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So my extroverting was to celebrate the big mouth one beside me! I have many things to be grateful for but since yesterday was about her and her engagement I am going with my friends. The two beside me have been with me for 19 years and the one on the end and I have been friends since we were 12-so 25 years! We went to college together and are now neighbors. She is the mom to the airplane ✈️🖤
#gratefulfor #namastenovember

marleed Oh you all look so happy! And beautiful! 5y
JoScho @marleed thank you ☺️🖤 5y
Eggs Oh how lovely is that!!! Beautiful friendships❤️❤️ 5y
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(Day 2 - #GratefulFor...)

*My beautiful mother & my gorgeous cat, and I‘m very lucky to be a part of their family. ♥️♥️♥️

Eggs Ah a lovely photo that speaks volumes 5y
BarbaraBB Such a loving photo 💕 5y
batsy 💜 5y
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Dragon 😻 5y
gradcat @Eggs & @BarbaraBB & @batsy & @Dragon Thank you all for recognizing the love and for commenting! (And did you note the love my cat has for my mom? 😂) ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Crazeedi Minette I just saw this picture, your mom and kitty are beautiful! You are so blessed 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi I am VERY blessed. I need to be falling down on my knees, giving thanks, on a daily basis. Thank you for acknowledging what I never want to take for granted. ♥️ 5y
Crazeedi @gradcat we just dont think sometimes, I'm sure she know you love her to pieces!! 5y
gradcat @Crazeedi Mos‘ def! 5y
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Gratitude | Oliver Sacks
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#NamasteNovember #GratefulFor #Day2
Forever grateful for the making of memories while hiking, walking, dwelling in nature together as a family. Always grateful for my men. ❤️

Eggs Nature, family, memories—what more could you ask for? 5y
kspenmoll @Eggs ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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#NamasteNovember @eggs

I am grateful for the many small things I have been blessed with.

Eggs Beautiful image and quote 5y
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Pumpkinheads | Rainbow Rowell
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New book & self care afternoon at the end of a super harrowing week!!! My uncle passed away unexpectedly and quite young and so many people are heartbroken 💔

My expectations for this book might be super high but I‘m are this book can hold up to even that.

I‘m #gratefulfor finding out about this book from a post by @scripturient - Danke 😉 and really for this entire positive community!!

#namastenovember @Eggs

CoffeeK8 So sorry for your loss 5y
Cinfhen I‘m so sorry for your loss. My dad‘s brother passed away way too young and also so unexpectedly that even now, 15 years later I still feel the loss. Sending love ❤️ 5y
scripturient I‘m very sorry for your loss and hope this book will at least bring a bit of comfort. ❤️ 5y
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Megabooks Incredibly sorry about your uncle 💜💜 5y
CoffeeCatsBooks I am so sorry ❤️ 5y
Eyelit 💜💜💜 5y
Dragon So sorry for your loss. 5y
CoffeeAndABook Thank you so much @CoffeeK8 @Megabooks @CoffeeCatsBooks @Eyelit @Dragon your support means a lot 💓 5y
CoffeeAndABook Thank you @scripturient! It‘s such a sweet book 🎃🍁 I‘m afraid it‘s got one major flaw though - it‘s way too short! But it‘s bringing warm joy to my heart and that‘s exactly what I needed. Have a comfy rest of the weekend 🔥 5y
scripturient @CoffeeAndABook I think there is potential and talk of a sequel. 😁 5y
Eggs So sorry about your loss 😓😥 5y
CoffeeAndABook Thank you @Cinfhen for empathizing. The finality is brutal isn‘t it 😢 Everything feels so fragile all of a sudden, I‘m just realizing how much I‘ve been taking for granted. I‘m also noticing with gratitude how everyone is supporting one another. And just sitting here in solitude with a sweet book is such a relief from all the turmoil. Hope you‘re well, Cindy!! 🙋🏼‍♀️ 5y
CoffeeAndABook @scripturient Yes please!!! 👏🏼 5y
Cinfhen With loss comes gratitude and love for those still with us♥️ 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Eggs Thank you so much!! 💔 Again, I‘m so glad you put in a gratitude prompt today, it helped put me in a different mindset 💫 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Well put and so true 💓 5y
Caroline2 I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrible shock for your family to go through. 😔 💗 5y
Jas16 I am so sorry for your loss. 5y
Sleepswithbooks So sad to hear about your uncle 💔 5y
Eggs Ohhhh I‘m glad it helps; although I know it still hurts. I lost my only brother last year 😓💔 5y
CoffeeAndABook Oh @Eggs I am so sorry. That‘s heartbreaking. And you‘re right - it still hurts. Some losses are just so expansive. Thanks for being with me for a little bit today 💜 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Stacypatrice @Jas16 @Caroline2 Thank you so much for your words of support 💓 5y
tracey38 I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. Many hugs to you. I hope you get some good self care time in this weekend. I did find this book to be really cute and fun and put me in a fall mood. I hope it helps you a bit. 💜 5y
CoffeeAndABook @tracey38 thank you so much for your kind words! 🍁 It was just right to offer me a little joy and some relief from all the emotional turmoil. Glad you enjoyed it, too 😉 5y
Eggs You‘re welcome 💕 5y
Cinfhen Hi!!!! I‘ve been thinking about you!!!! Hope all is well. Are you traveling again??? 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Hi Cindy!!! Thanks so much for asking!!!! Ha - yes, we‘ve been traveling, if only within Germany. But it was a trip to Bavaria, what could be more beautiful in winter. First I spent some time in Munich with an old friend, then on to the in-laws in a small town. We went up into the mountains one day - snow, sunshine, blue sky, icy cold. It was breathtaking! So much glitter 🤩 I‘m sort of hibernating, taking it easy 👇🏼 5y
CoffeeAndABook 👆🏼 just reading light&fluffy books and hanging with friends and their kids (cookie baking season at my house!!) and family. Enjoying being back from the in-laws 😂 How are you??? I always enjoy reading your posts and actively call them up every time I‘m on Litsy, I like to know what you‘re up to 😁 5y
Cinfhen Thanks!! Cookie baking sounds heavenly 😇 5y
Cinfhen It‘s pretty quiet here but im not complaining 5y
BookNAround I‘m so sorry about your uncle. It‘s not easy to lose someone you hold close to your heart. 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen Quiet sounds so damn good!!! But I know it also be too quiet, I‘ve definitely experienced that. Do you have any holiday plans lined up? 5y
Cinfhen I have friends from the states visiting over the holidays / so that‘ll be nice. How about you?? 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen That sounds fun!! we‘re leaving town & spending Christmas with my parents in the country. So that‘s definitely nice! After that begins a mad birthday marathon that ends on January 2nd, after which I usually end up sick (and bloated) 🤒 It‘s so annoying that everyone in my immediate family seems to cram their birthday into that one week - but what can they do? And ha! We don‘t have to worry about presents for the rest of the year 😂 5y
Cinfhen Hahaha 😂🤣😂always a silver lining!! And all the holiday specials means sale prices!!! Ugh, im already experiencing that full belly feeling ~ it really doesn‘t feel good 🤢 I‘m glad to hear you‘ll be with family 💕 5y
julesG Just checking in since I haven't seen you around for a while. How are you? 5y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen yep - I know about that full belly feeling!!! Cookie dough will do that anytime!!! So yummy and bloaty 🍪🥛 5y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG Thank you so much for checking in!!! I‘m slowly recovering from the shock of losing someone from our close family. am doing my best to self-care & get into a festive mood & prep for the big days. Reading lots of possible ☺️ How about you?? 5y
julesG I'm sorry for your loss. I'm doing okay-ish. The past weeks have been full with doctor's appointment, because my son caught a strange virus. He's doing okay, though. Somehow the last weeks of the year seem overly busy. I'm looking forward to the holidays for a bit of reading time. 5y
CoffeeAndABook @julesG I hope you get your reading time soon!!! I totally understand how it‘s the most relaxing restorative activity 🤓 and I certainly hope your son makes a quick & complete recovery!! 5y
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Swann's Way | Marcel Proust
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#NamasteNovember #Gratefulfor
🌼family, relatives, friends
🌼able to see the 🌞🌝⭐️ 🌧
🌼roof over my head
🌼enjoy my ☕️🍫🍦
🌼me time
🌼random acts of kindness from people I don‘t know
🌼Litsy, Littens

batsy ❤️❤️ 5y
Eggs 💗👏🏻💗🥰💗 5y
youneverarrived 💕💕 5y
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Osteoarthritis: The Facts | Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Nigel Arden, David J. Hunter
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I‘m #GratefulFor finding a physiotherapist and a personal trainer who both really know what they are doing and have enabled me to make noticeable improvements with my osteoarthritis. Being able to reach my foot with my hand like this wasn‘t something I could do very easily a few weeks ago!

#NamasteNovember @Eggs

Eggs I can relate. I too have been struggling with osteoarthritis and osteopenia in hands, feet, hips, spine. I get some relief with massage and PT 5y
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#NamasteNovember I am #GratefulFor... #LitsyLove pen pals and @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for introducing me to it. I have made so many wonderful friends, who share my love of books and reading.

Eggs Lovely 💕👏🏻🤗 (edited) 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful photo and so happy to have you as a friend 💗😘💗 5y
TheBookHippie ❤️ 5y
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With Gratitude | Marala Scott
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#gratefulfor my 3 daughters and 4 grands💗💗 I am fortunate to be blessed with these wonderful humans


Megabooks Gorgeous kiddos! You‘re very lucky! 💙💙 5y
Come-read-with-me @eggs They are all absolutely delicious!!! It must be so much fun to have them in your life! 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 5y
Eggs Thanks so much 💗💕💗 @Megabooks @Come-read-with-me !! They are awesome. They “complete” me 🥰🥳 5y
Nute They are all beautiful! 5y
Eggs Thanks so much @Nute 💕 5y
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