The “After” pic of the fireplace room, with all the boxes unpacked. Whew.
The “After” pic of the fireplace room, with all the boxes unpacked. Whew.
We have a few boxes to unpack before the Book Sale. 😂
This is just History. Five other rooms in this building (flat rate) + individually priced BetterBooks and children‘s book in the other building. Whew.
This was a LOT of work, but I got to shop early. Just got it all packed up. There was a second room with twice this many books. I'm exhausted. #librariesrock #FriendsOfTheLibrary #BookSale
My #Booktoberfest #bookhaul came early! Which should I read first?
#BookOutletHaul #BookAddiction
Planned parenthood annual book sale FTW! First time going-next time I go with a plan of attack!
I have loads of audible credits.... Any recs for great audio books.... Not a romance fan and don't read many thrillers but willing to be open minded 😉
TIA ❤️❤️
Book Outlet is having a site wide 15% off sale!!! Woot woot!! The first two people who have never placed an order before to contact me via email (my username at will get a coupon for $10 off $25 or more 🤗🤗🤗 I LOVE Book Outlet. All my books have arrived in wonderful condition.
For anyone who doesn't know, Book Outlet has 30% off these popular YA books right now! If it's your first order, here's a coupon for $10 off an order of $25 or more
Stress shopping. The sale was too good to pass up, and free shipping. #bookoutlethaul
At least three of the books are for my secret Santa recipient. #secretsantagoespostal. Which ones? I‘m not telling. 🎅