Day 2 - #GratefulFor #NamasteNovember
I am very grateful for my beautiful family!
Day 2 - #GratefulFor #NamasteNovember
I am very grateful for my beautiful family!
Thanks for the #litsylove #jb #justbecause cards and postcards @Stacypatrice @whatsthEStorey @Nevermore88 @Kdgordon88 @IndoorDame !!! Sorry I am so late posting them. Usual ups and downs of a bipolar sometimes ( actually most of the time, lol) paranoid crazy cat lady, lol. I found more stickers!! I just need stamps because the stickers require extra postage. I will probably mail them Saturday, no later than Monday. Here are some coloring books 📚
#grateful21 @Eggs
This morning I'm grateful for
🎈 Waking up early, but not having to get up early 😁
🎈 Bird song
🎈 Just having to prepare one lunch bag (my son's at his father's place)
Day 3 of #grateful21 (but it‘s never too late to join 🥰)
1. Pedicure today with my work friend (green! 💚)
2. Pistachio ice cream (also green- maybe it‘s a theme?)
3. Still light enough after work and the pedicure for a short walk outside.
Littens- I have 1000followers!!!!😊🎉❤️ Time for a Giveaway!!! Whiskey and I and want to give away 3 stacks of books (and secret goodies). These are all UNREAD. Commonwealth is signed, Wonder Valley is a pagehabit copy signed with author post it notes throughout. The pairs are shown above and I will pick 3 using randomizer. To enter recommend a book for spring and post a spring picture with #WhiskeyRocks and tag me!🐾 Non-US welcome to enter!🐾❤️
@MinDea you have been much too generous in your #AwesomeLittenGiveaway! First, thank you for sponsoring the thoughtful contest...such a sweet gesture.❤️ And thank you to @TricksyTails and @Kaylamburson for nominating me...so kind of you both. 😘😘
This box was filled with amazing gifts...books from my TBR, a cookbook I cannot wait to try, a beautiful Seattle mug AND tote, ❤️ the whale, a pretty bookmark, yummy chocolates, a gorgeous owl print, 🔽
I‘m behind on everyone‘s posts because I have been working the past 3 days... I‘m so sorry if I missed anyone‘s! I missed my own lol
I am #grateful for so many things! My family, our health, my job! I am #grateful for you, my litten friends!! You all feel like my best friends and always keep me company! I honestly feel like if I needed to talk to someone I could call any of you ❤️ Thanks for the book suggestions and for the friendships!! 👇🏻
I‘ve been dealing with quite a lot of health issues for the past couple of years so this is a hard thing to remember sometimes but such an important one 💕
#JingleShelves #grateful 💕
So grateful for the person who found our library copy of Ready Player One on CD and returned it to the library! We stopped for gas and somehow lost the case?! Fortunately, the gas station is in the same county the CD‘s are from (not our county.) Looks like I‘ll have a mini roadtrip but the kids are loving the book! Pictured: a copy of the book on playaway for hubby to listen to on his travels next week.
For those celebrating, have a wonderful holiday! I hope you all have a peaceful and happy day surrounded by those you love. Fill your bellies and find a cozy spot with your favorite book!