. I was getting the two confused for awhile. 5y
Elma @MsLeah8417 I totally agree. I didn't even know he lived in Australia. The back of the book says he's from England, which I thought was really strange that he would write about Australia. 5y
TheLibrarian Oh no! I‘m sorry you didn‘t like this book at all ☹️ 5y
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Jumped on this after the excellent review posted by @CoverToCoverGirl and I am loving it! I‘m probably reading it too fast and I‘ll be so sad when it‘s over?

CoverToCoverGirl Wonderful! I hope he writes more books,I‘d definitely give them a look! I couldn‘t stop reading it. But man oh man it‘s hard to process in a lot of places. Still can‘t get my head wrapped around some of the things take place in this novel. 6y
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If you give a librarian the morning off, she will head to the bookstore.

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🍖 Corbin's or Coop's BBQ.
📚 Only Killers and Thieves #blameitonlitsy
👃 Used to have many allergies. Bonus: asthma.
🔌 Messy clean person or vice versa. INTP.
🎥 Watching Lucky tonight. Harry Dean!

@mindea #humpdaypost

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I‘m at Ch 21, and the trepidation is so thick I can taste it!!😱😱😱 This is the second time I‘ve had to put the book down and read something else to give myself a chance to swallow the lump in my throat. Anyone else?

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 🖐🌞 6y
whatsthEStorey Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 6y
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ReadZenRites Thanks @whatsthEStorey 👋🏻😊 6y
DivineDiana Welcome to this community! I just know you are going to like it here! 6y
ReadZenRites Thank you @DivineDiana 👋🏻 😊 6y
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Bear on a "dogwalk" and sniffing California Poppies. Happy Spring!

@jesshowbooks #friyayintro #dogsoflitsy

Seekingtardis That is one happy doggo! 😍😍 6y
GripLitGrl 🐕😍 6y
CherryPie @Seekingtardis A championship level crab-walker when he's actually on the ground. 6y
CherryPie @GripLitGrl 🐕 😃👍 6y
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Because it just isn't a good Wednesday if it doesn't start at the coffee shop with coffee & avocado toast.🥑🍞They were quite artful with the spicy garlic aioli today--some of the most perfectly straight drizzling ever--just a bit too much. I miss my regular barista team.😔Managed another couple of chapters of this book before getting to my work. It's really good so far but I doubt I'll manage to finish it before the end of the month.📚📚😬📚

VelvetSpade I was going to say, that's quite a lot of aioli! Hope it was good 😊 6y
MyBookLife That looks really good though 😍😋 6y
Liatrek My life changed forever when someone put avocado on toast for me😊 best thing ever!!!!!!! 6y
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LeahBergen You KNOW I keep track of the drizzle quality 😆 6y
LauraBeth 😂 @LeahBergen as soon as I saw this picture but before I read the post, I was all, “Oh that drizzle is nicely done but she doesn‘t like that much on there!” 6y
LeahBergen @LauraBeth I thought the exact same thing! 😂😂 6y
DebinHawaii @LauraBeth @LeahBergen I love how you both know my very soul! 😍❤️🥑🤣 6y
batsy I have also become attuned to the perfect art of the aioli drizzle thanks to your pictures 😆💚 6y
DebinHawaii @batsy @LeahBergen @LauraBeth @rubyslippersreads I love it #debsdrizzle --bringing awareness to the art of drizzling to the masses! 🤣🤣🤣The drizzle is EVERYTHING! 😍🤣 6y
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After seeing rave reviews from @BethFishReads & several others on Litsy, I had to buy the e-book deal the other day. (#blameitonlitsy) Since I just finished (& loved) "I'll Be Gone in the Dark" the non-fiction spot in my 'currently-reading' pile was open so I read the prologue & first chapter over my lunch of yummy (vegan) Vegetable, Bean & Corn Chowder. It's up on the blog now (link to the recipe below) #MarchMunchies #chowder ?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Looks delicious!! 6y
Reviewsbylola Yum!!! What a gorgeous feast. 6y
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LeahBergen That looks amazing! 😮 6y
RebelReader That chowder looks yummy! I want that in my belly! 😀 6y
BethFishReads Yummmmmm. Perfect for cool evenings. Hope you love Killers & Thieves (edited) 6y
Mdargusch Yum! That 🥑🥑🥑 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Ooohhh... soup! All the visitors are gone (FINALLY) so I can finally open these links again! 😊😊😊😊 6y
CatConstellations Now I am hungry 6y
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Book deal! I recently picked this up in hardback, but it appears to be an AMAZING price in ebook across platforms today. I don‘t know if this is true in Canada, but @LeahBergen you may want to check it out.

LeahBergen Too bad I‘m not an e-book reader! I‘ll be getting the hardcover, like you. 😆 6y
BethFishReads This is AMAZINGLY good 6y
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A definite entry on on my 2018 top ten list. I could barely stop reading I loved this so much. Heartbreaking. Beautiful descriptions of Australia contrasted with horrific behavior. I won‘t be forgetting this book.

AmyG Our local bookstore just posted this as a must read. (edited) 6y
BethFishReads @AmyG they are so right 6y
LeahBergen I‘ll be getting this one. 👍🏻 6y
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BethFishReads @LeahBergen yes!!!!!!!! 6y
TheLibrarian This book is seriously so amazing! 6y
AmyG I just bought the ebook. Ugh...because I have nothing to read. 😳 6y
BethFishReads @AmyG 😄😄😄😄 6y
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👯Earworm: Reflections by The Supremes because China Beach. 🌴 🏄
📚 Current read rates: 5 🌟 & 👍 👍.
Longest book? No idea.
Tagged: @SilversReviews

@GarthRanzz #trivialthursday

GarthRanzz I think that was one thing I loved about China Beach; the music. Shows that use music to help weave the story always seem to be the best. Thanks for participating! 6y
AmberWB I absolutely LOVED that song- because of China Beach! Haven‘t thought about that show in forever! 6y
Kaye Loved China Beach all those years ago. 6y
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SilversReviews Thanks for the tag. 6y
CherryPie @GarthRanzz I haven't seen China Beach in a long time but the music keeps it playing in my head. 6y
CherryPie @AmberWB I made Echo play the song and now I feel much better. Nostalgic earworms are the toughest! I still woke up with it in my head. 😊☕ 6y
CherryPie @Kaye Shocking how long it's been! ⏰ ✈ 6y
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Library ebook arrived. It's always BAM! Did you forget about this hold!?! Why, yes, yes, I did. Read first chapter immediately. #libraryloan

Chelleo I feel like that every. single. time. 6y
CherryPie @Chelleo 😆👍 Every time! It's like random birthday gifts from the library. 6y
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Who has no self control? 🙋🏼‍♀️My BF bought a truck today, so I bought some books. Idaho and the tagged book were already on my TBR and I bumped into the other two while browsing. Oops. 😬

LeahBergen I need the tagged one, too! 7y
Aims42 Go you!!! My husband collects diecast cars so whenever he buys one, I buy a book 😋 Fair is fair LOL 7y
Hooked_on_books @Aims42 They would probably get along well. It‘s 1960s-70s Broncos for my BF. 7y
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Aims42 @Hooked_on_books they probably would haha He‘s fixing up 1968 Chevy truck at the moment 7y
MsLeah8417 I heard Idaho is great. Please share your thoughts once you are done. 😊📚 7y
Librariana Can I just tell you how much I loved the caption to this image?? ??❤ "My boyfriend bought a truck, so I bought some books." YES, GIRL! YES!! You go! 7y
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February wrap up:

-10 books
-Favorites: Only Killers Among Thieves and The Broken Girls
-Least favorite: Heather, the Totality

Overall I loved pretty much every book! Hoping March will look just as good.

Cinfhen Nice 😄 7y
ReviewsbytheMrs Looks like a great month of reading! 7y
YouReadMyEyes Awesome stats! 7y
Tamra Oh I‘m glad you liked the Howarth book, bc I downloaded it when it was on sale. 👏🏾 An Australian western! 7y
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A western style, coming of age story set in Australia during the 1880s. An unforgettable novel featuring two brothers in their search for justice. Covers issues such as guilt, race, family, and manhood

Trigger warnings: violence and mentions rape.

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Book deal alert!!!! On ebook sale today for 3.99!!

Tamra Thank you! 7y
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Had to order my book club book ( 7 husbands) and a new tea maker and another book just fell into the online shopping cart. I was the first delivery of the day at 7 am but at least I get my morning cuppa. Plus I finished my new kitchen table. My hubby and I DIY'd the table, built it ourselves and I stained and finished it. It isn't showing up well in pic but it is a driftwood grey. And we got new stackable metal chairs.

Tamra Very nice all the way around!! 7y
EvieBee Nicely done!! 7y
Amanda.T It looks great! 7y
Bostonmomx2 I swear I‘m always last on the route. I rarely get packages from UPS/FEDEX before like 7pm. 7y
TheBookgeekFrau Nicely done! BTW 7 Husbands is a phenomenal read! Enjoy😊 7y
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Well, you‘ve got my attention HarperCollins.

coffeenebula Wait. The ARC came with customized Maker‘s Mark? 🥃❤️ 7y
Waynegjr Right? Best advertising ever 7y
Hollie Yum! 🥃 7y
coffeenebula Sweeeeet. 7y
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Entertainment for today's flight to BWI. Reading a book about Australia on my way to Maryland. It makes sense in my head. I also didn't have a book set in Maryland. Just kidding. I have a book about everything.

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On to the next! I believe this came from #goodreads. This is set in Australia in the 1880s and I am ready to expand my horizons.

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Last of my GoodReads giveaway winners and probably the one I‘m most excited for! I love books set in Australia especially in the past!